Autumn Shower
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

O Amor no Limite da Traição

Autumn Shower, transmitido pela MBS, é um dorama que explora os complexos dilemas morais que surgem em um triângulo amoroso. A trama segue dois amigos que se apaixonam pela mesma mulher, mas a situação se torna ainda mais complicada quando a esposa de um deles sofre um acidente e entra em coma. O outro amigo, que já nutria sentimentos por ela, começa a se aproximar, gerando conflitos internos e externos.

O ponto forte de Autumn Shower é a maneira como ele lida com temas de culpa, lealdade e traição. O ritmo lento e contemplativo permite que o público mergulhe nos dilemas emocionais dos personagens, que lutam entre suas emoções e suas responsabilidades morais. O dorama é visualmente belo, com cenas melancólicas que complementam o tom sério e emocional da história.

Ideal para quem gosta de histórias sobre relações humanas complexas, Autumn Shower oferece uma exploração profunda de sentimentos conflitantes e as consequências de escolhas difíceis no amor.

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Delightful Girl, Choon Hyang
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
17 of 17 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Uma Atualização Vibrante de um Clássico

Delightful Girl, Choon Hyang é uma adaptação moderna de uma famosa lenda coreana, transmitida pela KBS2 em 2005. O dorama conta a história de Choon Hyang, uma jovem espirituosa e independente, e Mong Ryong, um rapaz rebelde e despreocupado. Após uma série de mal-entendidos, os dois acabam se casando em circunstâncias improváveis, mas o amor verdadeiro demora a florescer, à medida que enfrentam obstáculos e rivais.

Este dorama é conhecido por sua abordagem leve e divertida, equilibrando perfeitamente a comédia com o romance. Os protagonistas têm uma química incrível, e a evolução de seu relacionamento, de brigas a paixão, é o ponto alto da trama. Delightful Girl, Choon Hyang também se destaca pela sua modernidade ao retratar personagens femininas fortes e por subverter alguns dos clichês típicos dos dramas românticos.

Com um enredo vibrante e personagens carismáticos, este dorama é ideal para quem procura uma história engraçada e comovente, que faz referência a uma tradição cultural, mas com uma abordagem contemporânea.

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0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
2 of 2 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

Confrontos de Destino e Emoções

Transmitido pela MBS, Encounter (2005) é um dorama que gira em torno do acaso e das circunstâncias que unem duas pessoas de mundos diferentes. A história acompanha o relacionamento entre dois estranhos que, após um encontro casual, descobrem uma conexão emocional inesperada. O dorama se desenrola à medida que seus mundos se entrelaçam, trazendo à tona as complexidades do amor em um cenário moderno.

Encounter se destaca pela sua narrativa delicada, que explora os desafios e as surpresas da vida, mostrando como um simples encontro pode mudar destinos. A série trabalha bem com temas de destino, coincidência e escolhas de vida, tudo com uma estética elegante e diálogos bem construídos.

Este dorama é perfeito para quem gosta de romances sutis e emocionais, com uma narrativa focada no desenvolvimento de personagens e nas escolhas que moldam seus caminhos. Encounter é uma jornada emocional tranquila, mas impactante.

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Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Uma Comédia Romântica com Lições de Vida

Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy é uma comédia romântica charmosa que narra a relação entre Na Bo-ri, uma professora de 25 anos que retorna à sua antiga escola para ensinar, e Park Tae-in, um estudante rebelde que começa a se apaixonar por ela. Bo-ri, que está determinada a superar seu passado problemático, tenta controlar seus sentimentos enquanto lida com as travessuras e o charme de Tae-in.

A força de Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy reside na sua leveza e no humor, que equilibra bem o romance com momentos cômicos e toques dramáticos. O dorama explora a dinâmica professor-aluno de uma forma peculiar, misturando emoções genuínas e crescimento pessoal com situações engraçadas. A protagonista é encantadora, e a química entre os dois personagens principais mantém a narrativa envolvente e divertida.

Este dorama é perfeito para quem busca uma história romântica descomplicada, mas com profundidade emocional e momentos de puro entretenimento.


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0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
26 of 26 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Um Romance de Renascimento e Redenção

Phoenix (2004), da MBS, é um dorama que aborda o tema do renascimento emocional e da segunda chance no amor. A trama gira em torno de um casal que, após se separarem em circunstâncias dolorosas, se reencontra anos depois em uma situação completamente diferente. Ela, outrora rica, agora enfrenta dificuldades, enquanto ele, antes pobre, transformou-se em um empresário de sucesso. O reencontro reacende sentimentos adormecidos e coloca em xeque o passado e as escolhas que os separaram.

A narrativa de Phoenix é intensa e cheia de reviravoltas emocionais. Os personagens são moldados por suas experiências passadas, e suas interações são carregadas de dor, arrependimento e paixão. O dorama habilmente constrói o suspense em torno de se o casal conseguirá superar seus erros do passado e se reconectar. A direção utiliza simbolismos visuais, como o fogo e a cinza, para representar a destruição e a renovação que permeiam a história.

Com atuações fortes e uma trama que aborda o perdão, o orgulho e a chance de recomeçar, Phoenix é um dorama emocionalmente poderoso, ideal para quem busca uma história de redenção e amores que resistem ao tempo.

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War of the Roses
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
23 of 23 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Conflitos Amorosos e Intrigas no Mundo Jurídico

Transmitido pela MBS, War of the Roses é um dorama centrado em um grupo de advogados e as complexas relações amorosas e profissionais que surgem entre eles. A série explora as batalhas tanto dentro quanto fora do tribunal, com os personagens lutando para equilibrar suas ambições de carreira com suas vidas pessoais tumultuadas. Com uma mistura de drama jurídico e romance, o dorama se destaca por seu tom sofisticado e os dilemas éticos enfrentados pelos protagonistas.

War of the Roses combina intrigas de escritório, rivalidades e romances proibidos, criando um enredo dinâmico que mantém o público em suspense. As tensões entre os personagens são acentuadas pelas complicações de seus casos jurídicos e pelos conflitos emocionais que surgem em meio às disputas de poder. Além disso, a série explora como o amor pode influenciar as decisões profissionais e como as carreiras podem impactar negativamente os relacionamentos.

Com personagens fortes e um enredo repleto de reviravoltas, War of the Roses oferece uma visão fascinante dos bastidores do mundo jurídico, enquanto traz à tona questões sobre ambição, lealdade e amor. Ideal para quem gosta de dramas intensos com uma dose de romance e dilemas éticos.

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Love Story in Harvard
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 3.0

Romance e Ambição no Prestigiado Cenário Acadêmico

Transmitido pela SBS, Love Story in Harvard é um dorama romântico ambientado nos corredores da prestigiada universidade de Harvard. A história segue dois estudantes coreanos — um estudante de direito e uma estudante de medicina — que se encontram e se apaixonam enquanto perseguem suas respectivas carreiras acadêmicas. O dorama explora não apenas o relacionamento romântico entre os protagonistas, mas também as pressões e desafios de viver e estudar no exterior, lidando com ambições pessoais e dificuldades culturais.

Love Story in Harvard é notável por seu cenário único e pela maneira como entrelaça romance com o ambiente acadêmico competitivo. A narrativa captura as tensões e desafios de equilibrar amor e carreira, ao mesmo tempo em que explora temas como sacrifício, dedicação e o peso das escolhas profissionais. Os personagens principais têm uma química envolvente, e o cenário internacional adiciona um toque glamouroso à história.

Com uma combinação de romance, drama acadêmico e dilemas de vida, Love Story in Harvard é um dorama perfeito para aqueles que buscam uma história apaixonante que se passa em um ambiente sofisticado e inspirador.

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Cosmetic Playlover
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
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Poderia ser ótimo!

No geral: algo não funcionou muito bem para mim, mas adoraria ver os atores em uma nova série. Isso é baseado em um mangá que li, embora tenha tentado revisá-lo por seus próprios méritos (o mangá tem muitas cenas NSFW). 8 episódios com cerca de 24 minutos cada.
O que eu gostei
- O personagem foi honesto no episódio 1
- Premissa clara
- Vários personagens foram introduzidos, mas não fiquei confuso
- Momentos doces
- Família e colega de trabalho solidários
- Teve uma boa comunicação

O que considero como melhoria:
- O personagem Tsundere manda Natsume “se preparar” e, nessa altura, basicamente não faz nada, eles comem espaguete, dá um abraço, falta intensidade no relacionamento deles.
-O drama de trabalho era desinteressante (mesmo sendo adaptado do mangá)
- O episódio 5 chegou tarde demais para dar a perspectiva do outro personagem/explicar sua motivação
- Natsume confiava em um total estranho em vez de em seu namorado e repetidamente ignorou os limites
- Aquela competição estúpida no episódio 8 sem cláusula
E é isso! ??

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When a Man Loves a Woman
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

O Poder Transformador do Amor

When a Man Loves a Woman é um dorama que explora a profundidade dos relacionamentos amorosos, focando no sacrifício, na redenção e na capacidade do amor de transformar vidas. A história gira em torno de um homem que, após ter sua vida emocional devastada, encontra uma nova chance de amor em uma mulher que traz luz e esperança ao seu mundo sombrio. O dorama aborda os altos e baixos dos relacionamentos, com um enfoque especial nas emoções intensas e nos dilemas morais enfrentados pelos personagens.

When a Man Loves a Woman é uma história emocionalmente carregada, com uma narrativa que enfatiza o impacto que o amor verdadeiro pode ter sobre pessoas marcadas pelo passado. Os personagens são complexos e multifacetados, e a atuação dos protagonistas faz o público sentir cada nuance do drama que se desenrola. A série também traz uma abordagem madura sobre perdão e cura emocional.

Este dorama é ideal para quem gosta de histórias de amor profundas, onde o foco está nas lutas emocionais e nos sacrifícios que as pessoas fazem em nome do amor. When a Man Loves a Woman oferece um enredo rico e emocional que cativa o público até o fim.

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Oh! Pil Seung And Bong Soon Young
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

Um Romance Cômico de Destinos Cruzados

Transmitido pela KBS2, Oh! Pil Seung and Bong Soon Young é uma comédia romântica centrada em dois personagens com vidas bastante diferentes que acabam se cruzando de forma inesperada. Pil Seung, um jovem despreocupado que herda uma fortuna, e Bong Soon Young, uma mulher ambiciosa e trabalhadora, encontram-se em uma série de situações cômicas que gradualmente se transformam em um romance. O contraste entre as personalidades dos dois protagonistas cria o humor e o charme da série.

O que destaca Oh! Pil Seung and Bong Soon Young é seu equilíbrio entre comédia e romance. O roteiro, cheio de diálogos engraçados e momentos descontraídos, mantém o público entretido, enquanto o relacionamento entre os protagonistas se desenvolve de maneira cativante. O dorama também explora temas como o destino, as responsabilidades inesperadas e a importância de encontrar o verdadeiro propósito na vida.

Com um enredo leve e personagens adoráveis, este dorama é uma opção divertida para quem procura uma comédia romântica clássica, com um toque de emoção e lições de vida. A química entre os atores principais e as situações engraçadas tornam Oh! Pil Seung and Bong Soon Young uma série fácil de assistir e desfrutar.

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Second Proposal
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
22 of 22 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Oportunidades para o Amor e a Redescoberta

Transmitido pela KBS2 em 2004, Second Proposal conta a história de uma mulher de meia-idade que, após um casamento fracassado, recebe uma segunda chance de encontrar o amor e redescobrir sua própria identidade. A trama gira em torno da protagonista, que lida com os desafios da vida pós-divórcio, enquanto tenta equilibrar sua vida familiar e suas próprias ambições. O dorama aborda temas como o amor maduro, a reconstrução emocional e os segredos da felicidade.

Second Proposal traz uma abordagem sincera e emocional para a questão do recomeço. O desenvolvimento da personagem principal é o ponto central da narrativa, mostrando a evolução de uma mulher que decide tomar as rédeas de sua própria vida. O romance neste dorama é tratado com uma delicadeza única, focando nas complexidades dos relacionamentos em diferentes fases da vida e nas segundas oportunidades.

Para aqueles que apreciam histórias sobre crescimento pessoal, Second Proposal é uma trama tocante e inspiradora que celebra o amor, não importa em que fase da vida ele chegue. É um dorama sobre esperança e renovação, com personagens cativantes e uma narrativa envolvente.

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Knight Flower
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0



Me pareció asombroso como estaba contada la historia, no me pareció aburrida, no tenía malentendidos innecesarios. Me gustaron los romances que se generaron. Me gustaría saber quién es el o la guionista. Me gustaría saber más de sus trabajos me gusto el desarrollo de los hechos, las sorpresas, los villanos.

Me gustaron todos, satisfecha con todos los actores. Y alabo que ante la manera que fue contada cada rol se sintió importante y especial haciendo más memorable la participacion de ese actor.

Un tema fue mí favorito. Me gusta el sonido elegido en general. Y me agradaron las canciones.

Valor de repetición
Mírala cuántas veces tu corazón requiera.

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Better Days
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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chorei como uma condenada *piadas a parte*.

esse filme foi... algo. no começo, eu achei que ele ia ser meio bleh porque sei como a asia normaliza bullying nas escolas e normalmente é raro ver um filme em que a vítima não é vista como a culpada, mas esse me surpreendeu muito, eu fiquei chocada com o final porque não era algo que eu estava esperando... tipo eu li a sinopse, mas eu achei que era somente sobre a primeira morte, então quando teve mais uma morte, isso me chocou muito.

não tem muitas cenas de romance, eu diria até que eles não são um 'casal' com cenas clichês e fofas no filme, visto que eles se beijaram apenas duas vezes e por circunstâncias em que ambos estavam em perigo e precisavam fazer aquilo para salvarem a si mesmo, mas eu gostei bastante desse fato de não terem ficado tanto assim em um romance tradicional e sim focado neles se acolhendo em meio todas as situações que ambos passaram, o filme te vende a imagem de que será uma garota estudiosa e toda certinha e um bad boy como um verdadeiro clichê, mas é muito mais do que isso.

na verdade, eu diria que eles são apenas dois adolescentes quebrados e cheio de cicatrizes, mas que encontrarão conforto um no outro e a vontade de continuar sobrevivendo mesmo sabendo o quão injusto o mundo é.

"você intimida ou você é intimidado". essa parte me fez chorar um pouco e lembrar de coisas do passado... o filme é muito bom, mas você tem que estar preparado para chorar bastante, na metade do filme eu estava tranquila e pensando se era só aquilo, mas quando o verdadeiro plot começou foi apenas lagrimas atrás de lagrimas, o final foi inusitado para mim, mas de uma forma boa, eu gostei de como foi e não tenho nada a reclamar a respeito disso, confesso que fiquei curiosa para saber como foram os quatro anos dela na cadeia, mas acho que seria algo que já esperávamos com ela tentando resistir e lembrando que quando saísse de lá poderia encontrar ele e assim eles poderiam recomeçar de novo em um ambiente melhor.

e não posso esquecer de escrever sobre a parte mais fofa: no final, ela protege uma aluna que aparentemente está sofrendo bullying levando a menina até a casa dela e ele segue atrás delas, mas dessa vez sem esconder o rosto, ele mante a promessa que enquanto ela estivesse protegendo o mundo e os mais fracos, ele estaria protegendo-a. ❤️

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Present Still Perfect
0 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Anusorn Soisa-ngim, the irreverent, the illusionist

Anusorn Soisa-ngim is a 35-year-old Thai man with a frank smile and happy eyes, a clean-shaven beard and modern pants and shirts as his clothing of choice, in which there is no shortage of the image of Britney Spears, which along with love is the other thing in this world that you believe in.
He looks like a high school math teacher. However, sometimes I imagine him in another way, with a wardrobe of bright colors, an earring in his ear and a bohemian air, and in his hands a banner with a motto drawn in the colors of the rainbow, in the middle of a crowd, fighting for the right to equal marriage and the end of the discrimination to which LGBT+ people are subjected in their nation, or actively participating in other protests against harassment and marginalization carried out by executives in the Thai entertainment industry.
Perhaps this way, Aam, as he likes to be called, was more similar to his film work, because Anusorn Soisa-ngim is not dedicated to teaching logarithmic equations to inattentive teenagers: his job is to be a Thai iconoclast or, what is the same, one of the most unique authors of contemporary world cinema.
From his beginnings on the big screen as a screenwriter and director, Aam showed his ways as an original creator. With great artistic skills and indie creation, he says what he thinks and, above all, tells the truth.
Eternal nonconformist and controversial to the core, but never apologetic, few filmmakers can boast in their entire careers the significance of the titles they have delivered from 2012 to date. His debut was with 'Present Perfect', a short film made during his university years, in which he filmed a story related to himself, which would be taken up five years later in a film with the same title, with which he set out to bring back to Toey and Oat, his main characters, with the aim that the audience enjoyed his realistic perspective on what he believes about love, and with the key message that if you think in a new and different way, sometimes it is much better than you expect.
It would then be followed by the films 'Bangkok Dark Tales' (2019), and 'There Is No Space for Me' (2014), the three seasons of '2moons: The Series' (Mello Thailand, 2019), the documentary 'BL Broken Fantasy ' (2020), the feature film 'Present Still Perfect' (with which the cycle momentarily closes, but another installment is planned), the film series 'Call It What You Want' (GagaOOLala, 2021), which includes 'It's Complicated', and the film series 'Till the World Ends', the latter two from 2023.
Their creations share a taste for telling realistic stories that reflect their own lives, or about how they wish society was, how they wish people would treat each other. Despite the stylistic variations between each work, one cannot escape the feeling that they point to the same essences, convictions, fears, securities, philias and intimate worldviews of the author. As if Anusorn Soisa-ngim created a portal to his mind through his filmography, because the Thai director believes in the power of telling stories, in creating content that speaks to people, that makes them feel, think and question . He ultimately believes in being unapologetically himself, no matter what the industry says.
His journey has not been easy. After graduating in 2014, the filmmaker dove headfirst into the world of glitz and glamor that is the entertainment industry, only to discover that it's more about who you know than what you can do. But here's the kicker: Instead of following their rules, Anusorn Soisa-ngim made his own. And that provoked the anger of the hierarchy.
Inspired by real events, 'Call It What You Want' reflected the pressure of the BL industry on artists: plastic surgery, strict diets and, worst of all, the suffering to which young actors are subjected when they are harassed by film producers series, in addition to the need to keep the relationships between many of the protagonists of these dramas a secret from the company and fans. This meant an attempt to silence him.
Being banned from the entertainment industry has meant for him that he is not chained to having to follow guidelines, so he can break the rules and, although he does not have money for his creations, he has been able to push the limits and create art that really means something, without fear that it may generate controversy.
Aam's cinema has as many tricks as a conjurer. Characterized by telling real, raw stories full of passion, his works are about people, life, struggles and triumphs, and that is what makes them unforgettable. His creations go from laughter to horror as they reflect the sexual harassment of young actors by executives in the entertainment industry, or the promises that giving them their bodies would guarantee them entry to Earthly Paradise; but perennially having as its main theme the romance between boys.
Always trying to be himself and, at the same time, trying to understand what the fans really want to see.
Away from fiction, but about it, in the documentary 'BL Broken Fantasy' he addresses the behind-the-scenes of BL. Starring Bright and Win, the protagonists of the famous BL 'Still 2gether', Anusorn Soisa-ngim himself and a group of directors, producers, actors and scriptwriters of the genre, including Aof Noppharnach, Vachirawit Chivaaree and Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, try answer questions such as: Where does the BL series come from? Why are Yaoi fangirls devoting themselves physically and financially to BL?
Revered in 2022 as the best-selling BL sales director, in 2023 he was the Filmmaker of the Pride Month. He was nominated twice for the Asian Contents Awards, the first in 2020 thanks to '2moons: The Series', and then the following year with his second series, 'Call It What You Want', with which he was also nominated for an award. Content Asia, for "illuminating the struggles of independent filmmakers in the cutthroat entertainment sector." This series of films reveals, through the lens of Aam Anusorn, a tapestry of challenges, triumphs, and eternal perseverance.
Known for his unique approach to storytelling, drawing inspiration from his own experiences to create stories, Aam has made a name for himself in the independent film industry, and founded his own production company, COM'ME'TIVE By Aam, while still He was in his second year at Bangkok University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in Film and Performing Arts.


Aam's most notable work to date is 'Present Perfect', which he adapted from the original 2012 short film. It is considered the first Thai film to receive funding from the government of Hokkaido, Japan.
The film revolves around Toey, a young Thai man who, after a painful breakup, decides to heal his broken heart in the Japanese city of Higashikawa, where he meets Oat, a man who travels to Japan to experience freedom for the last time in his life, because he is about to get married. From strangers to friends, romance blossoms between the two. Before returning to the "real" world, the two men have to pick up the broken pieces and rebuild them.
Starring Kritsana Maroukasonti as Oat and Tonawanik Adisorn as Toey, for her 2017 debut, Aam Anusorn Soisa-Ngim drew on him own experiences to tell this romantic story that will take the viewer on a moving journey as the characters follow the simple quest of love The encounter forms a beautiful relationship between two men, because each has his own trauma.
For the filmmaker, recovering these characters, especially Oat and Toey, was like seeing himself.
Produced by Nuttachai Jiraanont, Tanwarin Sukapisit and Chen Rong Hua, the film won the Best Film Award at the Amsterdam LGBTQ Film Festival in the Netherlands and was screened at many film festivals around the world, including the World Festival Bangkok Film Festival, the Serile Filmului International Gay Film Festival, Romania, and the Western Visayas Film Festival, Philippines.
Then, the film ended inconclusively, in the airport scene in which both young people have to separate. The director faced a dilemma, when one is about to accept or delete the other's friend request. And he chose to just leave it there, because he wanted people to create their own ending. "Those were those times, in 2017, when gay marriage was something we didn't talk about in Thailand," he told the press at the time.
While 'Present Perfect' is more realistic and intended to be true to life, 'Present Still Perfect', released on March 12, 2020, offers a more idealistic view of same-sex relationships in modern Thailand, while the A pair of former lovers reunites once again on the remote island of Koh Kood.
Four years after what is told in 'Present Perfect', Toey meets Oat at the airport and all his pain returns. In an attempt to cope with her pain, he decides to travel to Koh Kood where he meets Jane (Darina Boonchu), the guesthouse owner who recently discovered that her husband was having an affair, and Kenta (Ryota Omi), a traveler from Japan who was staying at his house.
The peace and beauty of the island brought Toey joy again, but he knew he couldn't ignore her feelings for Oat forever. Until one night he receives a message from Oat about how much he missed him. Toey responds by stating that he loves him too, because deep down being with Oat is all he wants, but he is cautious, knowing that his love is forbidden. The next morning, Oat appears on Koh Kood. Now Toey has to decide whether to follow his heart and rekindle his relationship with Oat or let him go since they can never truly be together.
'Present Still Perfect' is more about how Aam wishes society was. With his dream of getting married one day still unfulfilled, the filmmaker needed his dream to come true, at least on screen. For this reason, he did not hesitate to see his characters triumph in love. "I feel like I'm already married, even though that's not the truth. So yeah, the reason I keep coming back to these characters is because I want them to be successful in love, and ultimately they were."
The sequel to 'Present Perfect' makes a clear statement in favor of same-sex marriage.
And if on the one hand, the film has contributed to changing mentalities and making visible people from the LGBT+ community and their struggles for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Thailand, it also leaves another clear message: the act of letting go, the act of forgiving. If your husband is gay and you already knew it because you have been with him for years, you have to learn to let go and accept the truth.
In 2018 he did not have the budget to film the second part because no one supported him. Then one of his fans suggested, "Why don't you go to and then do some crowdfunding?" And after a lot of thinking: "Who is going to pay me the money? I'm a nobody. Nobody cares about me. Why do I have to?", he discovered one day that he had enough money to embark on that other trip. .
On the other hand, much of 'Present Perfect' and its sequel deal with cultural differences. In 'Present Still Perfect', for example, a Japanese character explains how in Japan it is considered disrespectful to let an old woman take her seat on the bus.
However, what is truly extraordinary is the cinematographic wrapping of these topics in films and series that leave the unmistakable feeling of being unique.
This, and no other, is the key to Anusorn Soisa-Ngim's exceptionality. If we look closely, the themes are not different from those of hundreds of authors, many of them also Thai, no matter how much personal quirks are sought in their work. However, his way of conceiving stories on celluloid has such a singularity that there is no other choice but to applaud and applaud him, like the magician who has just pulled a white rabbit out of his hat.

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Present Perfect
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22 days ago
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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Anusorn Soisa-ngim, the irreverent, the illusionist

Anusorn Soisa-ngim is a 35-year-old Thai man with a frank smile and happy eyes, a clean-shaven beard and modern pants and shirts as his clothing of choice, in which there is no shortage of the image of Britney Spears, which along with love is the other thing in this world that you believe in.
He looks like a high school math teacher. However, sometimes I imagine him in another way, with a wardrobe of bright colors, an earring in his ear and a bohemian air, and in his hands a banner with a motto drawn in the colors of the rainbow, in the middle of a crowd, fighting for the right to equal marriage and the end of the discrimination to which LGBT+ people are subjected in their nation, or actively participating in other protests against harassment and marginalization carried out by executives in the Thai entertainment industry.
Perhaps this way, Aam, as he likes to be called, was more similar to his film work, because Anusorn Soisa-ngim is not dedicated to teaching logarithmic equations to inattentive teenagers: his job is to be a Thai iconoclast or, what is the same, one of the most unique authors of contemporary world cinema.
From his beginnings on the big screen as a screenwriter and director, Aam showed his ways as an original creator. With great artistic skills and indie creation, he says what he thinks and, above all, tells the truth.
Eternal nonconformist and controversial to the core, but never apologetic, few filmmakers can boast in their entire careers the significance of the titles they have delivered from 2012 to date. His debut was with 'Present Perfect', a short film made during his university years, in which he filmed a story related to himself, which would be taken up five years later in a film with the same title, with which he set out to bring back to Toey and Oat, his main characters, with the aim that the audience enjoyed his realistic perspective on what he believes about love, and with the key message that if you think in a new and different way, sometimes it is much better than you expect.
It would then be followed by the films 'Bangkok Dark Tales' (2019), and 'There Is No Space for Me' (2014), the three seasons of '2moons: The Series' (Mello Thailand, 2019), the documentary 'BL Broken Fantasy ' (2020), the feature film 'Present Still Perfect' (with which the cycle momentarily closes, but another installment is planned), the film series 'Call It What You Want' (GagaOOLala, 2021), which includes 'It's Complicated', and the film series 'Till the World Ends', the latter two from 2023.
Their creations share a taste for telling realistic stories that reflect their own lives, or about how they wish society was, how they wish people would treat each other. Despite the stylistic variations between each work, one cannot escape the feeling that they point to the same essences, convictions, fears, securities, philias and intimate worldviews of the author. As if Anusorn Soisa-ngim created a portal to his mind through his filmography, because the Thai director believes in the power of telling stories, in creating content that speaks to people, that makes them feel, think and question . He ultimately believes in being unapologetically himself, no matter what the industry says.
His journey has not been easy. After graduating in 2014, the filmmaker dove headfirst into the world of glitz and glamor that is the entertainment industry, only to discover that it's more about who you know than what you can do. But here's the kicker: Instead of following their rules, Anusorn Soisa-ngim made his own. And that provoked the anger of the hierarchy.
Inspired by real events, 'Call It What You Want' reflected the pressure of the BL industry on artists: plastic surgery, strict diets and, worst of all, the suffering to which young actors are subjected when they are harassed by film producers series, in addition to the need to keep the relationships between many of the protagonists of these dramas a secret from the company and fans. This meant an attempt to silence him.
Being banned from the entertainment industry has meant for him that he is not chained to having to follow guidelines, so he can break the rules and, although he does not have money for his creations, he has been able to push the limits and create art that really means something, without fear that it may generate controversy.
Aam's cinema has as many tricks as a conjurer. Characterized by telling real, raw stories full of passion, his works are about people, life, struggles and triumphs, and that is what makes them unforgettable. His creations go from laughter to horror as they reflect the sexual harassment of young actors by executives in the entertainment industry, or the promises that giving them their bodies would guarantee them entry to Earthly Paradise; but perennially having as its main theme the romance between boys.
Always trying to be himself and, at the same time, trying to understand what the fans really want to see.
Away from fiction, but about it, in the documentary 'BL Broken Fantasy' he addresses the behind-the-scenes of BL. Starring Bright and Win, the protagonists of the famous BL 'Still 2gether', Anusorn Soisa-ngim himself and a group of directors, producers, actors and scriptwriters of the genre, including Aof Noppharnach, Vachirawit Chivaaree and Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, try answer questions such as: Where does the BL series come from? Why are Yaoi fangirls devoting themselves physically and financially to BL?
Revered in 2022 as the best-selling BL sales director, in 2023 he was the Filmmaker of the Pride Month. He was nominated twice for the Asian Contents Awards, the first in 2020 thanks to '2moons: The Series', and then the following year with his second series, 'Call It What You Want', with which he was also nominated for an award. Content Asia, for "illuminating the struggles of independent filmmakers in the cutthroat entertainment sector." This series of films reveals, through the lens of Aam Anusorn, a tapestry of challenges, triumphs, and eternal perseverance.
Known for his unique approach to storytelling, drawing inspiration from his own experiences to create stories, Aam has made a name for himself in the independent film industry, and founded his own production company, COM'ME'TIVE By Aam, while still He was in his second year at Bangkok University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in Film and Performing Arts.


Aam's most notable work to date is 'Present Perfect', which he adapted from the original 2012 short film. It is considered the first Thai film to receive funding from the government of Hokkaido, Japan.
The film revolves around Toey, a young Thai man who, after a painful breakup, decides to heal his broken heart in the Japanese city of Higashikawa, where he meets Oat, a man who travels to Japan to experience freedom for the last time in his life, because he is about to get married. From strangers to friends, romance blossoms between the two. Before returning to the "real" world, the two men have to pick up the broken pieces and rebuild them.
Starring Kritsana Maroukasonti as Oat and Tonawanik Adisorn as Toey, for her 2017 debut, Aam Anusorn Soisa-Ngim drew on him own experiences to tell this romantic story that will take the viewer on a moving journey as the characters follow the simple quest of love The encounter forms a beautiful relationship between two men, because each has his own trauma.
For the filmmaker, recovering these characters, especially Oat and Toey, was like seeing himself.
Produced by Nuttachai Jiraanont, Tanwarin Sukapisit and Chen Rong Hua, the film won the Best Film Award at the Amsterdam LGBTQ Film Festival in the Netherlands and was screened at many film festivals around the world, including the World Festival Bangkok Film Festival, the Serile Filmului International Gay Film Festival, Romania, and the Western Visayas Film Festival, Philippines.
Then, the film ended inconclusively, in the airport scene in which both young people have to separate. The director faced a dilemma, when one is about to accept or delete the other's friend request. And he chose to just leave it there, because he wanted people to create their own ending. "Those were those times, in 2017, when gay marriage was something we didn't talk about in Thailand," he told the press at the time.
While 'Present Perfect' is more realistic and intended to be true to life, 'Present Still Perfect', released on March 12, 2020, offers a more idealistic view of same-sex relationships in modern Thailand, while the A pair of former lovers reunites once again on the remote island of Koh Kood.
Four years after what is told in 'Present Perfect', Toey meets Oat at the airport and all his pain returns. In an attempt to cope with her pain, he decides to travel to Koh Kood where he meets Jane (Darina Boonchu), the guesthouse owner who recently discovered that her husband was having an affair, and Kenta (Ryota Omi), a traveler from Japan who was staying at his house.
The peace and beauty of the island brought Toey joy again, but he knew he couldn't ignore her feelings for Oat forever. Until one night he receives a message from Oat about how much he missed him. Toey responds by stating that he loves him too, because deep down being with Oat is all he wants, but he is cautious, knowing that his love is forbidden. The next morning, Oat appears on Koh Kood. Now Toey has to decide whether to follow his heart and rekindle his relationship with Oat or let him go since they can never truly be together.
'Present Still Perfect' is more about how Aam wishes society was. With his dream of getting married one day still unfulfilled, the filmmaker needed his dream to come true, at least on screen. For this reason, he did not hesitate to see his characters triumph in love. "I feel like I'm already married, even though that's not the truth. So yeah, the reason I keep coming back to these characters is because I want them to be successful in love, and ultimately they were."
The sequel to 'Present Perfect' makes a clear statement in favor of same-sex marriage.
And if on the one hand, the film has contributed to changing mentalities and making visible people from the LGBT+ community and their struggles for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Thailand, it also leaves another clear message: the act of letting go, the act of forgiving. If your husband is gay and you already knew it because you have been with him for years, you have to learn to let go and accept the truth.
In 2018 he did not have the budget to film the second part because no one supported him. Then one of his fans suggested, "Why don't you go to and then do some crowdfunding?" And after a lot of thinking: "Who is going to pay me the money? I'm a nobody. Nobody cares about me. Why do I have to?", he discovered one day that he had enough money to embark on that other trip. .
On the other hand, much of 'Present Perfect' and its sequel deal with cultural differences. In 'Present Still Perfect', for example, a Japanese character explains how in Japan it is considered disrespectful to let an old woman take her seat on the bus.
However, what is truly extraordinary is the cinematographic wrapping of these topics in films and series that leave the unmistakable feeling of being unique.
This, and no other, is the key to Anusorn Soisa-Ngim's exceptionality. If we look closely, the themes are not different from those of hundreds of authors, many of them also Thai, no matter how much personal quirks are sought in their work. However, his way of conceiving stories on celluloid has such a singularity that there is no other choice but to applaud and applaud him, like the magician who has just pulled a white rabbit out of his hat.

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