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Cloud Drama


Cloud Drama
Miss Korea  korean drama review
Miss Korea
1 people found this review helpful
by Rari
Apr 30, 2019
20 of 20 episodes seen
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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The little show that could

This drama shouldn't be called Miss Korea, it should be called simply "Heart", because it is overflowing with pure heart.
This is the little drama that could, at the time of its airing it was up against You from Another Star so it's understandable that it may have fallen through the cracks; However, from my research and what I've observed almost everyone who's taken the time to watch this drama has praised it and recommended it to other viewers, and that's how I found it.

The story appears simple at first, a woman enters a beauty pageant as the underdog of all underdogs; therein lies the little gems scattered throughout this drama. For example in episode 4 when Oh Ji Young is on stage at the Seoul preliminaries dancing with a broken heel, this is when I really started to care for our leading lady. Or the moment where it's revealed that even back in high school she picked Hyung Joon out of all the guys who were after her, and she still picks him ten years later, this is so heartwarming and adds an interesting layer to our female lead's character.
I especially love the way the drama unfolds small bittersweet moments without fanfare, no swelling music, no slow motion, just life in action.
The drama is a slice of life, focusing on how people take on life's challenges from day to day, triumphing over adversity.
It also shows the importance of loyalty, in family, romantic and business relationships.

The cast is just perfect for this drama. Each actor was perfectly cast for their role. Lee Yun Jee shines in her role as Oh Ji Young, she embodies the sweet, straightforward resilience of her character effortlessly., she was such a joy to watch, once she makes up her mind about something she is unwavering.
Lee Sun Kyun as Kim Hyung Joon is good , he portrayed the character's quiet pride and affable determination very well.
Director Ma Ae Ri was a standout performance by Lee Mi Sook, she is absolutely brilliant in this role. Director Ma is at once cold, calculating, kind, considerate, generous and morally upright. Lee Mis Sook played this character with amazing nuance.
Director Jang is a hoot! I would say she is the comic relief in the show, she's just earnest but misguided, very entertaining to watch.
Teacher Jung is played with a quiet, steady passion, for a thug he turned out to be very considered and multi-dimensional, I saw great character development with this role.
Oh Ji Young's family of mothering men and the rest of the Vivi team round of this amazing cast.

The music is atypical of a Kdrama, I enjoyed it because it sounded fresh, edgy and modern, which is kinda strange because the story is set in 1997. The music is spot on and I give it a full 10 out of 10.

Rewatch value for me is 8, simply because show had a scattering of beautiful moments which I would love to rewatch, the interactions between the characters are absolute gold.

Overall score is a 9, a wonderful drama, deserving of a whole lot more love and attention.

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