Could someone, please, comment on why LBY resorted to revenge and gave up on CSS whom he loved so dearly? Why did he choose revenge to being with her? He knew how much he was going to hurt her.

LBY is a very passionate man, hate and love hard. Who knew he such a romantic..can say things that make girls swoon....a sweet talker and not shy to express his adoration in front of many,


Could someone, please, comment on why LBY resorted to revenge and gave up on CSS whom he loved so dearly? Why did he choose revenge to being with her? He knew how much he was going to hurt her.

It is quite complicated so I will try to sum it up. LBY's identity is General Huo's youngest son. His entire family was slaughtered brutally in front of him and he barely escaped by assuming his cousin's identity with his aunt's protection. His aunt pretended to be crazy to protect him but turned real crazy by grief over the death of her only son, the guilt of bringing a murderer into her family... 

He witnessed his aunt's emotional turmoil throughout his years of childhood, being ingrained by her that he was the only survivor of his family and the one who had to revenge for his family. He had been searching for proof for the Ling brothers' crime all along without success. His sole purpose in life before meeting CSS could be said was revenge.

He didn't expect to fall in love with her, or even getting married. I reckon he felt like he would never find happiness because he had such heavy burden to carry. Imagine facing the one who murdered your whole family for years and had to call him 'father'. It is a statement that shows how much he had withheld. 

After meeting CSS, he found happiness but revenge was still on his mind. The death of his aunt pushed him over the edge, because he felt he was truly alone now. Also, in the novel, his supposed stepbrother got engaged with princess Yuchang around that time as well, which means the Ling family was extending their power. His effort to find evidence also turned naught. He felt that if he did not resort to violence, he would never be able to revenge for his family.

In the novel, CSS did mention there were other ways to take revenge which might take longer, but he chose the worst way, ready to sacrifice himself, and in turn her and their happiness. That was why she could not forgive him and broke off their engagement.

In my opinion, the masaccre of Ling family shows how he is such a strong, passionate character, yet also flawed and vulnerable. It makes his character more alive to the readers.

@rabittcasa, thank you so much for taking the time explaining it to me. It totally makes sense now! 

Does anyone have a link to the Epilogue with English translation? I believe there are 11 chapters?  Thank you in advance.


Does anyone have a link to the Epilogue with English translation? I believe there are 11 chapters?  Thank you in advance.

I believe there are only 4 chapters of epilogue, 1 is abt LBY before going back to the capital, 1 is abt the 3rd prince as the crown prince, 1 is abt the life after marriage of LBY and CSS at LBY's new post. The last one is abt Yuan Shen years later.

@rabbitcasa.  Thank you for the information, do you have a link? 


@rabbitcasa.  Thank you for the information, do you have a link? 

Sorry no, I think the novel has not been completely translated to English yet. I read the novel in my language. There is a link to the epilogues in Chinese, you can try using Google translate to read them if you wish.

@rabittcasa thank you I will

Does anyone know who is in the tower , i heard zisheng also joined , what's the real plan behind it ??


Does anyone know who is in the tower , i heard zisheng also joined , what's the real plan behind it ??

One of them was the 3rd prince, cant remember the 2nd one, but the 3rd one was LBY. CSS thought they talked about bringing the Crown prince down, but they were discussing about the Crown prince's situation. LBY wanted to keep his relationship between him and the 3rd prince a secret because it is related to his plan: making the Crown prince step down as he wasn't a suitable person for the throne.

First of all, thank you to each one of you who explained and translated the novel. I agree with everyone here that Love Like The Galaxy is the best Chinese Drama I have ever seen.  Each actor did their roles to the “T”.  Leo Wu Lei is at a total different level of acting skills. He has been acting since he barely learned to walk so he is a born actor.  He is my favorite and Zhao Lu Si is my other favorite.  Just like everyone here I too am very nervous of what is going to be coming up in the episodes remaining.  Very rarely does a drama or movie have such an impact on my emotions, LLTG is one of those where I can’t get out of my system. Just reading the reviews I was in tears and a sort of heartache I never felt before.  I too one day wish we get to read this novel in English.  I would definitely buy it.  


One of them was the 3rd prince, cant remember the 2nd one, but the 3rd one was LBY. CSS thought they talked about bringing the Crown prince down, but they were discussing about the Crown prince's situation. LBY wanted to keep his relationship between him and the 3rd prince a secret because it is related to his plan: making the Crown prince step down as he wasn't a suitable person for the throne.

When did css know about this?  Its been along time ?

oh?? no wonder zisheng was at the tower too..


When did css know about this?  Its been along time ?

I cant remember exactly but I think she only figured out after the Luo and Wang families fell from grace. She heard stories about LBY, the Crown prince and 3rd prince when they were young and figured out about their relationship. She confronted LBY about his plan but after what happened with the Crown princess, she herself also realized that the Crown prince while was a good person, had terrible judgment when it came to people close to him.