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One Night Only
11 people found this review helpful
Jan 21, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
The beginning is quite confusing I watched with few friends and we got lost but did try to follow up story. Though like after 15mins we finally began to catch up what was happening, so we might be just slow. So on second part of movie we understood it's two different movies yeah we are that slow we didn't get the description properly. I personally didn't like 1st one it was confusing and not that great. Didn't see much connection between Han Jae and Hoon.

So I will focus on second part of it.
Friends go to a new bar that is near and it has hint of comedy that I didn't find in first story. This one was more fun watching. Honestly, it would have been better if it were separate movies even if it took only 33minutes. So a guy falls in love at first sight and it leads to cruel ''reality'' like some comments said and well where most of bl movies do a sad ending as if gay men can't be happy which I find it cruel. But the story was easy to watch.

So ignoring first part I give this 8.5

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Love Playlist
11 people found this review helpful
Dec 30, 2017
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
if you got tired or just finished some drama and just want something without twists and just sweetheart story this is it! This is like cloud served as the dish, fluffy and cute and adorable I coo all the way trough this (and secretly cry because single since birth and haven't experienced any of this) but I bet people find it relatable and I wish korean dramas would sometimes do fluffy work like this to relax some viewers from all the brain work we have to do on revealing twists and throwing theories. For WebSeries this is so awesome! The camera work is 10/10! Just nice show to see the view points from male friend/boyfriend/grilfriend/girl friend just really it's so short that you won't lose anything to give it a try I can assure you it's so adorable and good for just lay back and enjoy it!?

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Guimoon: The Lightless Door
7 people found this review helpful
Jan 24, 2022
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

quick explanation why you should watch

So I will begin by saying that the comments here are very 'this would have been good if-' type of thing. I just finished this movie and won't beat around a bush. The ending was both predictable and you wouldn't see it coming at the same time. All in all it was not completely satisfying to make you lose all the built up suspense that is why many people blame ending for this. I wish it ended different but I am also amazed by how different ending it was compared to other movies. Usually they drop the suspense by ending and decide to ether make it happy or unhappy one, but this movie kept the suspense going until last seconds.

I try not to put out any spoilers out here because I hope this will be the reason why you decide to watch this instead of listening to others and not give it a shot. This lowkey became one of my favorite asians movies AND I AM GLAD I WATCHED IT WITH LIGHTS ON. This is one of creepiest movies I seen, it was well executed and always kept the right atmosphere on.

Did you see movie Grave Encounters? It will have similar moments from there which I honestly love because it takes traits from The Stone Tape theory and more.

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From Now to the Past
7 people found this review helpful
Jan 21, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Well I liked the story for a 8min that was great, the plot was explained well and didn't leave you confussed
It was 10 for me both guys and the bride did well
well not sure what there can be for 8min movie
Rewatch Value
well it's eight minutes if you want to show it for a friend you can watch it again but unusure if it makes sense to watch it again on your own

Overall: 8.5
I enjoyed and it really depends on people tastes
the descriprion already tells that it is quite dramatic movie and no one can really judge it too much when it is made to be this short
I kinda wish it would be longer but that can't be changed

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Lychee Light Club
6 people found this review helpful
Oct 5, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
The story is great honestly, of course the main characters aren't in complete sane mind but it's the plot which is served very nicely I expected way worse when I choose to watch it and what I got is great acting, story, effects and properly set story line with explanations and no sudden rushes. Yes it is a little gore but from comments I expected more and with what I saw in movie I am completely fine with it since it isn't all over the movie, it focused more on story and relationships as well revealing each character personality which I enjoyed and could see the efforts.
All in all it is movie worth attention. It even has few twists, I enjoy this kind of movies so I expected it since I like to think deeply trough all details so people who like a little gore or heart warming moments or just some twists in general this movie is for you. It might sound weird how I mentioned heart warming moments I don't want to spoil but the movie is really nice that has all kind of moments. Friendships, love, rivalry, grudge you will see all kind of emotions here that are served well.

Sorry I am bat at reviewing without spoiling but just couldn't let this have no review because maybe some people need a push to watch this and are debating too long so if you're just considering I am here to tell it's worth your time.

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Human Form
5 people found this review helpful
Oct 23, 2019
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
So have you seen Caroline it gives similar vibes or is it just me?
I think it's because of the faces you can see on the cover as well as well as the sounds and music.
It is great short movie which I hope was aired as full up to 2 hours like most movies, it has high potential for good horror movie with those creepy vibes. The idea of it is wonderful it actually shows reality just in more extreme outcome and measurements.
It's worth your 12mins believe me. It makes you wonder what would happen more what would be revealed more if it was longer ; u ; but sadly we need to be glad that we at least get to see a short version of it.

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Love Playlist Season 3
7 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2019
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Yes, it is third season.
No, it isn't even bit boring.
No, the series do not disappoint.
Yes, it is as good as first two seasons, no less or more.
This is webseries, short series, right? Great series to watch when you want to relax, like I mentioned before it is like watching a big fluffy cloud haha it's adorable and easy to watch really. Honestly it's sweetest series I have ever seen even if it shows painful sides of relationships as well it's well directed and acting is 5stars for sure even if some actors debuted in here they don't disappoint. The series are worth your time it shows so much in those ten minutes I don't think that anyone could regret watching this on their free time.

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Love Playlist Season 2
4 people found this review helpful
Dec 31, 2017
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I wrote review on first season but I can't just look at this empty list, so here I am again. This is one of rare webseries that actually are very sweet and lovely. This will make you smile and relate to every character, here are no bad guys or someone you would hate. Just sweet webseries about life and I am amazed how much it can be expressed in 8mins. I enjoyed it all the way, saw actors for first time and their acting is 10/10 for real, rewatch value high af. I will watch it again with my friends, this is nice to watch when you want to relax, just fell in love or just had a break up.

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Let Me Kiss You
4 people found this review helpful
Sep 30, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
I honestly didn't like anything about it but it's just that it's made based off a book so I guess it has good story line that you couldn't just express trough eight minutes. Honestly it's like some kind of trailer for the book with this length... and depends on every individual to give it a shot or no. The acting isn't good in my opinion, seems awkward but there are many series like that too and some people don't mind it so like I said depends on every individual. It's eight minutes if you want something short well why not.
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Bleak Night
2 people found this review helpful
Jan 29, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
Story 10/10
The stroy was really great. And I saw a lot of people were confused of flashbacks, but I caught up very quickly. They were clear to understand where was past and where was present. The story was quite deep I could say, the conversations between guys and the way they act indeed showed how high school students are not everyone but there is always that group you know. The shots taken were beautiful and even if the camera was moving it gave a feeling as if you take part of the story and are there observing.

Acting/Cast 10/10
Everyone did great. People say the highlight was the was the main guy Gi Tae (Je Hoon) but I liked all three of them, like all three guys showed great performance and could show the emotions trough their acting that could actually touch your heart.Music 10/10
There was barely any music but why 10/10? Because that was the perfect touch to this movie with soundtracks and songs it wouldn't feel as real as it felt while watching this. In real life you don't hear music in the background and like I said this movie makes you feel as if you are there observing and the music choice here was a great touch.

Rewatch Value 9.0/10
For some people this might not be so bad movie to rewatch even I would be willing to do that after a year or so, maybe even suggest to friends when you know you crave something touching and serious. But this story is like you watch it from curiosity, it just makes you feel like you take part of it and so you're curious where everything it will lead and once it finished well you already know everything so if rewatching maybe after few years.

Overall 10/10
The said genres:Friendship, Mystery, Psychological, School, Youth, Drama did not lie. There was great friendship with a hint of possible more actually and even to brother like relationship, Mystery sure was there as I mentioned here 'curiosity' that keeps you watching. Psychological yes because of all the flashbacks and how it shows the view points,reveals every character's thoughts and memories. School,youth and drama wasdefinitely there so this didn't disappoint at all.

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Fabricated City
3 people found this review helpful
Feb 11, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
First of all I am bad at writing reviews but this movie needs to be appreciated properly so I will give it a shot.

The plot is perfect. The title of the movie is fabricated city for a reason and like literally. All the connections of the rich people, how far it can lead to get away with a crime and make an innocent man guilty. Fabricated movie has a nice flow and has actual explanations of how things happen without leaving plot holes which is very important part which most of movies lack. Movie without plot holes is GOLD. Rare and when found appreciated and loved.
No surprise that Ji Chang Wook is great action actor, I have noticed few other actors that always give a pleasant feeling in dramas or movies of how natural they come out so actor choice was great in this movie. Music and soundtracks were on point I rarely complain about them in movies. Rewatch value is very high I might rewatch it with friends within the same week.

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Fortuneteller’s Secret Recipe
2 people found this review helpful
Dec 30, 2017
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
I personally love it no idea why people complain? It's WEBSERIES guys WEBSERIES not a serious drama that's why episodes are short and plot is rushed yet despite that in those 30mins everything is easy to understand even if it's rushed. Funny and interesting plot what can you ask more for comedy webseries? Acting 10/10 it's all great of course everyone wishes for long episodes but you can't change it, you came knowing it's webseries so why complain? Music, intro and ending so funny I laughed and enjoyed it.
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Acri - The Legend of Homo-Aquarellius
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 2, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
This is actually one of the kind story there is no trailer for this but I did found some similar kind thing posted on yt anyway it caught my attention and we decided (me and my friend) to give it a go. Even if the movie is quite old and you don't expect much I was quite surprised with very outstanding and thought-provoking movie.

Story 9.0
it's very interesting and could be better actually the timeskips kinda weren't so pleasant since they were pointed out but it was part of developing story and it had to be there so things wouldn't be rushed. These days it's usual to guess timeskips because no one really writes on screen 'two weeks later' etc. I liked how there were sientific facts in there though because of my lack of English knowledge I didn't really understand some and just let the story flow haha

Acting/Cast/Music 10
There isn't anything to pick on, everyone did wonderful in this movie
soundtracks and music were great it fit the movie and I couldn't really get picky on that, they managed to send the message to the atmosphare there to us so no complains

Rewatch Value 9.0
I could see myself rewatching this year later or maybe two but not sooner let's just remind ourselves that this is an old movie and for its year it did wonderful but compared to movies these days it does lack action a little

Overall 9.5
Overall I really loved it, enjoyed it. I don't usually write reviews as you see I am not that good but it's sad to see that there isn't any in this movie, just want to tell people that this movie is actually worth it's time. Me and my friend talked a lot after this and it really affect our way of thinking, we questioned many things as I said it was thought-provoking which part I love to encounter  when I didn't really expect.

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The Boy Next Door
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2017
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Story 8,5

I enjoyed the episodes I really did, it makes you laugh and makes your day but the whole story well let's say we would all be pleased if there wouldn't be a girl in the middle of their relationship it made the story a bit less and less by episodes but all I can say it still kept my smile on my face

Acting/Cast 9,5

Choi Woo Shik is actually one of my afvorite actors in comedy dramas so I knew that I should expect a lot and well I didn't get disappointed, he was very funny as well with Jang Ki Yong. I could have lowered the point but let's be honest guys compared to most BL their acting was great because like we noticed most BL acting isn't high quality but this is really pro I can say and you can see in bts how hard it was to keep a straight face

Music 10

You might think I rate it too much but it's actually 10 for me. It really fits the comedy moments, like whenever you hear a certain background music you know what you should expect (heads up for 14th episode if I am sure e u e it's gonna crack you up)

Rewatch Value 10

I rewatched it within a week to show it to my best friend and I didn't want her to only watch I even wanted to watch it again myself. To be honest I could watch it again and again this year whenever I need some laugh maybe it's because it's short and ends quickly like you don't even notice and the episode ended :'(

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Waikiki Brothers
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2018
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
Well it is old movie and not all old movies are good so is it worth your time?

Honestly, the detail about the movie say it all and if you're interested in that kind of plots it's good movie to give it a shot.
Just know that the songs are old but it's kinda a charm of the movie. It shows the past as well which gives more interest than movie beginning honestly maybe because more action. In this movie you could also feel sleepy yet couldn't take your eyes off it, it has funny moments and quite interesting ones.
No complaints here, everyone doing great and all characters are somewhat different.
MUSIC - 10
Well it's great, don't expect to heard the modern songs and all it's 2001 movie so brace yourselves and they aren't bad, gives you like country music feels maybe at times too.
Wouldn't watch again I watched it just because I was curious and it was interesting enough to finish it all but not play it again.

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