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bulgaria but mentally lost


bulgaria but mentally lost
Her Private Life
182 people found this review helpful
by minarii Flower Award1
May 30, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 8
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
Her Private Life would have become my favourite rom-com drama... if it ended on episode 14. Although I truly enjoyed (almost) every moment of it, it kind of lost its spark at the end and it became boring.

There are so many things that I loved here, but what made the drama that enjoying were definitely our main leads Sung Deok Mi and Ryan Gold. Not only their characters were perfect for each other, but Park Min Young and Kim Jae Wook's chemistry was the best. It was so natural that somewhere towards the end, it felt as if they weren't even acting anymore. I love how mature their relationship was which can't be seen very often in other rom-coms... unfortunately. The thing I loved the most about their relationship was how honest they were with each other - they cleared all misunderstanding just by talking, no pointless drama here. I loved the fact that Deok Mi was so considerate of Ryan and that was since the very beginning. And of course, Ryan was the same. Everything about their relationship was perfect and kudos to the writer for writing such a beautiful love story!

I was happy to see that fangirling was shown as a completely normal thing here. Deok Mi and Seon Joo are both in their 30s, but they are fangirls. Why not? There is nothing strange about it and I'm glad that the writer chose to show a different side of fangirling. As I fangirl myself, I'm very thankful for this. Seon Joo and Deok Mi were friendship goals honestly. Seon Joo is my favourite character here and I loved their relationship with her husband. And their child was sooo cute!

I think Eun Gi and Cindy were pretty pointless here, especially Cindy. At first, she seemed to be the antagonist, but then she became just a random character who had some funny scenes here and there. As for Eun Gi, he was sometimes annoying and his presence didn't really affect the story. I guess the writer just needed a second lead, because what is a rom-com without a second lead? And Ryan's friend was also annoying. I don't even remember her name, I couldn't get the point of her existence in the drama.

I didn't like the last two episodes. They were very boring, although there were some sweet moments with the main leads. I couldn't believe and I still can't that we had to see the same trope again..., why? Everything was good enough, so why would you ruin it? Eh, anyway, I was satisfied with the ending nevertheless.

So overall, despite being slightly disappointed by the last two episodes, I do recommed Her Private Life to all of you. It is not your usual rom-com and I believe you'll enjoy it. Oh, and while you are watching or after you finish it, don't forget to check out the bts videos that tvN uploaded, they will make you love the drama even more!

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Touch Your Heart
78 people found this review helpful
Mar 28, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers
It is so hard for me to say goodbye to Touch Your Heart and I can't help but being emotional right now. I was looking forward to every Wednesday and Thursday because I knew that for one hour straight, I would be the happiest person in this world.

TYH doesn't have an original plot, let's be all honest here. A ''cold-hearted'' man falling in love with his secretary, it's is very common, especially for comantic comedies. But as people say, don't judge a book by its cover. Because although the plot seems to be very cliché, it has well-developed story, stong characters, perfect cast and OST which makes it one of the best rom-coms I've ever seen.

I will start with the fact that the first episode is very misleading and it shows very typical characters. Lawyer Kwon Jung Rok -- our main lead appears to be a rude, arrogant, cold-hearted man who only cares about his job. He doesn't pay attention to the people around him and often ignores them. Oh Yeon Soo is a popular actress (not for her acting though), she seems to be very clumsy, foolish and kind of self-centered. And, of course, we have many supporing characters that will probably be the most boring part. The first episode (or maybe the first two) didn't leave a good impression on me. I usually don't like this kind of characters and I thought I will be watching WWWSK season 2. But little did i know back then that Touch Your Heart will become one of my favourite dramas ever!

I believe that what was shown in the first two episodes was on purpose, the writers just wanted to fool us. In episodes 3 and 4, we can already see the development of the characters - Yoon Seo becomes more confident and more responsible, because she realises how important her job is. Althought she struggles a lot, her passion never leaves her and that's the most lovable thing about her character. It is also shown how responisble job Jung Rok has and how busy he actually is which to some extent justifies his cold behaviour towards everyone. Plus he is kind of an introvert one, he doesn't feel comfortable around people and prefers to be alone.

All that development we can already see in the first few episodes. After that, the relationship between Jung Rok and Yoon Seo slowly grows. They start being more comfortable with each other and eventually they fall in love in such an innocnet way. The awkwardness of falling in love, the heart fluttering moments, the jealousy, the hesitation are all here. And the thing I absolutely loved about Jung Rok and Yoon Seo's relationship is that they are always honest with each other. You know, the most annoying thing in some dramas is when someone decides to hide the truth or lies and then let the drama begin, blah blah. There's no such a thing in Touch Your Heart... Or at least it didn't ruin the drama.

Besides Yoon Seo and Jung Rok, there are three more couples in TYH. My favourite one of them is Yoon Hyuk and Moon Hee, they were so funny. I didn't pay attention to Se Won and Yeo Reum, but that was because YR doesn't have much screen time although she is a main character. I loved Se Won and his bromance with Jung Rok though.

Touch Your Heart is a law drama or at least that's what the genres say. But the plot is not focused on the law part, don't expect many intense trials or something. There is one big case that was pulled off very well and some small ones that were enjoyable to watch.

The only thing I disliked is the fact that the writers chose to use one trope that is very common for korean dramas, but I hate it so much. Although it was carried off quite well, it was so out of place or at least that's how I felt about it. But this doesn't really change my opinion about the drama.

The cast was amazing, I don't really have something to tell here. I was so happy to see Yoo In Na and Lee Dong Wook together again, their chemistry was amazing! I know I might be a bit too greedy now, but I want to see them again! Lee Sang Woo also impressed me.

The OST... Oh my, everything about the OST songs was perfect. The artists, the melodies, the lyrics, everything.

This review is getting too long but I tried my best to give a brief explanation about the plot while expressing my thoughts. I have some more things to say, but I will stop here. Overall, Touch Your Heart is a drama that makes you happy. It makes you forget about your stressful life and your problems. It's definitely one of my favourite shows this year and it will hold a special place in my heart forever. I recommend it to everyone, you never know what you'll like. Enjoy your watch!

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My Unicorn Girl
100 people found this review helpful
Sep 8, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A cliché done right.

My Unicorn Girl proves how clichés can be entertaining if they are done properly. I started watching the drama with slightly low expectations, I expected it to be another silly and overly cheesy rom-com and guess what, that's exactly what it is. And that's exactly why I loved it so much.

Honestly, the drama is full of clichés - we have prosopagnosia, cross-dressing, fated love, a questionable amount of accidental kisses etc etc. But they somehow made all these clichés work. The drama never pretends to be something brilliant, it is as simple as possible. What saved the show with its mediocre at best plot, was definitely the chemistry and the acting of the two main leads. I didn't know I was into such cheesy romance stories but now I watched this and I started doubting myself. The drama somehow makes you root for the leads, you want them to be together, you wait for each scene of them with excitement, you smile like an idiot whenever they do something cute and you can't help but feel happy when they tease each other. They make your heart flutter with their innocent, playful love interactions. They are your daily dose of happiness.

The main leads, as individual characters, were also very entertaining to watch. Wen Bing is absolutely one of my favourite male leads ever. He is michevious, extra playful, pretends to be cold-hearted but is actually a small ball of fluff inside... he was just too adorable. God bless Darren Chen for accepting this role, it suits him perfectly and I must admit, I kind of fell in love and I don't know how to recover. Sang Tian was a cutie and she actually looked like a boy, but they should have probably made a different decision about her lipstick, it was a bit too obvious, lol.

Overall, My Unicorn Girl is an amazing show especially if you're looking for something more light-hearted. I mean, it's not perfect, it's a bit far from perfect, but it's good enough. The plot not always makes sense, but the chemistry between the leads is worth seeing. I'm not a fan of Chinese rom-coms, but I did enjoy this one a lot and was always excited to watch more episodes. I'm a bit sad that it's over actually.

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A Poem a Day
68 people found this review helpful
by minarii Flower Award1
May 16, 2018
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 5
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
'the pain can also become a path'.

have you ever watched a drama that makes you so happy that you want to become a better person? 'a poem a day' felt like home to me. it made me feel like i really belong somewhere.

the story was nothing that... impressive? at least at first sight. there is no much drama, pressure, it doesn't make you nervous about what will happen next. but it gives you a warm feeling, it makes you happy. it was interesting for me, although i have no interest in physiotherapy.
the romance between je wook and bo young was one of the most beautiful romantic stories i've ever seen in kdramas. i know, i've read in many comments, a lot of people find it boring, too 'formal', but no, it was just real. they were one normal couple. they loved each others, they supported each other, there were hugs and kisses, so i didn't really understand why some people thought that their relationship was unnatural. it just felt real.
another thing i have to mention is the patients stories. i cried my eyes out, they just felt too real.
i really liked the poems. they were so beautiful and they perfectly matched with the story.
but i was slightly disappointed in the end, i think some things should have happend but this doesn't change the fact that the story is good.

woo bo young - oh, our beautiful female lead. she was just a good person, she was trying to do her job right and to help the patients to recover. she truly cared about them. the thing i liked the most in her it's that she wasn't trying to hide her sensitivity. bo young was a strong female lead in one word.

ye je wook - i haven't seen a person who likes giving advices as much as him lol. he seemed cold in the beginning but after that you can see what a warm person he actually is. he treated everyone with respect and he was always telling what he thinks, he was honest with himself and with the others.

shin min ho - you either like him or you don't. personally, i like him. yes, sometimes he acted childishly, he had no sense of responsibility but at the end, he made the right decision no matter how hard it was for him. yes, he was sometimes selfish, but aren't we all like that? when we fall in love we want the person to have eyes only for us, we don't want to let him/her go. so how can we blame minho for that?

the side characters were really funny and pleasent to watch. their had their own hardships but they always found a way to endure it. i like seeing their character development, escpecially han joo yong's. i like how his friendship with dae band developed in a really good way.

the cast was completely new for me, the only actor who i knew was seo hyun chul.
i have no much to say, the acting was perfect. there wasn't anyone whose acting seemed unnatural, they all did a great job.

beautiful ost, i love all of the songs. they suited the drama really well and they made it even better.

11/10 if you ask me. i like dramas that are close to reality and 'a poem a day' was a masterpiece for me. totally recommended!

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My Holo Love
44 people found this review helpful
Feb 11, 2020
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
I wasn't expecting much from ''My Holo Love'' but the drama was quite a nice surprise. Even with his cliche plot, it is somewhat unique and different. And, to be frank, very addicting which makes it perfect for binge-watching!

I like how fast paced the drama is, or at least the first half. When I watched the first two first episodes, I wasn't really into it but as I continued watching I began loving it. Each episode ends with a cliffhanger and it makes you want to watch more. I still wasn't the biggest fan of the last few episodes -- I think some things could have been resolved without getting too dramatic which could have prevented the drama dragging out too much. Well, 12 episodes are not too many and I think they would have been perfect for the drama if they focused more on some things and avoid others.

I wanted to see more romantic scenes between Nan Do and So Yun. Yeah, you probably think I'm a romance enthusiast and I watch dramas only for the romance, but no, it's not like that. But with a drama that has a mediocre plot, the romance should be there to save the day. I really loved Nan Do and So Yun's chemistry, as well as Holo and So Yun's. I'm glad that they made ''both'' main leads likeable even though they were completely opposite. The second couple was also very cute and I enjoy watching their scenes. I wanted to see more interactions between Nan Do and Holo too, I loved their conversations.

The ending was satisfying for sure, especially the last scene! It was very cute and it made me glad that I watched the drama.

The acting was quite decent. I like Hyun Min and he did a good job with portraying two characters, but he can do better for sure. Go Sung Hee was amazing as Han So Yun, I believe this role perfectly suits her.

So overall, ''My Holo Love'' is a nice drama and I recommend it if you want to kill time. It's perfect for binge-watching as I already said, it's cliche but it's well-done -- with good CGI, decent acting, some cute romantic scenes and amazing OSTs.

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Clean with Passion for Now
98 people found this review helpful
Feb 4, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 8
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
This review may contain spoilers
Okay, I’ll be honest here. I loved Clean With Passion For Now and I was ready to give you many reasons why you should watch it. But that was until episode 13. After the 13th episode, I came to realize that this drama was nothing but a waste of time with some fluttering moments here and there.

The best thing about CWPFN was the chemistry between the main leads. We had the best kiss scenes we could get. This is an unpopular opinion actually, but I like the main leads together. Yes, It was obvious that Yoo Jung was younger than Gyun Sang (and the fact that he is that huge does not help) but still, I think they suit each other.

But let me start with the negative things now. First, Yoo Jung’s character – Oh Sol. She was quite dumb in my opinion. I don’t know if she was poorly written or the writer wanted her to be like that for real. In any case, she wasn’t a likable female lead. She cried a lot and it was always her fault somehow. She always did something more or less wrong, and then feel bad about it. She was weak, but anyways, we are all like that sometimes.

Now, the plot… There’s not much about it though. The drama had a funny and sweet start, but couldn’t live up to its potential. There were too many useless things happening, too many pointless and boring characters appearing without leaving any impression on me. Clean With Passion For Now it’s that type of show in which you have to wait ages for the two mains (who obviously like each other) to confess their feelings and start a relationship. The second lead guy was sweet, but I didn't suffer from sls (gyun sang is the main lead, khm). But seriously, there were too many clichés and too much drama. Don't get me wrong, conflicts between the characters are what helps a drama develop, but in CWPFN they were kind of very poinltess and out of place. There were some ridiculous moments that made me laugh, but if you are really looking for a good comedy, then... this is not it.

The mysophobia is more like a subplot, I was intereted in it at the beginning... kind of. I don't know how realistic it was though, I'm not familiar enough with it so I can't say.

The acting was okay, I guess. I will always love Gyun Sang and the way he portrays his characters and I do love his chubby cheeks here. (I was really angry when I saw so many negative comments about his appearance). Kim Yoo Jung also did a good job.

The OST is what I loved the most! Give 'Cosmos' by Huh Gak a listen, you won't regret it!

So overall, I'm quite disappointed, I guess I expected too much. Clean With Passion For Now has a sweet romance, but nothing more. It's very drop-wrothy and you might want to skip a lot of scenes if you don't want to get bored. I don't really recommend it, but if you have nothing to watch, you can give it a try and see for yourself. At least it will make your heart flutter, at least once.

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Fairyland Lovers
20 people found this review helpful
Feb 12, 2020
35 of 35 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
''Fairyland Lovers'' managed to get me hooked from the first episdode which chinese dramas almost never do. I'm not the biggest fan of supernatural/romance dramas so I wasn't expecting anything when I decided to watch it nor I remember why I did it. But, for sure, even with its flaws, I enjoyed watching the drama a lot.

The romance was my favourite thing which almost never happens. But Bai Qi and Lin Xia were so cute and adorable that I easily fell in love with them. I absolutely loved the progression of their relationship, which felt very natural. Bai Yu and Zhen Qui Hong had an amazing chemistry and if they get cast again, I would watch the production for sure! Their hugs, kisses, the funny scenes between them gave me butterflies. Overall, their characters were very well-written and intriguing. They suit each other well qne the actors did a brilliant job portraying their characters.

The second couple was also very charming. I wasn't the biggest fan of Xiao Xiao at first, but with the time I got used to her behaviour and maybe because I like the actress, I began to like her character, too. Yang Jian was indisputably the best character in the drama! His reactions were always the most interesting and unexpected, I loved his interactions with Bai Qi. He and Xiao Xiao were very loveable couple which, even though not as good as the main one, had their amazing moments.

A Li was a cutie! I kinda wish they explored his character more -- I wanted to learn more about him and I wanted to see more of his funny reactions!

The strongest part of the drama are its characters for sure, but the plot was sometimes lacking. The first half was amazing -- I loved literally every episode and I was always super excited for new episodes! The second half, on the other hand, had some good moments, but also okay-ish and boring ones. I believe it got a little bit too draggy towards the end. But overall, the atmosphere was really nice and the pace was okay most of the time. The cinematography was insanely beautiful, too!

Overall, ''Fairyland Lovers'' is a light, fluffy drama that never gets tooo dramatic and it's perfect if you want to watch something to make you happy. I'm really glad that I watched it and I recommend it to everyone!~

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Hi Bye, Mama!
56 people found this review helpful
Apr 19, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
''Hi Bye, Mama'' is undoubtedly a very thought-provoking drama. It makes you reflect on the most important and precious values in your life and it makes you realize how important the people you love are. The drama surely warms your heart and it brings tears to your eyes.

I honestly admire the idea of the show and how well it was executed. With this type of story, things can easily go wrong. But ''Hi Bye, Mama'' never took this wrong step and it remained good till the end. Writer Kwon Hye Joo for sure knows how to write such heart-warming stories.

However, the reason why I'm not giving a better overall rating is because I think there were a bit too many side stories and characters. Somewhere around the middle, the story kind of dragged too much, then later on became better again. It's not the biggest flaw a show could have, but the fact that I got bored for around 4-5 episodes affected my rating.

The characters were overall very good and the relationship between them were excellently developed. Cha Yu Ri definitely grew on me a lot, the same goes for Gang Hwa and Min Jeong. The sismance between Yu Ri and Min Jeong was great too, I loved how they didn't make them hate each other or something. It just made the drama sweeter.

The acting was amazing! Lee Kyu Hyung with a main role, freaking YES! I've loved him since I saw him in Prison Playbook and I'm so glad that he finally had a main role. Kim Tae Hee, gosh, this woman! I swear to god, when I saw her in Yong Pal, I was so put off by her weak performance that I thought she's one of the worst actresses and I was even sad when I saw she was cast for this drama. But thank you, Tae Hee, for proving me wrong! She was brilliant as Cha Yu Ri, I was so impressed.

So overall, I liked ''Hi Bye, Mama'' and I think a lot of people would enjoy it. I'm just trying to be more honest with my ratings, you know. But yeah, it's a very addicting show and I'm glad that I stayed with it till the end.

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365: Repeat the Year
51 people found this review helpful
Apr 28, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
''If we go back then, would we be a little different now?''

It was a bit hard to rate this drama to be honest. I believe it has some flaws and it could have been better, but still, it managed to entertain me a lot which, if I have to be honest, I didn't expect.

The thing I loved the most about ''365: Repeat the Year'' is definitely the pace. This type of story is not easy to handle, yet this drama did it quite well. It just gets better with each episode, it makes you extremely curious about what will happen next. I don't think I've ever seen a drama with soooo many plot twists, I'm talking seriously right now. We have new twists in almost every episode. If you think you guessed right, you probably didn't. The writer always managed to surprise the viewers more or less. Even if you can predict something, you still can't get the full picture and the question you ask after each episode is always ''What the heck is going on?!''

I think as a mystery and time travel drama, it did quite well. However, the last episodes were quite... meh. You know, you keep searching for answers throughout the whole drama but when you finally get them, you kind of... don't care? The biggest plot twist was supposed to be the climax and the most shocking one but it really wasn't. Because if the other twists were very undpredictable, the biggest one was quite excpected. And after it, I kind of lost interest and just waited for the drama to end.

Some were left unexplained though. But I guess the drama was complicated enough so if the writer wanted to go even deeper, then it would have been waaaay too messy...who knows.

The acting was quite good. I loved Lee Joon Hyuk as Ji Hyung Joo, he is such an underrated actor and I he was excellent here. Nam Ji Hyun was decent as Shin Ga Hyun and honestly, one of the things I really, really loved in this drama is the fact that the female lead wasn't stupid or something.

The only song I actually remember from the drama is ''Into My Life'' by Say'Z. Such a beautiful song and it was perfect for the drama.

I wouldn't watch this again simply because there's no point. I mean, there won't be any excitement since I already know everything.

Overall, I would recommend this drama if you're looking for a good mystery that keeps you guessing. I wouldn't consider it a ''must watch'', but it's definitely a nice show. And if you decide to watch it, please, avoid spoilers at all cost!

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The World of the Married
32 people found this review helpful
May 16, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 5
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Oh. My. God. This show was totally crazy!

I've never ever seen something like this. I mean, The World of the Married is now the highest-rated cable drama, so this should definitely tell you that this show is very special.

Why is it so special though? Because it's totally insane! From beginning to end, the show never lost its intensity. When you think that it's finally over, there's something even more shocking and twisted that will surprise the hell out of you. You honeslty can't predict anything in this drama, the characters took such actions that noone could've guessed!

Speaking of characters, they are definitely the strongest part of the drama. Ji Sun Woo -- a powerful, strong lady who was ready to destroy everyone who's trying to hurt her. And while she was a character that was easy to root for, some of her actions were very questionable. But well, that's what made the drama even more impactful.

And here comes my favourite character -- yes, the most hated character for 2020 - the horrible, disgusting, insolent Lee Tae Oh. You know, everyone can admit that he was a terrible person and even more terrible husband, but gosh, he was so interesting to watch.

While I saw that there are some people who felt symphatetic towards Da Kyung, I did not. Not even a bit. Sure, humans can't control their feelings. It's not impossible to fall for someone else's husband (especially when he's as hot as Park Hae Joon), but the moment you try to seduce him and ruin his family, that's when you became a horrendous person. I mean, she's not the only one to blame for the disaster that happened to Sun Woo's family since her husband was shit and has always been shit, but still, Da Kyung is not just an innocent princess.

All the actors delivered spectacular performances. Just wow, they left me speechless. Someone give an award to Kim Hee Ae and Park Hae Joon. I can't believe Hae Joon was hesitating whether he'd do a good job at portraying his character. Dude, you have my respect. It's been a while since I last saw such brilliant performance.

I would strongly recommend this if you're looking for a mature, complex drama with hella intense, gripping storyline and one of a kind characters. The World of the Married will make your blood boil but it's worth it.

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To My Star
17 people found this review helpful
by minarii Flower Award1
Feb 6, 2021
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Okay, I'll be short.

This drama is truly a blessing. It made me feel so happy and I haven't been really happy lately. It made me forget my irl problems for a second which is always hard. It gives you such a warm feeling, it's so beautiful. The fact that Korea managed to create such a good BL drama is awesome, I hope we can expect more good projects in the future. Well, I can't tell if they'll be better than To My Star, but even if it's half as good it'll be acceptable.

They managed to create a good, coherent storyline with well-doveloped and interesting characters and they did it within only 9 short episodes. It's honestly admirable. The writing is decent, there's actually a good plot going on and it ACTUALLY makes sense. And the directing... oh, god, the directing. It was simple yet brilliant. Every scene was amazingly shot. And the food shots... I wish we had more of them.

The chemistry between the leads was turly good, every scene with them made my heart skip a beat. The acting is unexpectedly good, if we consider the fact that the actors are young and don't have much experience. I fell in love with Son Woo Hyun and I have no regrets. His acting was so natural, I felt happy while watching him.

Overall, one of the best BLs I've seen and of course it's now one of my favourites. Would highly recommend it!

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It's Okay to Not Be Okay
50 people found this review helpful
Aug 9, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Okay, after all, It's Okay to Not Be Okay was an amazing journey. It's one of these dramas that deserve their hype and high ratings. The show stayed strong and mantained high quality from beginning to the end. I feel like nowadays, this is one thing that Korean dramas lack a lot.

While the drama looks like a cheesy romance at first glance, it is actually not. It's a story about healing, about learning to accept yourself, about learning how to accept others, about how it's okay not to be okay from time to time. I believe the drama had a great impact of the viewers who are struggling with life and needed to be comforted.

The plot itself could have been a lot better. The introduction was strong as well as the first half, then the second half was kind of inconsistent. But well, if it doesn't get overdramatic and way too cheesy, is it even a Korean drama?

The cast was very well-chosen and I must say, Kim Soo Hyun chose the perfect drama for his comeback. I was never a fan of his, but he won me here. He was simply perfect as the selfless Moon Gang Tae. His character went through so much and Soo Hyun portayed his emotions so well, I believed every word of his.

And there's our queen, Seo Ye Ji. Such a versatile actress, she can seriously pull off any role and she always looks stunning. Go Mun Yeong is not an easy character to pull off but she did it flawlessly. I can easily say that this is the best role of hers.

Oh Jung Se though... if this man doesn't win an award for this role--- Like, honestly, his performace was insanely good. A total show-stealer. He has all of my respect.

Overall, if you're looking for a good 2020 drama, then congrats, you just found it. An engaging story, a smartly written script, a couple with great chemistry, brilliant directing and an amazing cast -- what more do you need?

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Meow, the Secret Boy
52 people found this review helpful
Apr 30, 2020
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
Firstly, I would like to say that 6.5 is not a super low rating for me, it just means average. For me, Meow, the Secret Boy is simply an average show -- not too bad but not exceptionally good either.

The fact that the drama was shortened is kind of upsetting, because I can't imagine how sad the production team was when they saw the low ratings. However, I can't deny that there was no enough story to fill 16 episodes. And they kind of gave a proper closure to the story which was good.

So Meow is definitely a very cute, fluffy show and as a huge cat lover, I can't deny the fact that I kind of enjoyed watching it. I mean, the story is not the most brilliant thing ever, but it was nicely executed. The main couple is actually very cute and I found their interactions very sweet.

However, the main couple was pretty much the only thing I really loved in this drama. The second lead Jae Sun was such a pointless character. Sorry but I don't usually like second leads and you have to be a lot more to impress me. Here's a very unpopular opinion - I don't like Seo Ji Hoon's acting. Seriously, this man has one expression on his face all the time and he isn't convincing at all. If you look at his profile pic here on MDL, you'll see that expression of his. That is all he has. All. The. Time.

The acting was fine. Shin Ye Eun stole the show for me, her expressions and reactions were priceless. Myung Soo did a nice job at portraying Hong Jo and I think he suited this role very well. The only problem I had with the acting was Seo Ji Hoon. And he had a looot of scenes, quite unfortunately.

I was very impressed with the cinematography, though. The drama has some very pretty scenes which were definitely pleasing to the eyes. The OST was also cute, it suited the atmosphere of the show well.

So overall, would I recommend this show? Yes and no. If you're looking for something light-hearted and fluffy, then it might suit your taste and mood. Otherwise, this drama is not a must-watch and I don't think you'll miss a lot if you don't watch it.

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22 people found this review helpful
Feb 21, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0

''The day you wasted today is the tomorrow that someone who died yesterday so badly wished for.''

Whether you'll like ''Chocolate'' or not, it pretty much depends on your mood. If you are looking for intense melodrama which focuses mainly on the romance, then ''Chocolate'' is not for you. But if you are looking for a well-written, soothing story with unqiue main and supporting characters, then you hit the jackpot!

I'm almost never in the mood for melos which is why I didn't believe that I'll enjoy this one. I've read different opinions from different reviewers and even though I quite agree with some of the negative things they said, I can't lie that ''Chocolate'' is totally my cup of tea and I loved it even with its flaws.

I think the premise of the drama is a bit misleading -- it looks as if it's a story which focuses on the romance the most, but it's not like that. Actually, you have to wait (quite) a lot to see some heart-warming moments between the two main leads. ''Chocolate'' is one of the dramas that focuses on the supporting characters a lot and yes, I know that in a lot of kdramas that is extremely annoying. BUT it's not the same case here. The supporting characters in this drama were so interesting and loveable and I loved every second of them on the screen. The story takes place in a hospice which means that you'll encounter a lot of dying patients so beware that you'll bawl your eyes out. I loved how they appreciated every patient, how they showed their story and left a message to the viewers. I loved every side story -- the ahjumma and the director of the hospital's story was so heartbreaking and painful, yet very touching and beautiful. The FL-s brother -- Taehyun, was sometimes so annoying to the point that I wanted to slap him hard, but he had his own charm and he brought a different light to the story. Plus some of his words were so strong. So I really appreciated his characters, even though he was flawed. I even liked the scenes with Jun's parents especially in the first half. Well, his grandma was a bit... unlikeable.

Now let's get into my absolute favourite character -- Lee Jun played by the charming Jang Seung Jo. He is for sure the character that developed the most. I really hated his younger version, but he progressed with each episode and I fell in love with him easily. Extremely interesting person, whose life was pretty much ruined by his toxic family -- but who still wanted to change himself and live better. I was so pround of my man! Jang Seung Jo was flawless and I believe he was born to play this character. The bromance between Jun and his brother Kang was something that made me smile the most and the development of their relationship was so beautiful.

The main leads were also very strong and intiguing characters. Lee Kang is, undoubtedly, one of the best male leads out there! I'm not gonna lie, I completely fell in love with Yoon Kye Sang and the way he portrayed his character. Moon Cha Young is an actual strong female lead which is not that often seen in kdramaland. I've never been a big fan of Ha Ji Won; I know she is a good actress, but she has that very specific way of acting which isn't my cup of tea. But I have to admit, she was brilliant here and she definitely managed to impress me. Her acting was so real, it was obvious that she acted with her heart. The romance between Cha Young and Kang was amazing, their chemistry was very natural and convincing.

Yeah, there are a lot of things happening in ''Chocolate'', but they were very well-balanced. All the different characters and their different stories brought different nuances to the overall plot which was nice. There are still a few things that I kind of dislike: the time skips in the first few episodes were not very well done? And kinda confusing; the first half was more interesting that the second and the final episode could have been better but I still loved it; I believe some things needed more explanation but yeah, anyways. I don't think I'll ever rewatch this, because it just won't be the same.

So overall, ''Chocolate'' is a very heart-warming and well-written drama which will heal your heart and soul. It has a very soothing atmosphere which will make you escape from your reality. If you've seen ''Uncontrollably Fond'' by the same writer, maybe you should expect something similar to it but with better story and characters. :D

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Find Me in Your Memory
40 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2020
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Slow-burn stories are usually hit or miss for me. But ''Find Me In Your Memory'' is an exception - it was average, not the biggest hit but definitely not a miss. It has a heart-warming main storyline, beautiful romance and soothing atmosphere, but at the same time too many filler scenes and overused tropes.

There's no use of mentioning that the idea is far from original, the amnesia trope has been used so many times already and even though I'm totally sick of it, here it wasn't that bothering because it was part of the main concept of the show. The ''thriller'' elements though... they could have done a better job with the plot twist, I just couldn't care less about the stalker. I mean, I know it's not OCN so I shouldn't have expected the most shocking twist, but still, it wasn't even a 'twist'.

I'd hever thought that a romance between Kim Dong Wook and Moon Ga Young would actually work but it did quite nicely. Lee Jung Hoon and Ha Jin were imperfectly perfect for each other and their relationship developed very well. Dong Wook and Ga Young's chemistry was shockingly amazing and, ladies and gentlemen, we witnessed real kisses! God bless!

The second couple was cute, but I wish the controversy hadn't happened. Well, I hope Lee Jin Hyuk will be more careful from now on. Your whole career can be ruined for a second, dude, don't make stupid mistakes.

The acting was good overall. Moon Ga Young completely owns my heart. She devlivered such a subtle and brilliant performance and was perfect as Yeo Ha Jin. This role was made for her.

Overall, I would recommend Find Me In Your Memory if you're in a mood for a slow-burn romance melodrama. I don't think I would have managed to finish it if I didn't watch it while it was airing, it's a very slow-paced show and two episodes a week were more than enough for me not to get sick of the story.

It's not something special, but it's nice. I would even rewatch some scenes with the main leads, I simply loved them together!

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