I started watching K-Dramas in the mid 2000s via mysoju. I particularly enjoyed watching Iljimae, The Rookie, and High as The Sky, Wide as The Earth. The last on that list ran over 100 episodes, but an addict can never get enough, can he?
Recently, I've been on a sageuk binge, having completed Jumong and Queen Seon Doek on the heels of one another. I'm now in the middle of Gye Baek. These three are of particular interest because they tell the stories of Korea prior to her becoming Korea.
Of course, edification is just a small part of why I watch K-Dramas. The beautiful stars, who are front and center, figure in considerably as to why I tune in, in the first place.

What keeps me there is the script however. What does The Bible say? There's nothing new under the sun. To refute it, I quote from Hamlet: "There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are ever dreamt of in your philosophy. Therefore, as a stranger, give it welcome." I wish I could quote some memorable lines that I've come across while watching K-Dramas, but my retention of Korean isn't up to par vis-a-vis English, which reminds me...I aspire to watch K-Dramas minus English subtitles, another reason why I tune in and stay. I am, btw, male who fancies himself a 20 year old though the few strands of gray hair would betray that fantasy. I'd post a selfie of my current self, but I'm too self-conscious for my own good.