1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This was a fun one I enjoyed during college when it first came out. Definitely over-the-top as only Japanese dramas can do, but a lot of fun with science (maybe not always realistic) and solving mysteries. Fukuyama Masaharu and Shibasaki Ko have great onscreen chemistry, and the music adds a lot to the tone and texture of the drama. Great for re-watching as the banter and bickering between the leads is great. Wish they had included Shibasaki more in the 2nd season, but I'll always have this season to look back on.
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That Winter, the Wind Blows
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
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A mix between Worth it & Not worth it

I mean, where do I even start? Hum..

I'd say the story is really good, the acting is extremely convincing, the FL is highly likeable, there's no way you can hate her, and ofc... our Male lead. I really enjoyed his character and their romance, omg, how can they have so much chemistry like that? They worked perfectly well together.
So yeah, I really really really liked the Kdrama BUT, as I said, it's a mix between Worth watching it and a not worth watching it. I mean, if you go for the romance so yeah, totally recommended. But if you go looking for a well made and written story so you may be losing your time with this one.
There's some blank spaces and no answered questions within the storyline and the ending is kinda messy too, and kinda fast. As like most kdrama, they go around the brush in the entire story and the ending is always messy and fast, leaving you with a feeling that you were expecting more than you got...

I don't regret watching it tho, This show became one of my favorites because I really liked their love story, but in other parts I felt like I've wasted my time...

Btw, I'd recommend this kdrama to anyone but I'd warning the person that the story has a lot of blank spaces and it might disappoint sometimes, but seeing their love story journey is at the same time worth giving this kdrama a try.

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The Legend of Anle
5 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
39 of 39 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Wasted potential

I have not read the source material, but from what I can tell, the drama has been so watered down/altered that it really cannot be considered a faithful adaptation. If you're hoping for a sophisticated, nuanced revenge drama, be prepared to be disappointed. There are some nice moments of drama interspersed throughout, and I did not mind some of the more comedic parts, but the drama as a whole seems disjointed in tone and lacking in a strong backbone of story and character for me to give it more than a 7. Not the worst I have seen, but definitely far from a masterpiece.

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Wedding Plan
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Cute drama and give different vibe other than college love story

First thing I’m disappointed with the users reviews why the hell they are giving less ratings than 6? I came across most of the series which are rubbish they only give bed scenes and story and few of them same stories college series but this drama is actually good in kind of stories, lead actors , scripts I really enjoyed it all 7 episodes lead actors were cute and great at acting I hope I can see them again in new series and story also was really good a new theme of love story and there was gl couple also although I’m not fan of gl stories but may be one day I would fall for it too like I did for bl series step by step everybody can fall for gl just my opinion and so far this story was amazing from beginning comedy wise , cute and sweet moments, and the Lom pursuing nuea was really heart touching moments, when u want another person but can’t be with him those kind of emotions were filled in this story but somewhere I felt when he went to village for nuea they should have given more scripts to another couple but unfortunately they didn’t may be because of 7 episodes but anyway I’m happy with this series guys don’t see other reviews you will not regrets it although it doesn’t have much spicy story like fight between leads, jealous moments, or triangle love story but this is cute story if u have been watched only college stories then this could be your new bait just watch it and enjoy I would wait for Wednesday every week finally it’s done happy hope to see them again

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Jiu Liu Overlord
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

A classic series, nice, even if it is not the drama of the century.

A good historical-romantic drama with Bai Lu (in FL, always excellent) and Lay Yi (in ML for once, not in an evil or supporting role).
Plot: meeting between a noble and rich silk merchant & the leader of one of the 9 gangs. They will confront each other, get to know each other and do business together, then fall in love (despite the tricks of a persistent love rival, helped by his corrupt & ambitious father). The continuation of their adventures will lead them to the imperial court.

+ well-written, coherent story (a bit "dramaland" though :)
+ Very good actors, including the secondary characters.
+ a strong, independent and intelligent FL
+ good chemistry in the CL
+ well-suited OST

- lots of cliches: stubborn-obsessive rival, unwanted arranged marriage, court plots, corruption, poisoning, etc.
- lengths in the narration (2nd part)

I watched the 2nd half of this series at speed 1,5, thus i don't think that I would rewatch it one day.
Bon drama historico-romantique avec Bai Lu (en FL, toujours excellente) et Lay Yi (en ML pour une fois, pas dans un rôle de evil ou support).
Plot : rencontre entre un noble et riche marchand de soie & la dirigeante d'un des 9 gangs. Ils vont s'affronter, apprendre à se connaître et à faire des affaires ensemble, puis s'aimer (malgré les tricks d'1 love rival persistante, aidée par son père, corrompu & ambitieux). La suite de leurs aventures les conduira à la cour.

+ histoire bien écrite, cohérente (un peu dramaland quand même :)
+ De très bons acteurs, y compris les personnages 2aires.
+ une FL strong, indépendante et intelligente
+ bonne alchimie dans le CL
+ OST bien adaptées

- beaucoup de clichés : rivale obstinée-obsessionnelle, mariage arrangé indésiré, complots de cour, corruption, empoisonnement, etc.
- des longueurs dans la narration (2eme partie)

=> Une série classique, sympa, même si ce n'est pas le drama du siècle.

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My Lawyer, Mr. Jo 2: Crime and Punishment
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
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I enjoyed Season 1 much more than Season 2.

I found myself FFing through the FL villain’s scenes. I get that she wanted revenge against all of them but I didn’t get why she killed the Chairman. He should’ve stayed alive at least to watch his company get ruined. I didn’t care for the FL actress in another drama and I cared for her even less in this drama.

Spoiled rich kids fighting over daddy’s I’ll begotten money and power is a bore.

I kept checking the cast and crew during the first couple episodes because Lawyer Joe seemed like a completely different person. I finally warmed up to him and his new team.

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Wedding Plan
11 people found this review helpful
by jpny01
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Largely tedious with lazy writing

I'll start with negatives and end on positives.

This is poorly written. There are way too many extraneous scenes and endless blocks of dialog that accomplish nothing. If a scene doesn't advance the plot or develop a character, it should be cut. If a scene repeats the same idea over and over, it should be edited down. For example, in the last episode Lom is flirty with Nuea, Nuea rejects him with a comment like "you're getting sneaky". But they did it three times in one (loonnnnnggg) scene. The dialog in general is weak and repetitive, and too much of it is pointless.

The entire plot rests on a completely ridiculous understanding that is so simple to clear up that you want to light things on fire by Ep 5. Then when it's finally cleared up, the main character behaves like it's not cleared up for no apparent reason. It just makes no sense.

The directing is lackluster with a lot of scenes lacking the energy they should have, both comedic and dramatic, although there were some good moments. It also needed a much more disciplined editor.

The acting is just OK. Sunny does a solid job with an uninteresting character, and Pak is about equal playing an even less interesting character. Nuea would have made a good side character, but I just don't think Pak has the charisma for a leading role. He does have intensity, and I can see him being excellent in a villain role. The chemistry was so-so. The actors weren't afraid of inimacy, but their love scenes still had that distance between their bodies that makes most BL sex scenes weird.

A lot of people were greatly put off by Lom & Yiwa's plan, but it's easy to object if you haven't lived in a conservative and unaccepting society with huge familial and social pressures crushing you. What they did made perfect sense, and everyone involved knew the score and consented to it, so why all the judgment? If you're gay a great portion of your life is keeping things secret to avoid minor inconveniences like getting fired, beaten to death, or disowned by your family. There are safe spaces, like your friends, and there are places where you hide who you are, or at least don't volunteer it. People at work mention their wives and children all the time - I can't do that, because even if 90% of people are OK with gay, 10% is still enough to ruin you.

There are some strong points, too. The lakorn mothers were hysterical and the editing around them was brilliant, like the ominous music whenever they appeared. Their fight scene at the wedding was funny, although like so much of this series, it went on too long.

Whoever was in charge of wardrobe should be given a raise, because it was all perfect. Both Lom and Nuea have a personal style and their outfits were beautiful.

The camerawork was good and dynamic - the visuals were beautiful and helped make the series bearable.

Sunny (Lom) has his shirt of a LOT, and has clearly been hitting the gym hard, and that never got tiresome.

I wouldn't recommend either watching this or not watching it. If you enjoy a pile of fluff and are not bothered by ridiculous and frustrating plots, you'll enjoy it. I'm not one of those people, but I still watched it to the end for the positives I mentioned above.

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The Youth Memories
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A Great Lesson About Friendship & Life

I eventually gave this drama a try because of Xiao Zhan and I also heard that the drama had great ratings in China. It was a bit slow in the first 3 episodes, but it gets a lot more exciting once you get past that part. I don't usually watch dramas that take place in this time period or the Republican time period but it was quite fun to watch unlike what I expected. You learn a lot about what China was like back in the 1970s.

The story was very interesting for the most part but I did start skipping a bit of the other supporting roles' scenes like 3/4 way into the drama. Chen Hong Jun and Ye Guo Hua's scenes near the end were just not as interesting. I won't explain in detail to not spoil the story. I really like how you see how Chun Sheng's relationship with all his buddies changes over time and how each of his buddies changes themselves. To be honest, I didn't like his childhood friends as much as his friends in the military. Duan Lei and Amao were very insightful characters and they were nice to watch. They made a lot of great points through the drama. The different conflict arcs were also interesting, though some were frustrating to watch. However, you can understand why Hong Jun and Guo Hua made the decisions they did. I can't forgive them but I can see what place they are coming from. Chun Sheng is too perfect of a character- too loyal, honest, friendly, and smart. Like the drama said, he really shines without much effort. I think I would find it hard to be his friend although he would be so loyal.

The acting is also great! All supporting roles and main roles did a wonderful job at pulling off their characters. Xiao Zhan really showed me again through Chun Sheng that he is a versatile actor. He really pulled on my heartstrings and I shed quite some tears when he was in his rough time out of the military and recovering. I hope to see Xiao Zhan in more roles like this one. This is the second time I watched Li Qin in a drama and I can also see why she is a top-rated actress. All the supporting roles did great too. I especially loved the actor who played Chun Sheng's dad. His acting was so natural and heartwarming. I loved his scenes with Chun Sheng and Hong Ling.

The love lines between Chun Sheng and Xiao Mei were pretty cute too. I liked how you see that Chun Sheng did not like her in the beginning but over time, they ended up together. It was pretty emotional how supportive Xiao Mei was during the times Chun Sheng needed someone by his side. They were also cute from the beginning. I also can't completely hate on Hong Ling since her dilemma is reasonable and I would have struggled too. There is also a reasonable amount of romantic scenes mixed throughout the drama. As it takes place in 1970s, it was nice that it was not too cheesy and had a moderate amount of smiley warm scenes.

Overall, a great story to teach you about friendship and growth. You just have to ignore all the propaganda scenes since those are quite obvious. The propaganda got stronger towards the end so I just skipped more over it.

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Kamen Rider Geats
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
49 of 49 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Definitely a highlight

Geats is a show which aims to do a lot but sadly doesn't follow through with everything it promises. Nontheless Geats is an engaging show with a fun premise and really enjoyable characters. The driver gimmick makes every new episode exciting as Geats or another rider can find a new power at any time so it keeps the fights interesting. Geat's action is often over loaded with explosions and effects that make it difficult to trace everyone's movements but the gimmicks keep them conceptually interesting. The story is aims to do a lot and while it doesn't hit every note it needs to, it still ends in a satisfying way.
Overall, an exciting show that keeps your attention even through some of the more meandering arcs. Defenitely worth the highlight.

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

It's not bad, however not great. Still watchable....

If you are looking for a short drama but I would say 3 hour film then this is definately for you....

I am a big Zhao Yiqin fan, when this guy started out he was a revelation however as a fan I know he has hit limitations to be in that top 10 which gets the best scripts, gets big name female leads.... He will have to compromise for lessor scripts and not high profile female leads ....

I got excited because I have seen Daisy Li in many dramas in the past, mostly as a second Lead rather that first, she to me actually not bad actress and good pairing for ZYQ....

This is a low budget drama/film, good story line but not great, limited film locations but hey story held out....

You will feel the connection between the male and female lead. For something that is about 3 hours long I say give it a try....

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Dropped 3/24
Wrong Carriage, Right Groom
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
3 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 3
Overall 3.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

For some I think might be ok, just not for me

I watched 3 episodes and wasn't feeling it....

I thought music/soundtrack was ok....
Acting overall from the Leads & Supports very good....

Story however is boring.... I said it on chats, it's clearly a low budget drama, don't expect anything with Wuxia fighting or fantasy or super special effects that will lift the budget up but the story of romance/comedy just not enough for me only....

Comments people on E8 so many clearly enjoying. If you are one of those, please continue to watch and enjoy...
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Be My Boyfriend
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 10
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This was my first drama I ever watched, and I am happy it was.

I'm so happy that this was the first drama I have watched. I encountered it while I was scrolling on TikTok and saw that they were broadcasting it on a live, I watched one scene and instantly fell in love. I watched and I want to keep this short, but this show is really good, good acting, good story line, and really good for a beginner drama, because its not to much. Writing this now, I'm definitely thinking of rewatching it now! I love the whole plot with the contract relationship and how they actually got together in the end. 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND THIS FOR A BEGINNER OR SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO START OUT WITH DRAMAS!!

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Love in the Air
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
13 of 13 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 10

This show will always be my FAVORITE!!!

There aren't enough words to describe how much I LOVE this show. It is so good, the production level is good, the story is good, the acting is good, the Visual FX ARE NEXT LEVEL, and even the OST is so good. I catch myself singing it more than I should be.

I love Phayu and Rain's story, probably a little to much if I'm gonna be honest. I cried after finishing it, It took MONTHS for me to recover from this show (I'm sadly not being dramatic). There level of chemistry on and off the screen is so good. I catch myself watching the best moments before going to bed just to get me something to think about. I get on the verge of tears when I hear the song from the show, ITS CRAZY. Phayu and Rain's story will most likely always be my favorite. I probably sound really delusional right now, but I am, so. No matter how long I make this, I could type forever about them. I love the way they are always smiling when they are with each other. I literally got so excited when I watched a scene I had missed when originally watching the show.

I also am OBSESSED with Pai and Sky's story. The way that it started was so funny to me and the way Pai was trying so hard to get to Sky was amazing. They also have such good chemistry on and off the screen, and I cant forget how well MeMindY/MAME did with the casting, I feel like they always do such a good job at finding actors.

Even though its already been a year since Love In The Air first aired which is crazy to think, I really hope they get their own separate series soon, which I don't think will happen at all. If it does happen, I will 1000% be watching.

EDIT: they got there own show??!?!?!!?!? i was not expecting that but rewatching it after watching many other dramas, its not all the rave but I def believe it will still be my fav until their separate series come out. i think i just loved the chemistry, but its not as good as i said it was. i will always cry to the intro music, no matter what.

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Wedding Plan
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Could have been great

The whole plan was confusing to me. Was it because their mothers pushed them into it? The mothers were a little overbearing but I didn’t get that they were being forced. So what was the plan? Get married but not be together? They each loved someone else. If the girls were going to run away, why didn’t they do that first instead of planning an extravagant wedding?

The girls were adorable and Lom was drop dead gorgeous. All were great actors. But I’m sorry, Nuea just got on my nerves. I didn’t see him with Lom and didn’t sense any chemistry between them.

Seeing the LITA cast was really great though. The wedding and then the proposal was worth watching if you loved that series.

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Wedding Plan
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

The show was good, but most of the episodes weren't even about them being in love.

Personally, I love MAME's work. Love In The Air has been one of my favorite shows ever since it came out. I have rewatched it over a dozen of times. So, I was excited to hear that Wedding Plan was coming out, and thought that it would be somewhat like LITA.

I'm just gonna cut to the chase, Wedding Plan was 50/50 for me. It was good, but it was bad at the same time. After TharnType, Don't Say No, AND LITA, I feel like MeMindY should have improved, but its starting to feel like they are going the opposite direction. I think that its something to watch when you don't have anything else to watch, but don't go out of your way to watch it. My opinion might change once the special episode comes out, but this is what I think now.

The one thing I really liked is the cast. I feel like MeMindY/MAME always have really good casting and the acting was pretty good. They did seem like they were actually in love which is a plus for me cause that's what I enjoy. I'm really hoping the special episode is good, especially since I have high expectations for it.

My recap of my review is: Its 50/50, don't go out of your way to watch it, but watch it if you got nothing else to watch. The story line is ok, and the cast are cute together. I really wished I liked it more.

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