Dropped 9/16
Destined with You
9 people found this review helpful
by ryoato
Aug 26, 2023
9 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 7
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 3.5
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From episode one it seems it’s destined to fail

So I am watching this drama for three things, Rowoon, the budget, and the fact that it is on Netflix. Netflix has been a great platform that releases some good k-dramas along with gems that.

If you came to this drama to look for a well connected linear story about destined lovers. Don't expect that. Don't expect any more than a romantic comedy with supernatural elements. I really thought from the promotional material that this would be much more compelling than it really is, but unfortunately it's a let down in that aspect .. and I'll explain. That isn’t to say it’s irredeemable horrible, it’s not what I expected so that leaves a lot of room to surprise me either good or bad

Hong-jo was someone I initially thought would be beautiful and endearing, someone that Rowoon's character gets attached to admits his loneliness. Instead this girl talks out loud to a box, she has some infatuation with a guy because he is good looking. I like characters because I see why they are the way they are, and especially if they are this dumb it is important to give them a motive. For example, Rowoon's character in Tommorow was very out there, he was a lot but that was juxtaposed by the situation he was put in. He was very motivated and ambitious and passionate. Hong-jo is teetering over the line of being unlikeable for me because she is so animated. Although I do like it in good doses, it just gets to be a bit much and that stays consistent for the episodes I have seen.On a writing standpoint of things it will be hard for me to buy into their love if they keep her character this way. Since she is so outlandish it will be hard for me to adjust if she mellows out. Not saying it can't be done though.. I'm just saying for the first two episodes they miss the mark. I really don't like characters that have fluff scenes just for people to get laughs when the parts she have are not even funny. Since she is by herself all the time she talks to herself, and those are scenes that pull me away from the dark nature of this dramas other scenes with Rowoon's character, Shin-Yu. I don't get why he wasn't the main focus and I hate when shows have such a potential with brooding characters that are closed off, conflicted, cursed... instead it focuses on Hang-Jo who has a lot of talking to herself, it is not fun, it is hard to watch.... embarrassing at times...

The VFX of Shin-Yu's hallucinations are really good. I wish this drama could be more into that more mature plot. Instead it goes for a love-plot that I did see coming. I just didn't see it coming to be this dumb. Maybe it is supposed to be funny... but it's like Hong-Jo and her scenes are out of a completely different drama than Shin-Yu's curse plot. I use dumb a lot, and I think its fair. Hong-Jo is a civil service worker who works the lowest grade. I did some research to see that it means she took a test but was not smart enough to work higher up in the government and instead sort of does odd jobs that the government pays for. So she was too dumb, and she still is dumb and is like a lost puppy with one thing on her mind. I do like puppies though so maybe if I watch long enough I will grow to like her. It is just this character is too much and I doubt I will really buy into any heart-tearing scenes.

The things about this drama I do like... I love that Rowoon is acting here.. don't really like the role though. It is very stilted and he isn't a good guy at all. The first lawyer scene he has establishes that and I could go over in detail how he screwed that up but I am not.Maybe it is because he is cursed and it reflects into his attitude. Obviously the guy has been scared by his past. This drama could work much better if the first episodes were better, be grand and bold. Show his connection with Hong-jo from his past life because we all know they are connected by fate. His character is what my friend said while watching a voice of reason. So he can level out any of the wrong behaviors by others with realism.

The first episode was unfortunately really bad at hooking me and anyone who wants to watch 15 episodes. I would've showed how he got cursed, and later on you can develop it more with longer past scenes that show the connections deepening between Hong-Jo and Shin-yu. So you'd have the end of their story at the beginning, and then work from the beginning and to that point. I would do it like this, it's easier to follow, has a better hook, Hong-Jo can be quirky and you can see how Shin-Yu grew to like her instead of throwing them into this dynamic of a cold man and upbeat woman. It wasn’t that it did it wrong, there are just better ways to do it and it’s a shame to see it other ways for me.

The beauty of dramas are that they aren't real. Taking advantage of their medium to tell an entertaining story. This drama has the budget but the writing is a miss in a lot of areas. It is such a drastic gap with their personalities that it seems like a fan fiction if you think about it too much. the dialogue isn't natural, their situation definitely isn't. I know it's supernatural, again though I wish to see balance. Balance the real setting between that supernatural parts. I am starting to grow with the campy nature with this drama, although it did take a while. I have a soft spot for Rowoon and as annoying I find the female lead, if he wants to be with her then there is no harm. This show could be a lot better, but it isn't the worst, definitely not the best though.

Watching through episode 7 any character I liked or was trying to has been severely flawed by the nonsensical writing. The second male lead leads of the love spell and was ok with it? And he regrets not liking her? There is nothing given for us to know why, and compared to his no nonsense attitude it makes even less sense. Both the leads like this woman who is meddling with peoples lives for her own gain. It is nothing more than that and it isn’t deep or romantic, it’s disturbing and I can’t get past it.

this drama is just not worth my time anymore

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When a Man's in Love
1 people found this review helpful
by henz
Aug 26, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
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I have so many mixed emotions but the ML is <3

this was a love/hate relationship and honestly so tragic. the guy loved the girl so much but she was always into the SML, and then at the end years later she has the audacity to come back. The ML's entire life is just so tragic, and he just wants someone to love who loves him back... The SFL loved him and sacrificed alot, and he accepted her but she sacrificed again for him and he didnt even realize or get with her at the end. He still reminisced on the FL at the end and the FL always had an open door to come back, even though she was the only one cheating the entire time. She doesn't care that SML's brother literally ran her over, but rather was "scared" that ML was going to do something to hurt her the entire time, when he literally wouldn't lay a hand on her bc he has only wanted her. I can see where it feels burdening for FL, but this mans became rich just to provide for you and take care of you, and ONE trip with another guy pushed everything he's done away as a bad thing. Yeah SML cared about the girl's interests but FL never even got to know or ask ML his interests too. It felt like ML was attempting to learn how to date properly bc he didn't want to mess it up, and rather than help him she just cheats and breaks his heart. Idk ML did so many nice things for her, but has SML done all of these things besides getting to know you? I can get an online friend to care about my interests, but finding someone who will break their back and isolate themselves just for me to be happy and have financial freedom so i can reach my goals eventually is just so much more beautiful and touching. SML was always living in his head and unrealistic with his life views, he just blamed everyone else and didn't even listen to the person who experienced the event he was mad about, he just takes and takes whats given and never gives back. He was a snake and sly, and always played a victim and FL loved that. How could FL realistically go for her passions and dreams, when she doesn't have the financial freedom to do those things? It's like SML was manipulating her and using those aspirations to reel her in, when he was living in the clouds but the ML was on the ground working hard so she can achieve those things. Like out of all the things that ML has done for you how can you never believe him and think he did all those poor things with bad intentions towards you like you being dropped from her "dream job", when SFL was out to get you. ALSO, the AUDACITY FL had when ML gave her the clothes, the trip, the experience in Guam and she pretended like had those things and gave the credit to the "happiest days of her life" to the SML who also got to be in Guam because of the ML too??? Like yall both were broke, and act like those dreams can come instantly when in reality yes you need money and ML worked hard and DONATED his money to both of those charity grabbers like they actually believed it was a "scholarship" that they deserved.

I honestly think FL liked SML bc he was always beneath her especially in terms of persona bc he was the lowest and always sought revenge and was unhappy even when he already had the girl, whereas ML still looked at the positives and always gave and was generous and forgiving, and FL was intimidated for how great of a man he was that she was just projecting her own guilt and insecurities onto him bc she couldn't handle how much wore of a person she was. Out of all of this, she never cared about the relationship between all of the guys but always herself. I honestly think FL got this personality from her father. her mother was right that she stayed with the dad for love and look where it got her, he was still treating her poorly and making bad decisions. The father never like ML bc he still had an ego and inferiority from him around, and projected onto him as well. The father is the one that went to loan sharks and thugs, and was shocked that thugs did that to him when he didn't have the money. After all those years, when ML literally kept FL's dignity, he paid for his medical bills, provided for his daughter's tuition, etc. he still thought about the "worst" time in his life when he literally brought it to himself and the ML basically saved the father's life from dying by bringing him back/finding him. Like the father really thought money should be given to him and people will understand that he can't pay it back, and then get so hell bent that they tried to get their returns with no benefits?? All of these characters were so ungrateful except ML and (i would also include SFL but she also connived and used all of this info that ML has wanted all of his life for a LONG time to get him back.. and then pity him when others try to do it to him too the same way she did, and she prided on herself for loving ML when she couldn't let him be happy with FL). ML in the end let FL go and was happy for her, and for someone who never loved before he was the only one who TRULY knew what love was which I really admired. He always stayed true to himself, and never changed for the worse.

Although you can argue that ML should have stayed away from SFL if FL had a problem, but he did that eventually and cut ties with her when he saw how it affected FL. FL still kept SML around and had an affair but still had the audacity to get upset about SFL. Also, ML alot of the times couldn't control how SFL acted or when she showed up or what she said and no one believed him when he tried to explain himself. It's ironic how FL never cares to listen to ML's explanation or ever believe his words, yet says ML never gets to understand her or her dreams/aspirations like its a 2 WAY STREET. Break up with the mans, if you like someone else and want to do things with them like atleast be a decent human being..

I give it a 7 bc many dramas can't pull my heart strings or draw emotions like that from me easily and also for the ML <3

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Our Relationship Ended Before It Began
1 people found this review helpful
by Giuca
Aug 26, 2023
4 of 4 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Cute and short: perfect!

Actually there is not much to say about this short GL web drama. Between the synopsis and the coments, everything that can be said, has been. So why am I writing this review? I wanted to gush about so much cuteness in a korean drama. Definitely something new and refreshing!

It could be said that this is an office or better yet, a workplace romance. A boss/employee kind of a series. True, this year has been the year of office romance bl/gl series. This one takes place in a cafe. Not much of a budget so no customers in this café. The manager teases her employee so much that they fall in love but are scared to say anything. The arrival of the ex girlfriend pushes the relationship in the right direction.

The manager is very masculine looking: tall, thin, very short hair, dark clothing and no make up and even her voice is rather deep. People (customers) often mistake her for a man. She feels hurt because of that but we are still conditioned by certain ideas about gender that the mistakes of this kind are easy to make. In her previous relationship as well she was assigned the role of a man which displeased her immensely. Her employee is a very short, petite and very feminine girl (long hair, girly clothes, make up). In a way they look like your typical manga characters!

The drama obviously did not have much of a budget but they managed to tell the story correctly. As usual, the sound in korean web dramas is atrocious, it is cavernous and has a slight echo to it. Music is generic, probably free elevator music heard many times before.

Nevertheless, it is a cute short watch, a very good gl mini drama leaving you wishing for more but, storywise, perfect as it is. Well almost! I do not get the title: what does it mean?

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Hidden Love
5 people found this review helpful
by Carol
Aug 26, 2023
25 of 25 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The best cdrama

I just finished it and I loved it so much ? It’s a slow burn love and it’s really perfect. All the characters are amazing, I’m in love with Jiaxu. Sang Zhi and Jiaxu are green flags and I love that.

AMO TODOOOO. Aparte la música, tan lindaaaaa, me gustó muchísimo. Es uno de los mejores dramas que he visto, muy tierno, muy sano y muy emotivo.

No podía dejar de sonreír y reír al verlo y yo amo esooo. Este drama fue capaz de acelerar mi corazón y dejarme mirando la pantalla con una sonrisa <3
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Till the End of the Moon
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Epic wedding assasination scene! (Eps 26) & Who is the best character?

[Till the end of the moon eps 26 wedding scene]
Assassination in the wedding night is not unusual in C-drama but this scene is so epic for following reasons:
1. Background music: This is definitely the best aspect! There are 4 distinctive soundtracks in one scene: First is the strangely scary sound that is clearly not suitable for a happy wedding night. When the World-overturning Jade and the 9 soul-slaying nails are ready, the battlefield sound starts, expecting some epic boss fights, just like in an anime. But the moment the first 3 nails poke holes into ML’s heart, a quick silence for the ML to realize his beloved one comes for his life, is followed by a painful sad sound showing this is not a fight but a one-sided unjustified traumatized betrayal from FL and sympathy toward ML’s suffering.
2. Acting: Luo Yunxi as Tantai Jin looks sooo naive with a bunch of unjustified questions and his screaming when his heart gets pierced makes viewers really feel his pain. Bai Lu as Ye Xiwu did a great job here, showing no mercy towards the future demon lord as expected. I love the cool-hearted “Farewell…” statement at the end and the painful look when she sees the last 3 nails disappear.
3. Trauma/Tragedy storyline: I know this story means to get the two leads to suffer in the most terrible way possible and this scene is unavoidable. But you know, how crazily inhuman FL’s plan could be, giving the only touch of warmth and love to ML in his world, just to trigger some soul-slaying artifacts and then shred them all with a final cold-blooded blow. This writer must hate this world so much to write this “don’t try this at home” type of story. Of course, because of these emotional abuses, the chemistry between this main couple is distorted into pity, scaredness from FL and obsession, anger from ML.
[My favorite character of this show]
To me, the better, wholehearted love and hands down my favorite character is Sang Jiu: Admiration, Affection, Bravery, Sacrifice, and Revenge. A girl dares to lead her life, taking risks to strive for her love, forcefully taking her night with her man before leaving, anonymously taking care of him without asking for anything in return and being able to throw the feelings all away to get revenge for her family… Love and Hate are clearly distinguished which is sooo cool !!!
Unfortunately, she admired an absolute piece of trash, irresponsible, incompetent “God of War” Ming Ye, who should have at least expressed appreciation for his 2-time savior by doing something for her. For example, giving her a clear verbal explanation in person (not a no-brainer promise written in toilet paper), some protection artifacts, something for her to get his contact when needed, and at least distributing some troops to protect his family-in-law and a courier to get updated. This so-called “Leader of the Upper Immortal Realm” just sits still, does nothing, knows nothing, and when bad things happen he could continue his uselessness by fking around FL saying sorry while she gets all the revenge herself..!?

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The First Responders Season 2
29 people found this review helpful
by Aymen
Aug 26, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 4
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Season 2 is a LOT better than season 1

Well, I know, I know DoJin died and yeah we all cried for him....But that doesn't make this drama less interesting....I've seen people saying "im dropping this drama cz DoJin died and blah blah blah"....But at the end of the day, it was the actor's choice to leave this drama....

HoGae and Seol look ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE together and I wish to see more of their interactions in next 4 episodes...

p.s: It might never happen but I'll always wait for season 3....This drama is LITERALLY soooooooo good.....♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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The One and Only
2 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Another lazy one...

This is not a good writing. Overdosing on misery will only backfire in this case. Subjecting a single character to all of the common tropes of sadness will lose the emotional impact and genuine human connection. This is also resulted in making the drama feels infinitely longer, you'll keep wishing they just die already. Yet, that wasn't the worst part about the drama. The entire murder/mystery/investigation element was effortlessly bad. At one point the entire nation was chasing them until they gave up, no one cared and no proper follow up. The drama could've been easily cut in half without affecting the narrative at all.

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Rush to the Dead Summer
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
48 of 48 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

It was a good one time watch

Although people have different opinions about this drama and mainly negative, their arguments are quite agreeable to a certain point. I agree that the drama got uninteresting towards the ending and that the ending wasn't satisfactory either. The villain didn't get the karma they deserved. There were a lot of points in this drama that proved to be set backs. But for me, I think this drama was realistic and relatable. It's because things in life don't always go the way you want and the most unexpected things can happen anytime. The backstabbing in this drama was sadly real. The drama didn't reach the target audience who reminisce with the emotions in this drama, but there were still people who appreciated this drama. The plot was unnecessary at point that is why it is acknowledged that it was hard to watch. And 46 episodes are too much to watch with the nonsense it ended up being. Towards the start I really liked it, the second male lead was so joyful and funny. But later onwards it got sadder and sadder. But the main plot was still the same, they were in high school and then parted their ways for college. It really retaliates a lot to reality, parting with the people closest to you with the memories... I won't watch this drama again but if someone is planning to watch this drama be aware of the precautions!

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Ongoing 2/12
Dangerous Romance
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
2 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Giving up on troubled youth isn't the solution, guidance and direction can make a huge difference

I like the fact that this show shows the hard reality instead of just glossing over it. Bullying, broken family, social class difference, poverty, debt are very real problems and reality of life. I prefer realistic stories like this when it's portrayed well. The show hasn't tried to romanticize bullying, which is already a great start. Life isn't bright skies and butterflies and humam beings are hugely flawed. Social problems exist and many people can change for the better, if they get some push towards the right direction. Giving up on troubled youth isn't the solution, guidance and direction can make a huge difference, they deserve a second chance. I think this is important to keep in mind while watching the series.

The acting and chemistry between the leads is already enough to keep me fully invested. Perth Chimon have done a wonderful job. They've brought their characters to life and it's clear how incredibly talented they are. The supporting actors are good too.

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My Dear Lady
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 3.5

It is "okay". There are shortcomings

My Rating -
1. Story: 3/10 - Although the Divorced Mom Plot contain the career progress and finding new love, It has so many shortcomings and illogical scenes make you feel bored. Second Couple is too boring to watch. FL's Kid plot is too thin. I hoped Kid can have more screen time.
2. Acting: 8/10

Negatives -
1. Second Couple's On and Off Plot looked boring, I had to skip the most of the part.
2. The Plot with the Child is completely missing. If you're using the "Divorced Mom" plot then the writers must focus more on Child part. The Show began with a goal of a mother to get custody but later child goal got drifted.
3. Drama is too Draggy! Almost 85% of the scenes look like copied from other bossy dramas. Also, there are unnecessary scenes which make us feel bored.
4. Though FL looks good but her character is boring to watch. There's a growth in her character but there are more shortcomings.

Positives -
1. ML is good and handsome. I watched so many dramas of Liu Te.
2. ML interaction with FL's kid looks good but I felt writers should have added more scenes for them. Kid is good.
3. Sweet Kisses and Romances.

For those, who look for this drama in the future - It is happy ending with out Marriage Scene, Story can be improved and seemed off with the plot, Good Chemistry and there are Kissing Scenes.

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Dropped 1/16
Destined with You
9 people found this review helpful
by oppa_
Aug 26, 2023
1 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 1.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Dropping because its too predictable from watching just one episode

1st episode and this man already has a girlfriend, whom he did not treat well but he has ONE,
but since jo bo ah is FL so he will end up with her means, it will be cheating in relationship (not Marriage) but still cheating
then 2nd point here is he is also a murder and inhuman unkind
Only thing good about him is his height and looks, height is here unmatched with FL because Jo bo Ah is not that tall and looking how good a relationship will be only based on his good looks, in dramas it work but in reality after few months even Woo Bin and Hyun bin start looking normal to there wife's not some GODLY figures

Jo bo ah is having crash on SML and she might first seduce him then reject him for ML so this drama is not in mood to give you Second lead couple
i give 2/10 to story because there is nothing in it Cursed Box Girl love Cheating breakup and happy ending for Selected people called ML & FL
Raa won acting look artificial and fake, no genuine emotions Showen, being arrogant indifferent type of person is very easy to portray you do not need to much emotion there
this drama may try to follow what's wrong with, business proposal. King the land
Same bullshit sing Along
overall it needed 1/10 because some fake account start giving 10/10 without even watching

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Low Frequency
2 people found this review helpful
by RoseQ
Aug 26, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

A lot more mystery than romance

The premise of the series is not really my cup of tea but I decided to give it a go anyways as the trailer looked interesting. Sadly, the series didn’t really deliver. I put the majority of the blame for this on the script, editing and styling choices.

The script was not really well thought out. Most of the time, things were very slow moving and there was not nearly enough going on. There are a lot of things that also don’t have an actual explanation and / or proper conclusion. Or proper background information. Even just takin Mon as a lost soul into consideration – sometimes he can’t taste food or travel through walls and doors, and other times he can. It was a lot of inconsistency. Let’s not comment on what they did with the scene where the bad guy is caught. That was a disaster.

The editing cuts were sometimes done very strangely, so the jumps from one scene to another didn’t always look good. The flashbacks were okay, but I think the transitions between past and present should have been clearer. As for styling choices, the ghosts looked horrible and more like they have risen from the dead.

Mon & Thames: Mon does appear as a relatable character (which is more than I can say for a few others). He does appear kind of awkward, and I honestly don’t fully understand some of his decisions. Thames can seem quite arrogant at times, but we also see his more realistic and down-to-earth side when he is with his grandma. We do get some cute moments between the two, but their relationship just happens. There is not really any clarity on why they like each other. They just do. I also think that the two actors didn’t really have a good chemistry. There were times when they appeared really awkward with each other and I am not sure if this is due to the characters or the actors. I am loving Ping as Thames, I think he does well in the role, but Guitar’s portrayal of Mon does feel a bit flat at times.

The side characters were fun, I guess. I really liked Bua, she was a good friend and manager to both boys. The other two actors were a bit of a mess, I didn’t really like either of them. And the guardian spirit did very little guarding, but that’s fine. Mon’s work friend was an easy way out in the end, and I didn’t find his character persuasive.

A lot of focus was on the mystery part of the plot while the romantic aspect of it was not done well. It was lacking. I did enjoy most of the mystery stuff though, but there were a few situations that didn’t necessarily make a lot of sense or were just done in a weird manner that didn’t really fit the narrative or the characters.

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HIStory3: Trapped
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Not an Excellent crime/gangster drama, nor a BL romance drama

Browsing through MDL, “HIStory 3: Trapped” is rated pretty high for a Taiwanese drama and/or a BL drama. Unfortunately, I am not sure if it’s worth the 8.4 current rating. I feel that it tries to be a very good crime/gangster drama, and also a very good BL drama. In the end, it lands right in the middle: not excellent in either or both directions.

It was a slow start for me. I did not like the cop ML at all. I understand his motive of trying to find the killer of his mentor for the last 4 years. But the way he approaches gangster ML is unprofessional, unrealistic and super clingy and stalkerish. The acting is also a little over-the-top for me. On the other hand, gangster ML’s stoic but bland expressions distract me from his handsome looks and beautiful physique in a suit. You know, if you can’t act, no matter how good-looking you are, the drama is never going to be good.

Luckily, the acting of gangster ML gets better throughout the drama. When he’s not forced to act all cold, his emotional and normal scenes are pretty decent. Cop ML’s acting also gets more natural but his professionalism and unrealistic approach to solving the case never goes away.

The gangster turf fight is uninteresting and the pursuit of the murderer is half-baked. It tries to be a crime investigation/gangster drama but the writing is not up to par.

What about BL romance? The first half of the drama is more fun before the leads get together. Yes, cop ML is clingy and stalkerish, but at least the chemistry is quite good and sizzles a little. But once they got together, I was expecting more kisses and skinship. We have maybe 3 decent scenes with intimacy and skinship. However, the quality of the kisses is disappointing given this is the HIStory franchise.

On another note, the side romance is quite cute and sweet. Jack is the most attractive of the guys for me, and his character is interesting. I keep on thinking there’s more to him that meets the eye with his smirks and smiles. But his counterpart, the young cop, is way too naive and especially unbelievable as a cop. The pairing is cute but unrealistic.

Having said all that, I do appreciate a BL drama not set in a school setting and tries to be a more mature drama. There really aren’t too many BL dramas out there about real adults and not students, and good ones are even harder to come by. A few of the action scenes are quite good and not slow-mo fighting. Both leads look like they trained for these scenes. This is a quick and easy binge since each episode is only about 25 minutes long. From an enjoyment level, I will round this up to an 8.0. If I am judging strictly on writing/acting/execution, this will be a lower score. I will recommend this if you are looking for a more mature BL drama, just don't lower the expectations a little.

Completed: 8/26/2023 - Review #344

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First Love: Hatsukoi
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
9 of 9 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


un drama con una storia d'amore toccante che in vari momenti mi ha fatto versare diverse lacrime.
Ho amato tutto dalla storia ai personaggi e pure l'ambientazione.
I 9 episodi hanno reso la visione godibilissima senza mai annoiare, ma anche se sono "solo 9" la storia è completa e profonda.
Gli attori sono top e lo consiglio vivamente!
Spesso, io in primis, ho snobbato i drama giapponesi preferendo di gran lunga quelli coreani, ma credo che sia giunto il momento di cambiare strada.
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Nobody Knows
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

A Weirdly Appealing Drama!

"The Disappearing Child " & "The Bad Kids " This one gave me similar vibes.So if you have watched any of those you easily get the mood.

Nobody Knows requires your full attention and your full patience.Yes is one of these Dramas you cannot play with your mobile/cat/dog while watching.And you have to dedicate yourself to it because it is not an easy watch.

Beautiful Cinematography.Emotional Music scores.Clever Direction which pulls all the right strings to make you feel a large range of emotions.Incredible and natural acting too.Zero complaints about any technicality.

As always i started it because of the Murder/Crime case.That was the "click bait" to me.Once again i fell into the same trap like a fool.The synopsis is quite misleading.Do not fully count on it.Its just the general frame.

The format regarding the timeline is weird,messy and confusing as hell.There is not a clear past-present or future.You follow the story with only indicator the time stamp which appears on your screen as a guide.
You watch the scenes and you are completely clueless about them.Because the flashbacks turns to be...flash-forwards!
I swear i paid full attention while watching.But for 10 freakin episodes in a row,i had the feeling i was missing very important details.(and this made me doubt my IQ!)But no!I did pay attention and i didn't miss any detail.
Don't worry.Every confusing scene will be cleared and fully explained in the latter episodes,so everything will make a perfect sense.

Because everything became more clear after the 10th ep.The story about the murder case(s) starts to unfold.Until then it was only a sub-plot,like the writer forgot about it.Too late for my taste,if you ask me,but at that point my interest shifted to the amazing and so well written characters,so my initial anger cooled down really fast.(because i started it with the impression it was a hard core murder case drama!)

The pace is really slow,takes its sweet time to tell the story.Which is mostly about the heartwarming friendship between the 4 main leads.Surprisingly to me i found the dialogues pretty realistic and the teen-agers' struggles,fears and hopes were too real.Going back many-many years ago(lol)i felt i could relate.And i think this is the biggest advantage of this series.The realism of every character.Made me feel for them and it was easier to follow up with everything.Because when you just don't care about the main characters there is no way to like the drama,right?

It is a fully detailed story about those kids lives.And i felt the urge as an adult,to advise them,guide them,protect them from life's hardships.I wanted to give them a big hug and assure them that everything is gonna be alright.Damn i had no idea before starting it,that will touch me in so many different ways.

If you decide to start watching it,remember to be patient.And please,do not drop it even if you are tempted to.
The last episode will pay you back for all the previous 15 eps.At least,i can guarantee you that!

"If i can save a heart from breaking...
I haven't lived in vain.

If i can take a person's pain away or relieve a person's grief
or help a lost robin to return to it's nest..
I haven't lived in vain"

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