0 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Feel good romance

I’ve been waiting for years for this to air, since they filmed it in 2018 and put it on pause until this year I was desperately waiting for this to air. I had very high expectations for this drama and I can say most of them WERE met. The romance between the leads was great I loved their interactions and I loved how they made ho joon so understanding and sweet and main girl was able to speak her truth (after a character arc) overall these 2 characters were very well developed and I LOVED LOVED the ending it was so sweet and I adored it. However, JJ and in hyung’s characters were kinda off for me. I have not read the webtoon so I don’t know if these characters are written like this in the og work but they were unbearable. While I felt bad for in hyung I didn’t particular care for her character and she seemed kinda like a bland character I wish they gave some more backstory or something on her so you could see more of her without her link to JJ cause she seemed to be there just to be angst for the two guys which was annoying. JJ was unbearable I hated this man so much he claimed to love in hyung but he never gaf about her until the very end really????? He made EVERYTHING about himself his victim complex was something else he even made her suicide attempt about HIM????? I hated that they didn’t make in hyung and JJ go their separate ways in the end cause they were very toxic together and it makes no sense for them to stay together. Also the ost was kinda annoying especially the main ost I really was expecting some hits in this but the ost really was horrific ? there was some good songs but nothing remarkable. Overall this was a cute drama with cliches but they were all so cute and endearing and I recommend for when you wanna binge something fun and light!

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Jul 6, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
I love it! It was super light, cute and fluffy. I’m a big fan of the leads and their couples IRL so it makes me think the four are close friends which is great. It was definitely a good watch after watching stressful dramas like Law School and Mouse so I really enjoyed this one. The story was cliche obviously and some say that it’s more like a Cdrama than a Kdrama. But for me, it was def a Kdrama, a cliche one. There were funny scenes which I loved. I cant believe it only aired 3 yrs after being shot. But I guess now is a good timing cause the leads are back from the army (just in time for CTJ’s release too) I just didnt like the story of Inhyung, didnt like how desperate she was, but it was part of the story so meh. Another, the music I didnt like. I had expectations since it was an idol drama, but I know CTJ is not a good singer but they shouldve still picked better songs. It wasnt catchy at all. Other than those, I love it.

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Oct 9, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 2.5
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A tour-de-force to end this.

For some unknown reason I forced myself to watch this, and I think I should have dropped it at some point, but I love Soo Young, so I tried to finish it just to watch her acting.

While I feel the Chinese movie has it's own faults, I somehow ended up enjoyed the really silly plot, and I always thought, that even if it wasn't the best acting by all the main actors, Chanyeol and Mabel managed to develop a believable chemistry during it.

Let me tell you, not only there was no need for this to be 16 episodes, the plot was also washed down to make everybody less unsympathetic than in the movie, and in the middle of it, they ended up drawing characters without a personality.

The positives: While I don't like Hoo Joon, the main character, AT ALL, and I didn't even like it when he starts to become less rough, his chemistry with Geun Young is good, their couple was probably the only reason this drama was semi-watchable.
In the beginning, it's fun, it starts as a nice comedy, and the characters are fun.

The negatives: Don't even get me started on the second leads. How Chan Sung managed to say yes to this abusive character is out of my understanding completely.
Their relationship plays a bit like that awful 50 Shades, this is the textbook of "don't have this relationship" for kids, they are two awful people making each other miserable.
All their tries to make the plot longer, and deeper, failed to me. Nothing made sense, they jumped from one thing to the other. Honestly, stick with simple, simple is best.

I am going to hope this is an old drama, and it just had a lot of production problems, and it ended being shown at the wrong time.

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Jul 8, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Engaging Relationship Drama

The plot of this drama seemed like it was something I wouldn't be interested in. I am not a K pop fan, watching another K pop romance drama was going to make me nauseous.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when I gave this drama a chance. Firstly, there sre two main story archs tied together by the former and present life of the ML.

In the present, the ML is terribly rude to a member of the press, who becomes our FL. As a result, the FL is fired from her job and subsequently writes an anti-fan exposè about the K pop star ML, which makes her a target of all his K pop stans.

In the past, the ML was connected with the SML and SFL as they were in the K pop idol program with him, but he became a star and they didn't.

Slowly, the real truth about the ML is exposed, not just what the victims of circumstances around him believe to be the truth.

The FL is a great character, although it would have been fine if she wasn't made out to be as quirky or poor as she was as a ploy by the writers to make her "relatable". I hate this kind of manipulative writing.

The ML was almost too perfect. I mean, he's written as this flawless, perfect individual, which is in keeping with his K pop idol persona. Not that I needed him to be quirky just to have him be relatable. Of course when he exhibited an acceptance of the FL rural background, it was a ploy by the writers to prove that he wasn't a rich snob, which is the ultimate favourite trope for writers of drama. ? OK, he accepts poor people, so he is relatable and likeable now. Great.?

I found myself cheering on the SML because of how flawed and bitter he was, because at least he was interesting, though behaving like a perpetual victim is also annoying.

The SFL is a human doormat character who has no mind of her own and is a perpetual victim. I skipped most scenes she was in, as they kept doing flashback scenes with her, and I couldn't care less about her.

Anyway, I do recommed this drama as a character-led drama that started of as a situational drama but flipped successfully along the way. The FL isn't a human doormat like most K drama FLs. She is opinionated and decisive. That alone was enough of a draw for me.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 20, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

It is not Ok but Ok

I liked this drama but I love the movie more. The story seem so slow and with no chemistry. The lead female character did not seem as an anti-fan at the beginning. She did not oppose to the idol. He seem to be able to boss her around with no argument. She did not seem strong or independent enough. She was to quite and not load enough to really be against the idol. The Idol character seem sad but not angry and always felt guilty but never did anything until the ending episodes. Her friends seem to be just extra character they were really no help to her. The relationship seem dry with little chemistry. The story about the missing father could have been skipped and that he did not tell everyone who he really was seem pointless just to say that fan would hate him and to create a twist but I found it not necessary. The obsess friends who hated the Idol character also made no sense and to create a mystery that was just did not feel good to the plot. The actors did a good job in their performance but the writer could have done a better job with the story. He did not really make us believe that she was an anti-fan. Was that not suppose to be the plot.

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Dropped 1/16
Lilac Francois
9 people found this review helpful
May 3, 2021
1 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 10
Overall 2.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

The worse acting ever

Oh my god... this drama probably have the worse acting I ever seen.

I’m intrigued about the story, but I cannot even stand to watch it for more than 20 minutes. The acting is really really bad. Whose the FL? I never see her before and I would never see her again. The worse and most awkward acting i’ve ever seen. But she’s not the only one, everyone else is also not that much better.

Horrible.... that’s the only word that could describe this drama.

I also think that the director is not helping either, from what I can see, it feels like a slap dash drama. No quality at all. And here I was expecting this drama to be good... but it’s not even watchable. Give me back my 20 minutes that I spend on watching it.

Now I’ll find some better drama to wash my eyes and lift my mood.

Horrible, just horrible.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 22, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

Une relation de haine idole/anti-fan qui n'existe que sur le papier

J'avais sincèrement envie d'aimer ce drama et si je l'ai terminé, ce n'était pas sans peine.

Les premiers épisodes sont longs et dépourvus d'intérêt. Pourtant, j'avais bon espoir de voir le drama prendre une nouvelle tournure une fois ces épisodes passés. Malheureusement, on tourne vite en rond.
La relation de haine idole/anti-fan n'est qu'un artifice de quelques minutes. Vous l'avez vu ? Et bien, profitez-en, car vous ne la verrez plus vraiment.
Les quiproquos serviront à alimenter la pseudo-haine, mais on ne la ressent pas à l'écran.
Quant à l'amour, j'ignore à quel moment ils ont commencé à se voir autrement que "idole/anti-fan". J'étais confuse au fur et à mesure, plus j'essayais d'y trouver un sens moins j'avais l'impression de comprendre où les scénaristes et le réalisateur voulaient aller. Finalement, j'ai stupidement abandonné l'idée de comprendre pour juste regarder. Entre deux verres de soju, peut-être aurai-je une réponse ?

Outre le fait qu'on ne sache pas où on souhaite aller, les personnages sont aussi un problème.
Lee Geun Yeong est montrée comme une femme de caractère et qui ne compte pas se laisser faire... Et bien, après deux épisodes le masque tombe. Elle est seulement là, car elle doit y être, point.
Hoo Joon avait un potentiel, cependant, le scénario passe complètement à côté en nous pondant un cliché courant du genre. Alors oui, il est très beau lorsqu'il sourit et son regard enflammé est incrouable, mais sans caractère manque cruellement de caractère.
Les acteurs sont bons, pas les personnages.

Facilement oubliable, il ne marque pas les esprits et passe à côté de toutes ses promesses.
Ah ! Correction, il sera difficile d'oublier les tenues de Lee Geun Yeong qui sont, à elles seules, un scandale...

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1 people found this review helpful
May 8, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Une romance jubilatoire !

Rien que pour les superbes scènes de fin, le drama vaut la peine d'être vue. Les deux leads sont exceptionnels et j'ai vraiment eu la banane en regardant les scènes de couples dans la seconde moitié de la série.
Oui, effectivement, je me passerai (et j'ai passé) tous les moments avec les deux seconds rôles, le "méchant", jaloux pathétique du ML qui ne m'a pas vraiment convaincue. C'était un homme bien... ah? Et l'autre second rôle féminin, pathétique aussi, à toujours courir après la gloire et à pleurer auprès de son ex au moindre problème.
En dehors de cela, une très belle romance avec l'anti-fan, une journaliste amusante qui se trouve détester le ML et qui par les hasards du showbizz se retrouve à faire une émission de télé-réalité avec celui-ci. Oui, pleine de coïncidences, de scènes très clichées où deux ennemis vont finir par s'aimer. L'histoire est adaptée du webtoon du même nom, fidèle, parfois trop à mon goût à la BD d'origine. Je regrette cependant que le drama n'ait pas repris une scène du webtoon, à savoir, la seconde lead régulièrement battue son copain jaloux, le fameux "méchant" va se confier auprès de notre notre journaliste GY, qui la console et lui enjoint de refuser toutes formes d'abus, mais non, cette scène du webtoon n'a pas été repris à l'écran...
Cela étant, les deux acteurs principaux ont été formidables, il attaque avec arrogance et elle répond avec verve. J'ai vraiment beaucoup ri et souri (des superbes scènes de baisers, c'est bon à prendre aussi). Bref, un drama qui a des défauts mais qui tout de même un bon romcom à regarder les jours de pluie. A regarder, donc !

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 3.0

Um clichê leve para descontrair

A história foca na jornalista Lee Geun Young, abusada pela maioria dos colegas de trabalho e que acaba saindo de um relacionamento de uma maneira conturbada; o protagonista masculino, Hoo Joon, é um idol reconhecido mundialmente que se recente pelas mentiras que a empresa responsável pelo seu debute teve que contar para adquirir fama, além de traumas do passado que deixaram grandes marcas em sua vida.
O fatídico dia que ambos vão se encontrar acontece por causa de uma cobertura jornalística que Geun Young vai fazer e, estando lá, acaba presenciando atitudes de Hoo Joon, o que lhe dá abertura para adquirir um desgosto pelo idol e, assim, começar sua fama como a hater número um do cantor.

A minha primeira impressão pelo drama foi o desgosto pelos personagens masculinos. Eles simplesmente não portavam-se de uma maneira positiva. Hoo Joon agiu com uma agressividade desnecessária quando ainda não conhecia bem a Geun Young, sabendo somente que ela era sua hater. Claramente poderia levantar o ponto que isso é justificado pelo fato dela difamar ele na imprensa, mas a atitude inicial dele me deixou meio desgostosa com o mocinho no início.
Com o passar dos episódios ele foi mostrando mais de si mesmo e como suas ações eram limitadas ou elevadas pelo bem de sua grande fama, muitas vezes tendo que fazer coisas contra sua vontade.
A mocinha tem uma personalidade bem clichê dos doramas, onde escuta quieta as acusações sobre ela, não se defende. Esse é um ponto que me irritou também, já que ela não se colocava na frente para resolver algum problema em todo o dorama. Iniciativa é algo positivo, então senti falta disso.

Outra coisa que ficou clara foi a falta de investimento monetário no dorama, tendo cenas esquisitas e cenários que deixaram a desejar, além de problemas como a luz. Mas isso não me incomodou a ponto de abandonar a história, e assisti tudo sem problemas. Só deixo esse ponto claro para quem se incomoda.

O último tópico que quero ressaltar é uma das linhas do enredo utilizada para criar tensão: no fim, não alterou em nada e só serviu para um fundo mais dramático e momentâneo. Foi algo criado para preencher buracos que ficariam sem história, mas no fim, a falta de investimento no problema só mostrou que ele foi desnecessário.

Por fim, é um dorama de romance leve. Você acompanha o casal principal se conhecendo, vê a jornada do protagonista como alguém que quer ser melhor, fica bravo pela falta de apoio da protagonista feminina, mas também dá risadas com os dois juntos e leves suspiros nos momentoa fofos. A principal raiva vem dos personagens secundários, que também são os responsáveis pela maior parte dos empecilhos que acomete os mocinhos.

Enfim, é leve, fofo, traz um pouco de raiva e tristeza. Acho que é uma boa definição.

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Jamis Flores
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 22, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

So I did a review as a fan !?

Ótimo, um toque clichê com uma trama envolvente, além de uma pitada de comédia (eu ri muito), e claro o romance super fofo e maduro. Não vou negar que a gente sofre um pouco, a vida da protagonista no começo é só tragédia -e olha que eu não tenho muita paciência pra tragédia- (além do "plot" que nos faz sofrer mais um pouquinho), mas depois de todos os momentos vividos no dorama é perceptível o quanto vale a pena. Vemos tanto o retrocesso quanto a evolução dos personagens de uma forma humana. Foi muito bacana ver o romance acontecer e e confiança construída nessa relação - que diferente de muitos clichês não acabou em meio as tretas e dramas. Além do casal principal nós temos outros casais muito interessantes (um deles é muito fofinho por sinal), e claro a amizade nesse drama é uma delícia de assistir (a inimizade pode ser um pouco cansativa). Em alguns momentos senti o antagonista um tanto tóxico, e algumas atitudes (da parte masculina da trama) um tanto questionáveis, mas depois do plot, eu não vou negar que me emocionei (com os outros que causaram alguns problemas na trama também)...
Nós temos alguns problemas na história, alguns eventos ocorrem de forma meio corrida, alguns pontos poderiam ter sido mais desenvolvidos, mas mesmo assim vale a pena dar uma chance ao dorama ( mesmo pra quem já assistiu o filme ou leu a novel) .
Ps.: A trilha sonora não saí da cabeça.

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DonnaK2O Finger Heart Award1
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 25, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 2.5
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 3.0


No início me interessou muito o dorama, mas foi um porre para assistir até o final. O casal não tem química ao meu ver, não gostei desse trabalho da atriz principal, achei a protagonista sem sal. Os secundários são chatos, os outros interesses românticos são um saco também. Achei quase todos na série meio mimimi ou grosseiros. O andamento da série dentro da série achei sem sentido algum, parece que não sabiam direito como funciona um reality Show. Não foi engraçado nem emocionante. Não teve plot, e não deixou saudades.
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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 5, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0


Mi duole dirlo perché gli attori principali mi sarebbero pure no, proprio non ci siamo. Innanzitutto ML nel ruolo di popstar è credibile quanto un gatto in bicicletta. Purtroppo per lui.
La storia del reality, poi, avrebbe potuto essere più divertente e invece sembrava mancare di coraggio: una antifan avrebbe fatto peggio.
L'amora scocca senza alcun preavviso, non c'è una crescita; sai che accadrà perché così deve essere ma non te lo aspetti perché nelle scene precedenti non c'è alcuna "magia", sopratutto da parte di ML.
Infine gli antagonisti sono - nell'ordine - una piagnucolona e un patetico.
Stranamente questo kdrama si riprende un po' nelle ultime tre puntate, ma che fatica seguirlo fino a quel punto...
In sostanza senza infamia e senza lode.

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So I Married an Anti-Fan (2021) poster



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