The Evidence Tells
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
32 of 32 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

multiple solving case

not bad, the story end with 5 cases and 1 main case ,,

dividing the drama into 21 minutes and 32 episodes is really unnecessary, just a waste of energy and time, in my opinion all the cases are ok, there are concepts that I have seen in other dramas, and the path of evidence is quite complete and clear, at least no question left ,for corpses and wounds not very sensor but not very focused too

i just feel weird with the interaction of the female duo, suddenly and fake or pretend, I don't get the feeling, maybe it's unique and comedic for some people

case 1 mental hospital
case 2 serial suicide
case 3 terror
case 4 insulin case
case 5 lost and found

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Air City
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5

Binge-worthy, but..

Air City has an interesting premise: a drama based in an airport-setting with characters that have different personalities (the story is confusing so it's best not to explain too much, but although the story is confusing at times, at other times it is very fun and enjoyable - I would say the story is stronger in the first half than the second half of the drama however). I was a fan of the stunts and perhaps this played a part of me giving the re-watch value a higher score than I predicted?

Story does lack that little bit of logic - e.g. if you are a secret agent, you wouldn't let that not be kept a secret etc. However, it was interesting enough to kinda turn a blind eye on the lack-of-logic.

Acting was good from nearly all main/supporting roles.

Casting... was great! I was unfamiliar with the FL but I liked her. The two ML's I am familiar with however and they performed greatly once again, no surprise here.

OST was amazing.

All in all, this is more of a drama you should watch instead of read me explaining everything about it.

Do I recommend Air City? Yes. Interesting premise, characters, stunt/fighting scenes. Does lack that bit of logic and the second half is weaker than the first, but I still recommend it!

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Aug 29, 2023
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Treat it as a long epilogue

This would make S2 more palatable because it did give the happy ending we all wanted for Jang Uk and Naksu/Choyeong/Mudeok/Buyeon in S1. Frankly, a lot of things in this season felt like fillers like when they showed Park Jin making kimchi.

Some people are saying that Naksu seemed weaker this season. I agree but I understand. This Naksu had already let go of her revenge and need to be powerful in S1. Her time as Mudeok made her more considerate of others, particularly her mother in S2. Still, I would have wanted her to became a sword wielding Naksu again which would have made this season and the overall series epic. I also wish that Jang Uk didn't become so overpowered.

It really would have been better if AoS was made into just 1 season of maybe 25 episodes.

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Ongoing 1/16
Destined with You
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
1 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

Watch it or Not ?

Opening Shot: A thunderstorm rages over a mountain. A small, dilapidated building has “Police Line: Do Not Cross” tape stretching around it. Inside a woman’s body is lying motionless.

The Gist: It’s not a dead body we see in the first shot of the series but the very much alive body of Lee Hong Jo (played by Cho Bo-Ah). Hong Jo is a low level civil servant for the city of Onju’s Green Space Division where she responds to the worst complaints the citizens have: she cleans dead fish out of the local ponds, she tries to calm angry residents with noise complaints. While responding to a noise complaint about a construction site working all night, she tries to calm the tension between the workers and their angry neighbors, when one of the men in the construction crew throws himself off the fourth floor and dies.

Six months later, we see a trial playing out and a young lawyer named Jang Sin Yu, played by K-Pop star Rowoon, is defending the construction company in a negligence lawsuit brought by the dead man’s wife. Sin Yu proves he’s clever and cunning, revealing in court that the dead man and his wife planned for him to get injured on the job to collect insurance, and things went awry during his fall. He and the rest of his legal team are ruthless, but his lack of emotion and empathy aren’t his worst trait: He’s plagued by a mysterious curse that manifests in different ways. He has body tremors. When he’s alone, a bloody red hand envelopes his face. It’s not really clear if this curse if truly evil or what, but it obviously haunts Sin Yu every day of his life.

So what brings these two very different people living in very different worlds together?

After a young man who was hiking dies at the site of a mysterious and reportedly haunted temple, Hong Jo goes to investigate the scene of his accident. While she’s there, she gets spooked when she thinks a statue is speaking to her, and she slips and falls, getting knocked out. Sin Yu also happened to be there checking in on it, as his wealthy family owns the shrine and the land it was built on. Eventually, the shrine has to be demolished, but while it’s being torn down, Sin Yu unearths a wooden box buried beneath it. A shaman, a woman who used to live in the temple on the land and obviously knows something about Sin Yu’s curse, tells him that his suffering will end now that he has met the owner of the wooden box. And guess who THAT is…

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Risqué Business: Taiwan
7 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
6 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Super informative

I watched the Japan one when that one came out and I really liked how informative that one was. While watching this one, I learned how different the two countries are regarding sex and the LGBTQ community. there were so many exciting things that made me continue watching more. I especially like the episode with the sex doctor and how she talked about the importance of knowing what you want sexually so that you can bring your partner into it. Overall. it was super good. loads of comedic parts of the show, both of the hosts are respectful and seem to have enjoyed their time there and learning new things. probably would watch again :)

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King the Land
2 people found this review helpful
by Anto
Aug 29, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

A swoony love story that will have you smiling like an idiot (in the best was possible)

You know what the insane thing about this drama was? The leads had such boundless, blinding chemistry, the whole time I felt like I was legitimately watching two people fall in love. Almost always, while watching k-dramas, I can't help but be aware that I'm watching actors pretend to fall in love with their co-stars. That wasn't the case here, Jun-Ho and Yoona were so natural and genuine together, I forgot they were supposed to be playing characters and actually felt like I was intruding in a couple's private moments by watching them. I almost was tempted to look away in embarrassment when they were being all lovey-dovey. When they looked at each other, even without saying anything, it felt like they were communicating solely by the subtle changes in their expressions. It was amazing.

Other than that, this show was so cute, fluffy and fun. I smiled my way straight though it—seriously, I don't think I've ever grinned while watching a show as much as I did with this one. Sa Rang was such a lovely person inside and out, and the relationship with her BFFs was actual goals. If you told me these actresses had been friends forever, I wouldn't have doubted it for a second. Won was also a slightly different take on the chaebol heir. Yes, he was a little emotionally stunted because of his childhood trauma, but it was nice how open, honest and sincere he was in his feelings for Sa Rang since the very first moment. He fell hard and fast and it was adorable. Also adorable? His interactions with Sa Rang's grandma—her getting all emotional and weepy when they announced they wanted to get married almost about killed me with how heartwarming it was.

I think the weakest part of the show was the relationship between Sa Rang's flight attendant friend and her co-worker. The spark between them was sorely lacking (especially when compared with the main couple). Also, the guy was a bit one-note with his expressions. Little emoting to be found with him.

In any case, was this drama super predictable? Yes. Was it still lovely and a great time? Also 100% yes.

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East of Eden
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
56 of 56 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Long but great work

It was quite long but I stuck thru the end. My only complaint is that my favorite actor Song Seung Heon dies in this drama as well. I watched Autumn's Tale and it broke my heart with the ending as well. I just recently started watching his work and hope that other dramas that I will be watching has a different ending. It was heartbreaking to see his character always getting beat up. I found myself crying during those times and definitely at the end. Effecting my emotions the way this drama did is a testament to the great work of the actors and the story line.
I will be watching the list of Song Seung Heon's work hoping for a happy ending for his characters . Great work Song Seung Heon. I am not sure why the ratings are not higher. The drama was entertaining and kept me interested through the end.

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Love by Chance
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

me lo ricordavo meglio

allora, grazie al mio ritrovato amore per Perth (che qui è praticamente un feto rispetto a dangerous romance e never let me go) ho deciso di rivedere questo titolo e poichè non avevo mai visto il secondo (e TT che a livello tecnico sarebbero collegati), ho deciso di di fare un rewatch di Love by chance 1 e poi di passare a tutti i titoli che non ho visto. ora, lo ricordavo meglio, molto meglio. e l’8 che è un voto affettivo, il voto reale sarebbe forse 7, perché è stato il primo BL (ancora quando i più non sapevano nemmeno cosa fossero) che ho visto settimanalmente e quindi questo suo fascino mi è rimasto, mi è rimasta ancora la sensazione di aspettare con ansia la settimana per il nuovo BL, per questo gli regalo un bell’8, ma la sostanza è calata. punto primo, i BL di qualche anno fa, non sono i BL di ora, quindi uno direbbe che alcune scene sono”invecchiate male” (prima di tutto quella cosa al limite del legale con Kengla e Tecno) per passare a Tin (con la sua poco velata omofobia iniziale) e avanti… punto secondo si vede che molti di questi attori erano all’inizio della carriera perché hanno creato alcuni dei personaggi più irritanti e terribili della storia del BL. punto terzo, ci si ripresenta un clicè tipico di quegli anni: la sorella di una personaggio che innamorata pazza dei BL fa casino e rompe. c’era in Why are you e avevo convenentemente dimenticato ci fosse ance qui. che personaggio irritante. bene, fatta questa introduzione vorrei parlare un po’ di una cosa che ho notato: quando ho fatto la recensione di Cutie Pie ho detto che era già la seconda volta che vedevo un prodotto di Zee e che non mi piaceva la sua interpretazione (il primo proprio Why are you) e nella recensione di ViceVersa avevo detto che stavo rivalutando Perth, ecco, ho scoperto che il problema con Perth, non era Perth, ma Saint che forse, a quanto pare sarà anche il problema in Why are you, assieme comunque a Zee. bene, tolto questo torniamo un momento su una bandiera rosso sangue: Kengla. allora Kengla è un mostro e assieme a Tecnic fanno una di quelle accoppiate che trovi solo nei peggio thriller, però boys se mi piace Mark come attore (e visto che amo le bandiere rosse, anche Kengla), ho visto molto di suo e quella sua faccetta da volte, quel suo sorrisetto angelico, ma che nasconde una bestia di satana dietro è veramente apprezzato. solo un fatto, parlando di uno degli “elephant in the room” la scena nell’ultima puntata: allora, ai tempi che furono io avevo anche letto alcune parti delle novel e mi pareva molto più volenteroso di esprimersi No rispetto a come è fatto nel drama. poi ogni uno colga le sue conclusioni su quella scena, io la butto solo lì. Tin e Can sono onesta, mi piacevano di più quando li ho visti la prima volta. e gli ultimi due… ve beh, Title mi inquieta un pelettino in tutte le cose che fa, mentre Earth è un po’ come Gun dove lo metti, riesce sempre a dare belle interpretazioni. poi ci si aggiunge caldamente un Earth selvatico che compare, fa Type e scompare e abbiamo raggiunto la nostra storia… ora se lo si vuole vedere da farsi con ampie vedute, anche perché è comunque una pseudo pietra cardine del genere

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You Are Desire
48 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

From promising to waste, barely romantic

Zhou Yiran and Sabrina's acting was the only thing good on this show, but from what's promising to be on par with one of best dramas in 2023 along with Hidden Love, When I Fly Towards You, Road Home, Meet Yourself, and The Love that You Gave Me. This suddenly break it's momentum from doing great to being time waster.

When I heard this show was giving Forever Love vibe, I had to watched it, and considering I was definitely impressed by Zhou Yiran, with Sabrina as female lead, I was excited that I had binge watch first 9 episodes, I get so excited waiting for new episode then second half of the show happens, and it all went down the drain. I have excuse the poor editing as I was enjoying the characters, but plot turn 180 and I was suddenly questioning why I even started this.

Don't even compare this to Forever Love because that was a gem, a treasure you can find in the midst of underrated show, this was being hype so much that I cannot believe the sparked from this couple had dim so fast, this couple was only good pre-confession, they are another couple that lost it's shine after, and was barely romantic to each other.

I kept hoping it would picked up till last minute, I kept hoping and it DID NOT DELIVER.
Such a waste of potential.

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Dropped 9/12
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
9 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 5
Overall 5.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

What a let down!

Okay now they've done it. Btw dropped this at chapter 9 as I couldn't handle the frustration anymore. I thought Sam would've cleared up the air with Kirk by then. I like Sam and Mon together but I low key started disliking Sam. I mean let­s be real she clearly is the two timer here and her reactions at times just made her look like a hypocrite. Sam and Mon are cute together but I feel sorry for Kirk who seems genuinely in love Sam who is just leading him on. I read somewhere that Kirk was the antagonist and well good for him. Sam deserves whatever comes her way but I won­t stick around to watch. I­m not into ntr so Imma just drop this here. What a waste of a good story! smh!

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Aug 29, 2023
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Disco Mob

From the moment the intro song started playing, I was hooked.
The whole show just oozes with an incomparable style and charm that really sets it apart from any other show I've ever watched. Its makers had a clear vision of what they wanted to create and they just went for it. Never have I seen a show so utterly committed to the bit.
Every single segment is a masterclass in trope subversion, which, combined with the often tongue-in-cheek humour and some truly stellar performances from the main cast, results in a uniquely hilarious and entertaining final product.

Now I will say that if you are looking for something that is romance heavy or that goes in-depth in its critique and dismantling of the genre, then you won't enjoy this. The point of this show is to make fun - make fun of its viewers, make fun of the genre, and most importantly make fun of itself. There are a couple of digs made at some slightly more serious problems of the genre, but nothing weightier than that.

So if you're in search of a comedy that really knows what it's doing, has a few light sprinklings of genuinely emotional moments, and is just plain fun to watch then you will certainly find it in this show.
I've also re-watched the intro at least a dozen times by now, so I'd say for that absolute masterpiece of an opener alone it's worth giving this show a shot.

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Stay Still
10 people found this review helpful
by RoseQ
Aug 29, 2023
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Too much happening for such a short amount of time

I’d say the episode zero is a must watch before watching this. It’s a short episode but it give some background information for the opening scene of the series to make more sense. The series looks realistic, both the characters and events. I do like the production value as well, there are certain scenes that are just so beautiful to watch.

But what’s with all the couples?! This is an extremely short series. All episodes combined and it’s still less than 90min long. I don’t understand why the story needs to be told by a girl who we don’t really know much about. She is simply telling the story of the other two couples to her lover. There is not nearly enough time to really develop all the storylines, so it does come across as quite choppy and rushed. I did like that the flashbacks were quite clearly separated from the present.

Damien & Hayden: there is not really much to say about them. We got a few snippets of them spending time together and apart, but I don’t think we really got much information on either of the two. Damien is heartbroken, possibly Hayden too. But that’s pretty much it. They do form some sort of connection, but the intensity doesn’t really correspond to what we see otherwise.

Kelvin & Archie: their story is heartbreaking. No matter how you look at it, someone will get hurt. And the person who might end up suffering the most, is the one who is the most innocent one in this whole mess. I do think that Kelvin is really trapped. And say what you want, but what he had to go through and is still going through is not something a good person does to another. Especially if they care about that person. No, that is what an abuser does.

All in all, I think there was just too much to be resolved for such a short series. It would have greatly benefitted from focusing only on one couple or having a few more episodes.

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Dropped 1/30
You Are Desire
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
1 of 30 episodes seen
Dropped 3
Overall 1.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
I wrote a review on this before but I am not sure why mdl keeps deciding to delete my review. We are allowed to write our reviews and this doesn't go against their guidelines. People left similar reviews on longing for you(rightfully so). What was the reason why they decided to add locs??? This show would have been good overall if they hadn't added locs which is a hairstyle that is most definitely not part of their culture. Why is it so hard for people to do their research nowadays? All it takes is a quick Google search to see if it would be offensive or not. If you wanted to put locs, you could have the right person play the character. I am not overreacting and it is a valid issue before anyone comes after me. It's 2023, you would think they would know better but no the same mistakes are being made over and over again and we are supposed to just gloss over it. We need to start holding people accountable for their actions. Not taking the time to do their research and make educated decisions is unacceptable.

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Stay Still
16 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
5 of 5 episodes seen
Completed 3
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Gritty short BL from Hong Kong - stick with it

This was short (1(named zero or 0) +5 episodes and most 14 minutes long) about 2 M/M relationships told through a straight couple.

Hayden and Damien
Kelvin and Archie

I don't want to give too much away but there's dealing with grief, sexual non consent, being closeted etc all in these 6 episodes. the subject matters are heavy but the ending is hopeful so definitely worth the watch.

Grandma is my favourite character . The other female character my least favourite

I would have loved to have known what the post-it notes said but we can infer eventually

Definitely better as a binge watch as it takes a while to realise what's going on especially with the second couple. A treat in the last episode where we hear music used in a few BLs . Very cute. Can you spot where else it's been used ?


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Extraordinary Attorney Woo
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 10

Mind expanded. Check⚡️✅

The Korean drama, Extraordinary Attorney Woo follows the exploits of an Attorney with Autism who is a savant when it comes to remembering everything she has read on Law and whales. While this drama definitely will be binge-worthy in the future, it is a drama to watch real-time now. This show is getting incredible numbers from viewers. Google users are giving it 98/100.

We are use to binging our Korean dramas, but sometimes that drama comes along that provides so much information for you to assimilate that it takes a week to clear all your head talk. You don’t have time to get anxious for the next episode. And some tell me they are rewatching the episodes that they have viewed already to fully enjoy the incredible moments. Head talk is when you go into deep thought in your head, talking to yourself about the things you have seen in the drama. You get in these contemplative moods, discussing Autism in general and each creative way that Attorney Woo Young Woo (A butterfly name that is the same forward and backward like the word deed) wins her cases.

Through the week you get to marvel at the terrific writing and direction in this drama. The Revolving Door Waltz, The Nepotism Episode that was truly a disguise for discussing discrimination in general (Cryfest moment for me), and the episode on “Should those with Autism be allowed to love who they love?” (Another Cryfest episode). While these may be singled out as my highest levels of enjoyment, these moments were just the cream on top of the ice cream for Extraordinary Attorney Woo.

Actors Kang Tae Oh as Lee Junho and the incredible Park Eun Bin as Woo Young Woo
Then there are the ‘Whale Moments’ of Attorney Woo. Who does not know that she loves whales? I am learning so much about whales, because of her fixation on them and whale talk has even provided some of my Cryfest moments too. I anticipate the whale stories. Also, when Attorney Woo comes up with those creative law epiphanies, those are introduced with her whale associations. I get such a sigh of relief, because I know that she has figured out how to win the court case when I see her whale moments.

The one debate in my head at present, that is keeping me up at night, is “Which drama did I like the most for the year 2022, Business Proposal or Extraordinary Attorney Woo?” Business Proposal is deeply squirreled away in my heart, but Extraordinary Attorney Woo is whaling away it’s own credits.

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