1 people found this review helpful
Dec 6, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Omg SO cute!~

This was SO cute mannn! I saw videos of people reviewing this series on YouTube and decided to check it out.

This series had such a 2ghether vibe. Reminded me SO much of 2gether. Mork being sarawat and Pi being tine. Mork was SO adorable and honestly at times I felt bad for him, cause Pi did treat him horribly in some episodes. I loved that he still chose to stay at Pi's side and never leave him. Pi was Tine x1000. He was much feistier and took a while to open up to Mork.

What urked me about Pi was that he never believed Mork at all. Anyone could see that Mork was the type of person that would never hurt or do things to hurt someone. ALSO I hated the two 2 people that would film Mork and Pi without their consent. it's wrong to do so and it's also a HUGE invasion of privacy.

Also! I loved that it focused solely on Mork and Pi. No irrelevant side couples to ruin the flow of the story. Pi's brother and Morks brother was a cute addition to the mix, BUT it wasn't wasted screen time.

I love this series so muches~

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6 people found this review helpful
Jun 25, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 5
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Not bad for a GMM BL

My usual disclaimer would go here, but I am not putting it because I have an MDL friend who just loves to tease me about them (you know who you are)

If you are asking yourself...Should I watch this? The short answer from me would be yes. Between this and Tonhon Cholatee--another series from GMM, I will say that Fish Upon the Sky is 1000xs better and that's saying a lot. So if you watched that other drama, I don't see why you won't like this one. But we all have different tastes and likes.

What can I say...I have a love and hate relationship with GMM because they are notorious for having some excellent dramas but dropping the ball somewhere along the journey.

Fortunately, they have been doing relatively okay with the past release of A tale of 1000 stars and the follow-up with this drama. (Tonhon Cholatee do not exist in my mind)

Fish upon the sky is a very formulaic Romantic Comedy that is geared towards a younger crowd, so if you aren't into that sort of thing, this isn't going to be for you. I personally found that though the drama was lacking in many places, it was cute and fun to watch when I had nothing to do.

The characters are memorable, some in a good way others not so much. While many liked Mork, I personally found him to be way too pushy and kind of the opposite of what he was selling to Pi. His whole "caring for a plant" speech truly made me see him as being the one who was obsessive and not Pi with his crush on Nam. I still got to admit though that Mork had some really good moments, but he fu&&& up so many times too.

What I really liked about this drama was Pi and the social commentary on how social media, bullying, and invasion of privacy really affect the mental wellbeing of an individual. Pi struggled so much with low self-esteem, social anxiety, and distrust of others. Phuwin played him so well and though his crying face was too comical to be taken seriously, I still rooted for him from the get-go. He has so many character flaws that made him super relatable.

One of my gripes was with the fujoshi gang... especially in the last episode. Mork sort of forcing Pi to accept their relationship public to satisfy the Fujoshis was kind of voyeuristic in a sense. I couldn't help but feel kind of frustrated because a relationship between him and Pi has two people not the rest of their school body. There was no need to confirm anything with them. That was just so...I wanted to just scream at them "mind your FU*** business"

And again we villainized the female character for the sake of drama. Though her character in the novel does something similar, there was really no need to create such a conflict. The conflict of Pi's mistrust and unsureness of his relationships with Mork was more than enough and they could have expanded on that and worked on them getting over that hurtle.

Overall, it was a good fluffy drama. I am in the minority, but I actually liked Duen and Meen...and their friends were hilarious too.

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Ongoing 12/12
4 people found this review helpful
May 6, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

Funny and somewhat fresh

The show was very funny and refreshing the first half of the series but kinda strayed away a little bit when it got deeper into the relationships between the main couple and side couple. I really did like the concept of Pi and Morks story and as for Duean and Meen, just my honest opinion, some scenes i couldn't care less about. Their story is just ok for me. Though Mork and Pi really make it up because their chemistry is strong and they look so good together. Overall i liked the concept of the show but the execution of it might be a bit off for me. I just really wish we could have had more cute and romantic scenes with Mork and Pi. Because it took so long for them to be together and then the episode after they get together there's more issues? I just wanted more cute scenes in the series like i said. Acting overall is good. Phuwin is the stand out for me. Excellent actor and so cute as well. Pond did a good job as well and def. eye candy for the show. Overall, currently, the series is a good watch.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Kinda Different

Ok so classic of GMMTV to overuse some material but the story in general was something I don't recall ever seeing and even if I have, they still managed to make this series SUPER CUTE. I do think Pi was a bit bratty and selfish but I'll let that slide. There were visuals all around and the ending was nice and fluffy with plenty of humor to balance the entire series. They even gave the side couple decent screen time. I don't think it needs a S2 and I'd recommend to anyone new to BL, wants little drama and/or enjoys cute fluffy romance.
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3 people found this review helpful
Jun 25, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

Nothing special

Once again GMMTV gives us a fairly standard BL that matches most of their previous BL stories so far.
The main couple with Pi and Mork had good moments, especially when Pi tried to get out his shell because of Mork but for the most part I found this couple a bit annoying. Pi surely lacks some confidence, actually he might be one of the least confident characters I've seen recently and with a single bad comment on social media, he crumbles. Yes, I agree cyber bullying is one of the worst things these days and many countries have no regulations or harsh punishments to those who do it. But Pi's case is a bit extreme because he really goes down the drain. Mork had sweet moments but for many parts of the series I found him way too pushy and trying to force Pi to love him... Pi surely lacked confidence but Mork had plenty of it.

The other couple of Duen and Meen had also nice moments with Meen being so innocent and Duen being the total opposite but then being capable of changing to improve as a person. However, the acting was not exactly the best for this couple as Louis is making his acting debut and Neo has been at GMMTV for a while but never has had a major role as the lead actor. He appeared in the Frank-Drake disaster of "My Tee" and then in some other series as a supporting actor. This time I found his acting a bit exaggerated (which I'm sure was the cue from the director) and to show some contrast with Meen being so mild-mannered and calm. But, aside from a few parts that were nice, like when Duen confesses to Mork that he likes Meen because he has helped him become a better person or when he apologizes after forcing Meen to drink alcohol at a bar, the rest were fairly standard GMMTV BL situations for the secondary couple that barely has screentime because the main couple is more important.

Then the extra characters were mostly unnecessary, starting with Nan. I know he was Pi's original love interest but it felt as if the character was there just to set up the second part of the series with Pi discovering his feelings for Mork. And also, I'm not sure about filming schedules, but it felt that Mix was included in this series after his successful debut in Tale of 1,000 Stars. Bam was the usual BL girl character but with a bit of a twist because she starts by helping Mork get Pi, then she changes and becomes another cyber-bully in the final episode when she realizes she really likes Mork and then, she changes again from part 1 to part 2 of ep. 12 into helping Mork get Pi, again... I don't understand why can't we get a single female character in GMMTV BL stories that is not super crazy or super angry because she was dumped by main actor or tries to do bad things to split them up or is just a moral support character like Ciize was to Khaotung in another mediocre GMMTV show, Tonhon Chonlatee.

Duen's friends were totally unnecessary as they provided a few funny moments but nothing else really. And again, why is it that we have a standard type of parents in these BL stories? Just like the girl, the parents are either totally against their son being gay/liking another boy so they become super angry and try to split them up OR the parents act like cheerleaders supporting their son 100% and want him to be in a gay relationship because they love the other guy OR, like we had in this series, just random actors filling a few minutes of screentime... I remember seeing them in the first episodes but then I don't think I saw them again... no advice, no cheerleading, no nothing... Duen being the older brother (as the actual older brother was away at university) acted like a father for some scenes, so it was another poorly written aspect of this story. And finally, the two annoying fujoshis trying to ship Pi-Mork and Bam-Mork were completely unnecessary and even on the edge of harassing/stalking. GMMTV seems to like to include these characters to "ship" the main couple (see yet another mediocre series, "The Shipper" for another example) but it becomes annoying when they are the ones promoting the cyber bullying, stalking, etc.

In the end, the series had some nice moments but for the most part it is another mediocre GMMTV series... better than some other GMMTV BLs, that's for sure... but nothing that special.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
Cute, extremely well produced BL, that almost got everything right, took a step in the right direction, but then countless steps back.

It presents two different romance stories - one more lighthearted with lots of comedy, and the other showcasing the potential hardships that can hold someone back before they are able to accept the love. Pi's character for sure will become one of my favorite BL main leads. The writing did a good job in presenting someone who has low self-esteem and is aware of it. Some of his lines were truly hard-hitting and perfectly illustrated what he was dealing with.

Sadly, the characters' writing suffers from "2gether syndrome" when writers, for some strange reason, decide to ruin the writing for the sake of an artificial conflict and more dRaMa. With 2gether Sarawat was the victim in episode 11, here it's Mork, with the painful writing in episode 8 and our poor girl Bam later on. It was truly hard for me to root for the main couple after a few questionable scenes and decisions that were made on Mork's side, but as it is with BLs - you learn how to ignore some mistakes for the sake of the overall enjoyment.

The thing that the show for sure needs to be prized for is the production and editing. As a viewer, I don't really expect much from BLs on that side - you get used to the fact a lot of BLs look cheaper compared to other dramas, and there is not much attention to detail. Not here though. I was truly amazed with the quality. I never take screenshots while watching BLs, because, realistically speaking, rarely ever is there anything to screenshot. And yet, I have a full folder of pictures from Fish Upon The Sky. Hopefully this will become the standard in the production quality.

And here comes one flaw, that is a flaw no matter how you look at it: the shippers. What bothered me the most was not even their toxicity, but the fact the writer was not sure how they wanted to present them - as a toxic or comedic harmless duo. The powerful scene between them and Pi was completely disregarded in later episodes and I was truly confused. What exactly am I supposed to get from it? What is the message? Is there even any message?

Overall, it’s quite an enjoyable ride. There were bits that frustrated me to the core, but that's the beauty of watching any drama - they evoke emotions in us, whenever positive or negative. It's a show I would for sure recommend if someone asks for some BL suggestions. It's an easy watch with some good qualities that will keep you interested.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 25, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The chase was way too long but still worth it

This was such a cute bl and a personal fav so far this year. Gmm usually tries to hard with there comedic shows and it just comes off cringe but this i genuinely laughed which is something i was give gmm for accomplishing.

Pi and Mork are by far the cutest bl couple I've seen since cairo and gav. They have such good chemistry and even when you felt frustrated by the choices pi made along the way you still felt he needed more time to figure out his feelings and thats normal.

Muang nan oh wow what a man i completely love him, mix did a great job in capturing such a wonderful person and im glad to see that gmm is using him in a good way.

The actors playing pi,mork,deuen and meen did a really good job and i hope to see all them in future bls together or any show especially Mork.

In term of the story a really fun and cute story and i personally wanna see more bls like this that are just cute and fluffy nothing too dramatic.

The ost is my fav ost I've listened to this year especially mix's song thats been on repeat.

Yeah so overall really cute show and maybe you'll feel cringed out by some scenes but thats gmm so you take what you get. So everyone go watch and enjoy it won't disappoint :)

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 30, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Unconvincing story with too many flaws

The trailer itself doesn’t really hooked me and I don’t have high expectation within it but since I’m running out of BLs drama to watch, I eventually decided to watch this. And yeah, it’s another cliché and over written romantic drama that almost looks like a fantasy one which doesn’t suit the flow of the story. I must say it is a boring story but thankfully Phuwin’s character saves the show. Pi deserves to be the main character here; I like him being the cutest one in the show.

I do have few reason why I give this a low rating namely;
• Meen being a bland character. I already watched a lot of stories regarding a calm, intelligent and innocent looking guy and I’m really tired of it.
• Zero sparks from the side couple (Duen & Meen). I really enjoyed Neo’s outgoing personality role but the moment he and Louis shared a scene together, it was sooooooo boring.
• The failed comedic attempts. During the first few episodes, the show has so many (possibly) comedy scenes but I don’t even find myself laughing or smiling from it.
• Took me few more episodes to get used with the transition of framing every time the side couple story will be shown.
• They didn’t justify the invasion of privacy presented in the show. The way they handle it doesn’t really satisfy me.
• Mork losing his patience the moment Pi confessed his feelings towards him. Pi is a sensitive person specially he hates getting attention from the public and yet Mork is so eager to tell the world that Pi is the man of his life now but he doesn’t seem to realized that it is really hard for Pi.
• GMMTV ruins Bam. She is one of my favorite character here and yet they decided to give some plot to the story by making Bam the villain of the main characters’ love story. Why do Thai BL mostly used girls to be the antagonist when the BL couple are in the center of their love story.

But aside from my dislikes I do also have my likes specially Pi and Mork's chemistry and yes it was a good pairing.

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Knight Fall
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0

The typical fun romantic comedy series that can be relatable at times...

Well, if you're looking for a fun and entertaining watch, then this BL series is definitely for you.. The premise is the typical school youth drama in which we have Pi (the nerdy character) who meets Mork (the popular and extrovert character). Basically, the nerdy guy meets the popular guy : A common trope especially in the university setting..

Although, it might be cliche, corny or common and there might be scenes or lines from the characters that are cheesy, the light and fun mood / vibe of the series will make you smile and laugh. The pacing of the story is good, not too fast or slow, we get to see the progress of the characters relationship. In addition to that, the soundtracks used fits the theme of the series. Although there was just this one song that randomly pops out of nowhere in the series which definitely did not fit the vibe of drama. **lolz**

While it may be the "typical" BL with its university setting once again, I'm glad that this time we have a dental and medical student instead of the usual engineer students. I find it funny and maybe a bit cheesy too that some of the lines or dialogues said by the main characters are related to the pandemic..

"You are my Vaccine..." / "Maybe you haven't found the right vaccine yet for your heart?" etc..

Although, it's also cute that they made use of a metaphor for describing their relationship (The title : Fish Upon The Sky)..

What amazes me too is the fact that the actor of Pi is 17 years old in real life. At the beginning I thought that he was 19 but the fact that he's 17 and is good at acting and had good chemistry with Mork needs praise... Applause too for the other actors for giving their best in portraying their characters.

Anyway, those are the points that I love about the series.

As for the Cons, (This is basically my perspective so it depends on the viewers' taste) what I didn't like about the series is the character Duean (Pi's brother). I actually find the side couple's relationship to be cute and adorable but Duean basically ruined it for me. I thought that I might start to like his character as the series progresses but in the end, I still didn't. He was such a jerk to Meen in the very beginning and I find his acting or portrayal Pi's brother to be so overdramatic like most of the time you find him shouting / yelling which is kind of annoying. Even though, he later on apologizes for his actions to Meen, his character is just way too childish and unlikeable for me.

Another thing that I dislike is the ending. I won't spoil the entire ordeal for the viewers but the way they used the female character (Bam) as a source of conflict for the main couple is downright insulting for me. With the 12 episodes that the series had, it would've been better if the conflict of the main couple (Pi & Mork) would have come out from themselves. Since, we all know that Pi has insecurity issues and Mork needs to be more understanding etc... Moreover, the conflict would have been great if it wasn't on the last episode so that the ending wouldn't be rushed. I personally like slow burn romances but the development of the main couple's relationship was a miss for me. It had a goal in mind at the beginning but lost its way as the series progresses.

Let's also not forget the shipping fans or characters in the story. Personally, those are definitely not necessary because it's borderline "stalking" the characters privacy life. I find it to be really uncomfortable. Hopefully, future BL series will not be using this plot device because it's unhealthy or may even give a bad taste to the viewers.

In conclusion, Fish Upon The Sky has its upsides and downsides. It is not the most unique BL series that one can find, however, if you're looking for just a fun watch then consider adding this to your list. The plot is easy to follow plus the series has a good cast... Enjoy watching.. :)

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 18, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

No, He Wasn't A Stalker

First, I loved this show. I did not agree with many of the negative comments in the review, but everyone watches for a different reason, I guess. Not going to compare this show to any other show, because doing that is unfair, there will always be shows you like and dislike more than others. I loved the fact that this show was long, there was no rushed feeling. I loved the characters, especially the guy who is so persistent in going after the person he loves. Of course, it took him a long time to understand why his intended was the way he was, but at the same time he was always doing things that took care of him. His persistence was because he knew from the long looks between them that there was something there. I also loved a lot of the meaningful things that were said over the course of the show. They are actually listed in another review, so I am not going to list them here. Overall, I loved every episode, and I suggest you give it a chance.

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1 people found this review helpful
Mar 3, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

The funniest drama ever

I absolutely loved this drama, I adored the characters too. The drama was such a refresh from what dramas are usually like. Like I mean you would usually expect the main character to change and suddenly the one he loves would fall in love with him, here however is the place where they don't do cliches, he falls in love with his love rival. Another thing, I absolutely adored were the characters especially Meen. The characters were just so well written and the cast executed them really well. I love the kitty gang thing and how they started looking out for Pi. Lastly, the music was chefs kiss, it was perfect, amazing, fantastic and every other synonym of these words. I think a good series needs good music to create a feel and a certain scenario and to maintain tension. I repeat the music was perfect. I was always hesitant for watching this and now that I did I realised that I was really missing out.

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Atri Sen
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 31, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Script becomes the culprit :(

Honestly speaking, when OST of this was released I was really excited to watch it. I really like the OSTs of this series sung by Louis and Mix.
But after watching all the episodes, I feel sad to say that the script is not good. In many places, they overreacted and make spoil the show especially those shippers. I don't like them. They are unfortunately toxic. They really break the privacy of the main characters. They are irritating.
Of course, I like MorkPi and DueanMeen pairs. This pair is really good. Other Supporting actors also played well. They give their best shot.
I do not want to give spoilers. Overall its just good.

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