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Roy Marn thai drama review
Roy Marn
11 people found this review helpful
by Azet
Oct 19, 2020
30 of 30 episodes seen
Overall 10
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 10.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 10.0
My heart is bursting right through me.I have cried and i have laughed so much that all my energy have been drained by getting entertained by the incredible characters of Bee (starring Ben Pisut) and Mark (starring Tua Sarunyu).Since i watched the 2011 version of "Roy Marn" first i badly wanted to check out the earlier versions and where else to start than the original version from 1990!??Have never watched a lakorn as old as this one and i loved every bit of it!The 2011 version is more prolonged and fleshed out with more scenes between Mark and Bee,but both versions still are slow-burn in the romance department.But i gotta admit that Ben Pisut portrayed the tomboy Bee much better than Margie in the 2011 version.The role Bee was made for Ben Pisut.She had such a expressive face.Bee is a creature of impulse and are so spirited that she never could stay still or shut up for a second.She pranked and joked around and flew everywhere the wind took her.She was part of the nature and the joy of living despite being a orphan,and getting reminded of it everyday by her cousin May and her aunt.But among all the characters in this show she has the most pure soul and such a great dignity that she refused to fight for her man once she falls for him.She falls very late for Mark,how could she when he presented everything she hated.He was cynical,manipulative and arrogant and she easily saw through his mask on first sight and therefore insults him at every chance she gets.No one could rile up Mark as Bee did,she was able to ruin his whole day many times..and i loved every second of it since he was such a scoundrel,he freaking slaps Bee out of anger two times in this version which shocked me since it never happened in the 2011 version!.The actor Tua Sarunyu portrayed him perfectly and i am saddened that he died this summer in 2020.He was such an amazing actor and had such charisma on-screen!When Mark falls for Bee..he REALLY falls for her and how my heart broke for his agony of longing for her.In this version he is one of the worst playboys ever..and its such a pleasure to see Bee take him down his knees.I also love that this version have many real kiss scenes between Bee and Mark which was surprising to me since there were none in the 2011 version.One more fun fact is that this version has the same actress portraying the grandmother in the 2011 version.This is indeed a unforgettable wonderful and oh so romantic!!!
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