Dropped 1/8
Love Alarm
3 people found this review helpful
by Demiya
Nov 11, 2022
1 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


Just No.

What is this? Was it written by amateurs or were the actors that bad? I'm definitely sure the concept of this drama is unique and promising.
What the...hell. It is one of those dramas that you have to immediately drop before any more precious moments of your life are lost watching this boring masterclass of a drama.
Why does it feel like they didn't match the theme with the directing?
For the first 40 minutes of the show that I managed to watch, I felt I was watching a "movie" because of the cinematography. Extremely slow paced and totally no harmony between the "love alarm" and the totality of the shots with the music.
And most importantly...the characters. God please make them actual characters....they totally feel shallow and artificial.

Just what were they trying to do here? Were the screen-writers, directors or producers too ambitious? Was it the "realistic" shallow acting? Was it the slow paced direction?

I don't know, and defining it won't change the fact that this drama exists. I wish rookie directors and writers will look at the first episode of this drama, as a guide on "How to NOT make Good Dramas". At least it will serve a purpose....

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Ongoing 2/16
Mental Coach Jegal
3 people found this review helpful
Sep 15, 2022
2 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.5

For the undecided...do press play

With two episodes in..i can tell it covers greed,selfishness,ambitions,hardwork,corruption and unfairness in the sports world.
First episode definitely dragged heavily in the middle.
It had a good start, a snooze fest middle but heavily adrenaline pick up towards the ending.
They got the acting part in the bag so i have no complaints on that.
A heavy sports theme but with heartache stories behind the participants. Definitely feels like a reality on the constipated world. The world is ugly with no fairness and the first episode uphold the helplessness that those not in power live by.
Definitely have the viewers chest feeling stuffy.

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Ongoing 1/8
When You Call My Name
3 people found this review helpful
Nov 6, 2018
1 of 8 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
I should admit that I am a sucker for a good documentary and that is exactly what this is. It's a short documentary that talks with both the K-Pop group MONSTA X and the American R&B singer Gallant. To be honest I knew nothing about Gallant before I watched this show and very little about MONSTA X, so this was a good way to be introduced to both .

This show is short (less than 30 minutes long) so it's an easy watch and it's full of all sorts of interesting interviews. I really enjoyed it. However the coolest thing was right at the end when MONSTA X and Gallant sang together. I expected Gallant to sing English lyrics, but he didn't...he sang in full on Korean and did it well. I was super impressed! Too often, we here in the USA, seem to expect others to do things "our way" and it was so neat to see this American R&B artist join in the "Korean way" and to do it well. Korean is a tough language to learn (I've been working on it for two years) and singing in it is super challenging when you don't do it all the time, so I found that part of the documentary extremely impressive.

I highly recommend this show!

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Dropped 5/40
Snow Eagle Lord
3 people found this review helpful
by Ggrosz
Jun 30, 2023
5 of 40 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.5

Too typical

I like period dramas and Xu Kai have done well in previous ones I have seen. He seems to be doing well in this kne too and i was enjoying it until the episode that their romance started.
It is starting to be too ttpical for most period dramas to have a hero who is in persuit of a goal and then romance starts. Then theres a friend or colleague that becomes a rival and end up being an enemy. I guess i just watched too many of this same plot back to back that now this series became the straw that broke the camels back for me.
Can someone produce a period series wherein the romance is just 25% of the series and the rest focused on achieving goals and dreams?
The female lead has a cold demeanor, Xu Kai's character has a cold demeanor. The brother of Xu Kai seems important but his story is going to slow.
The romance started before even having a slight explanation of where Xu Kai got his exemplary power. Yes his mother is a transcendent but his father is a regular joe. What made his more powerful than the others who has both parents as transcendent? The lead female acting at a point looks like shes just doing the job and her heart isnt into the role. It may just be me.
Other characters are good and enjoyable. Seriously the romance starting and i just lost interest.
My review is just my feelings and thoughts. I enourage all to watch it because it seems good. If you are not sick of the typical plot of hero after pursuit then starts a romance with a friend turning into an enemy because of a girl, then this is a good one to watch for you.
Production is good, costumes/wardrobe is good, I am not too crazt of the soundtrack tho, characters are good.

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Ongoing 3/24
Love Is in the Air
3 people found this review helpful
Dec 23, 2021
3 of 24 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 1.5
Rewatch Value 3.5

Ok the female lead is genuinely cringe

So I've just watched the first 3 episodes and I can't even continue anymore because the female lead is just straight up cringe

(not the female actress but the character itself)

And the male lead is perfect but I think the female lead is just too awkward and stupid
And hasn't even moved on from her ex like
Bruh it's been 2 years get over it.

I really hate shows with impossibly unlucky and clumsy ASF female leads.
That's why I also love dramas with strong female leads like: Begin Again, Intense Love, Skate into Love.

I really tried my best to like this drama but I just can't. Maybe if they made the female lead less awkward, less clumsy, I might like it.
Don't get me wrong tho I do like some clumsy fm leads but there's a limit to it. And this fm lead just went over the limit of "cutely clumsy"
To "stupidly clumsy"

Tbh idk why the male lead would even fall for her in the first place

Too bad, the male actor was amazing at once we get Married, so idk how he got into this drama

I don't even mind the bad quality because it was still back in 2018

But the female lead was just a complete turn off

This is just my opinion tho.
So of your really curious just go for it,
But for me curiosity killed the cat

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Dropped 2/16
The Kinnaree Conspiracy
3 people found this review helpful
Dec 25, 2022
2 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
This was on my to-watch list on Netflix and I was so sure I was gonna enjoy it. I mean apart from Nadech, Yaya and Got! This is the sort of story line I dig. A murder mystery. a smart woman ahead of her time and a very slight hint of romance (at ep 2 that is) but I'm gonna be dropping this because I can't stand the shouting and the shrieking anymore.
Indra puts down Pudsorn and Pudsorn seemingly despises him, I think this is because they don't know they are attrracted to each other yet. But boy does he shout at her and his eyes go all wide (with anger?) when he does this. Its a bit much. I'm at ep 2 and I've seen this maybe 6 times? But the deal breaker is all the shrieking and shouting by Jeeb and Pudsorn's aunt. I get that its comedy, but with p'Mee thrown into the mix (bad drunk, more shouting) it's a bit much for me. I think I will drop this,

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Dropped 2/16
Sh**ting Stars
3 people found this review helpful
by tiffu
Mar 8, 2024
2 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Sexual assault is not a joke.


I had originally been looking forward to watching this because of the female lead, but this is the worst K-Drama I've ever seen.

I was taken aback by the depiction of Africa. The stereotypical "Lion King" style of music, the yellow filter, acting like it's a generic undeveloped country, while the male lead is some "white savior" was crazy. Knowing it was only going to be part of the drama briefly, I decided I would try to keep watching... But it only got worse.

Sexual assault is not a joke! In Episode 2, the female lead was chased into a bathroom by the male lead (YES, THE MALE LEAD), who literally corned her in there. He begins to remove his belt to expose himself to prove to her that he's “sterile" as he's angry that reports were released, claiming that he is a eunuch (a typo). She looked horrified, shielding her eyes! If it wasn't for her coworkers rushing in, he really would have exposed himself. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen in a K-Drama. I could tell it was meant to be jokey. I don't know if the viewers were supposed to be okay with it because the two characters had history, but it wasn't okay! How can I continue to watch a K-Drama and root for this couple to happen when the male lead sexually harassed the female lead?

I've never dropped a K-Drama so fast in my life after that!

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Dropped 8/40
4 people found this review helpful
Jul 1, 2023
8 of 40 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Story--can I give it Zero? No? How about Negative?

Usually, I try, really, really hard to figure out what the writer/director/actors are thinking and find something clever, or something to redeem it.

In this case for a scant 4 episode Ren Jialun and the brother character are the only things to hold onto, until the director mind numbingly reins it in by episode 6 and I don't know why he did that because that's the only reason I was watching this drama.

For a story to work, you need one of the following things pretty much internationally to hold it together:
1. Characters want something they usually can't have or currently attain.
2. Characters NEED something they aren't aware of, but are promised to attain.
3. There is an established tone that the story promises to work on later to develop (admittedly, more of a Japanese thing).
4. There is a theme the drama promises to develop and tease out, then maybe twist later.
5. If you have none of those, and just characters running around, then the characters should at least be interesting until you can find the central event chain.

Guess what? The director/writer (same person) manages to cut this off by Episode 6. And struggles so hard that he has to include an unnatural event chain by episode 7-8. (i.e. it drops in rather that it blooming naturally out of the characters interacting with the events/tone/theme and then they create new events which then shape the character, etc.)

And then, OK, maybe you don't care about the previous, no plot, no interesting characters, but you want some knowledge base about *something*. Slow clap to the director/writer. You're denied. Because he constantly copy-pastes the top results from the search engine to make the psychologist character work. He doesn't understand anything about how it works. In Mr. Bad, which had less episodes, and a writer who has had, count 'em 2 scripts, they managed to include more psychology in the span of 2 episodes than this drama has in 8 and validly so. The script writer for Mr. Bad applied the basic principles of research, understand, and then integrate. Here, there is none of it. Meaning that a cotton candy Romance drama with half the episode count (about) managed to do more in research than this one did.

I've watched utter trash, but this is the first time I've witnessed a drama have no genre for over 6 episodes and still feel directionless for 8 episodes. And to be clear, I'm familiar with early Chinese dramas too, where it took a long time for the pitch, but in the long time setting up the characters, the drama promised a direction, kept good camera language, such as keeping the camera on the female lead for more than three seconds, and might even set up a theme, even if the events didn't really move. Using clever camera tricks for the sake of it is sooo rookie. In romance holding the shot and letting the actors emote is much better.

This drama has an utter gift to manage to not do that. And it's not that I don't understand "high art" or lack patience. I've watched Being John Malcovich, and really artsy pieces. I've also watched utter trash, and this drama manages to mindnumbingly surpass the fail for "Watch this for B-move entertainment", watch for an actor because they are trying something new and also feel so in love with itself while failing, that I want to cry.

The music is rated lower because he uses classical pieces so he didn't have to pay for a music director, and so he could get lots of unnecessary special effects like cars flipping over.

This would be my recommendations to the director/writer:

How you go 20 years in the business and manage this hard to fail is beyond me. I'm open to artists improving and changing, but stop copy-pasting from the internet and try to grasp what the articles that contain the definitions are saying about the item. Go and experience it, or ask experts. Make the characters WANT or NEED something, and if you're advancing in the ranks, you'll choose a theme and tone. And if you're trying for romance, the meetcute should be in episode 1, not 2, or a really good promise made in episode 1 on how they will meet and how epic it will be when they do (Outlander does this, US drama). If you're trying a new genre, get a supporting writer to help you out, OR do the thing that the Hong Sisters do, which is find a work to adapt so you get what the genre expectations are. Also, it's better to not self-glorify. And stop reining in actor's improvisation. Ren Jialun acting a bit overboard was the best. Him having multiple takes included, and acting overthe top was soo good--play on that, alter the script on that, let it be the plot. Pick a direction ahead of time, and integrate it throughout, and you might find your episode count is only 24 episodes. Hiring good actors to do scripts as poor as this is a crime. I hope the actors were paid well at least...

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Ongoing 6/40
The Longest Promise
9 people found this review helpful
by mhlpau
Jul 4, 2023
6 of 40 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

So much beauty

I am in love with this drama, the story is soul wrenching and the acting is so good , it looks like they descending from the novel
It is like a fairy tale , music and lanscape are so beautiful that they touch your soul
Xiao zhan is out of this world and ren min is just like in the novel and the rest of the crew is very talented
Don’t believe the antis, recent development of xiao zhan just made them deadly jealous
I am really happy if i will be able to see it on netflix because Vip policy of wetv is just annoying , as an international user you can not buy it or at least i didn’t manage

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Dropped 15/30
Cute Programmer
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 7, 2021
15 of 30 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


No need to review it because it is a trash...trash......trash.........trash.......trash......trash...... dustbin........ dustbin.......shit.......shit......trash..........trash................................trash.........yess it is a trash.................................I need to write 500 words but I don't know which word I should use to describe this drama other then trash,shit and dustbin,,.....................




The end

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Ongoing 5/10
1 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2021
5 of 10 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

Nevertheless: Redflags Signs for Dating

Firstly, this is not your typical or cliche drama series. There will be some scenes that are not for children. First Impression, I like how they push with this kind of stories, and props for the casts for accepting these roles, especially for Song Kang and Han Soo Hee.

I like the story concept and highlighting all the red flags and warning Na-bi for it, but we see that Na-bi blinded all the red flags presented and goes on with the relationship. We can see the development of how the red flags are really affected in a relationship if we, as humans, don't ignore them in a small amount. We are represented as Na-bi.

We will see her journey in those red flags being affected in Na-bi's life and relationships.

But this is general for the episodes that are released. I'll be back for the full review.

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Dropped 2/12
I Will Knock You
10 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2022
2 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 5
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

I will knock you ... its knocking itself out

The series is, to put it kindly, boring and predictable ... the story is childish, childishly constructed, as if someone desperately needed to fill a broadcast slot with nonsense, the acting is not even at amateur level ... mostly the acting of the actors is childish and stupid ... okay, maybe the actors are not to blame in the first place, but the story and the direction certainly are. This could have been done much better ... Watching the first 10 min of the 2nd episode finally gave me the rest ... I abandoned the time-wasting ridiculous amateurish series. Watching the show is time theft.
I gave a 1 as rewatch value as there had to something in ... its really not worth watching a 2nd time

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Ongoing 3/16
Under the Queen's Umbrella
12 people found this review helpful
by AtlLee
Oct 24, 2022
3 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 5
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cross dressing prince and his understanding mother

I typically enjoy historical dramas as I find them fascinating. I prefer the traditional ones where characters act and talk like they belong in that time period. I guess this one is called fusion drama (?) where it’s a mix of old and modern ways of doing things. I did enjoy the first couple of episodes because even though these historical shows are all about palace politics, I found this angle to be fresh and intriguing. The queen trying to save her own princes from certain death while trying to hide the crown prince’s seemingly incurable illness. This premise was fascinating and I loved Kim Hye Su’s performance as the queen.

Well, that was until I watch the third episode where we find out one of the queen’s own sons is a cross dresser who likes to wear make up. The palace people find out about it including the queen grandmother who seems to have no love for these princes. I guess all that is certainly a possibility and the queen trying to hide the fact is also a possibility. What I have a hard time believing is that the queen not only empathized with the prince, she took the prince out of the palace in the middle of the night (without even trying to cover themselves) and took him to some guy who painted the prince dressed up as a woman? What? Wouldn’t this artist tell others? What was he told in the first place? Completely ridiculous. I don’t know where this is going but it’s completely out of the question in this time period. If you wan to insert your 2022 PC stuff, at least use the appropriate time period. I have no idea why they thought a plot line like this was even necessary but hopefully, they’ll move on from this arc.

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Ongoing 3/35
A Romance of the Little Forest
9 people found this review helpful
Sep 16, 2022
3 of 35 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

More nerd make leads please?

Simple cute fluffy romance
You can never get enough of such.
Solid acting
A difference from the usual bossy overbearing harrassing male lead with power dynamics to the female.
Breathe of fresh air for a charming guy though aloof that actually is portrayed like a gentleman
And a smart female lead playing dumb so as to get revenge on the guy who once rejected her.
More of a binging show so i advice to wait till its done, unfortunately for me.
But i will be seated as it updates
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Ongoing 4/23
Lost You Forever Season 2
4 people found this review helpful
Jul 9, 2024
4 of 23 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Finally a drama worthy of a 10!

Ive been waiting for the second half to come out for what feels like forever! How lucky can a FL be to have 3 gorgeous men vying for her affection? While I know Xiang Liu / Fangfeng Bei will not win the girl, I still find myself rooting for him. He's done so much for her and you can see how much he loves her. He would protect her and never sleep with another woman. I don't get why she chooses a cheater. Anyway so far loving the story and cannot wait to see how it ends.
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