Light hearted entertainment
This drama is about how two lady cops worked together to look after a small rural town in Japan. The icy cold disciplined senior Fuji and the nervous rookie Kawai. On the surface, it appeared as a light hearted stab at policewomen. On a deeper level, it was about friendship, trust and finding happiness in the work they did together. I thought Kawai did a fantastic job from beginning to end. Her role managed to salvage some of the unnecessary jokes and follies which slowed the pace of the drama down. I almost gave up then. As the drama went on, one could genuinely felt the incredible bonding between them. One must stay to the end to appreciate what comradeship was all about. This was well acted out. Nevertheless, an enjoyable watch. The original sound track was good too. I don’t think I will watch it again.Was this review helpful to you?

Remarkable future Classic
This is a remarkable true story of a singer who had dedicated her life in bringing happiness to others through music. Her story was sad but very touching. The cinematography brought back nostalgic moments in HK and the reproduction of ambience within the concert hall packed with fans was very realistic. One could even feel one’s heart beating when she slowly appeared on stage as the fans cheered her on. Of course, credit must be given to the young actress Louise Wong who took on this complex role . She was brilliant as Anita. Apart from having almost identical look to Anita, she was able to bring Anita’s larger than life character back to life. Every word, every tear came from her soul and touched the deepest part of the audience. Even thinking about some of her scenes in the movie will bring back misty eyes. Such a powerful remarkable movie. Should be a contender for the best actress, best movie, best production and best cinematography awards.Was this review helpful to you?

Realistic night time hospital experience
A very good story. At times, one wonders where this drama is leading to . In its gentle pace manner, it has everything that a night time emergency doctor has to face and deal with. Haru was excellent in leading this bunch of young doctors, each with their own issue. There was no single dull episode. Apart from caring for their emergency patients received during the night shift, they had to defend their reputations as a team of highly trained professionals dedicated to their chosen career. The pain was laid bare when they had to take abuses from their daytime colleagues as their efforts were often taken as granted. The team spirit between them was tremendous and was infectious. One must watch it to the end to appreciate what the whole story is all about. Veteran senior doctor Sawamura was excellent as the team director with a hidden agenda. I like his drama a lot. The original soundtrack is very good and memorable. I will rewatch it again in the future.Was this review helpful to you?

Inspector Nita returns
With the groundwork set in the first move, this one flows with a much better story. And intensity. The plot will keep you guessing until the end. The veteran actors showed their skills impeccably and the female lead is much more relaxed acting with Kimura. I must say seeing Kimurasan in action on the big screen allows one to feel his emotions and his pulse better. You will feel being drafted into the story as if you are by his side. Being a huge fan of his, I feel his acting is getting better all the time. He looked fit and young and can make you believe in all the roles he played. A must watch film.Was this review helpful to you?

Asada battles on at his best saving patients' lives
Pace seems to pick up right from the word go. Great start. The first episode was so fast that I had to rewatch it again at the end of the drama. The following episodes put the team under pressure again. The intensity was there. Asada and two of his team were banished to a small hospital to continue their work to save rejected patients from Meichin Hospital. They were forced to form a new team with rejected doctors and technician who had lost their interest in work. The struggle Asada had to endure to bring confidence in his new team was painfully painted out in each episode. The characters, both patients and doctors, were extremely well played by all the supporting actors. Each would absorb you into their past which made them who they were. Uchida Yuki was particularly good as the financial consultant wheeling and dealing behind the scene. She added spice and new challenges faced by the team. She had the audience guessing right to the end to find out where her loyalty was. Though little comments were made for Season 2, it will remain a very memorable drama for me.Having sung "Believe" in season 1, the new song by AI in season 2 "ONE" was outstanding. I get to know her songs for the first time, 14 years after they were sung. It has been a great journey of discovery for me ever since I started watching Japanese drama less than one year ago.
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Yukawa on top form
Outstanding SP but without Karou. Professor Yukawa was certainly on top form. He had two difficult mysteries to solve and both were good challenges. His experiments to confirm his theory were impressive and well executed. It was fun to see him act out to find the evidence. Like most of the murders in these series, there was a sad motive behind each. Karou's substitute tried but was never a threat to replace her. Never a dull moment. This episode is well worth seeing. Naturally accompanied by the good ost. Strongly recommended.Was this review helpful to you?

Team Medical Dragon defends its foundation
I actually liked this season as well. It took time to look at. the personality of each team member. The season was mainly focused on the challenges from cardiac catherisation. A new world order.There was enough tension in it without the distraction by the fish man. The directors have done well to keep the pressure on the team. Both the quiet Asada and the highly strung Kato were outstanding in making you feel their inner turmoil they had to fight for the survival of cardiac surgery. Endo Kenichi was exceptional as the cardiologist proving his presence. The music was good throughout including the new end song Miraienotobira by Deep. For those of us who did not know Japanese drama in our former years, it is best to take a little time to reflect on the season before rushing onto the next. Teams medical dragon was well directed, acted and to me, one of the classic Japanese medical drama. A very worthwhile entertainment.Was this review helpful to you?

Do you trust BKK Ambulance Service
Great start. The trailer will pull you right into it.. The story was about a young man's investigation into the dealings of a dirty volunteer ambulance service. With the help of a young reporter, they ventured into the dungeon of death to find the truth. Once you have caught your breath after the first episode, the pace then slowed down. I feel it could press on and chase the story. But to the director's credit, it picked up well in the second half. Weir and Aom worked well together, both appeared so innocent at the start before the baptism of fire. Their continued struggle against the odds was what kept the suspense going. Good music throughout. Drone views of Bangkok at might were great. Well worth watching.Was this review helpful to you?

This was a spaghetti western about teaching hospital politics. Our anti heroine, Daimon sensaiIs ‘the woman with no name’ out to save the patients ignoring all the politics behind . This refreshing revolutionary idea is the reason why the drama is so successful. Season 7 has been launched in 2021. Unlike other medical drama, the medical conditions were easy to follow and it was not emotional draining. Therefore ideal for a relaxing weekend watch as light entertainment. Yonekurasan was excellent as the maverick doctor. Just watching her in action against the limited knowledge academic surgeons who could not operate was amusing. She portrayed the rebel trait wit flair. She was well supported by veteran medical drama actors. That’s a good reason why you will like this drama. For the anti-hero sentiment, the original soundtrack also included whistling sections which one associates with spaghetti western. A deliberate stab at the establishment. I strongly recommend it.
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Team under attack
I must congratulate the story writer who produced such an exciting season. This season was emotionally demanding. Right from the start, the invincible team Members were slowly being isolated. Believing in their ideal to save patients’ lives were the ultimate goal, traps were set to make them fall. The first episode brought us right back to the high intensity environment unique to this series. But the slower tempo after was necessary to tell the sacrifice which each member had to make. I actually had to pause after each episode as the shock was devastating. Takahashi was brilliant as the cool business mind Okumura. The challenges between the team and Okumura was deeply felt. A superb finale to a wonderful series. There is room for a new season and I hope Asada will return. The music from the OST is the best collection from the whole series. A very worthwhile watch. Highly recommendedWas this review helpful to you?

Mikaiketsu no Onna: Keishichou Bunsho Sousakan Season 2
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a relaxing and yet entertaining watch.
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DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii New Year Special
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100 years celebration
Very entertaining sp. The reason I like the doctors series is that it is not emotionally demanding and yet great at relieving stress after a busy week. In this one, Moriyama was good at pulling out all the stops in trying to get funding for the hospital 100 year celebration. Sagara meanwhile was trying his best to plan a difficult operation for his cancer patient. Nurse Sachi is still dreaming about Sagara. I guess one day her dream will come true. Overall a very worthwhile watch and I strongly recommend it.I wish there will be more sps to come in the future. The music is the excellent hallmark of the Doctors series.Was this review helpful to you?

DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii New Year Special
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I will rewatch this as part of the series in the future. I find it all very entertaining, true to an enjoyable drama
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What it takes to become the best surgeon
This season is the highlight of the whole drama. It explores the qualities required to become the best surgeon. The harsh treatment which Sagara had to endure was dramatic and unforgettable. It set the scene as a tough one for the audience. This season is emotionally charged from beginning to the end. Moriyama was outstanding and entertaining as the Baffon. In order to soften the harsh realities of hospital politics, nurse Sachi and her crew played a lively role in improving patients' experience. Sachi's admiration and adoration for Dr Sagara kept the story of hope in their relationship alive.The directors have done a great job in bringing the whole drama entertaining without being bogged down with medical details.
The original soundtrack is very touching. In parts it brought out the loneliness of the patients waiting for surgery. In other parts, it championed the outcome of successful operations. Carefully composed and adapted to the drama.
I thoroughly recommend the whole Doctors series.
It will definitely worth a re-watch in the future.
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DOCTORS Saikyou no Meii New Year Special
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Why do you want to become a doctor ?
Reality of surgical department’s politics in university hospital was laid bare. Those in power or in high position were not necessary the best clinician or technician. Sagara was the noble doctor who was trying his best to save patients rejected by the teaching hospital. Of course he cannot succeed without the very able Nurse Sachi. The directors were good to keep her professionalism going. The whole SP was entertaining with the loud Miyamoto also providing an alternative means to save his patient. The duty of a good doctor was hammered home scene after scene. A very worthwhile watch.Was this review helpful to you?