4 people found this review helpful
Jun 26, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Finally a well done BL comedy

For me this is the best BL drama of 2021 and i´ve watched a lot or at least the most popular ones (included Lovely Writer and ATOTS) , is a solid comedy bl, the script was okay, the acting is good so that means the directing is good too, there is no movie or series with a good acting and bad directing, both are conected, unless the cast included Meryl Streep.

Is a feel good comedy since the begining til the end, that consistence is rare to see in dramas these days even in korean ones.
The main characters have intersting personalites and they´re definitely not two dimensional, you can see their good and bad or flawed side, so when people said "GMMTV" ruined some character just sounds ridiculous to me because every character made mistakes and show humanity during the whole show, Pi being insecure, Mork being too insistent, Duean being inmature, Meen being naive. But it was cool to see that, there.

I feel taht this Show had a lot of references of popular culture, and even tought i couldn´t catch all, were used in a fun and interesting way.
About the editing for me it was okay, i mean, ther wasn´t unnecesary scenes, the pace wasn´t boring like in other dramas, and IDK so much in this field so for me the cut was fine.

The music is really good, fun and fresh here.

And finally i definetly could watch this any time, in a sad day ofor after being so busy just to feel good and change the mood.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Started Out Promising, But Then…

Okay so this BL series started off really promising, but unfortunately I feel like as the episodes progressed further, I found myself becoming more annoyed. This review will be lengthy (Sorry)

What I liked:
- The highlight of the series was this pair. For most of the series their relationship was used as more of a comedic tool, not much drama. The two characters compliment each other’s personalities well. Unlike with the main pair, this relationship seemed to develop naturally on its own with unrecognized feelings beginning to grow between both characters. Duean’s comedic dialogue with the narrator was always hilarious. What I like the most about this pairing is that it didn’t turn into one of those typical ‘the manly, assertive type and the fragile, naive type’ while it’s intended that Meen’s character is naive and innocent-like, it is not cringey. And Meen often asserts himself with Duean. Would love for them to have their own series someday honestly. The portrayal of the characters by the actors was great. The actors themselves showed great chemistry with one another.

- Probably my favorite character of the series, despite having VERY limited screen time. Nan is understanding, open-minded, supportive, level-headed, and just overall so kind that I think everyone in the world would wish for him to be real and their friend. Nan plays a part in getting our two main protagonists together. However, I found myself sometimes not even minding if Pi had ended up with Nan. But would then quickly dismiss such thoughts because Pi is just... Unfortunately Nan is an under appreciated character that isn’t given enough screen time despite the writers of this series clearly implying that Nan has his own personal story that affects him, one which we never get a glimpse of details about until the VERY LAST EPISODE. Overall, just the best character of the series to me.

- These are a group of characters that, just like Nan, did not get much screen time. However, they definitely are like-able and memorable. Duean’s group of friends are loyal and supportive not just to Durean but also Pi. While they are often used for comedic relief, they also do well in giving Duean and Pi advice when needed.

What I didn’t like (Oh boy):

- This is probably what I disliked the most about this series. The cringey shippers. At first I feel like the writers were doing well in addressing the harmful impact that the actions of these toxic shippers can have on the lives of the individuals they fetishize. Having Pi consistently express discomfort at their harassment was something I agreed with. However, that expression becomes redundant to his character arch and the story at the end of the series. Despite the harassment, stalking, invasion of privacy, all seems to be forgiven on behalf of Mork and Pi to the shippers because of a simple slideshow of pictures, TAKEN WITHOUT CONSENT, of Mork and Pi before they had come out as a couple to the world. Within the last minutes of the last episode the shippers are once again, for some reason that isn’t necessary at all, given screen time having them lurking behind a tree stalking another pair to fetishize about. This part of the plot definitely wasn’t necessary at all considering it doesn’t seem like there were consequences given nor had any character learned anything valuable from these experiences.

- Okay so overall, as a character, Mork was decent. I didn’t like the character nor did I dislike him. Beginning the series I found his pursuing of Pi respectful, not so pushy, sweet even. However as the series started reaching toward the later episodes I starting becoming more annoyed with his actions. He just became a lot more pushier, almost obsessive. It first started with the stalkerish behavior; consistently appearing in places that Pi is in. Then the whole ‘fake lover to make the person I’m pursuing jealous,’ is overused, and manipulative. I feel like it’s just counter productive in a way (at least in real life situations it probably would be). Yes, Mork is successful in making Pi jealous but that doesn’t mean Pi couldn’t have (and rightfully so) began even doubting Mork’s feelings for him after he’s consistently pestered him about said feelings. Maybe it’s just me but I think if someone is confused about their feelings for someone and looks unsure or uncomfortable with that someone’s advancements toward them, that confused person should be given space to relax and reflect. Not manipulated by a plot ‘oh look at me I’ve moved on so quickly from you despite earlier in the day reinstating my love to you.’ The whole thing of Mork’s engagement with the ‘fans’ that fetishize a relationship between them two is also I feel very manipulative.

- Speaking of the ‘fake lover to make the person I’m pursuing jealous’ plot… Okay so the writers had me fooled believing that they wouldn’t place the typical evil female character trying to come between our two main protagonists. But… that’s exactly what happened. When the female was introduced as Mork’s friend and ‘pretend lover’ I wasn’t particularly happy at all. As I mentioned before this whole plan seems counter productive and manipulative to me. However, then it seemed like the female was genuine with her motives, trying to get the two together. Until literally the last episode where she illogically admits to having feelings for Mork, therefore tries to sabotage the main protagonists’ relationship. 10minutes after said sabotage she’s helping Mork get back together with Pi… Honestly I felt she wasn’t needed in the series at all. The writers just used this evil female trope to create illogical and unnecessary drama. Also she was rather annoying as Mork’s pretend girlfriend. She also does not face any consequences for her actions, and half asses an apology…

- This is probably what I found most irritating about this series. Issues that seemed the most interesting and would give more depth to the series, were either given a backseat or literally introduced in full display within the last episodes. For example, Pi’s insecurities. Beginning the series, Pi had relatable issues such as being timid and insecure. However these valid issues seemed to be overshadowed with the writers consistently displaying Pi’s feelings for Nan, then his doubt of his feelings for Nan, then his denial of his feelings for Mork as Mork becomes more pushy and obsessive. It would have made the series more relatable, easier to feel sympathy for Pi, had the writers focused the whole ‘denial of feelings for Mork’ montage more associated with Pi’s insecurities about himself and not clinging onto his feelings for Nan. Just having him consistently deny and reject Mork because.. He just wants to??? Felt really unnecessarily prolonged. The writers started doing what I just suggested within the last few episodes of the series. AND this only seemed to be triggered into action because of the evil female trope and the toxic shipping, not something he’s been dealing with consistently throughout the series. (Side note; instead of showing back and forth chasing and rejecting between Mork and Pi, the writers should have cut that short to give Nan and his story more screen time, but I digress.)

- At first this character seemed relatable, like-able, quirky. I even found him to be really adorable in the beginning episodes. But then I just started becoming increasingly more annoyed with his actions and his character as the series progressed. Just like with the character of Mork, I didn’t like nor dislike this character. It was just more of a ‘Meh’ feeling.

- This series I would classify as average/decent. It had a lot of potential to be better especially with the issues the writers were trying to introduce but then gave a backseat to. The side couple shined brighter than the main couple, for me. Unfortunately so much drama that could have been placed within the earlier episodes was subjected to the last two episodes and felt unnecessary or rushed. (Side note; the pacing of this series was kinda strange) The acting was decent as well, there were a lot of cringey moments that had me having to pause and reflect but there were cute cringey moments as well (Duean and Meen kings of cute cringey moments). I personally wouldn’t watch the series again, at least not all the way through. Maybe just Duean/Meen and Nan moments I’d rewatch only. I’m aware there will be people that do not agree with my points and feel otherwise. However, I ask that my opinions about this series be respected and I will also respect the opinions of others. The final thing I want to say is that NAN DESERVES HIS OWN SERIES PLEASE.

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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 3, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Another 2gether thing

I wish I had known this is by the same writer as 2gether and TOL, so I didn't have to waste my time. Not bad, per se, just not my cup of tea.
This is comedic, a little exaggerated kind of comedy.
Both main characters are stalkers, basically, which is alright. Good acting, good-looking actors.
The story is kind of crappy though. Stalking your crush is one thing, but not protecting your crush from other stalkers and even encouraging this bad behavior is just awful.
Mork doesn't take no for an answer, he dared to call Pi's feelings towards Nan as obsession, while he himself has been stalking Pi from the get go. There's also the whole issue with the chatting with Pi anonymously while also talking him irl without telling him he's the same person, though that's resolved early-ish?

I understand Pi's aversion to 'friends' given his experience -betrayal, bullying, taken advantage of-, so I understand he wouldn't want to become friends with Mork either.
IDK, I'm too tired for this and I don't want to analyze this series further.

note: Deuan and Meen are not too bad though. Interesting characters.
note 2: Mix is so damn good-looking and soft and adorable here. I'm glad he didn't play main CP in this omg thank God. He's perfect as the perfect dream guy Nan.

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Sep 13, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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A really enjoyable show. Light and funny.

First and foremost, this series is nothing really as special because it's quite typical like other BL series, however it was really entertaining for sure. And that's why I later LOVE this series. I honestly watch this series because there wasn't much new interesting Thai BL shows out there during that time. I also knew a bit of Phuwin in some of his previous series, which was the only reason why I watched this show. To be honest, I don't even recall their pilot trailer from last year too lol.

I really had no expectations in the first place, but I gave it a try even though it's another university theme. At first, I thought Pi was annoying in some ways, or the way they portrayed Pi was kind of annoying, but because we see him being a loner and was bullied, you cut some slack for his character at the beginning. As the story progress with his transformation, I feel that's when Pi's character started to be less annoying and we start to see a side of him wanting to better himself. I personally do think that Phuwin played Pi's character really well. He's a guy who literally has social anxiety and have trust issues. His only support is just his own brother Duean mainly. You can see lots of emotions and facial expressions Phuwin has when he plays Pi. I think this is why I think he's actually the perfect fit for the role Pi.

As for Pond who plays Mork was also a good candidate for the role as well. Since Pond is still a new actor, you can see that he's still somewhat a newbie, lacking a bit of facial expressions at certain situations within the show. However, I think he fits the role of Mork really well too. For whatever reason, Pond's staring tend to give serious emotions. I feel that the series tend to focus on his eye contacts with Phuwin to build that love connection within the series. I'm not gonna lie, I always stare into Pond's eyes about half of the time in the show lol. His sexy jawline and sexy lips came afterward lol. Oh and his sexy voice too lol.

Aside the two main roles, Neo who played Duean was also perfect as well. When you look at Neo, he really has this comedian vibe with him and I think he would fit in lots of comedy roles too. He's actually perfect for his role. For Louis, I feel like he somehow fit the role Meen too. He has this child-like vibe when you look at him. Overall I think the director chose the perfect people for the roles.

What I do like about this show is that it shows the struggles of self confidences specifically in gay men, although it didn't dive deep into it at all. Gay men do have their own set of insecurities too. I like the fact that this series shows that just because you have changed or transform yourself, it's a lot harder than it seems. In reality, that's the truth for most people. It takes a long time to gain self confidence (including with therapy or not). For some, it's not a big deal, but for someone like Pi, it's an everyday struggle for them. I like how realistically the show portrays this well within the series.

Usually in other BL shows, there's complications about the main characters sorting how and why they are gay, but it's refreshing to see that the main characters Pi, Mork, and Muang Nan didn't go through those complications and struggles. Of course it's important as well, but it nice to see that they already accept themselves as gay and this doesn't take too much focus away from the show's plot. I like it how it just really focus on the story instead. And honestly, most gay guys in real life do not go for straight men because most of the time, it's nearly impossible to turn a straight guy to like men anyways. So another plus for me in this series is that Pi did not go for a "straight" guy... which is also quite refreshing to see something like this in a long time too. We also don't see anything like "I'm not gay, but I only like you" kind of senerio as well. For me, that's also another plus and truly refreshing to see because I've just seen so much of that situations in BL genre in general.

I also really love the originality aesthetics of the show. I like it how when Pi talks to Mork on Facebook, and everything turns dark with the blue light in the background and we see only Mork's bottom half of his face with Pi. With the fish tank noise in the background, it's like they were two fishes talking to each other lol. I'm gonna miss that a lot because it's was very unique within the show. Then they had the ending balloon scenes too. The balloon confession scene was also unique to the show too.

I think the plot is indeed typical in itself, but I think Fish Upon the Sky really set their version well. Most of the time in other romantic comedy BL shows, I feel like they tend to focus on the comedy at the beginning and focus on the romance later. As the show goes on, it tend to lose a bit of the comedy along the way while I think Fish Upon the Sky does pretty at maintaining the comedy and romance throughout the whole series. That's a thing I really like about the show. It really kept me wanting to come back for the comedy every Friday. And for those who truly like the show, episode 10 has got to be the best episode within the whole series packed with both comedy and romance lol.

There are some issues in the show that I thought it would have been better if they elaborate more and it would definitely make this show a lot better to understand. For example, especially when Pi found out that Mork was the secret friend talking to him all along, I feel like the show didn't elaborate that much on Pi's feeling towards Mork being the secret friend in order for Pi to actually accept Mork's feeling in episode 10. We see that he has conflicted thoughts and thinkings of Mork throughout the series, but I don't recall a scene where Pi says to himself "I do like Mork" or something like that. Maybe it's in the novel, but doesn't show as much within the show. We often see glimpses that Pi has heartbeats when he sees Mork, and swoon by Mork's touches, but we don't know if he actually really like Mork that much, or he's annoyed with Mork the whole time because we see him reacted negative when Mork tries to get at him. I did feel like they brushed it off a bit too easily, although it's actually a serious problem in real life. That's the only thing I wish the show elaborate more. Maybe if they added a scene where Pi talked it with Mork more about being the secret friend and forgives him about being the secret friend on Facebook, then maybe the relationship would turn out more realistic overall. I did like it how the show elaborate that the shippers and Mork going beyond Pi's privacy were too much. People found out about Pi's home and things about his family. I wish the director would have done a better scene turnout for the whole secret friend thing.

I don't need to talk about the whole fan girls thing and the shipping because I'm sure people talked about it enough lol. I know the shippers are annoying and creepy in real life, but they were kinda funny within the show. I actually enjoyed watching the shippers too (please don't hate at me lol).

One thing I am gonna be a bit disappointed about is that there wasn't enough sweet moments between Mork and Pi when they both became a couple publicly lol. I swear if this show had like 1 or 2 more episodes, the story and the couple screen time would feel more complete overall. I'm just not satisfied enough that we didn't get to see Mork and Pi sweet moments as an official couple publicly lol. I really hope that it's possible for a special episode, special movie, or a special short season 2 to complete it all.

Overall, I ended liking this show more than I expected. I had seriously no expectations of this series, but because of the right comedy and the cuteness of this show, I enjoyed it a lot. It was really a lay-back show where you didn't have to concentrate so much and the problems were resolved easily. The comedy was always there too. It just made laugh majority of the time watching it. I truly recommend this series if you just want to have a good laugh and don't expect anything too much. Plot-wise it's not the best, but aside that, it's really enjoyable. I've watched this show like 3 times and I can't stop re-watching. Maybe this how it must feel when other people were crazy about 2gether, Tharntype, Sotus, and so on, while I wasn't crazy about those other shows lol. This show just happened to be one of my favorites for this year.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 14, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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A True Fish In The Sky

My initial impression going into this drama was that it was going to be a fun, lighthearted romantic comedy. The characters seemed promising as did the story. But it very quickly imploded and what was left was a drama with a problematic romance, very little genuine comedy, disappointing characters and a story that was an utter disaster. Top that off with poor acting, a mediocre OST, terrible pacing, and unnecessary drama and as a whole it just was not worth my time to watch.

The story is a mess. It's not told well and the more you watch, the worse it gets. And it started off relatively promising. I liked the idea of Pi as something of an ugly duckling, unpopular, clearly deeply insecure, someone that was easy for others to take advantage of. And I liked the idea of Mork who loved him unconditionally, regardless of his looks. It seemed like a set up for a sweet story. Except that Pi likes Mork's best friend and thought Mork was his love rival and his animosity towards Mork because of this goes on for far too long. It's clear that he's fallen for Mork, but he keeps resisting and resisting, and eventually it just gets boring because nothing is happening or changing. It also didn't make sense that Pi can't believe that Mork would like him and he keeps pushing him away because he's afraid that he'll be affected by his lack of popularity, and yet, he confesses to Nan, so would none of that be an issue if Nan reciprocated his feelings?

As the drama progresses, it becomes more and more obvious that Pi is a selfish, bitter person. He becomes very difficult to like because he's generally just a jerk a lot of the time. And Mork, for all that he professes to love Pi, not only essentially stalks him and manipulates him, but also clearly doesn't respect him. Pi asks him to stop doing various things numerous times and Mork just keeps doing what he wants to do. Getting Pi is clearly more important to him than respecting his boundaries, thoughts, opinions and feelings. Furthermore, their relationship just felt uneven with Mork constantly giving and Pi constantly taking. Mork, despite his flaws, was always there for Pi and Pi would take advantage of that care and then push Mork away the second he didn't need him any longer.

The second couple is better. The progression of their relationship is smoother and more believable over all. They seem to be on more equal footing and have more of a mutual respect for each other. And when Duean does disregard Meen's boundaries, once he realizes it, he reflects on it and then he apologizes. Kind of ironic that the most immature guy in the show is the one who is the most self-aware, at least in that aspect. However, I did struggle with understanding why exactly Meen liked Duean. They were such polar opposites, and while we got to see Duean's feelings develop through his eyes, we didn't get that same benefit with Meen. Duean, with his juvenile antics, disinterest in school, and general attitude just did not seem like the type of person that would catch Meen's attention.

To top it all off, we had Prik and Kluea as the crazy fans. I know they were supposed to be there for more comedy, but I just found them creepy. How do you not realize that stalking people and secretly taking their pictures and posting them without their consent is a huge no-no? I wanted to like Prik initially because she did delete the fan page and seemed to realize that what they had done was wrong, but I was very disappointed when she gave in to Kluea so easily when he wanted to start it back up. Like seriously, girl, likes and views are more important than someone's privacy? I kept hoping that they would learn their lesson and realize that what they were doing was not okay, but then at the end we have them shipping a new couple so clearly they learned nothing. And then there was Bam. For all that these networks have to know that women are probably their primary audience when it comes to BLs, they love to vilify women in them. This drama had a grand total of two women with any kind of real roles, aside from Pi's mother, and I was really hoping that Bam would be a positive one. And at first it seemed like she was. She came across as the supportive friend, determined to help Mork and then, once he and Pi got together, helping to disguise their relationship. It was disappointing when that all turned out to be a lie and she actually wanted Mork to herself. I am glad that she apologized to Pi, but there were no consequences for her actions. Mork seems to have forgiven her, Pi immediately forgives her and acts like it wasn't a big deal and she gets a new guy right after. Basically, if there's a theme to this drama, its that your actions don't have consequences, everything will turn out sunshine and rainbows no matter what.

The pacing is horrifically slow in large part because everything is so incredibly repetitive. It just feels like there is no progression in the story really for the first nine or ten episodes and then suddenly we're blazing towards the finish because we have to try to wrap everything up. I hate that so many Thai dramas do that. I truly don't understand why it is so hard to write a script that has a measured pace.

The acting was underwhelming to say the least. I've seen both Pond and Phuwin in a few things now and I have officially come to the conclusion that they are pretty faces and that's about it, Pond in particular. The man is just so one note. There is no depth of emotion, no feeling to his expressions or his voice. I recently saw him and Phuwin in Never Let Me Go and frankly, there's not that much difference in their acting between this drama and that one despite the fact that they are totally different characters. Phuwin has the opposite problem from Pond and tends to overact more, but there's a repetitiveness to the way he overacts. In both cases, they just get boring to watch. Their chemistry is negligible and what there is comes across as more buddy than romantic. Normally I like Neo. He's a good actor and he has range, but he was so over the top here that I found him more annoying than endearing. The comedy felt forced a lot of the time. I blame the director for that though, not him. And despite everything, he did have some genuinely funny moments. Louis had the strongest performance. Like Neo, he's a good actor with range, and I felt he did a good job in his role. He and Neo have great chemistry and I would love to see them together as leads in their own drama.

The few positives I have are that I do like the title. I'd never heard that phrase used before and I found it unique, sad, and beautiful. I also liked the subtle touches that went along with the title. Things like the star pillow on Pi's bed, the way he kept Nan's picture in the slats above his bed like a star, the clips that Pi and Duean had, the fish keychains Duean has, and the conch shaped light fixture at Mork's house to name a few. I also liked that when Pi and Mork were having their conversations, the lighting turned blue and you could hear the sound of waves. To me it signified that they were supposed to be a match because ultimately, they were both fish in the sea and were within reach of each other.

This could have been a good drama. With a better script and better characters who were actually developed and grew with the story, it could have been. Instead, what we got was something mediocre and even that's being generous. It tried so hard to be funny and so many of the jokes just fell flat or were just unnecessary. And the main romance was just toxic and unnecessarily dragged out. All that being said, this isn't a drama I can recommend. There are others out there that are far superior and actually worth your time.

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1 people found this review helpful
Sep 11, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 6.0


Well well well....lets just be frank...

In FUTS you wont find the sweet bitter depth of "I told the sunset about you" wont find the anticipation of "Light on me" wont find the realistic maturity of "Kinou Nani Tabeta? " or "Life: Senjou no Bokura".
You will find the core of the urban legend called "Ugly Betty". The basic information of inner and outer metamorphosis,
So why should you see it?????
Because, exactly as life would ask you... Why so serious?

So it's childish stupid, it's provocative annoying and, above all this... I wish you wait that's some lyrics from Whitney Houston .....above all these...IT IS FUN.
Why it works despite the above? Because the actors are capable and committed to that cause, because nobody will try to pass you a deep meaning (most of the times), because you see happy young boys and girls being stupidly cheerful just for you.

Enjoy their good work.

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 28, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

IT'S SO CUTE!! Not to mention so close to reality!

Istg- I don't know why some people are saying it's not worth it or whatever, but it's really sweet! Not to mention how good Phuwin(Pi) is at acting! The story is pretty relatable as well, one who loves himself, but at the same time is not confident in himself because of how the outworld treats him... And MorkXPi's story is so fun! Not to mention how it tackled all the 'toxic-shipping' culture in real life which leads to stalking and privacy invasion which is literally an offence! The side characters and ship are hilarious as well! I really am not a fan of a lovey-dovey couple and stories, so it was fun to see a story where the lead does not really care much about his image in front of another lead and initiates fun more than cheese stuff~

It may not be a deep plot story, but it is so pragmatic and relatable, especially Pi's character, most teens nowadays have the same issue of anxiety and paranoia as Pi's character in the series...

Overall, It's really a fit if you need something that's got comedy and romance balanced with actuality as plot~ and is not too heavy to comprehend and is all-around fun to watch~ Yes, it is indeed something that'll give you second-hand embarrassment but in a laughable manner, not cringe. The only flaw that I catch is Pond(Mork's) acting... He is a rookie and the feat is not to the point of bad but is just not good enough, there was a lack of sensation on his side...

To sum it up, FUTS is indeed one of the gold mine stories of GMMTV I'd say, truly a down-to-Earth and Rom-Com <3

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2 people found this review helpful
Jan 31, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 4.0
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A RomCom with too much Com and not enough Rom

This is pretty much the tale of how two stalkers fell in love with each other. Pi stalked Mork's best friend and Mork stalked him back, so basically a kids' version of Lost in the Cloud (if you know you know lol).

I feel like this series had a few plot hooks that went nowhere, like that whole thing about Nan having problems at home or in the very last episode where he talks about having an impossible love. I saw in the comments on youtube that's a reference to the novel where Nan is in love with his step-brother or something... but if they weren't gonna develop into it, this should've never made it into the script in the first place. I guess they just didn't have enough budget for Mix to appear in every episode lol.

Now about Mork... this dude pissed me off so bad, he stepped all over Pi's boundaries over and over again. At some point he just found Pi's adress and started showing up at his door uninvited???? By the end of the series it was getting harder and harder to root for him. "You shouldn't care about what people say about you, just get off the internet for a while" idk man how about YOU stand up for the guy you promised to care for and protect??? GO KEEP YOUR CRAZY FANS IN CHECK!!!! he was so bold all the time, but bc he took pleasure in people calling them boyfriends, he allowed them to keep on with the craziness. I liked him way better at the beggining of the series bc i really enjoy the rivals to lovers trope where just one of them is the rival and the other is already a lover lol his teasing at the first few episodes was top tier.

Moving on... the secondary couple did the secondary couple's job PERFECTLY: distract the audience when the main couple was being insufferable (and in this show, that happened WAAAAY too often). I got so excited everytime i saw those two black bars showing up at the top/bottom of the screen bc it meant Dueanmeen moments were coming up!!! And btw Duean was a TOTAL SCENE STEALER in this series. He had the funniest lines and moments and his Duean vs. Narrator segments were HILARIOUS. Pi being in denial about liking Mork for 10 episodes meanwhile Duean quickly realizing he likes Meen bc Meen smiled so cutely it gave him a b0ner was PEAK secondary couple behavior LMAO. They always know how to get the show on the road and i don't think i'd be able to get through this whole series without them.

Even though this show relied a bit TOO MUCH on cringe humor and second-hand embarassment, it was really funny and it made me cackle more often than not. It's a solid watch if you want something you can just relax and enjoy mindlessly (and if you ignore the fact that Mork was only able to get together with Pi bc he wore him down like a 2010's sitcom protagonist. Ted Mosby and Leonard Hofstadter style lol.)

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2 people found this review helpful
Oct 4, 2021
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Sweet & Hilarious

I had little to no expectations going into Fish Upon the Sky, as I found the trailer and concept pretty underwhelming and cliché.

Its one those dramas you can literally watch with your eyes closed, I found it really sweet and funny most of the times, and the characters worked well together. This is absolutely one of, if not, THE funniest GMMTV series I've seen. I find a lot of the delivery comedy wise in GMMTV series to be a little cringe and sometimes hard to find funny, but this series does not have that problem in the slightest. Although Pi and Mork have some really funny scenes, especially towards the beginning, the humor really shines in the "Story of a fifth-year student" scenes with Meen and Duen. Both of them have really perfect comedic timing, and the ridiculousness of their scenes are so fun to watch!

If you are looking to have a lot of fun, see one of the best sibling relationships I've seen on a drama in a while, and aren't looking for a cinematic masterpiece, this show might be for you. For all its faults I don't regret any time I've spent watching it.

Overall: It was a sweet and funny drama, that you could watch without any thought process to it.

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2 people found this review helpful
Nov 26, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
This review may contain spoilers

Captivating Characters Shine Despite Flawed Plot: A Review of Fish Upon The Sky

— This review will be detailed and comprehensive. It reflects my personal observations and interpretations. If you disagree with or do not enjoy my review, feel free to write your own. I also suggest reading this review after watching the show, as it may contain spoilers.

This series successfully pulled me out of a drama slump, for which I am grateful. However, as it reached its conclusion, I couldn't help but feel disappointed and as though something was missing. There was an expectation for something to occur or be resolved that ultimately did not happen, leaving me feeling somewhat robbed.


— Pi's character is thoughtfully crafted and easily relatable, particularly for those who have experienced the difficulties of self-acceptance and navigating their sexuality. His backstory, characterized by low self-esteem and self-destructive tendencies, adds layers of complexity to his personality. Even as he undergoes a glow up, Pi continues to confront the lasting impact of his past. His path of self-discovery, marked by confusion, identity crisis, and shame, mirrors the real-life challenges that many individuals encounter while grappling with their sexual orientation.

— Pi's character embodies a constant battle between compassion and self-destruction. He cares for others but struggles to be kind to himself, evident in his relationship with Mork. His communication issues and tendency to isolate himself highlight his internal struggles. While his character development is commendable, the abrupt ending left me wanting more. Despite its flaws, Pi's captivating story resonates deeply, making him my favorite character in the series.


— Mork's charismatic presence immediately caught my attention, drawing me in with his effortless charm. Despite creating a fake social media account to interact with Pi, which could be seen as cowardly, it revealed Mork's strong desire to be close to Pi, even if it meant hiding his true identity. Throughout their relationship, Mork consistently showed genuine love and care for Pi, offering attention and emotional support.

— Despite Mork's sincere efforts, his persistent disregard for boundaries and refusal to accept rejection led to frustration and conflicts. While his determination to express his feelings is admirable, it often overlooks Pi's wishes and the consequences of his actions. Mork's relentless pursuit of Pi, although well-intentioned, can become overwhelming and pushy. It is important to prioritize Pi's autonomy and allow him the space to process his emotions and make his own decisions regarding their relationship. Ultimately, it is up to Pi to decide whether to reciprocate Mork's feelings, and Mork should respect whatever outcome unfolds.

— Mork's actions in Episode 8 displayed a lack of sensitivity and consideration. If he truly cares about Pi, he should prioritize Pi's comfort and well-being above everything else. Allowing their personal photos to be shared without their consent by their obsessed and toxic shippers shows a clear disregard for Pi's privacy and consent. This not only caused distress to Pi but also contributed to the spread of misinformation and misunderstandings about their relationship status. It is crucial for Mork to demonstrate respect for Pi and take responsibility for the consequences of his actions.

— Mork's active involvement with the shippers and his decision to participate in an exclusive interview with them can be interpreted as endorsing their actions. By providing them a platform, he unintentionally validates their intrusive behavior and neglects to safeguard Pi's privacy. Mork's actions send a message that the shippers' conduct is acceptable, potentially encouraging them to persist in their invasive practices.

— Mork's behavior in Episode 11 greatly upset me. Pi is still struggling with his sexuality, burdened by insecurities, self-doubt, and a sense of worthlessness due to the bullying and hatred he has endured. While Mork claims to care about Pi's decision and expresses willingness to be patient, his actions contradict his words. He indirectly pressures Pi to reveal their relationship to everyone, disregarding Pi's discomfort. Despite Pi consistently showing his unease, Mork consistently overlooks it. The advice Mork gave Pi when confronted with his feelings of unworthiness in their relationship felt shallow. Mork spoke without fully grasping Pi's situation. While it may be easy for Mork, it is not the same for Pi. Mork failed to demonstrate the patience necessary in their relationship with Pi.

— At times, Mork's inability to fully understand Pi's emotional struggles can be frustrating. Despite his good intentions, his actions often fail to address the underlying causes of Pi's insecurities and self-doubt. Mork's need for reassurance and validation can unintentionally create pressure on Pi, who is already navigating a complex journey of self-discovery.

— However, despite his flaws and occasional missteps, Mork's genuine love and care for Pi cannot be denied. He has shown his commitment to Pi by enduring challenges and standing by him during difficult times. Their relationship, although imperfect, has weathered storms and grown stronger. However, it is important to note that while many consider Mork a green flag, my perspective is that he falls more into the category of a yellow flag, neither fully positive nor negative.

— Furthermore, the portrayal of Mork's character in the series felt lacking. There was a noticeable absence of weaknesses and vulnerability in his persona. Mork consistently maintained a confident demeanor and personality throughout the entirety of the show. It would have been beneficial to witness more depth and complexity in his characterization, allowing him to feel more relatable and human.


— The relationship between Meen and Duean in the series is incredibly adorable. Meen's clingy and cute behavior around Duean, and Duean finding it hard to resist Meen's charm. Their relationship doesn't face many obstacles and progresses naturally. They embrace their emotions and live in the present moment. It was amusing to see Duean constantly deny his feelings for Meen, only to eventually fall for him in the end.

— Duean's character provided the most laughter with his natural humor, loudness, and unfiltered speech. He has a tendency to say whatever he wants without hesitation. Meen, on the other hand, is naturally cute and sometimes clueless, but his innocence doesn't become annoying. Throughout the series, Meen displays moments of maturity despite his childlike and naive demeanor. When Duean pressured him to drink and experience adulthood, Meen confidently refused to give in to the peer pressure. He knows himself well and stands up for what he believes is right. While Meen and Duean's relationship is undeniably cute, it feels somewhat disconnected from the main plot of the drama. Their storyline creates a separate universe that doesn't have much relevance to the overall plot. The only connection seems to be that Duean and Pi are brothers, while Mork and Meen are also brothers. This connection allows for some interaction between the characters, but beyond that, their storyline doesn't contribute significantly to the overall plot.


— The Kitty Gang, comprising Yok, Koh, James, and Jeans, truly brought comedy to the series. Their jokes and presence enhanced the scenes, making them more enjoyable and humorous. However, beyond their comedic roles, I genuinely appreciated their friendship. They never judged Pi and provided unwavering support during his glow up. Whether Pi or Duean needed assistance, the Kitty Gang was always there for them. Moreover, they offered meaningful advice to both Pi and Duean, adding depth to the story. The Kitty Gang not only fulfilled their comedic purposes but also contributed to the overall richness of the narrative.


This series is a hilarious and laughter-inducing watch. The chemistry between the main couples is fantastic and feels incredibly natural. Initially, the plot is easy to follow, but as the story progresses, it becomes repetitive with the recurring theme of Mork's unrequited love for Pi. This repetitive narrative continues until the final episode, which unnecessarily prolongs the plot and stretches it thin. The show also delves into the toxic culture of shipping, highlighting the wrongdoings of fans who stalk and misinterpret the relationship between Mork and Pi. It sheds light on how these fans glorify and romanticize situations that aren't based on genuine love. One particularly satisfying moment is when Pi confronts the shippers about their misconduct. It showcases his courage in setting boundaries and standing up for himself, as their actions make him feel uncomfortable and unsafe. The invasion of privacy, with pictures of him and Mork being posted all over social media, including his personal space, is a clear example of stalking and potentially criminal behavior.

Initially, I was impressed that this show addresses the issue of shipping culture, particularly within the BL actor community. It highlights the importance of respecting an individual's decision to keep their sexuality private, as Pi is not yet comfortable with publicly outing himself. However, towards the end, I was disappointed. I had hoped that the series would delve deeper into the discussion and confrontation heads on. Unfortunately, during Mork's birthday celebration, all the shippers gathered and turned the event into a fan gathering. They proceeded to display pictures of Mork and Pi, proudly claiming their contribution to the relationship. This undermined the show's attempt to address the issue of toxic shipping culture, rendering it somewhat pointless. The events at Mork's party were highly inappropriate and gave the shippers a false sense of importance in MorkPi's relationship. In reality, their actions only worsened the situation.

I strongly dislike the MorkBam ship as a way to conceal their actual relationship. It is a confusing and problematic approach to hide their true feelings. Bam's overly friendly, or rather, flirtatious behavior is often inappropriate and excessive. What bothers me even more is that Mork allows Bam to initiate these advances, seemingly accepting her flamboyant flirting, despite being in a committed relationship with Pi. I can understand Pi's frustration with their dynamic because whenever the three of them are together, it unintentionally makes Pi feel invisible and like a secondary character. Additionally, Bam's lack of a sincere apology for her actions adds to the unresolved nature of the storyline, making the ending poorly written. The way they simply pair Bam with another boy and move on with her life, as if she didn't do anything wrong, infuriates me. Moreover, the fact that shippers will likely continue to obsess over and invade the privacy of another couple is disheartening. I had hoped that the show was advocating for something meaningful, but it all seems to have been in vain.

I would also like to mention Muang Nan's character, as I believe he had the potential to be so much more. He is charismatic and brings life to any scene he's in. However, it feels like his character was primarily used as a bridge between Mork and Pi. While I understand that this was his purpose in the plot, it seemed like that was his ONLY purpose. Once Mork and Pi started their relationship, Muang Nan was hardly seen throughout the series and only made a reappearance in the last episode. It felt like his character was discarded after serving his purpose, which is something I didn't appreciate. Muang Nan had the potential to be a well-developed character in his own right, but unfortunately, he wasn't given the opportunity to shine.

When it comes to the acting, the romantic moments were executed excellently, and the chemistry between the leads was evident even through their glances. However, in the heavier and sadder scenes, I didn't quite feel the emotions that were intended. While the actors are undoubtedly talented, I believe they could have given more and put in more effort, particularly in the scene where Mork embraces Pi in the rain. This scene was meant to be symbolic and climactic, but unfortunately, it didn't evoke the emotional resonance for me.

I absolutely adored the scene in which the title "Fish Upon The Sky" is mentioned and Pi affectionately refers to Meung Nan as his "Fish Upon the Sky." This reference beautifully captures Pi's feelings towards Meung Nan, as he sees their relationship as something unattainable. I was deeply moved by Mork's explanation of falling in love, using the metaphor of flowers. He eloquently stated that if you find the flowers beautiful and enjoy admiring them, it signifies an interest or liking. However, if you desire to possess the flowers, it becomes an obsession. True love, according to Mork, is when you want to nurture and care for the flower, allowing it to grow. This heartfelt moment melted my heart and added a poignant depth to the story.

This series is filled with humor and features endearing characters. Pi's struggles with communication, tendency to withdraw, and keeping one foot out the door, combined with Mork's lack of patience, understanding, and self-centered mindset, raise red flags in their relationship. However, despite these flaws, I cannot deny the undeniable chemistry between them that made me squeal with delight. I am pleased that each couple in the series ultimately found their happy ending, despite the numerous challenges they faced along the way. However, its major flaw lies in its poorly constructed plotline. While it starts off strong, it soon becomes repetitive and dragged out, leading to unresolved resolutions by the end. I would recommend this series primarily for beginners who are interested in exploring the romance BL genre. However, for those who have watched a substantial amount of BL series and have higher standards, this show may not meet their expectations.

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Ashile Sun is my man
1 people found this review helpful
Feb 5, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Very cute, funny, and sweet! A must re-watch!!!!

Love it!!! So cute, entertaining and funny! I was having a long depressive day (aka week, I mean month) and this was the cure!
As if the characters aren't already cute and the sweetness of the romance that gives you a toothache (Pi is a dentist so he can fix this for you!), the level of comedy makes it twice as entertaining. And I really really need a boyfriend irl like Mork, he's so perfect and a very good flirt, every time he teases Pi I get all kinds of butterflies and dragon flies in my stomach, I bet Pi's physical/shaking reaction to Mork's flirting isn't acting but real reactions lmaooooo bc I felt the same way from behind the screen

Anyways this is such a stress free drama that I'll definitely rewatch when I'm having a tough day (I mean week..), its one of my all time favorites now!

yes the title is kinda funny but it actually has a very sweet meaning that will be explained in the drama.

Just wanted to share the love I feel for this cuteness overload drama!

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Yaoi BL
2 people found this review helpful
Nov 3, 2022
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

This was an good series.

This series at times felt very long trying to tell the story. The character lead Pi was not at times not at all likable, but finally got better towards the end. I loved Mork and felt bad for him for all he was willing to do to be with Pi, who was just annoying towards him and never saw what was right in front of him. I wish they did a better job of telling this story. The side characters were fun to watch but there was too much comedy and felt like the actors were trying so hard to be funny at times. I would have loved to see more tender moments between them. I did like that they did start to show growth and development over time, but felt it dragged on a bit too long to get to the best parts of the series. In my opinion, the series was a bit rushed at some points and then got slow at others, wish they did a better job with the flow. It's horrible when you rush to give it an ending on the last episode. The balloon ending was a beautiful touch, I did like that they showed you what they were like 2 years later.

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Fish Upon the Sky (2021) poster



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