Bae Soo Bin at his best! this drama is too good!! you actually enjoy the ride and if you like revenge and you havent seen this,,then you have to..The whole idea is so awesome and it might seem too far from reality but it isn't. youd be surprised how many people actually go to such extents because of a heart break especially when its revenge against revenge. This show is sweet and intense! and not some hopeless revenge drama but a rather amazing ride..One of my very first favorite dramas and I will always love it. I always say they dont make any kdramas like this anymore. Miss the fun!!!
My first review on mydramalist and I decided to do In Time With You,,why because I actually love this drama more than half of the Korean romances I have seen....of course it still has its Taiwanese points but ITWY is one amazing show. Unlike most TW's where it starts out well and just throws the story all over ITWY actually has the best last episodes there actually is in TW. Li Da Ren will rip your heart apart and you will watch his scenes over and over again..I didnt put this show off for long when I found out about it and I am glad about that. prove me wrong by watching this loool
Giant is just like its title..its the Giant of dramas,,A show that keeps you glued to your seat all 60 hours of watching it, unexpected tears, AMAZING ACTORS, wonderful storyline...Giant is too solid,,a definite Masterpiece.I watched this drama 3 years ago and it will always have a special place in my heart. It did impact my life with its plot and brought out many emotions I had never felt before while watching a drama. Its always so hard for me to describe its perfection from the best villian to the best protagonist...every word in the dictionary seems to fall short of what this show really is. Thumbs up to the production team behind it.It really is a masterpiece and a Must Watch!
loved it!!! the explanations after the trick has been pulled were the best parts!!! I am now a fan of Liar Game and will be watching all the follow up seasons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1