Welcome to DynamiteP's Drama List
Currently Watching
Title | Score | Progress |
Connection Korean Drama | 7.5 | 1/14 |
Love Your Enemy airing Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/12 |
My Dearest Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/10 |
My Sibling's Romance Korean TV Show | 7.0 | 2/16 |
Smile, Dong Hae Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/159 |
The Judge from Hell Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/14 |
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/16 |
When the Phone Rings airing Korean Drama | 8.5 | 0/12 |
Title | Score | Progress |
100-manen no Onna-tachi Japanese Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
18×2 Beyond Youthful Days Japanese Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
A Good Day to Be a Dog Korean Drama | 6.5 | 14/14 |
A Killer Paradox Korean Drama | 7.5 | 8/8 |
A Shop for Killers Korean Drama | 9.0 | 8/8 |
A Virtuous Business Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
A-List to Playlist Korean TV Show | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Adult Trainee Korean Drama | 7.0 | 7/7 |
Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo Japanese Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Beautiful World Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Big Mouth Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Bleak Night Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Blood Free Korean Drama | 8.5 | 10/10 |
Bloodhounds Korean Drama | 7.5 | 8/8 |
Brewing Love Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Captivating the King Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Catch the Ghost Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Celebrity Korean Drama | 9.5 | 12/12 |
Chastity High Japanese Drama | 7.5 | 8/8 |
Chief Detective 1958 Korean Drama | 7.5 | 10/10 |
Concrete Utopia Korean Movie | 9.5 | 1/1 |
Connect Korean Drama | 7.5 | 6/6 |
Crash Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Crazy Love Korean Drama | 7.0 | 16/16 |
Death's Game Korean Drama | 8.0 | 4/4 |
Death's Game Part 2 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 4/4 |
Doctor Cha Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Doctor Lawyer Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Doctor Slump Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Doom at Your Service Korean Drama | 7.0 | 16/16 |
Doona! Korean Drama | 6.5 | 9/9 |
Dr. Romantic Korean Drama | 9.0 | 20/20 |
Dr. Romantic Season 3 Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Dream Korean Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
Empress Ki Korean Drama | 7.5 | 51/51 |
Escape Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Eve Korean Drama | 7.0 | 16/16 |
Exhuma Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Eye Love You Japanese Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
Face Me Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Family by Choice Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Finding Mr. Destiny Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Flex X Cop Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Frankly Speaking Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Gangnam B-Side Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Goblin Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
God's Gift: 14 Days Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Good Partner Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Goodbye Earth Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Grand Maison Tokyo Japanese Drama | 8.5 | 11/11 |
Gyeongseong Creature Korean Drama | 9.0 | 10/10 |
Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 Korean Drama | 7.5 | 7/7 |
Han River Police Korean Drama | 6.0 | 6/6 |
Harmony Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Hierarchy Korean Drama | 4.5 | 7/7 |
High School King of Savvy Korean Drama | 7.5 | 17/17 |
High School Return of a Gangster Korean Drama | 7.0 | 8/8 |
High Society Korean Drama | 7.0 | 16/16 |
I'm Sorry, I Love You Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Jinny's Kitchen Season 2 Korean TV Show | 8.5 | 11/11 |
Kiss Sixth Sense Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Let’s Talk about Chu Taiwanese Drama | 7.0 | 8/8 |
Link: Eat, Love, Kill Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Little Women Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
Live Your Own Life Korean Drama | 8.0 | 51/51 |
Love in Contract Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Love in the Big City Korean Movie | 7.5 | 1/1 |
Love Next Door Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Lovely Runner Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
Maestra: Strings of Truth Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Marry My Husband Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Midnight Runners Korean Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
Miss Night and Day Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Mistress Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Mother Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Mouse Korean Drama | 9.0 | 20/20 |
Mr. Plankton Korean Drama | 7.5 | 10/10 |
My Beautiful Bride Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
My Demon Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
My Love from the Star Korean Drama | 8.5 | 21/21 |
My Man Is Cupid Korean Drama | 7.0 | 16/16 |
My Name Is Loh Kiwan Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
My Sweet Mobster Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Naked Fireman Korean Drama | 7.5 | 4/4 |
No Breathing Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
No Gain, No Love Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
Oh My Ghost Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
One Sunny Day Korean Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
Pachinko Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Pachinko Season 2 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Parasite Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
Perfect Family Korean Drama | 6.5 | 12/12 |
Perfect Marriage Revenge Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Queen of Tears Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Queen Woo Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Queenmaker Korean Drama | 8.5 | 11/11 |
Race Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Ready, Set, Love Thai Drama | 6.5 | 6/6 |
Red Swan Korean Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
Remarriage and Desires Korean Drama | 8.5 | 8/8 |
Revenant Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
Revenge of Others Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Romance in the House Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
Ryusei no Kizuna Japanese Drama | 7.5 | 10/10 |
Scent of a Woman Korean Drama | 6.5 | 16/16 |
Secret Love Affair Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Serendipity's Embrace Korean Drama | 6.5 | 8/8 |
Shadow Detective Korean Drama | 7.5 | 8/8 |
Smugglers Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
Soundtrack #1 Korean Drama | 7.5 | 4/4 |
Soundtrack #2 Korean Drama | 7.5 | 6/6 |
Strong Girl Namsoon Korean Drama | 6.5 | 16/16 |
Sweet Home Season 2 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Sweet Home Season 3 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Tale of the Nine-Tailed Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
The Atypical Family Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
The Bequeathed Korean Drama | 7.5 | 6/6 |
The First Responders Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
The Frog Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
The Glory Korean Drama | 9.5 | 8/8 |
The Golden Spoon Korean Drama | 7.5 | 16/16 |
The Impossible Heir Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
The Killing Vote Korean Drama | 7.5 | 12/12 |
The Master's Sun Korean Drama | 7.5 | 17/17 |
The Trunk Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
The Uncanny Counter Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
The Uncanny Counter Season 2: Counter Punch Korean Drama | 5.5 | 12/12 |
The World of the Married Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
The Worst of Evil Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
Through the Darkness Korean Drama | 8.5 | 12/12 |
True Beauty Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Twinkling Watermelon Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Uprising Korean Movie | 7.5 | 1/1 |
Vigilante Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Welcome to Samdal-ri Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
What Comes after Love Korean Drama | 8.0 | 6/6 |
Where Stars Land Korean Drama | 8.5 | 32/32 |
Wonderful World Korean Drama | 7.5 | 14/14 |
Wonderland Korean Movie | 5.0 | 1/1 |
Plan to Watch
Title | Episode | Priority |
Nothing Uncovered Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Escape of the Seven: War for Survival Korean Drama | 17 | |
Uncle Samsik Korean Drama | 16 |
Title | Score | Progress |
City Hunter Korean Drama | 7.5 | 10/20 |
Hotel King Korean Drama | 0.0 | 2/32 |
Tell Me That You Love Me Korean Drama | 7.5 | 1/16 |
The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Korean Drama | 7.5 | 2/16 |
Title | Score | Progress |
Adamas Korean Drama | 6.0 | 7/16 |
MIU 404 Japanese Drama | 0.0 | 0/11 |
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise Korean Drama | 0.0 | 2/16 |
Rooftop Prince Korean Drama | 5.5 | 0/20 |
Rookie Cops Korean Drama | 6.5 | 3/16 |
The First Responders Season 2 Korean Drama | 7.0 | 0/12 |
True to Love Korean Drama | 5.0 | 0/14 |
Yumi's Cells Korean Drama | 5.5 | 0/14 |