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Jun 11, 2016

The Magical Connection!

This episode brought a number of strong scenes marked by strong performances from the Black Witch, the Queen, and King Seon Jo... (all my favorite characters). Moreover, the magical connection between our estranged leads is *finally* explicitly explained. I just want the drama to milk this in all possible ways. Not to mention, another little mystery was thrown into our way...And, we evaded an Apocalypse, for the second time. In short, episode 8 was eventful, strong, and keeps you wanting more!

*If you are not watching the show, I think now would be the best time to stop reading this review*.

If I am to evaluate the first half of the drama, I'd say that not only the Black Witch is the main character, but also she's the energetic force from which the events of the story are derived. I know that she's also the grand villain, but she's not the worst character to me. That position is preserved for Stupid Master Taoist Choi Hyeon Soo. There are no words to describe my dislike towards him. It's because he's the one who supposedly stands on the good side. He is also the one with the greater knowledge about Hong Joo, her witchcraft, and the whole situation, yet he keeps all that to himself. When I think that he raised the poor princess without once telling her the truth about herself I am enraged. Isn't it telling that the one person who was honest with her after all these years is the Witch? Which brings us back to Yeon Hui, the most underdeveloped character of them all. When we met her in episode 2 she had inklings of a character. All of which were pushed back after the Apocalypse happened. You could've literally replaced her with a cactus and nothing would've changed. I'm so disappointed on this front, and I hope that the show will redeem itself in its second half. How is the princess supposed to grow when she's literally stuck in her temple? Then we move to Joon, oh boy! Is there a limit to the tragedies he had to go through? And, why did he reveal himself to his older brother?? *stupidest move ever* Although YSY does wonders to bring him to life, but there isn't much you can do when all the character does is deal with woes.

In short: The first half was very interesting for the royal affairs/witch and rather dull for the OTP and their woes.. Now, show, you just opened a door to change that. No more confinement, no more submission to misfortunes, and hopefully no more staying in the dark for the OTP. Now is the time for them to reclaim their positions and become the heroes of their story!

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May 31, 2016



I am watching a KOREAN drama, a historical nonetheless! Not exactly the statement of the century, I know! However, watching MotW reminded me that although I have more than 100 dramas under my belt, I am consuming entertainment that was never meant for me!

Here comes MoTW stating at the beginning of each episode that its characters are completely fictional bearing no resemblance to reality. Given the magical element of the show and my ignorance of Korean history, I take the note to heart and completely miss out on the fact that the Kings and the Queens not to mention the male lead bear the names of real historical figures who truly existed once upon a time in Korea! Just like that, I completely miss the fact that the show isn't just a stand-alone fairy tale, it's a fantasy woven into an authentic historical background. If I were a Korean citizen, I'd probably have easier time following the royal affairs at the palace. If I were Korean, I would've had the slightest idea about those yellow talisman and their powers...Heck if I were Korean, I wouldn't have been missing tons of hints lost in translation...

Episode 5 was not the smoothest transitional episode, but perhaps I went overboard with my impatience. After all, the show never spoon-fed us events the way all other shows does. From its pilot episode, MotW always teased us first, then slowly offered more. There were never clear cuts, but always a space for the audience to guess and make their own conclusions. Moreover, this intricate story love its mystery while playing with 3 main plot lines: Black Witch and Master Taoist's (which was always eluded to and is slowly being exposed via flashbacks- well used flashbacks if I might add), Yeon Hui's and Joon's... I believe here's the point where the three plot line will finally meet. Technically, episode 6 could've been the first episode, but we would've messed up on the efforts the writers made to introduce all the characters and their lives...

On another note, episode 6 marks the return of the ticking clock, the urgency, the feeling that, for our main leads, life itself is a watchful hostile creature waiting for their slightest mistakes to destroy them...Do you know how drama-villains always seem like fools which downplays the whole plot? Not in MotW! The villain in this drama is so powerful, so far-ahead that I'm not sure the poor leads will ever have a chance against her. It's pretty frustrating to watch them receiving blows from episode one! That's why I was very excited for Yeon Hui's decision at the end of this episode- the decision that many of you hated! Yes, that's the way girl! Take control of your own life!

To me, Yeon Hui was the less interesting, the less developed character in the show, but I'm hoping that everything would change now. Enough with introductions and let the real game start!

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Sep 12, 2013

Will this misery come to an end?!

Just when you think you've seen it all, LLL brings out more unspeakable disasters for its poor drained characters to face. I can't take it anymore, this better ends up good or I'll fly to Japan and have some WORDS with the writer. My poor nerves!
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Sep 10, 2013

I'm Home... Welcome Back

This episode starts with the saddest scene ever. Yup, it was so simple,yet extremely intense and heart-breaking. Moreover, it ends up with an equally simple scene that's so strongly reassuring and lovely. I think the wonderful thing about Long Love Letter is that despite its intense insanity and absolute chaos, it knows how to create a refugee, a shelter, family, and ultimately a home! I guess we only got a sneak-peek at the upcoming horror in this episode but I'm welling to bet on this little home that Asami and Misaki have just made!
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Monstar Episode 1
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May 23, 2013


Somehow this seems like a mash up between School 13 and Shut Up Flower Boy Band.

I approached this drama with zero expectations (with all the idols cast) and I was pleasantly surprised. However, I can safely say the acting was somehow decent for idols and newbies (there was some off beat and weird moments but I've seen worst). Both the main characters seem like the kind u meet in every drama aka the guy is a jerk with a heart of gold and the girl is your sweet and naive girl. Surprisingly, they still sound interesting. I liked the girl, she doesn't look completely helpless and I have hope that she can stand up for herself. The drama's strength however, seem to be with the supporting characters and their back story. First episode is interesting ~ and it left me wanting for more.

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The K2 Episode 3
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Oct 1, 2016

Three Stars

Lo and behold everyone, Not-Healer has finally got a name: Kim Jae Ha. But, it's not his real name. Will I ever learn my male lead's name, show? Does he even have one?

What else did we learn? Not-Healer is not as stupid as I thought he was. He's not so much of a killer-machine either. He once was a happy person too. (I guess he had a name back then.)

The most interesting character is still none other than our Villainess, Madam Evil. I have so many questions when it comes to her. Has she always been so dark? If she's so bent on making her hubby the President (because she'll be controlling him), why didn't she run for the presidency, herself, instead? Why is she so obsessed with the presidency to begin with? Has her relationship with her husband always been like this? What's her problem with her brother? Is he secretly working with her enemies?

Honestly, I don't know if the character is all that promising or it's just the actress's doing. Song Yoo Na plays Madam Evil with grace. She's not a caricature of a bad woman. She's sharp, controlling, but mostly hurt, I believe.

The most interesting scene: Definitely Madam Evil falling in love, because that WAS love what I saw. I think that makes things clear. I'm boarding the sinking ship.

Overall, episode 3 gave us a car chase, an introduction into the world of politics Madam Evil and Assemblypawn live in, and Not-Healer was offered a ticket to this world. New characters were introduced while Anna was left to cry alone in a dark room, again (Yawns).

I didn't buy the last scene. I hoped for a stronger ending.

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The K2 Episode 2
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 25, 2016

Meeting the Enemy

So, what did we learn from this hour?

Nothing the first episode didn't tell us. Maybe that Non-Healer, in addition to his man-of-steel, heart-of-gold persona, is pretty naive. Great!

Still injecting Godawful dramatic music every scene, because guys, IT'S EPIC!

On the upside, they did manage to create (a dramatically sad and short-lived) human connection, which gave the following action scenes some meaning. I actually cared, a bit.

(SPOILER: I was dropping the show had they killed granny and grandpa this time.)

Most interesting scene: Not-Healer meeting Madam Evil: It made me smile :P Thank you for admitting that banner-hanger is too good-looking to be hanging banners, ahjumma :P Now I want Madam Evil to fall for him- not because she deserves love, God forbids, but it would be a nice twist :P You know it would be nice if he falls for her too.

Anyway, let's be honest: It's not like I'm here for the writer (I am not his fan and it doesn't look like this drama would change anything). I'm here for JCW's tanned arms, in case you're wondering. And, they are the most beautiful thing in the show!

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Hello, Cinderella!

Although, I'm not quite fond of the original fairy tale, I have a soft spot for Cinderella remakes.

For this one, I expected some old-school romantic comedy shenanigans with a nice dash of flower boys foursomes falling for the same girl and the usual poor girl/ rich snots palooza: basically, a cliches- ridden story as deep as a pancake!

As expected, Cinderella and the Four Knights did deliver the fluff, the nostalgic flower boys charm with their never-ending chaebol problems and their their strive to camouflage their golden hearts under their cold demeanor! But enough of the boys, what made the cut for me was none other than Cinderella. When a little girl whose plight you've heard so many times in different styles and cultures manages to win your attention again, you know you're in for a winner. Park So Dam's Cinderella is not ground-breaking, but she's very easily loved. I definitely want to watch her save the FOUR, not one, Knights from themselves.

Let's not forget the direction that keeps things zippy and cute without stooping into zany and manga-like. Pancakes might not be the fanciest food out there, but when they're good, it never hurts to try!

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Jul 18, 2015

Backstories and stuff

Spoiler Free Review

The episode went slower than usual. The editing is a bit choppy which is annoying.The Sous-chef event was a filler. The last part of the episode was the most important one. The rest was flat boring. I hope they pick up the pace the next episode.
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Life Episode 1
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Aug 22, 2018

Four Stars


Episode 1 drops you in the middle of a big mess: the Hospital's Director's mysterious death.

The alarming music swells in the background as we get to meet our staff and all their package: Suspicion. Guilt. Ambiguous moral compasses. Hatred. Possible organ donation manipulation. hallucinations (?). Lies. Truths... Then, suddenly amongst all doctors who are trying to figure what just happened, a businessman appears to win (and obviously to wreck havoc in the process)

As I'm not a fan of medical dramas, I decided to give this one exactly 10 minutes to capture my interest. And capture my interest it did! In less than an hour, layers were unfolded, but it's just the surface we've scratched. As far as I'm concerned, I'm so curious to find the answers to all the questions in my head and see if Mr. Businessman is as bad as everyone supposes he is. With the grand entrance he made, I need to learn more!

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Jun 19, 2016

The Rise of the Princess

Who was the star of this hour?

Is it Princess Yeon Hui, the little girl who decided she wouldn't let anyone toy with her life and fate again. Strong, smart, and assertive! Yeon Hui made me so proud today.

Is it Hong Joo, the Witch who was once a little girl, whose life and fate were toyed with by the Royalty... Hong Joo, who despite all, there's still a human part of her that can still feel pain?

Events wise: It's Yeon Hui. It took her a lot of courage to accept herself with all of her flaws, even more, to realize you she has the right to be loved just the way she is (Thank you Joon for being the miracle of true love).

Acting wise: It's Hong Joo. This is one commanding actress who knows how to control the atmosphere around her. Whether she's the mother of all evil wreaking havoc in the kingdom or the woman so desperate to save the one she loved, the lady mesmerizes in her acting.

Who broke my heart at this hour?

It should be the couple of true love, I know, but it's really King Seon Jo who lost it all today. How awful must it be to be surrounded by people who are trying to eradicate you with your own body failing you and the one person you've ever trusted stranding you? One must say actor Lee Ji Hoon does a splendid job in fleshing this desperate abandoned King!

What was the biggest surprise of this hour?

Oh, boy! I think it's none other than Sir Choi Hyun Soo. Seriously, Witch! I was almost relieved and you came and threw everything into chaos, again! Well, they say beware of what you wish for. Sigh.

I thought I can't possibly hate him more than I already do. Again, I am probably wrong!

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Jun 12, 2016


What a roller-coaster of an episode!

Easily the strongest episode to day, episode 10 perfectly plays at all plot lines offering a full package of intensity. I kid you not, there was intensity in the town, in the palace, in the Witch's headquarters..Everywhere... This was another good episode with a balanced tone with its comic moments, thrilling moments, and more importantly shocking surprises notably the last 20 minutes of the show!

Yoon Shi Yoon is as usual perfect as his Joon. I was happy, even though I was shedding tears, that he got some sort of a peace moment. As for the romance, let me say I appreciate the show's completely innocent way of building the relationship between our leads. The moments those two look and smile at each other were the most beautiful to me. Even when they don't relay electrifying spark d'amour, they show how those two people are completely comfortable and accepting of one another which stand in a stark contrast to the last scene of the show. Speaking of romance, is that another ship I spotted today, show? Now that you did that, you CANNOT push it aside! I will send the Red Cloak after you if you do.

Nevertheless, what seemed like a perfect episode still had its flaw. If you take the stupidity and utter ineffectiveness of drama police as given, we won't have to say much about Ok's utter inadequacy! Although I was happy that even he got a moment to explain his motives. The other flaw is Mr. Taoist Master and his disciple Gwang and their stupid ways of "Conceal don't Feel". I would spare you the long, long rant. But let's say this, Master Taoist is still the worst character in this drama!

With the shocking detour the events took at the end of this episode, I can only wait for the next for more!

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