10 people found this review helpful
Jan 13, 2013
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This drama is nothing revolutionary, nothing groundbreaking. That being said, this drama also proves that reading reviews can be a very dangerous thing and can make you lose out something you would otherwise have loved. I have been looking at this drama for an entire year, wanting to start it but held back because of the wealth of negative and mediocre reviews. Sure, it's deserving of criticism and is by no means perfect, but I feel like it's getting a bit of a bum rap.

Full of cliches and ridiculous plot lines, I can see why some people would be turned off by it. But if you have ever found yourself wishing at the end of the drama that they would have spent a little more episode time at the end showing the happy couple doing happy lovey dovey things, then this drama is for you! That's not to say this drama is also roses and being happy, but they definitely do have a lot of couple stuff that most dramas miss out on because of all of the angst.

Though, there was plenty of angst for those who like an ample dash of it in their dramas. I personally hated the entire Yoon Joo storyline, and seriously, why even make Sang Hee a character if you are just going to forget he exists after episode 8? And yes, it's true the last episode did seem a little pointless since by that point you knew how it was going to end. But when it's all said and done, this drama was a lot of fun to watch them try and work their way through the lies, and then try and figure out how to make it work once it wasn't a lie.

And, seriously. That coke kiss scene is so incredibly hot in context. I've seen the clip before and I have to say, it's not nearly as hot unless you have the episode before that with the karaoke kiss to compare it to that it becomes ridiculously hot :p Ki Joon was such a great leading male, I loved watching him. I can't believe how much I went from disliking his hair in the first episode (that man does not look good with bangs!) and hating his voice to loving him as much as I do now at the end. He was one romantic dude!

Anyway, before I make this even more unbearably long, I just want to say to give this drama a shot! You might just find out that it was worth the few days it takes to watch it :)

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10 people found this review helpful
Jun 26, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
this drama was one of my favorites!!
it was one of the best dramas I've ever watched!
the story was very funny and then it got really romantic
with every episode it gets better :D
but I got to say that I liked the first episodes more
it's diffidently worth watching and you won't regret watching it

I liked how they hated each other at first and then all of that hate changed.
The plot was amazing!!
& the characters are awesome and lovable
I hope you enjoy watching it!! :D
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8 people found this review helpful
Jun 29, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
What can I say that hasn't been already been said, the chemistry of the two lead is probably what brought me back to this drama until the end. Of Course the story was original and was very promising in my opinion until ep 11 were due to some heath issues , the writers were switch. After the switch how could I qualified the drama, well the storyline in my opinion when to the toilet, but the two lead just kept pulling us in. Well the end was cute, but It could have been epic. But Still I would recommend it. It's somewhat worth the watch.
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10 people found this review helpful
Mar 11, 2014
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
It's over. I've never been so happy for a show to be over. I feel like I just climbed a mountain. I swear from like episode 2 through around 7, the story was entertaining and I actually looked forward to watching it. I wasn't aware that the writers were changed midway through the drama when I started watching the show though. What was an entertaining, comedic, suspenseful, and cute show suddenly became the epitome of cliche romance. The first half of the story had an entertaining plot full of lies and possibilities. I loved that there was rivalry with the friend instead of the normal sappy supportive friends girls are usually given in these dramas. The cliffhangers in these beginning episodes were awesome. The second male had a good start for being in the running for an adversary in love. Suddenly, when the writers changed however, he just disappeared out of nowhere. I should mention that this is after they degraded his character into some sort of pathetic, helpless child full of self pity and no ambition. Many of the side characters began to disappear, and the story began to focus a lot on boring things such as work, very detailed work. Half the time they were working, and when they weren't they shared cute, but cliche and to be honest, pretty boring romantic moments. Well I guess the first time it shocked me, because of the 180 degree change in personality of the male lead. I was excited at first (unaware of the script change) wondering to myself, "Oh boy, I wonder what trick he has up his sleeve this time!" After grinning like an idiot for a while, my jaw dropped realizing that it wasn't an act. He became a servant basically. Sadly, my favorite K drama actress tricked me again and became a selfish person in the end. This made the ending even more unbearably painful to me. I had to take a break at least ten times while watching the last episode. I should've watched Missing You first. Now I'm afraid to watch it because of these last three dramas I've watched with her. She's still my favorite K drama actress, but I felt like she wasn't even that cute in this show. :( I hope she continues to try because I'm afraid that her popularity will go down and she won't be able to get a good role again.

That being said, I don't think that it was the actors who were the problem. Yoon Eun Hye is my favorite actress, she's cute, isn't annoying, and can cry well. Although I wasn't a big fan of Kang Ji Hwan (I'm not sure if it was his voice or age, but I didn't find him too attractive), he cried on cue too and was very believable in his actions. Sung Joon was cute in the beginning when he had a good script, but kind of became annoying from the script change. He really had no purpose afterwards, and neither did the whole side girl thing or any of the story in the first half with the contract and everything. I felt like the new writers just tossed the old plot away and started a new uninteresting story altogether. Sorry, back to the acting (I can't seem to get over the script change). The friend was a good actress. I loved how believable her jealousy was with the chin quiver and everything. The aunt was pretty (just thought I'd throw that in there - it's hard for women to age that beautifully >___>). To sum it up, the acting was a 9 for me because I think they did very well to try to make such a cruddy script as entertaining as it could be with their actions.

Though some people say that the music was childish, I thought that the ending song in the first half was actually catchy. It was edgy and fit the whole "try to make your friend jealous/ in your face" concept. I also liked one of the slower songs at the end (This is Really Goodbye - M to M). While I do agree that some of the background music just faded into the background and seemed unnoticeable, I felt that the people in charge of the music for this show did a good job matching the music to the mood.

Obviously since this show went downhill, the re-watch value for this is a 1 for me. Overall I'd give it a 6 since my favorite actress is in it and the beginning was entertaining. I wouldn't recommend this to people even though it had a good beginning because it'll just lead to disappointment in the end since the story isn't really finished, but rather, they give you a new and bland love story.

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5 people found this review helpful
Apr 1, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
In simple I fall in love with this drama, the story and all casts so amazing and pretty much.
Romance+comedy, with this drama you will spend great time I'm sure you will like it, I plan to re watching this drama again.
The couple Gong Ah Jung and Hyun Ki Joon doing great job, They fight at the start then guess what!!! they fall in love story and who imagine that, it's drama you won't apple to guess what will happened.
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5 people found this review helpful
Mar 23, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
Story - very original and caught my attention quickly. Had me laughing and anticipating throughout. However, towards the end, it became drawn out, even though it should have finished (too predictable by that time).

Acting/Cast - The two main characters fit well together. I fell in love with their bond. Cast was chosen well and Ki Joon gives off the appearance of a true businessman.

Music - Personally, I didn't notice it too much since it blended well with the drama. When I did notice, the songs were nice to listen to and go well with the scene playing at that time.

Overall - I was watching two fully aired dramas at once. This one took precedence over the other.

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9 people found this review helpful
Jul 8, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
I'm just like you, picky when it comes to dramas.

At first I was terrified by the reviews this drama got, but I took the chance. Now at 6 am after finishing the last couple of episodes, I decided to be nice and write a review. Why? Because this drama really surprised the heck of me. I loved every bit of it. I even got the biggest crush on the male lead even though his voice were kind of funny sometimes^^

The story overall was good, it's a typical love story drama. However, even though it's typical this drama weighs it up with the lovely cast, cute music and superb acting.

When it's comes to acting I fell in love with every character, and I love how the actors managed to portray the feelings the characters had. The music was indeed good, and I can promise you that you'll be humming this line; "Ice cream Ice-cream sarang dugeundugeun sangsang"

Overall this drama is definitively one of my favorite dramas, I loved it! So I advice you to stop reading reviews and actually start watching the drama, you will not regret!

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9 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2013
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0
1) The reason I watched this :

The main reason I watched this drama is because of Yoon Eun Hye , one of the most beautiful talented female actors . Which I personally like .

2) Storyline/Plot:
Despite the fact that I gave to the story a score of 10 , its your ordinary rich guy / poor girl story , contract marriage story , with a simple love triangle ( your normal average Kdrama story ) the question here why ? why did I give it 10/10 !!! , thats simply because of the scenes itself , original .. I like a lot of romantic scenes , also the story shows good development .. I consider this rom-com drama among my TOP 3 in the Rom-com category.

*The cinematography is great , which is one of the strong points of this drama

*Main Genres:

--->Comedy: very Few scenes that where funny

--->Romance: EPIC , the chemistry between the 2 main leads is high and present

Story: 10/10.

3) Acting/Cast:

*Main Leads : Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan both of them done a really great job , the chemistry between them is high and present with strong impact.

*Supporting actors : Jo Yoon Hee I'll miss her character in this drama , the jealous lady , it was perfectly done in a fuuny way , unique one time character.

*Other characters were normal and up to standard but common.


--->Romance: one word " Beautiful " , chemistry 10/10

--->The triangle: It was a simple one , which didn't affect the development of romance between main leads , again one of the strong points .

Cast: 8.5/10.
Acting: 10/10.

4) The ending: one of most memorable ending in comparison to romcom k-drama , and was beautifully done

The ending: 9/10.

5) My impression (How did it affect me):
Its like I lived in the world of love and dreams for a short period of time :)

*Is the drama memorable: YES

My impression: 9/10.

6) Overall:
Overall: 10/10

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12 people found this review helpful
Nov 6, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
I thought this was a really sweet, but predictable, love story. There was nothing original about this drama, but it does have some memorable romantic scenes. The leads are typical for KDrama, an ambitious/stubborn woman, and an arrogant rich guy with ocd. Anyone who's watched a few dramas will find it really easy to know what will happen next.

The supporting cast was pretty good, but their stories were disappointing. Sung Joon was my favorite supporting character in the beginning, but after a while it was clear that his story wouldn't develop, and his acting started to feel forced. Hong Soo Hyun was fun as the annoying rival/friend, and I loved to hate her. Jo Yoon Hee didn't have a strong enough presence as the ex fiance, and I grew tired of her really quickly

What kept me watching this drama until the end was the chemistry between Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan. The story starts to get really cheesy in the last episodes, but I still loved seeing them together. The ending tries too hard to be meaningful, but it was way too corny for my taste. I can't see myself rewatching this drama from the beginning, but I admit to revisiting a few of my favorite scenes. I loved the "cola" scene, and the karaoke scene made sure that "Ice cream" song was stuck in my head for weeks!

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 13, 2011
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
It's absolutely a superb drama.Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan are both very brilliant actors.I think the story is kinda cute and hilarious.I couldnt help giggling with each episode__it's kind of romantic.I've rewatched the past 11 episodes many times esp. the part where they sang together.I think it's sweet.
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6 people found this review helpful
Jul 23, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 6.0
Ah. I really loved this drama. The story is not the most unique. There are quite a few dramas out there with the whole marriage contract going on, but despite that I highly enjoyed watching Lie To Me. There are some seriously funny moments as well as those heartfelt moments as well. What I really liked about Lie To Me is the fact that it stayed away from the cliches, ex-girlfriend, and the know what I mean. There was, of course, an ex-girlfriend, and a mom-like-figure, not the mom, who were all "blah blah" and had their panties in a twist, but their roles weren't carried out like they would have been in a typical rom-com. I loved the acting in this drama. The actors didn't do some high-end superb job, but they did really great for their roles. The one character I could not stand was Hyun Ki Joon. When he first appeared on screen I expected, just from his presence on screen, for him to have this manly voice...boy was I wrong. I never expected to hear this high, nasally voice. I wanted to drop the drama right there, because I couldn't stand his voice, but decided to hold out. I never got used to his voice, but it became quite fun to imitate during those repetitive moments during an episode. I've probably said "animida" in a nasally voice a hundred times since watching this drama. I really loved the music. It was so sweet, and the songs and voices were really soothing, not in a new wavish way though, don't worry. I'm not sure about rewatching, but I'll probably end up buying this drama on dvd. I'm serious. I really loved this drama. Overall, I give it a 9. I didn't like the nasally voice, blah, and the story isn't overly original, but nonetheless, this drama was awesome.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jun 15, 2012
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
The thing that I love most about this drama is that the kissing scenes are awesome. They aren’t stiff and awkward. The feel of this drama is really good, because once the characters fall in love with each other, they don’t waiver. There are some problems, of course, but they are resolved quickly. It isn’t a new story by any means, but I think it is refreshing because the love is dependable.

Kang Ji Hwan plays the rich, arrogant, and absolutely sweet Ki Joon. I think he is an excellent actor. Side note…If you get the chance, then you should watch the Korean Movie Rough Cut. He is excellent in that and it shows just how versatile of an actor he is.
Yoon Eun Hye plays the quirky, adorable Ah Jung. There are times when I am disappointed in this character. It is because of the writing and has nothing to do with her acting ability. I have seen everything she has been in except The Vineyard Man. I think I will watch it next, because it has Oh Man Suk in it and I adore him too. Anyway, she is a great actress!!!
This also has Sung Joon in it from Shut Up: Flower Boy Band. Don’t watch this if you are expecting to see a lot of him, because his part isn’t prominent.
I loved Kwon Se In as Park Hoon, he is absolutely endearing. The other side characters are good too.

The music is ok, but nothing special.

I will probably watch this anytime I want to watch something light hearted and sweet. I even love the cheesy parts.

I recommend this drama based on the acting. Like I said the story isn’t in any way original, but it is still good.

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Lie to Me (2011) poster



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