Ongoing 6/16
urvashi sagar
5 people found this review helpful
May 20, 2021
6 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

lOve IT

The series is rounded out by an awesome cast, nice music, a wonderful storyline, and great chemistry between the leads. It's safe to say that any K-drama fan is unlikely to come out disappointed. I enjoyed the romance in the series both leads are just amazing . Comedy is just perfect with the romance. Only love from my side for this drama only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love only love

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Dropped 6/16
5 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2021
6 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.5

Two words: Very Boring

Well well well.... 6 episodes have aired already but nothing important has happened yet. The plot is too common and slow paced. The acting is not that good either.

Is it boring? Yes
Is the main female lead annoying? Very
Can we expect the future episodes to be better? Ummmmm......I don't think so. No.
Is it worth the watch? No
Am I gonna drop it? Yes

Just watch it if you're a fan of Choi Tae Joon (can't give you more reasons to watch it other than that).
Oh! and if you're a fan of the female lead (Choi Soo Young) go watch 'Tell Me What You Saw' (100% worth the watch).

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Ongoing 8/16
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 22, 2024
8 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0

Weak Performance. Weak Anti Fan

You get the biggest emotion when opposites end up pushing each other away the hardest and this show just starts out way too weak. The acting lacked conviction and powerful emotions. It missed out on opportunities to be witty and failed to surprise my low expectation. It's suppose to be a fun, even crazy, emotion filled drama but ends up mild, soggy, predictable, hitting all the usual k drama romance cliche along the way in a rather uninspiring manner. I'm on episode 8 and I'm starting to skip scenes. I'm considering dropping yet another one of these TV dramas. So far I've watched 3-4 TV dramas and have dropped all of them around halfway. Very disappointed with the kind of lackluster scenes that are coming out now. Give me some energy and an exciting, refreshing story and acting, not this weak stuff that's too afraid to be more. We need shows that reach for the stars, not ones that are just made to fulfill a quota like "hey, we need to make five love dramas this year, here's one more". This is BORING, be better! One of the biggest issue with these TV dramas is that all of them seem to force themselves to stretch what they can do. Like the show only actually has 6 episodes worth of content but they stretch it to 16-20 episodes, that's why it comes out thin and weak. Tight editing, action pack, juicy scenes, cliff hanging that makes me want to immediately watch the next. Not stuff that makes me keep wondering why I keep bothering to watch, like am I THAT bored, always questioning myself.

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Dropped 8/16
Park Yun hee
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 22, 2022
8 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.5
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Can you watch Main lead getting insulated Over and over again?

So disappointed with Sooyoung and Choi Tae Joon. How can they choose this kind of drama? Why?
For them , it may seem chance to show their versatility but no it's NOT!
Poorly written drama ...were those writers rookies or what? How can they write, how can directors direct and how can actors act in this kind of drama ? I'm shocked !
Each and every character was filled with flaws except ML's Manager.
Everyone's behaviour towards FL was frustrating and what she did for herself was
more frustrating. It was so annoying to see FL get insulated over and over again.
How can this crap personality became main lead. Without any self esteem. She doesn't know how to stand up for herself?
And that male lead...his behaviour towards FL was moody . She should've rejected him.

There was no less amount of bullshit in relationship and we got hopeless second ML and FL.Woah !!
She was so timid and he should be single for life.
Dropping this drama with 0 regret.

If you can handle others insult and frustrating characters with abusive relationship just for Fun then watch it.
Otherwise don't even think about watching this.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

What do y'all mean Mediocre? This is a Gem!

I honestly started watching this drama because of Choi Sooyoung and was quite surprise on how many people left reviews with the word "Mediocre" so i'm hear to rip that off.

This drama actually started rough for me, during those moments i kept asking "I need a 2nd lead" & "This drama lacks a 2nd leading man to console the Female Lead" but after few more episodes it all comes to me as to why the writer made it that way. It's simply because the Female Lead is a grown up woman who thinks rational and can decide for her own and that's her charming point that sets her apart from other FL out there.

I must agree the ML is a bit toxic at first but you just gotta hang in there and see how he turns out to be the nicest and most compassionate of them all. This drama doesn't follow the norms of the current trendy drama of 2020-2021 and that's the main reason why I love how this drama was delayed till this year, since it was able to give off such different vibe and made me nostalgic of how dramas were created 3-5 years ago.

Story - 8.5, The story is very unique that will remind you of how dramas were usually created back then. It helps me open my mind to various ways of how people can deal with tons of situations in a mature & rational way.

Acting/Cast - 10, Definitely!! The set of Artist of this drama made me feel so much and they all deserved an applause or two for that.

Music - 9.5, I may not have notice the Music and BGMs at first since I was too engrossed to the story but it will definitely hit you hard when you're at the middle part of the drama. Every song suits the scenes well.

Rewatch Value - 8, This is the kind of drama that i may not watch for months or so, unless I need to remind myself on how to deal and cope up with situations in a rational way. It has that significant Rewatch Value.

Overall - 9, Definitely a MUST watch specially to those people who needs inspiration and is on a pinch situation where it's hard to find motivation to remain positive and optimistic.

Please let me know how do you find my review. Hope it helps. =)

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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 2, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

A unique 'celebrity | star' drama

This Kdrama is not only swoonworthy but gives the viewers a lot of take-aways. For me, this drama reminds me of how important it is to be grounded and confident of your identity and individuality, so when you are at the pinnacle or hit rock bottom you can't easily be swayed by the many voices of lies and deceit that our minds are bombarded with and it serves as an anchor . This is such an eye-opener in many aspects. Like when things are tough and the outcome of our choices is unpleasant, we are not fully responsible of everything that has happened (unless it's a direct impact of your decision). We are often confronted by guilt and this is quite often a reaction to adverse situations as indirect outcome. The drama shows the reality we all go through, not only in entertainment industry, that there's always a pressure to rise to the top. How our desires consumes us changes the trajectory of our lives according to the decisions and choices we make in effect. More often these decisions are highly influenced by our hunger for fame, status and comfort. It is unfortunate that many still fall prey to the temporary gratification and lifetime effect it has over us and the people around us. Because our lives are intertwined, these kind of decisions has a negative ripple effect. I like how the title reveals many themes as the story takes a different turn, our lives is full of ironies, twist and turns too. Sometimes it throws lots of surprises and at times curveballs. How we deal (or embrace) is all about perspectives. Like practicing self-restraint does not necessarily means defeat rather a diffuser to avoid blowing things out of proportion. Hearing the right voices (e.g. truth, positivity, peace, etc) and heeding to it pays off.

On the other hand, I like the strong chemistry between the lead characters (Geung-yongand Whoon Joon). The scenes and episodes are seamless and transititoned smoothly. The scenic shots has an additional impact to the story. I like how the character plays out the role is so captivating and transports viewers in that moment of time and evoke the emotions according to the situations. This drama is like an easy read book -- it does not take long for the reader to see the meaning and themes between the lines. It just jumps out and hits you so real.

So captivating that I was able to complete 16 episodes in 2 days. This surely makes it as one of the highly recommended drama in my list. Too bad it's not in Netflix!

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0 people found this review helpful
Jun 25, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers


June 24, 2021

I ACTUALLY LIKE THIS DRAMA. I don’t really understand the hate. Like this was filmed 2-3 years ago and just aired this year. So I can’t see why people aren’t a fan of the plot. But I will base my review from a 2017-2019 POV.

Solid in terms of acting. The story is very fluffy, shows how celebrities life and dealing with fans. Also the darkside of the industry. Along with romance. I can say that I hope this wakes up fans cause a lot of them gets hella possessive over their idols. Like u dont own them at all.

Okay I got sidetracked, here we go:
NO SECOND LEADS NO STUPID PARENT AGAINT RELATIONSHIP TROUPE. No annoying midway break up!!! LOVE IT PRETTY STRONG COUPLE. Yea I kinda hate the doormat personality of the FL but whatever. Ill give it a pass since I love SNSD. Anyway, I HATED THE ML EP 1-9. Honestly I was so close to punching him off the roof like what an asshole.

FUCK THE SECOND COUPLE OR WHATEVER SKIPPED THEIR PARTS. If they were not there Ill prolly give this drama a higher rating. But these two JJ and the girl who cant debut for some odd reason pisses me off. Idk if they ended or whatever cuz i skipped them.

Even FLs best friend and producers love arc is so much more interesting than the “second” couple. Again I dont known if they ended together cuz I couldn’t stand their scenes.

Yea so pretty much w/o second couple : 9/10

W/them: 8/10

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Moni Ka
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 2, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Jst watch it

Arghh... Here me out!! ?¶_¶?.. I just completed so i married an anti fan.... Idk but..It was very emotional drama for me... Let it be Their frienship that turned into misunderstanding,the FL that'sbeen blamed everytime there is a media disaster, or the ML who's trying very hard for everything.... It really felt so good?❤:)
You're probably thinking why am i getting so overwhelmed ya know :)?.. This is the way i feel whenever i finish a drama
... And to begin with i was ignoring it thinking that it might be same as the movie one (where chanyeol acted as ML❤?:)) ... Arghh... The story was totally different.. Yeah the plot line was same but.. Gosh it really had that friendship idol drama feel of k-world.
Im happy enough that i watched it:)

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Forhad Ahmed Niloy
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 21, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Cliché but Good enough!!

কাহিনী কিংবা গল্প যে খুব বেশি আহামরি লেভেলের তা না কিন্তু। রম-কম জনরায় তেমন কি-ই বা দেখানো হবে! সাদামাটা গল্প, সাদাসিধে অভিনয়- এই সাধারণ জিনিসগুলোই ড্রামাটাকে আমার কাছে মোটামুটি অসাধারণ বানিয়ে দিয়েছে, আমার আবার বেশি প্যাঁচগোচ কম পছন্দ কিনা!!
একটা ভুল বুঝাবুঝি, সেটার সূত্র ধরে নায়ক-নায়িকার শত্রুতা শুরু। তারপর একটা ভ্যারাইটি শো-এর কারণে পরস্পরের কাছাকাছি আসা, পরস্পরকে জানা, প্রেমে পড়া! সিম্পল গল্প। কিন্তু এই সাধারণত্বের মাঝেও Lee Geun Young এর সাথে তার বাবা-মায়ের সম্পর্কের গাঢ়ত্ব আপনার মন কাড়বে। Geun Young এর সাথে তার বাকি দুই বন্ধুর বন্ধুত্ব, খুনসুঁটি আপনাকে আপনার নিজের বন্ধুদের কথা মনে করিয়ে দেবে। কেবল একটা সুযোগের জন্য Oh In Hyung এর আকুতি/ডেস্পারেসি আপনার মনে দাগ কাড়বে। আর সব থাকার পরেও J J-র ইনফিওরিটি কমপ্লেক্সের সাথেও নিজেকে রিলেট করতে পারবেন একটা সময়ে গিয়ে। আমরা সবাই-ই তো কোনো না কোনো সময় নিজের সবচেয়ে পছন্দের মানুষ/স্বপ্ন/বস্তুর কাছাকাছি গিয়ে এই ইনফিওরিটি কমপ্লেক্সে ভুগি, তাই না? তাই প্রথম দিকে তার উপর ব্যাপক মেজাজ খারাপ হলেও শেষ দিকে গিয়ে সে খারাপ লাগাটা আর থাকবে না!
আর মেইন লিডদের খুনসুঁটির কথা কি বলব! এরাই ড্রামার প্রাণ। পুরো ড্রামা জুড়ে এরা দুজন আপনাকে হাসাবে, শেষের দুই এপিসোড ছাড়া, সেখানে কাঁদাবে! কিন্তু তাই বলে স্যাড এন্ডিং ভাবার আবার কোনো কারণ নেই! এখানে স্যাড এন্ডিং-এর কোনো সুযোগ নেই!!
ড্রামায় বাড়তি কাপল হিসাবে থাকছে ভ্যারাইটি শো-র ডিরেক্টর দুজন- PD Han আর Writer Noh। এদের কাছ থেকে আপনি শুরুতে কিছুই আশা করবেন না। কিন্তু ড্রামা শেষে দেখবেন এদের দুজনের কাজ কারবারেই সবচেয়ে বেশি মজা পেয়েছেন।
বন্ধুত্ব, পরিবার, রোমান্স, জীবনে উত্থান-পতন সব মিলিয়ে একটা কমপ্লিট প্যাকেজ ছিল So I Married An Anti Fan.

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Snozzberry Juice
0 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 4.5

It's Very Loosely Based Off Novel

I will start by saying I am a HUGE fan of the novel. I only recently found out that this drama existed and jumped right in.

It is very much the typical, cringy, K-Drama romantic comedy. It starts off following the novel very detailed but by the end of the first Episode it makes it clear it'll be something different. I tried to keep an open mind throughout, but the changes were so odd and too much for my taste.

The acting was sub-par. I don't feel like any of the actors really made their character stand out or likeable. All for of the main leads were whiney and annoying. They were practically polar opposite of their novel versions.

The music was catchy. It was nice to have the soundtrack. They were cute pop-like ballads and dance tunes. I often got them stuck in my head after mulling through an episode.

Overall, the drama wasn't BAD, just not notable. Nothing about it screamed a drama to recommend, rewatch, or that I can honestly say I really enjoyed. It was painful getting through the last episode. I honestly considered skipping to the last 2 minutes just to say I could finish it. I did watch the entirety.

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meizzan world
0 people found this review helpful
Jul 8, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
If you want a light and feeling in love then watch it was common story. I already watch the movie version it was chinese version it quit ok. The one reason I love chemistry on the lead couple and I love Choi Soo Young. I'm not familiar of Choi Tae Joon is just remember he was the boyfriend of Park Shin Hye. At first i was hesitant maybe it was just so, so, so after 5 episode, I was so excited to watch and for me it was worth it to watch. I know it was common but its better than the movie and I love the song Bittersweet by Choi Tae Joon so much jave and I don't know he can sing.

I recommend to my friends and they love it. I asked them why they watch it because of lead couple so much jave the chemistry.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Enemies to lovers type of kdrama

Honestly, for me It's totally worth it, I really enjoyed this kdrama. If you are that type of kdrama watcher that just wants a normal kdrama that doesn't have that much problems... well you've come to the right place. :)

I know this is somehow cliche but it's worth the shot...

I really love their acting and all. WELL...............................................................................................

you will get a little bit of a second hand embarrassment. (umm.. not little actually or... nvm)

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So I Married an Anti-Fan (2021) poster



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