Where to Watch The Master's Sun Episode 15
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The Master's Sun Episode 1 by kaa | 0 | 232 | kaa Apr 12, 2017 |
The Master's Sun Episode 15 Reactions

I hope Hong Sisters will give us a happy ending. It is killing me thinking about it anxiously. I love MS so much and I dont want it to be tainted with a sad ending.
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Im really curious right now who this man who appeared suddently beside gong shil is ( and why does she leave with him, when she knows that joon won loves her?! ;( ) Well but i think that way we would know Gong Shils past and im looking farward to an happy end ^^
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I particularly appreciated how they chose to make him regain his memories on his own (since I was expecting it to be a "touch the necklace and regain the memory" thing)
As for GS, at first it might have seemed a bit frustrating the manner in which she shunned him away when he was frankly confessing he's head over heels for her to extent he said "the" words: "I'll take responsibility", but on a closer look, you'll find that her resolve to keep him away if proving anything it proves how her love for him had made her more mature, so now she knows just how her ability can be an omen to others and how dragging him around and asking him to understand what he can't see or hear would be a cruel act.
But above all, the best thing I found about this episode is that at last we are finally able to say our farewell to the Hee Joo arc, and they certainly managed to write it's ending nicely with no loose ends (safe for secretary Kim's future), I was worried this case was gonna keep dragging until the last episode, thank God the Hong sisters made the right choice to end it off quickly, now we can look forward to the 2 last remaining episodes to focus on our leads relationship and how the end, (crossing fingers it's a happy ending with lots of cute moments)
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Why she still had the necklace in possession is answered: What Hee Joo stole was not the jewelry, it was Hanna's life and identity.
The happy ending doesn't come easily though. Gong Shil wants to free him of her--of being in danger while with her. But Joong Won clings to her now like she did to him before. But how is he going to convince her now that she's fulfilled her role as his 10-billion won radar?
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GS is still funny & I am glad she found someone just like her with whom she can talk about what she sees. Still, her love for JJ is so deep that you can see she is willing to leave him so she does not get in danger BUT she needs to realize that they complete each other what one lacks the other has. He better go get her before she leaves on that plane.
TRY & KW are so cute, I hope they end up together in the end. TRY has really put in a lot of effort to chase him, has swallowed her pride many a time & has been honest with KW. She is so cute it kills me. I cannot help but like her.
All in all perfect set up for a GREAT GRAND FINALE! The Hong Sisters better deliver on this final episode & make everyone happy by letting GS & JJ end up together. Any other ending will make me rate this drama a 0 instead of the 10 I have been holding on until I see the end. I just hope there's a great kiss at the end!
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Aigoo I'm so sad this has been one of the best dramas that was light...funny and scary...I will miss it so much :(
This episode was amazing from start to finish :)
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So getting back to this episode ! it was such heartbreaking episode especially the ending but i think the most important thing is that HJ case is closed now finally ! and now we get 2 final episodes that will deal with the new twist ^-^ but i feel the next episodes will deal with missing each other so badly and jealousy maybe revel the secret behind both GS and JW powers ! and stuff anyway i can't wait for nxt week to come !! woow our journey has came to an end i see ~ Sigh ~ i don't want to end it T^T
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