Siwan gave justice to his character as well as the other actors. I watched the movie with unexplainable emotion. The plot was perfectly done and and the scenes were magnanimously executed. This Movie would really test your emotions like what happened to me because I love movies that do have a theme of REVENGE and this movie satisfied me in so many ways.
Recommending it again and again to somebody would be an honor for me... this movie deserved a 10/10 rating... WOOOOO!!!!
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Satisfyingly Done!
Writing this review an hour before midnight because I can't let this day pass by without sharing how this series satisfied my cravings...STORY: I gave the story a rating of 8.0/10 because of the lame reason why the romance they deserved took 10 years to conceive. If the reason was grave---to the point where you can't take sides because both suffered, I could've given a rating of 10. Still, an 8 is a good rating because it's forgivable. Achi even said that they were young back then and that they let simple misunderstanding took away 10 years of their supposedly romantic relationship. Another thing that I liked with the story is the occupation of both leads. I know that a doctor as a lead is a common thing but an Orthopedic surgeon to be specific is not. He look too young to be a surgeon though but it is fine since Ji has a baby face. Achi on the other hand was lucky to have a non-toxic celebrity ex and an understanding manager. The positivity that that character structure has. brought peace to the story and made the viewers focused on what's going on with the MLs more than minding those extras. I want to see more romance of the second leads though, they're quite cute.
ACTING/CAST: I have no issues with the casting because both did well. Fluke (Ji) with his cute dimples made me forget those small areas of concerns. Junior (Achi) is good looking and his "superstar" role suited him visually but he's so stiff in the rehearsal scenes and even on the finale where he had a concert---that area needs polishing but it's forgettable hahaha. The best scene where their acting really caught my attention was the AV scene. You can really feel the tension while watching at their body movements and the need of heat. Correct me if I am wrong but that scene has no kissing on the lips but that was hot.
MUSIC: The intro music which was used in the actual story was good as well especially the meaning but not to the point of me singing it on repeat like how the OST of Theory of Love which was entitled Fake Protagonist became my anthem for an entire year.
REWATCH VALUE: Some scenes maybe but not the entire series.
OVERALL: The series was satisfyingly good. 8 episodes are not to less nor too much. No unnecessary storyline. Though we were given a second lead storyline----it didn't diverted us from the storyline of the MLs actually it made me crave for a more developed storyline for the second leads. How the story ended was reasonable and impressive as well. Though the last part looks like congested because of the things which happened after and was only shown as short clips it was still well presented because it was edited in the way that it would look like a flashback while the song is being played on the background.
In short, this series deserves a good review.
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What makes this short film interesting was the story itself. It will pierce right through your heart most especially if you know someone who is experiencing such thing. There are things where we really cannot control but I do believe that love knows no gender. I don't agree that being homosexual is a sin.
Anyways, the characters did a good job. Though it was just a short film they were able to deliver the message that they wanted to say to the audience or the viewers. I like the English music that they have used by the way. Story wise, this film was amazing. If you are not just going to watch it but empathize with the characters and you can better appreciate the beauty of this film.
Worth my time and highly recommended.
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The story's main focused I guessed was to discuss or to show how addicting AMPHETAMINE is. The male lead got addicted to it to the point where he commited suicide. He can't even differentiate what's real from an illusion. This also shows that addiction cannot be easily stop. It's a process so my suggestion is, Don't even think of trying it. I felt pity on the male lead though. Something terrible happened to him which affected his way of living. I think one of the great lesson this film could teach us is to respect every person and to treat them as a human for that is what they deserved.
The acting was quite good. It's typical for me to see the male leads naked because I already saw them somewhere naked as well. That needs a strong stamina though.
I did not put enough attention to the music. Most of the music were instrumental so it would just pass.
This is quite a good movie. If you are aware of the director you would understand why this story goes like that. There are similar films as well dericted by him where he killed his leads. By the way if you are quite a sensitive person, just let me give you a warning. This film contains issues which were considered as taboo and this films contains scene were frontal view of a naked man was shown so if you don't want to see those scenes you have an option to not to watch it.
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It is a story of a group of people performing exorcism to those victims possessed by demons. There was an event happend eight years ago from the present time which made the main characters struggle for their survival against the unwelcome entity. But this series does not solely talks about the way how the Catholic Church treat demons, in this series, the perspective of those people under the field of medicine was greatly discussed as well.
I can't really tell you guys by details the contents of the story. Why? Because, I, myself was shocked of how the story was presented as well. What I can assure you is that, this series was produced with proper research. They used facts in presenting the story especially on the perspective of the Catholic Church regarding such topic.
Honestly, this series is one of a kind. You can't really expect the great twist which they have done. By the way, the series is not the typical horror stories that you are usually watching. Scenes where demons appeared are not that horrifying, that's base on my tolerance though. :-) I even watched it at night????.
Yeah, seriously speaking. The plot made this series outstanding.
I'll give it an 8.5/10 rating. Enjoy watching!
Different Beliefs / In / One Faith
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This movie was not what I've expected. I was expecting for some heartwarming and adventurous movie but this flm gave me a super adventurous, mind boggling, heart stopping scenes which will be qualified as cannibalism and torture? Grrrr... Honestly the story itself was great. The story of a man who was a police officer who undercovered as an insane person but lost his memories in the process. When he regained his memories and told the authority that he was a police asset no one beleived him and they end up torturing him, some of the worst torture acts I've ever scene. Persons who did it to him don't have any souls. If the film out enough attention on that part this film could have been a good film. But this film gave too much attention on the torture scences which made me push the forward button so many times.
Honestly most scenes requires a strong stamina. There were numerous sex scene also and I guess actors and actresses who played that scene really did well because first of all just thinking of the scene was already unbearable how much more actingh it.
I lower down the volume because if not many would think that I was watching a porn films because as what I have said this film contains numerous sex scenes. There were scenes were actors and actresses are shouting. Shouting in pain, pleasure and enjoyment so I preferres lowering down the volume.
Not in my wildest dreams!
I think this film was worst than human centipede if you happened to watch it.
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This series was not a joke! The plot was totally insane, insane in the sense that it will do complex games with your mind and with your emotions but I love playing the said game. Don't misunderstood, I just want to applaud this series in a different way. I totally love this series. Story wise it was wonderful. Lesson wise it was more wonderful but what makes this series the best was the fact that they've discussed an issue which concerns our community now. They showed how terrible depression was. Yes, your heard it right. Teeradon "James" Supapunpinyo (Boo) the male lead was suffering with depression. He badly wanted to become a normal person, he even went to the hospital on his own though he was still underage or below 18 years old. I will stop telling the story from here because I am doing a review not a summary. I might spoil those who haven't watch yet and I don't want that to happen. But again this series was really something.
It was the first time for me to see Teeradon "James" (Boo) doing a heavy drama. I saw a different side of him in this series. Too much different from the Teeradon of Hormones, of the Bad Genius and all other series and films that he has done. He perfectly played this role and took it by heart. Rakkaen (Simon/Baimon/Mon), everytime I see him what I can remember is the male lead in the Senior Secret Love: Bake Me Love Series. I really love his acting in this series. A funny yet serious kind of person. I like his green hair too. To Chansangavej (Bell), I am not sure if I have seen her somewhere but I think I did. What made me like her in this series was when she cried outside of Boo's room after Boo's father shooed her away. Her acting in that scene was so emotional. Regarding Boo's father what I like him most in this series was when he humbly asked Boo where he hide the antidepressants. That scene in the kitchen was so heart moving. To Narupornkamol (Baifern), I don't like her that much in this series. She's been in Hormones the Series right? I think she was there. Well, Maybe I just don't like her role here. Sorry. :-) By the way special mention to the friends of Mon, to Jasper and Dong. Skating was not a joke. The bruises and fractures that you can get from playing it were really serious so I salute you guys. (Mon) did a good job too though I know that in those difficult scenes and tricks a double took over his place or maybe I was just assuming...hehehe. ????
The best application of background music for me in this series was when Teeradon "James" (Boo) was about to do the jump in the Something Giant Park. The background music there was in English and I found it very appropriate. Hehehe. The background music every time an emotional scene is going to happen was also remarkable. I was able to appreciate the scene better because of it.
I've already watched Project S: Side By Side and I thought that was already the most emotional series that I've watched but this series butt in and took over the throne. During the first episode I can already feel the hurt and the pain because of what the male lead was experiencing. I can't cry because its too much of a pain...I don't know why. There were some scenes where I covered my eyes but still leaving some small holes to peeped in on those scenes which makes my heart beats so fast. I've been into a roller coaster of emotions and think I am lucky for feeling those things because at least I know that I am normal not just like Boo the male lead. Depression is a topic which needs proper attention. Once a person showed some symptoms of depression, be alert and be always ready to comfort because there's nothing we can do anymore once they are gone. With all being said and done, I will give a 15/10 rating for this film. Sorry but this series was too perfect for me. The series was too emotional so if you can't take to watch such film I advised that you should watch it with a friend.
Leaving Is / Not Simple / As Breathing
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I saw some of the characters somewhere but I guess they were too young in this movie or maybe I was wrong. This movie is not too emotional, not too romantic, not to funny and not to amazing, I must say. Hahaha sorry but this movie was keeps on showing fighting scen. It was not even disclosed why they keep on fighting, even the charcter asked himself this question :-0. The BL scene was so wondeful for me though, I was expecting for more exposure between the two of them but it did not happened. :-) But I love how they end up together though they came from diffenert gang. When they were arrested and led into the police mobile - they were holding hands.
There are some scenes which made me laugh. Like the scene after their gang fight. The guy was supporting the other where in fact they are from different gang the other gang members didn't know that they were lovers! (BL fan here?) hehehe. Hahaha Iby the way I was frustrated near the end because I thought it would end on another gang fight but it did not. The two main characters KISS each other...hahaha the most hilarious way to end a super riot movie. :-0
Love / Unites / Differences
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I would rather give my remarks regarding the story instead of narrating what happened because the synopsis gave you an idea already on what the story is all about. Well honestly I love the story. I was full of message or lessons. Let me give you at least one, "Life don't have a remote control where all you need to once you've did something unimaginable is to push the rewind button and the time will swiftly return to where you wanted it to be." So don;'t waste the every moment given to you. God is not that generous to give you multiple lives to leave. For me that was the greatest lesson of this film. Uhmmm it seems that I am on the mood to give additional lesson regarding the film so here is the other one, "Don't hesitate to voice out what you really feel because you didn't know maybe the feeling is mutual." I guess with those lesson you can already comprehend that this was a good film because for me one of the basis for a film to be good was the lesson the lesson/s that we can get from it. It was really a great movie.
Uhmmm this part for me was the biggest factor why I gave that 8/10 rating. The story was good but the acting skills was like ordinary to me. Nothing superb, sorry for that. I can see no chemistry as well. :-)
There's nothing remarkable if we talk about the music or the background music in this film.
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You would wonder what happened because as what I have said it was a short film so you cannot imagined how much story it can say with such limited time but anyways I like how the story ends.
It will allow you to let your imagination work and let you think of what will happen next.
The characters were innocent, well that's what I thought of.
The story line was quite simple.
Music? Nothing remarkable.
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When I ended up crying after watching this movie
you believe me if I would say that I've done watching a comedy film? Hahahaha of course not. This film in one of a kind. I have a soft spot with stories about brothers because I am a brother to my younger siblings too. So I can say that I was carried away by the emotions of this film. At the first part you would feel disgust to the eldest brother for acting like a thug towards his younger brother whose already blind because of an accident in one of his Judo match. Buy afterwards realization hit the elder brother big time and that's where the big tilt happened, the change of heart. There's really an undeniable connections among siblings you can't deny it because I do feel it to. Sometimes you have misunderstanding towards your siblings but at the end of the day you would realize that you have wonderful memories with them. There's this twist also on the latter part which enabled the elder brother to care for his younger brother. Where he chose to stay strong for the sake of his younger brother but sometimes telling the truth is much better than hiding it. That truth became the younger brother's motivation in order to win in his championship match.
It was the first time for me to see DO acting in a film or maybe I was not able to recognize him in his other films. The elder brother was also familiar with me because he is a popular actor. The main actress also, who among you here don't recognize Shin Yee? Well the were labeled good actors and actresses because they have this wonderful talent which made them worthy of their titles. The heavy drama, the tears which keep on flowing like a waterfall. Acting like a blind person is not also easy plus DO need to be physically fit also because if his role. They gave justice to their roles that is why they deserved an applause ????!
Everytime I do reviews I always emphasize the beauty of having a good music or background music not unless I was not able to observed it because it was not that catchy. This dimension showed how they can pull the trigger to make their viewers cry aside from good acting and story, and that is having an intelligent choice if music. I was able to feel the moment better believe of the music ????, as simple as that.
Let me give a 9/10 rating for this film. I am not that emotional Kind of person because I'm a happy person. So when tears are starting to flow out of my eyes they're genuine. I was deeply touched by the film so I will not content this experience to myself and I am going to share it everybody especially to those who have siblings. You must watch it.!
Family / Is / Life
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(RATING: 7.5/10)
The actors and actresses somehow did well. You cannot really appreciate the acting because what really makes this movie wonderful was the story. There's is no such scene were you can say that his or her acting skills was superb because the scenes just require a moderate acting.
(RATING: 9.5/10)
The film was perfectly done. Settings, costumes, camera ???? angles were spotless. I don't know why but I do really love stories which involves history or the past. Maybe I just recognise the idea that the past contains lessons and wonderful stories. For the music ????, well I was not really able to observe the music or the background music because I got carried away with the story. Honestly speaking this movie does not require a perfect music anymore because simply telling the story was enough.
(RATING: 20/10)
I am very generous if I know that the one who will receive it deserves it. Praises to the man who wrote this JAW DROPPING AND AMAZING story. This movie is just one of those movie who will let you appreciate many things in life for a span of not more than 2 hours. All you need to do is just to sit and watch it at your heart's ???? content. The way the story was narrated, how it was planned, the sequence of the story and the twist in the end were properly in place. This is the main reason why this movie was a wonderful one.
1. There's a story behind everything. Whether that thing is a dish, a recipe, a person, or just an ordinary thing.
2. Sometimes what's really important to us are within our reach.
3. Seeing it and feeling it are two different fishes ????.
I will give a rating of 9/10 for this movie. If asked if I am going to recommend this movie, well I've already recommended this to my friends and I will recommend it to you too. By the way the dishes in this movie are really mouth watery.
Story / Behind / Everything
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(Rating: 10/10)
This is not my first time watching a Chinese Series so I am quite familiar of the actors and actresses in this series. I don't know them by name but I am quite sure I saw some of them somewhere ????. The chemistry between the two main characters was undeniably perfect, cute and charming. All characters gave justice on their roles. I believe you would agree with me if I would say that having the right person play a specific role makes the whole production good. Good not the best because that is just one recipe for a wonderful film or series.
Acting Skills:
(Rating: 9/10)
As a whole the performance was great. Given the fact that the series is a romantic comedy series, mistakes and errors are forgivable. There were scenes where characters were laughing as if they are not taping which makes the scene super genuine. I am referring to one of the scene where the Hou Family were having their "family meeting"? Hehehe sorry for the term though.
(Rating: 7/10)
I gave that rating because of some errors/mistakes/lapses or whatever. There are some scenes were editing was not properly done. Like for example, there was a scene where flashbacks were being played alternately with the present. Flashbacks were being shown in a black and white scale and there was an instance were the present scene was shown in a black and white scale as well ????. The music ???? ,the background music to be specific was being cut without notice when a different mood arises, you would understand what I am saying if you are quite observant of the background music because I am quite like that. You can also differentiate if one specific scene used computer ???? effects. BUT those mistakes were very much forgivable. WHY? Firstly because again this series is a romantic comedy kind of series. Secondly because this series was composed of 22 episodes with almost 1 hour viewing time per episode. That's roughly one day ? and one night ???? of viewing if you watched it continuously so think about the number of days consumed in filming, editing and polishing this series. Get it?
(Rating: 15/10)
Sorry for the rating it's just that I super loved how the story went and ended. The plot, the twist and the conflict. The story is quite predictable because obviously this is not the first series that I've watched. But its just so perfect for me.
1. How to VALUE RELATIONSHIPS specially FAMILY. Family in blood or not.
2. How simple MISUNDERSTANDINGS can be a boulder which will become heavier and heavier as the time goes by.
3. How important LOVE is. Whether it's one sided love, brotherly love, opposite sex kind of love, a love of a parent to her child. All sort of love.
As a whole I will give a 9.8/10 rating for this series. It's not perfect but perfection is not what I am looking for but entertainment and this series gave it to me. I was entertained, super duper entertained. You must watch it.
A Very / Perfect / Match
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