by The Creative Minds, August 23, 2024


The three of us share a common interest in aesthetics and beautiful things. We noticed that many people invest a lot of time making their profiles look pretty, yet not enough people get to see them. Therefore, we wrote this article featuring some of the most aesthetically pleasing profiles on MDL.

Due to space constraints, many profiles aren't in this article. Please don't feel discouraged or left out if you don't see your bio here. We appreciate all your efforts and hard work.


It took me a really long time to find my style. I would spend several days aligning GIFs, finding the right colors, etc... I'm really into aesthetics and making things look perfect. (I also have a tendency to want to fill up every empty space.) This is what gave me the idea for the article, and this is why I particularly admire the people below.


I really enjoy editing my profile. It brings me immense joy to come up with new ideas and themes for it. At first, I struggled with it, but I have made some progress. Now, I'm proud to say that it looks good. My goal is to create a visually appealing bio that inspires others. I want my bio to present a fun and positive image of me while providing insight into my passions and interests. I hope to connect with others with similar interests through my profile.

awkward potato

I remembered spending so many hours when setting up my profile for the very first time. Everything was done via trial and error, hence there were many instances where I had to delete an entire table, or a whole chunk of text! Nowadays, I only tweak certain sections of my profile (namely the header GIF, current crushes, and currently watching parts) because I am just too lazy to rebuild it from scratch again. *laughs*

My profile theme has always been various shades of blue. I like to display Rien's badges for various challenges, hence why you see many of them plastered all over my bio. I'm a huge fan of her badges!

You Might As Well Be An Artist

This section will showcase some of the most beautiful profiles from MDLers we found, along with a unique question asked to each person. The profiles are not ranked but presented in random order.

Jessica: A very neat bio! Organized and straight to the point, I like it! The brown color tone is very pretty as well.

"I know how long it takes to choose, copy/paste pictures and GIFs on your profile... How did you choose the pictures/GIFs and the aesthetic of your profile in general?"

Emeraldarrows: Aesthetic in general was kind of random - I wanted it to look a little like a coffee shop menu (hence the little pusheen at the bottom, haha). Brown is my favorite color and I find cafés very cozy so that was sort of what I was going for. For what I put I looked at a lot of profiles to see what sort of things other people put in theirs (like I noticed a lot of people list their first dramas). As far as the gifs go, I've saved a lot in a folder for years and I went through and picked ones that "looked right" to me. I sometimes change them if I'm really into a drama at the moment.


Jessica: The bio is well-organized and comprehensive, making it visually pleasing.

"I see on your profile you say you're a librarian, what does that consist of and do you enjoy this job?"
JulyMoon: Being a librarian is an interesting and multifaceted job. I get to work with people of almost all ages. I have afternoons where I read books to children or organize events, I help people with book and other media recommendations or find something they are looking for which isn't necessarily a particular book, movie or CD but can also be information. I have contact to schools and help find media/material that they need for classes, students can loan books from other libraries in the entire country through us. Other activities are cataloguing new media into the system, preparing media for loaning, repairing books, sorting out old/outdated media, and much more.

What I love about my job is that I can help people and live out my love for books and other media types. It gives me back so much when people come to me and express their gratitude when they loved the book I recommended or when I could help them with something. That just makes my day, because I could share happiness with someone else. :)
Mon: I really enjoy the soft color palette in this profile. It's simple, informative, and pleasing to the eye. Staccie truly showcased her creativity in her profile.

"Can you tell me more about the hobbies you mentioned in your bio?"

Staccie: Ever since I was a little kid I've loved anything art related. I enjoy spending my free time drawing and doing all kinds of crafts like sculpting, making jewelry, etc.

I added procrastinating as one of my hobbies for fun, but, honestly, delaying a task until the very last moment is something that I do more often than I'd like to admit. T_T
Jessica: This person's bio is unique due to the absence of drama-related pictures. It has an artistic vibe and looks very pretty.

"As I said, your profile is very "artistic". Do you enjoy art in general (painting, drawing)?"

ree: Ah yes, I used to be somewhat of a digital artist. I mostly focus on graphics now (still learning though!! Very beginner stage). I also paint and sketch in the traditional medium as well.

I love the OG anime and mid renaissance styles.

Mon: My girl does not disappoint! Her bio is beautifully designed, with images that match the color theme perfectly. Not only is Aehsassy a great profile designer, but also a talented writer. I highly recommend checking out her articles; they're also aesthetically pleasing.

"What inspired the writing style of your bio?"

Aehsassy: It was like decorating my small corner here on MDL, and honestly, I really loved the process of doing it. Editing my bio is like therapy to me, to be honest. Even if you don't have that artistic sense, there's no one who can capture your aesthetics better than you, even if it means lying in a messy room, which, in a sense, is organised in your mind. 

Anyway, I tried to declare my undying love for Satomi and lowkey turn my bio into a shrine for her. Please consider my bio as a fan page for her. Also, I hope people click those links I have added in the lightest ever shade possible to help people inspect their eyesight, which also tells you absolutely nothing meaningful except my age. 

Anyway, next time I edit my bio, I will make sure to add some important stuff. [Maybe right now I am scrolling through this article to get the perfect inspiration.]

Mon: The choice of a lavender palette has definitely worked wonders for this profile! The color is beautiful and lends a sense of harmony to it.

"You mentioned being fluent in Cantonese in your bio. Do you ever plan on learning another language?"

Winnie: I'm fluent in Cantonese because I speak it with my family. My family is originally from Hong Kong, but some of us now live in the UK, including me. I would love to have the time to learn another language like Japanese but realistically, I am more likely to pick up Mandarin (if I watch more C-dramas lol...) since I understand some of it but am not fluent.
Mon:  This bio is a masterpiece! The combination of colors, images, and text is perfect, like a work of art. I can't get enough of it.

"I'm curious about where all the creativity comes from. Are you perhaps a graphic designer of some sort?"

Windchime: I, unfortunately, don't work as a graphic designer. I'd like to but my parents won't let me get into a risky career lol, I'm currently studying law due to that. I don't really think I'm creative in any way, I just like... organising things, I guess? Plus, I get bored easily so I'm changing my themes, keyboards, wallpapers, profile, etc. frequently or whenever I feel like it. This somehow helps me focus better. My ADHD may or may not play part into the boredom aspect but I like to think of this as more of a habitual thing.

Potato: Whenever I see Noel's profile, I'm immediately reminded of spring. The colour palette of pastel pink and green complement her gifs of falling plum blossom petals. Adding in a couple of xianxia heroes and heroines and a neat 'About Me' section makes this profile aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

 "From your profile, I can see that you prefer historical and costume dramas the most. Would you care to elaborate why such genres entice you into watching them?"

Noel: First, I love the elaborate sets and costumes. It's like I've set foot in another time period/world when I see it all. Second, the stakes are higher and more is at risk. There's a sense of danger and uncertainty due to the characters living in a society and era where one wrong word or move can result in their immediate death or the death of someone they love. Lastly, beautiful tortured men covered in blood – their blood and the blood of their enemies. Said beautiful men lounging around with loose hair, looser robes, and even looser morals. Said beautiful men going to extremes for the one they love, etc.
Potato: Another xianxia/wuxia themed profile, Nightdews' approach to her profile is short and simple. While there isn't any specific colour theme, I'm attracted with how beautifully each gif matches the background colour.

 "As a fellow drama watcher who also likes angst and a good cry, can you share the last drama (or movie) you've watched which made you feel this way?"

Nightdews: I'll go for Till the End of the Moon. At least it was the angst drama I enjoyed the most recently. And well, of course! Xianxia ain't xianxia without misunderstandings, main leads with tragic pasts, daily doses of blood spitting to save your day, and random outbursts of hidden powers. So, ladies and gentlemen! Buckle up your seats for yet another teary voyage!
Potato: As the username suggests, Rainbow's profile is pretty colourful. The pastel palette makes me wanna grab some cotton candy, and I absolutely adore those Pusheen cat gifs coz they're the cutest!

"I realised that you have quite an extensive list of completed titles. Do you still remember what was your first drama and whether you liked it or not?"

Rainbow: Yes, first ever drama I've watched was Full House. I really liked it (specially that "Gom se mari" dance of Song Hye Kyo), but I couldn't finish it as I was studying back then. My first completed drama was Boys Over Flowers, had mixed feeling about that drama because I am not fond of bullying and all...

Your Creativity Is Shining Through

We have a few more amazing bios that we couldn't include in the article. Check them out, and also let us know if you want us to review your profile! If we missed out on any other profiles with fascinating bios, kindly post a comment below.


Cho Na
night jasmine


Thank you for reading our article! ᥫ᭡

A little more aesthetics before you go

Acknowledgments: Everything taken from outside of MDL is linked to its respective source. Source of the feature image can be found here. Thank you so much to all the users that allowed us to use their profiles for this article! Special thanks to the editors!
Edited bydevitto (1st editor)

aesthetic bios