1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Best C Drama minus NC scenes

One of the best Chinese dramas I have ever watched. The chemistry between the actors is off the charts. Plot is out of the world! The best part: The leads' chemistry and love is so pure minus any intimate scenes. No over acting by any of the actors and even support actors are amazing. Worth a re-watch and definitely binge worthy! Extremely unique storyline!
I recommend it to all those who love light romance.
P.S.: No villains too

Each episode has a beautiful beginning. There are no abrupt endings or overdramatic villains/vamps. Negative characters are really subtle in their roles. The time lapses shown are very natural. Evan Lin and Wan Peng look really natural!

Enjoy watching it!

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Meet Yourself
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Soothing feeling

the best thing i like about this drama is that this is soul healing and not fast paced

there relationship process is very satisfying and you can feel step by step process in this drama. once you started watching this you can't help but feel very soothing and relaxing feels like healing your soul it has satisfying scenes and views this made me feel the difference between happy tears and sad tears. when you watch this drama you feel very calm by just staring at the scene through the screen and it creat the feeling that you can plan the tour to the Yunan Village for feels the fresh and soothing scenes.
when it ends i feel something is missing because i can't believe it ends here i feel like i was attached to them and want to continue watching but sadly it ends!!

the cast they choose did the very great job to attract amd create the special bonding with the viewers every character is great even side character gives the attached feeling it feels so connected to each other and thanks to mango tv to create this special drama. and wu qian's special appearance can give this drama more feeling coz without this feeling there can't be hong dou can meet xie zhi yao and anything will happen it just feels great without any reason.

also the ost is somewhat catchy and amazing

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My Handsome Husband
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Why is this so boring?

It's just simply boring, I have no other words to say. I don't know how they did it but they managed to make it draggy even with that short runtime. I started skipping at about episode 19, and yes that's on 3 minute long episodes!

The plot just drags...drags...and drags on, there's no end. The whole business/politics/whatthehelllever is just .... *yawns* ..... super uninteresting! Acting is bad too and so is the chemistry between main leads.

Don't know what to say...It's just ....mediocre? 5.5/10
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No Regrets in Life
5 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Identity Crisis - A Mix of Comedy, Romantic Comedy and Melodrama

I started “No Regrets in Life” without much expectation and really am not sure what I’m getting myself into. I thought it would be a mature, romantic melodrama about second-chance romance. Well, let’s just say I am not sure ‘mature’ is the adjective I would use to describe the characters here.

Taiwanese humor is something I am still trying to get used to. So when the first few episodes bombarded me with people acting crazy, shouting over each other, and forcing two former college friends who lost touch and wanting them to be together, I questioned if I made a mistake in starting this drama. Luckily, I persisted and by episode 4, the story continues to unfold and it’s more than forcing people to do what they don’t want to do.

However, personally, only the male lead is a character that I find somewhat likable and can root for. This is my first drama of Liu Guan Ting, so I am not sure if he’s always somewhat awkward, or if he's doing an excellent job playing the role of Wang Yan. I enjoy how he plays this introverted and socially awkward character, who could easily be a pushover. After his ‘mistake’ 8 years ago, he has learned to be more decisive. His work life is fine, but his love and family lives are pitiful.

Every other character has their annoying elements, even female lead Nin You Zhu. I actually don’t think she deserves the male lead. I am having a hard time seeing things through her eyes, especially with the argument with the male lead 8 years ago. Would I be upset like her, probably. But holding a grudge like that for 8 years is a little much.

The supporting cast is made of the rest of the 7 college friends and together, they call themselves the 9 Suns. They are a loud bunch and are super nosy. They can’t help butting into everyone’s business, especially the love life between the leads. Plotwise, yes, we do need the 9 Suns to nudge the leads a little to get back together but they do more than nudging. Just because you regretted a stupid decision you made in college, doesn’t give you the right to force people to do things they don’t want to, especially causing such a big ruckus. This is one of the rare dramas with a strong focus on friendship where I don’t want these friends in my life. These friends like to emotionally blackmail others.

Wang Yan’s wife is an interesting character. Gosh, I hated her and found her super annoying at first. And then I just pity her. Aggie Hsieh’s acting is hard to watch in a good way? On the other hand, Ning You Zhu’s boyfriend is a boring character. Maybe I just don’t like JC Lin’s acting. They have no chemistry at all and I guess that’s the point.

Somewhat spoilery here - this drama is full of emotional cheating. The three couples (hexagon relationship) portrayed here are a mess. At least one person in a relationship is not faithful to their partner. They might not outright kiss, hug, or sleep with someone, but it’s obvious that they are in love with someone else.

I am not sure I can recommend this drama. If you are a fan of the Taiwanese style, you might like it more than I do. I feel like “No Regrets in Life” has an identity crisis. I wish it is either a melodrama, a comedy or a romantic comedy, but not a mix of all three. However, at least I love the songs here and I applaud some characters' ability to speak their lines really fast and able to hold back their laughs.

Completed: 8/30/2023 - Review #347

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4 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
36 of 36 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

This is How Chinese Modern Dramas Should be Made! Amazing Chemistry from Esther Yu and Ding Yu Xi

I regret that I just know about this drama now. If only I had watched it while it was airing, I would have jumped on the same fun boat with the other watchers of this drama on MyDramaList sooner.
In short, I really adore this drama to pieces. These are the reasons:
- The Story
The story is pretty simple, but it doesn’t mean that the story can not keep you entertained for the whole 36 episodes. The premise of the story is about Chu Li, a fresh graduate from Finance Major but decides to pursue her passion in editing. She applies a job as an editor in a publishing company. Though initially she is rejected because she doesn’t have any background in editing field, but because of her deep knowledge in novels and authors, she’s accepted. In order to pass the probation period, she has to make Zhou Chuan, a best-selling author who is known as not only handsome, but a gentleman, to sign his upcoming book with her publishing company. Unbeknownst to her, Zhou Chuan is also her online friend who has been chatting with her for quite a long time. She finally can persuade Zhou Chuan to sign with her publishing company and she becomes his editor. After living under the same roof, they become closer and closer and then voila, they fall in love with each other. It’s a slow burn romance for sure, but each episode provides you the progress of their relationship bit by bit. From strangers to editor-author relationship to friends to lovers. Ding Yu Xi and Esther's chemistry is great in showing the dynamic of their relationship from the beginning. Thank God that this drama does not provide any cringey and cheesy scenes unlike other usual Chinese dramas which sometimes tend to be over-exaggerated in a way that makes me stop watching them.
- The Acting
Moonlight is the 1st collaboration between Esther Yu and Ding Yu Xi (luckily, we’ll be having them hopefully next year with their new drama, Yong Ye Xing He). I already knew about Esther since I loved Love Between Fairy and Devil and I must say she's a good actress. As for Ding Yu Xi, I was attracted by his acting in Love You 7 Times. Many people feel bothered by Esther’s high-pitched voice. But, I’m not that bothered because at least, she can act. When she’s needed to act seriously, she definitely can act those scenes without any exaggerations. Though I have to admit Ding Yu Xi is better in terms of showing various micro-expressions. He’s a really good actor who can act in love very convincingly and act in funny scenes without fail. Most of the main actors here can deliver funny lines very well and sound very natural. Be it Esther Yu, Ding Yu Xi, and the actor who plays the role Jiang Yu Cheng. So, as for me, not cringey though not all the funny scenes and dialogues can make me laugh. However, I do find their dialogues to be witty. I really like witty banters. In serious and emotional scenes, I find Ding Yu Xi is the best among them. His eyes can emote very well. Esther Yu is best in scenes which require her to show her earnest side.
- The Music
Unfortunately, the OSTs are not memorable. At least, they’re all well-matched with the scenes.
- Rewatch Value
I will watch my favorite scenes on IQiyi Youtube Channel. It provides all the highlights from Moonlight.
To sum up, Moonlight is my current favorite Chinese Drama.

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Sweet Games
9 people found this review helpful
by irmar
Aug 31, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
This review may contain spoilers

A cliché story that could have been made 20 years ago

It's very cliché. ALL the tired old tropes of k-drama and c-drama mashed together.
- Clumsy female lead who makes a fool of herself. She tells lies or pretends to be something and is exposed; she drinks too much and makes a disgraceful scene; she misunderstands and jumps to conclusions; she adopts a whiny voice and childish demeanour/behaviour to be cute and obtain what she wants; her wardrobe a sorry mess of clownish clothes much too big for her; . CHECK
- Aloof and seemingly cold male lead with childhood trauma. CHECK
- Male and female lead who start off badly but become next-door neighbours by chance and, also by chance, have to work together. CHECK
- drunk scene of the female who vomits all over the main lead, and this is portrayed as funny and cute and doesn't impact at all the ML's opinion of her or his crush on her - on the contrary, it serves to bring them together. CHECK
- Jerk ex-boyfriend who comes again to claim FL. CHECK
- Group of friends with a dream of making a successful online game company but struggle at first until finding success. CHECK
- Second lead couple is the funny one, their romance is the comic relief. CHECK
- The group of friends is made of stock characters: the quiet girl, the fashion-conscious girl, the very shy guy, the fat guy. And there is also a non-descript guy (the programmer). They all have no character ark, their characteristics are shown in all scenes, and each one has only characteristic defining him or her. CHECK.

The male lead is promising, for a newcomer to acting: he's not embarrassing, but surely he's inexperienced and it shows, especially in the beginning of the show. I must say though that his interpretation, while it won't certainly blow you away, gets better and better as the episodes go on, and by the end of the show he shows great improvement, to the point that you wouldn't think he's a newbie. I think he has potential, and a lovely voice too.
And don't tell me that in the beginning he's so wooden because he plays an introvert. It's a misunderstanding that playing an aloof and introvert character doesn't require acting. It's actually a trap for rookie actors, and they fall into it head first. Acting is not about big dramatic gestures, laughing and crying etc. Even when playing a "mysterious and cold" character, one has to show the little details that the other characters in the show might not catch but the audience will notice, to convey what is behind the aloofness. Aloof people are good at conceiling their true feelings, so it's actually MORE difficult to act those characters, because it's all about subtlety.
The female lead is okay but nothing to write home about. She is exactly like all the other Chinese actresses out there, and not in the league of the outstanding ones. Of course her character is also like all the other Chinese female leads. Although she's supposed to be a "driven entrepreneur", and she's shown as very competent at her job, she still does things like banging her legs on the bed and squealing in delight, and in her personal life she's totally childlike and immature.
This show might have been made ten years ago and - apart from the fashion and the technology shown - you wouldn't know it. It's lighthearted and sweet, you don't hate it, but it's like a zillion others we've already seen, it brings nothing fresh. I would change the title to "Sweet Dreams", because I used it to relax before sleep, and it worked like magic, taking the stress of the day away. But this doesn't mean it's a good drama, does it?
The OST was good, the clothing department really, really sucked. I couldn't believe how they dressed the characters! And... do really Chinese people go to meetings with prospective business partners dressed in beachwear, overlarge shirts or T-shirts over shorts?)
If you haven't watched more than ten or twenty Chinese or Korean dramas in your life, you might enjoy this more. Otherwise, it will soon be buried in the heap, and after a while you won't even remember what it was about, the remembrance will be blurry, seeing how it's so similar to so many others that you've watched.

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The Good Bad Mother
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

one of the best kdrama i've seen

an emotional, funny and heart warming show
The good bad mother is an emotional, meaningful and moral show that follows Kang Ho and his 'Bad mother' on their journey to solve their sorrow due to their past wounds.
the story includes lessons about family, friends, love and life, the acting was truly beautiful it showed the love of a mother who only wanted what was best for her child after the death of her husband, not realizing her actions and words affected her son in many ways and how a son would do anything to understand the pain his mother went thru and fix her broken heart.

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Wedding Plan
15 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Where is the wedding??..Typical MAME

At first I thought 7 eps are a bit short. But, after watching this drama I felt 7 episodes are more than enough. There is nothing new in this drama nor any message is delivered.

Coming to the acting, leads are good actors(not great). Sometimes I felt nuea's acting a lil cringey. The most cringiest part I felt was the entire yiwa and marine's story. The sotry is really well organized. It delivered what it was supposed to, but not entertaining enough. End of the day the leads have great chemistry.

Things I liked about the entire drama is - It is fast paced, cameos of prapai x sky and payu x rain. Also, mame has a different style telling that the story is MAME's LOL. But I just want to ask sailom and nuea is that, "You have reached the point where everyone accepted both of you, but where is the wedding that you have planned" haha :)

So, if you have nothing new to watch or want something that is not toxic, something that is fast paced, and are a fan of Love in the Air drama, then this is it..Go Watch it!!

P.S. - I watched it for the cameos of LITA couples LOL !!!

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Ongoing 12/16
Destined with You
22 people found this review helpful
by Misu
Aug 31, 2023
12 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

A Captivating Blend of Romance, Fantasy, and Law. Give it a try.

"Destined with You" is a mesmerizing Korean drama that effortlessly weaves together elements of romance, fantasy, drama, and law to create a truly unique and engaging viewing experience. While some may dismiss it as boring, this series offers a refreshing departure from conventional K-drama narratives, making it a must-watch for those looking for something different.

One of the most striking aspects of "Destined with You" is its ability to merge seemingly unrelated themes - the mundane life of a civil servant and a centuries-old curse - into a captivating storyline. Lee Hong Jo, portrayed brilliantly by Jo Bo Ah, is a character who embodies the strength and resilience of an ordinary person faced with extraordinary circumstances. Her journey from a lonely, low-grade civil servant to the possessor of a mysterious wooden chest key is both heartwarming and relatable. Jo Bo Ah's performance brings a genuine and endearing quality to her character, making viewers empathize with her struggles and root for her success.

On the other hand, Rowoon's portrayal of Jang Shin Yu, a charismatic and talented lawyer plagued by an unexplained family curse, is equally captivating. Rowoon effortlessly brings out the layers of complexity in Shin Yu's character, from his outwardly successful persona to his inner turmoil. His chemistry with Jo Bo Ah is undeniable and adds a layer of authenticity to their budding romance.

The fantasy element in "Destined with You" is a breath of fresh air, adding a unique twist to the story. The curse that binds Shin Yu's family for generations adds a layer of intrigue and mystery, making each episode a revelation. As the characters work together to uncover the secrets of the curse, the plot takes unexpected twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

Moreover, the legal backdrop of the drama adds depth and complexity to the storyline. It provides a glimpse into the challenges and dilemmas faced by lawyers while offering a realistic portrayal of the legal world. The legal cases in the series are not just a backdrop but are intricately woven into the narrative, creating a seamless blend of law and romance.

In summary, "Destined with You" is far from boring; it's a hidden gem in the world of Korean dramas. It boasts strong performances from its lead actors, a unique and captivating storyline, and a perfect balance of romance, fantasy, drama, and law. So, ignore the haters and give this series a chance. It's a fantastic and definitely worth watching drama that will leave you eagerly awaiting each new episode.

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Business Proposal
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cliched but still fun to watch

I guess I'm still old school when it comes to romances, so I'd say this series still clicked with me.

It took me a while before deciding to watch this, thinking it's another boring series. This has been streaming for long on Netflix. Others say this is kind of outdated, same same old, but this kind of plot never ceases to get old for me. It never fails to leave that heartwarming and lighthearted feel for me in every watch.

Outrageous and unbelievably ridiculous in some, but still fun to watch. What I liked most here is the ML falling for FL first, holding on and fighting for her. I'm not into women chasing their men, or men pushing away or letting go. I got so frustrated with the series YOUNG LADY AND A GENTLEMAN, so I'm really good with this one. Kind of refreshed me.

Final scene left me feeling lacking and unsatisfied though. Nevertheless a fun, enjoyable series to watch.

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Love from Divorce
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
22 of 22 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Short Stereotype Drama with quality

I think this is my first review.

First, you can watch this drama in full on YT. I really enjoyed this drama because 1, strong female lead who doesn't back down. 2. male lead regrets and trying to win back FL. I've watched plenty of short romance C-dramas, a lot of them are between 3 to 10 minutes, and most of them are cringey in acting.

However, "Love from Divorce" is a very stereotypical plot with evil stepmom, evil step sis, plus annoying cute girl obsessing with ML. lol.

I really like the FL, and was surprised that this is her first work, I would love to see what roles she'll do next. ML was quite suitable at being serious but still be able to be comedic at times.

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Love You Seven Times
10 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The reasons to see for 7 times, love you seven times

Love you seven times is really a beautiful drama that you need to see, especially if you like deep stories, with a lot of fun, and a little touch of anguish, I highly recommend to watch this cdrama especially for the newest in the world of xianxia cdrama

If you are tired of seeing so much cliché, well, love you seven times basically takes it to another level since they handle the cliche very well and give another twist to the established clichés, really for me, it was a tremendous joy

Something that is not talked about much and I think I should highlight it in letters even in italics is this: FL and ML here make such a healthy couple, I mean, their relationship is really healthy, tender and beautiful, it's rare to see this in cdrama, normally the couple only matures at the end of the series, but in love you seven times it is different, from the first moment they have a healthy relationship and that is beautifully divine to see ?

In terms of visual effects and scenery, it was a delight to the eye, I feel that it was the best cgi I've seen because visually it looks beautiful, especially the scenes in the celestial kingdom

As for costumes and makeup, it's really beautiful to see their costumes, I think they put so much love into those costumes, I really love it! And of course, seeing Ding Yuxi in blue costumes is just beautiful ?

Now, the cast and performances, I really don't have a single complaint, they are all really amazing, it's good to bring in lesser-known faces, let new little talents have their time to shine ✨ The cast shows a good dynamic and relationship, which makes for a very nice work environment to watch, the cast is led by Miss Chaoyue, in love you seven times, she shows a really great acting progress, and I must also say that this It's her first leading role where I see her really immersed in her character, I really like her acting, I feel that they should give her more roles as FL in this drama, she needs to improve a little in emotional scenes, but she has improved a lot actually, well by Miss Chaoyue!
On the other hand, Ding Yuxi is really cool, and gorgeous in this drama, oh my red thread! I really enjoyed his role as Chu Kong, this is the first drama I've seen of him and it's really to be a fan of him, his acting is simply beautiful, his eyes can convey all kinds of emotions ?, the secondary characters and those of support also has its moment to shine which I love, and some even include more comedy to the story which is refreshing.

As for ost and bgm, it's the best I've heard, it gives the drama more emotions which is very important, 10/10, without a doubt the opening song sung by faye will be remembered for this drama!

In conclusion:

I highly recommend this drama if you are new to the world of xianxia cdrama and also for those who, like me, want to see something refreshing, new and fluffy content most of the time, it is possible that at least in the first episodes some feel it very slow and cliché or heavy, however this arc is important so that they understand the whole story behind

I don't recommend this drama to people who can't let go of their prejudices, either because of Miss Chaoyue or because of story cliches, or who really think that love you seven times is a mature or dark plot because That's definitely not what it's about in the drama, the drama has received a lot of hate mainly due to these two things, too bad, because they shouldn't be so hard on this beautiful drama.

Oh of course, most importantly, it has HE, in fact most of the characters have he, and the main couple too, so breathe easy and look safe, maybe it was a very short HE but at least unlike many others dramas, here there is an explicit happy ending, so be encouraged to discover the love of the protagonists for 7 lifes~

With that being said, thanks for reading this review!

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This was a fun one I enjoyed during college when it first came out. Definitely over-the-top as only Japanese dramas can do, but a lot of fun with science (maybe not always realistic) and solving mysteries. Fukuyama Masaharu and Shibasaki Ko have great onscreen chemistry, and the music adds a lot to the tone and texture of the drama. Great for re-watching as the banter and bickering between the leads is great. Wish they had included Shibasaki more in the 2nd season, but I'll always have this season to look back on.
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That Winter, the Wind Blows
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.5
This review may contain spoilers

A mix between Worth it & Not worth it

I mean, where do I even start? Hum..

I'd say the story is really good, the acting is extremely convincing, the FL is highly likeable, there's no way you can hate her, and ofc... our Male lead. I really enjoyed his character and their romance, omg, how can they have so much chemistry like that? They worked perfectly well together.
So yeah, I really really really liked the Kdrama BUT, as I said, it's a mix between Worth watching it and a not worth watching it. I mean, if you go for the romance so yeah, totally recommended. But if you go looking for a well made and written story so you may be losing your time with this one.
There's some blank spaces and no answered questions within the storyline and the ending is kinda messy too, and kinda fast. As like most kdrama, they go around the brush in the entire story and the ending is always messy and fast, leaving you with a feeling that you were expecting more than you got...

I don't regret watching it tho, This show became one of my favorites because I really liked their love story, but in other parts I felt like I've wasted my time...

Btw, I'd recommend this kdrama to anyone but I'd warning the person that the story has a lot of blank spaces and it might disappoint sometimes, but seeing their love story journey is at the same time worth giving this kdrama a try.

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The Legend of Anle
5 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
39 of 39 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Wasted potential

I have not read the source material, but from what I can tell, the drama has been so watered down/altered that it really cannot be considered a faithful adaptation. If you're hoping for a sophisticated, nuanced revenge drama, be prepared to be disappointed. There are some nice moments of drama interspersed throughout, and I did not mind some of the more comedic parts, but the drama as a whole seems disjointed in tone and lacking in a strong backbone of story and character for me to give it more than a 7. Not the worst I have seen, but definitely far from a masterpiece.

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