MINI PROFILE of Liu Yuning 刘宇宁

Social mediaWeibo  (18.6 million fans      /粉丝 1862.1万  - Dec.23)

His fandom name is quirky : Mó fàn, péng fēi /摩饭,棚妃- from “摩饭” (scraping or scavenging for food), "棚妃" (princess or concubine): like those left starving in "cold palaces" of yore. LYN once joked during a livestream that his fans ought to build a shed in a field for the  "知性小棚妃 [zhīxìng xiǎo péng fēi] "intellectual  little shed princess" ! But it could now evolve to Mo Fan, Yi Lu  (poster above ; "from scraping meals, to road to attainments").

Fandom color: yellow ; Fandom chant: 一生所爱,与宁同在 [yī shēng suǒ ài ,yǔ níng tóng zài]= "the love of my life is with you Ning!" shouted by fans on his birthday when Hengdian lit up the sky with the slogan, replacing "与" (=with) by 宇 (part of his name that also means "universe") to emphasize the play on words. (listen on link)

  Some fans in wedding dresses had at another occasion even thrown wedding bouquets to him, in concerts, which just delighted him, for the love shown.

Liu Yuning (nicknames Xiao Ning (!) or Ning Ge, but some now increasingly call him 宁头儿 Níng Tóu'er, i.e. "Chief Ning" or, for a simple translation like in the AJTL drama: "Boss Ning").  He was born 8 January 1990 , in Dandong (a very special city, that you can discover in the link), Liaoning province of China.  He is 1.89 m (6ft 2) tall, according to Wikipedia.  Chinese zodiac: Earth Snake, star sign Capricorn. He is a Chinese mainland actor, and lead singer of Modern Brothers pop band. 
Dec.2018, his powerful cover of "Lightyears away"  《光年之外》from the G.E.M. 鄧紫棋  song created for the 2018 movie Passengers. 

In childhood, he wanted to study music but his family was poor. He was raised by his grandparents after his father passed away when he was 4 years old. So he had to struggle through helping with cooking, suffering a serious health issue, working odd jobs until he bought a guitar with his first salary as a chef and became a singer at local bars where he could sing 20 ~ 30 songs a day. Later, he formed the rock band Modern Brothers with his best friends and did street performances at first. The video to top left illustrates his rise from Dandong street singer  (list of songs in comments of the video)  to Hengdian live streamer, composer and singer of star OST songs.  

He has a lot of humor, and joked that he got his long legs because he had to jump over fences with barbed wire on top, to escape beatings from a jealous schoolmate and other thugs, and from playing his favorite games of shuttlecock and rubber band, where the girls could not compete with him!  He also likes wordplay, as in the short clip showing him on his way through the crowd, a fan insisting on wanting an answer about the "boat" (舟 zhou),  probably referring to the enticing address in the AJTL  drama  Weibo 导语:一舟之远在于宁,一念关山起,远舟归何处 / "Introduction: A boat is far away from Ning. A thought of Guanshan rising : where will the boat go?"  Liu Yuning impishly turned back to shout back to her that it was eight-treasures porridge (八宝粥 babaozhou)! [Well: there were 5 Liudao members, Ren Ruyi, Prince/Princess Li, and for the 8th member, why not the impressive Li Tongguang?]. 

His fandom of "concubines" (棚妃们 péng fēimen) is as snarky as he can be, exchanging shouts and  sarcastic comments, even to naming fan accounts like "我捡垃圾养你啊Ning /I pick up trash to feed you, Ning". But very faithful and waxing poetical in their praise! 
 Liu Yuning and Ning Yuanzhou have merged into one.
Like a sinking ship, he tenderly bids farewell to the sea;
This time, he was like a collapsed mountain. After the boulders and smoke cleared away,
He still stands silent.
@ Modern Brothers Liu Yuning

Unusual and generous idol (although not having followed the usual idol path to fame), he loves to interact with his fans which ties in with his relatively rare ENTP personality (Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) if this MBTI page is to be believed (there's another page with a different, but less believable verdict + at least 2 glaring mistakes about him). Latest test he took, impromptu on set of a December 2023 interview, he was told he was a more common ISTP (see more about that in link: well, if Liu Yuning can be likened to undying, soon centennial "Make my day" jazz lover Clint Eastwood, that's a good omen anyway, lol!!) -Let's take it with a grain of salt, since MBTI is known "pop psychology" more for fun than science. What is true is that he is a workaholic, having released "76 songs two and a half year after his debut!" (over 100 now) AND taking part in TV shows, including as host (in 2021), regular member or guest. AND having roles in over 20 dramas and movies, since his debut as " He Tao, a high school boy trying to fulfill his musical dream and love" in 2016 movie Class 952.

Liu Yuning does not do much photo covers, does not sell physical albums and even his digital ones were free.  There will be commemorative, limited edition albums for sale now, and concerts upcoming, but he earns enough not to want the price to be a burden on his fans: there are lotteries to distribute a number of the albums for free.  Liu Yuning is not specially modest, but has been very savvy about the management of his IT presence since launching his covers on platforms YY's Live Streaming and Douyin in 2014 ; after his contract with YY ended, he created his own studio 刘宇宁 LYN Studio in 2021, to manage his own career and that of his two "Modern Brothers" (guitarist Chen Zhuo aka A Zhuo, keyboardist Zhang Yu aka Da Fei) when they occasionally meet again to discuss music (A Zhuo and Da Fei are not permanently working with Liu Yuning who includes them mostly from fidelity to friends in his "title" as performer). Liu Yuning who is not primarily a songwriter or composer has a knack for choosing to collaborate with gifted composers like Chen Xueran and Du Zhiwen 都智文 who composed the music for the song "Offer/Present" 奉上, written by lyricist Lin Qiao.). 

He has had to develop a thick skin and a wry humor to deal with attacks on his person for his not conforming to beauty standards, for having been married briefly and his ex wife having chosen to divorce almost immediately "because she wanted a stable life", 6 years before he entered C-ent showbiz. He has no grudge and prefers to leave his unfortunate relationships buried in the past, has no ties nor children there. But when a an e-reporter slandered him and exposed pictures of his ex with her child, he rose swiftly and decisively to rebuke the slanderer, even if he had to go to the live stream room in full costume drama regalia! Even then, over the past and recent years, he has been bullied for not having kept from smoking, and for the sin of not receding into the background and for daring to take part in dramas. 

Especially being main lead in a tragedy like AJTL  (although every true-blue wuxia fan knows that this genre is NOT romance with happy-ever-after end!). Some even went to replace his face with that of other actors!!  Liu Yuning had the appropriate response to that. Next he was seen in the glass case as if on display, with his partner, the graceful ex ballerina Liu Shishi (who he said helped him keep a better posture as "warrior Ning Yuanzhou",  instead of his usual slouched shoulders).  

On the other hand, he is kind hearted and has proved his empathy when he lent his coat to Zhao Liying in an interview where she sat quietly freezing under the A/C, and next treated her to dinner because she realized then that she had no payment card with her and awkwardly stepped aside. They have stayed friends ever since, and other people in showbiz deciding circles have come to appreciate his down-to-earth seriousness and talent.  He is also generous: when earthquake stroke in December 2023, in a remote area of Gansu, China, he was among the first to send funds for relief efforts, that went speedily and efficiently.

Despite not wanting to be misunderstood in romances outside screen work, he has proved to show quite some chemistry with several "romance partners" on set, and has undeniable charisma.  But at the moment, the "love of his life" is his pet female Schnauzer, Daimi! He does not dislike cats but prefers tidiness and no hair shedding from his pet.

About food, he mentioned that he likes chicken dishes and bullfrog hotpot in Hengdian, although he also said once that he "likes spicy food but he can't eat it" (the Sichuan recipe linked is probably too hot for him - but fun to watch). 

In the same interview, he reminisced that he had been inspired by the series Candle in the Tomb, to start acting, and mentioned his singing an OST for one (Tomb of the Sea starring Wu Lei, in 2018: Ràng jiǔ /"Let's toast!" song).  For the Jiangsu TV Dec.31, 2023 New Year's Eve, he sang the A Journey to Love OST song "Offer奉上 on stage, and together with Mao Buyi (who entered on the tune of his own signature song "Drowning Sorrows") a well-known 2009 "Mongolian grassland" song originally by Jiangyang Zhuoma : "Walking around the world走天涯  (notice LYN touching Maomao's back at 3:06 to prevent him from risk of falling as the platform lifts) -  and another song with Joseph Zeng Shunxi and Tang Fei (中国智慧中国行 /"China Smart China Journey").

As for dramas (20 to date) and movie (5) appearances, check the MDL page links. Among the upcoming dramas, there are:

  • The Story of Pearl Girl 珠帘玉幕, much discussed under previous title "Legend of Jewelry", shot from Nov.21, 2023 to March 14, 2024 (wrap ceremony March 16), where he was pairing with Zhao Lusi for second time.

  •  Zichuan / Eternal Brotherhood 紫川 (Purple river) based on a future fantasy/scifi novel that has already been adapted to donghua (42 episodes made into one mammoth 11 hr video version, with double subtitles in English and Hanzi).  this 2x24 episode iQiyi drama version was filmed from June 2021 (first part  2021-Jul-06 to Aug-24). It met with some complications about the actors at the time, took some time until "passing review", and was also facing competition for airing with the donghua to be aired on same platform. But first part suddenly was scheduled to air end of February on Tencent and iQiyi !  (direct link) .   Part 2 still TBA.  ---- GIF of LYN's Di Lin character in left side column (from a short by @md_lemonpuff, linked)

  • Cicada Girls "Chan Nv" (蝉女) an "urban love drama" from a manhua, filmed in August 2023. It's rumored for 2024 but not much talked about.  Snippet.
  • The Prisoner of Beauty "Zhe Yao" (折腰) starred Song Zu'er who got involved in a tax scandal, causing concern for the drama airing, which might still be released in 2024 (anytime from March), as the dispute seems to be evened out. It got its airing permit which has not been rescinded, so it is up to platforms to decide if or when they'll air it.
  • Heroes   "Tian Xing Jian" (天行健, Floating world) is a Republican era drama that was shot 2022 Jan 2-May 11 ;  "coming soon" on Tencent. 
  • A Dream Within A Dream 书卷一梦 is a future project that may be scheduled to air in 2025. Director Guo Hu and cast seem to have been agreed on.

After his Breakthrough Actor award (Weibo night Dec.5, 2023), LYN won, January 13, 2024, his first ever Hot Actor of the Year Award at Weibo Night recognizing him officially as an actor.

Surprisingly (?) this Dongbei (mainland north-east) singer and actor has gained much following on Taiwan island, where an event featuring buses decorated with the likeness of Liu Yuning wil be running for a month, from 2023 Dec.20 to 2024 Jan.19, in honor of his coming 34th birthday. More buses here !

* Snippets of 刘宇宁 HUMOR :  

* Also visit the following article, that has a lot of interesting infos, pleasingly put together ! 

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Liu ShiShi's farewell message to Ren Ruyi :

Translation :    

  • Ruyi's five wishes in life :
    1. for the truth to be clear, and to live up to kindness.
    2. for her red clothes to leave a name, and the white birds to fly high.
    3. for the wars to cease, and the Central Plains to be peaceful.
    4. for the people she loves to be true to their lives.
    5. A silver saddle shines on a white horse, rustling like a shooting star.
  • The world is huge ; if we are lucky enough to meet each other, I wish you the best, with a yellow flower. Goodbye.

Note : 白雀 [Bái què] was translated as "white sparrows" in the drama, because "sparrows" are often spies in Chinese dramas ; but the simple translation is "white birds" and it is interesting to know that there are two famous Buddhist temples called  白雀寺 [Bái què sì] : White dove / Baique temple, one in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province,  dating back to Song dynasty, and one in Xinxiang City, Henan Province. Both are  key protected cultural relics.

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Liu Yuning's farewell to Ning Yuanzhou :

(2023) 12-18  14:14


Translation :

Old rules. It's over. Let’s talk about it.
I haven't played many roles. Everyone loved this.
Ning Yuanzhou to me. Something special.
Because he is smart. So he can see through the chaos in the court. See through the selfishness and hypocrisy of those in power. He can see the subtle mood swings of everyone around you. He has no dull powers.
Because of responsibility. He once again shouldered the responsibility for the innocence of his brothers, the justice of the country, and the happiness of the people. Pretended to be on the road of no return with ease. Wanted to let go. But couldn't let go.
No one knows how he rose from a child to become the master of the Six Paths Hall. Like no one knows. Countless difficult days. What did that candy mean to him?
This journey with Ning Yuanzhou was a journey that reflected the reality of growth.
Thanks to him. He made me more determined on the path I want to take.
Thank you all for watching Ning Yuanzhou. Remember Ning Yuanzhou.
Thanks to every creator for their hard work.
Thank you to every actor and actress for working hard together.
Thank you to everyone who participated in Guanshan.
"One Thought Guanshan" is amazing because of you.
Presented by Liu Yuning.
(Weibo links of the drama)

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He Landou's final message to Yang Ying and audience




Time flies, and I am very happy to be able to spend this unforgettable time as Yang Ying. Yang Ying is a person that I admire and appreciate immensely. I feel extremely lucky to have the opportunity to be her and live in my body with her soul.
Yang Ying, thank you for letting me experience such a hot life with you. I have said before that you are like a weed seed, small and inconspicuous. No one will care about you at first. , they trample you under their feet and trample you into the mud, but when you experience the erosion of the storm and the exposure of the sun, you stubbornly sprout. You can drill through tree roots and drill out of floor tiles, and grow with brilliant vitality. Under the sun, it also grows in my heart.
It was you who allowed me to grow up with you. I think that when I face the unknown and setbacks in the future, I will also think of the courage you taught me. In my heart, you are not a fictitious image, but a person who came to this world in another form. Who said that you must have flesh and blood to be considered a living person? You have truly existed in my life. I think you were borrowing my body to shout, and I was borrowing your soul to grow. I am honored to have been with you on this journey. I don’t want to say goodbye, and I don’t have to say goodbye, because what you taught me will always be with me.
I remember that after reading the script, I wrote a note: "For the audience, Yang Ying is a hundred times more important than He Landou!" This sentence has always stayed with me and become my sense of mission. In front of Yang Ying, actress He Landou should try her best to put away herself and let Yang Ying's experience, her spirit, her bravery and purity infect everyone. I hope my performance  achieved that goal.
Thank you to all the audience friends who like Yang Ying, thank you for seeing the goodness of A Ying, and thank you for your support and tolerance for He Landou. I know your love for Yang Ying. As an actress, respecting my career, it was my duty to play my role well, and I was flattered to receive so much praise just for completing my duties. I will turn all the encouragement and affirmation into the motivation to work harder in the future. I will definitely try my best to act harder and sincerely in the future to live up to everyone's love for me!
Thanks to iQiyi and Ningmeng Film and Television for giving me this opportunity, thanks to Director Zhou Jingtao, Director Zou Xi and all the staff behind the scenes. It is you who created the parallel world of "Yi Nian Guan Shan" and made those characters alive and warm with flesh and blood, this winter.
Thanks to my friends, actors, teachers, and friends who accompany me day and night. Whether on or off the screen, you are my brothers, sisters, and good partners. There is no need to explain the relationship between us, you must understand it.
Thank you all "guanzhong" for your accompanying all the way of "One Thought of Guanshan" ; it was great to have you.
Finally, thank you all the jelly beans (*) for your continued support, and please continue to walk with me in the future~

(*) Tang Dou / 糖豆 "jelly beans" is the name of her fans (rhyming with her name  He Lan Dou / 何蓝逗)

Chang Huasen (Li Tongguan) was more succinct, perhaps feeling he still has a lot at stake. His message was accompanied by a short clip  :

full video on Weibo

鹫儿 希望在你的世界实现你心中所愿
李同光 再见

Even though I'm reluctant to say goodbye, I really have to say farewell this time.
Jiu'er, I hope your wishes will come true in your world.
Goodbye Li Tongguang

Zhang Qiao'er (Liu  Li)  left a message to state her feelings on Dec.26:


(picture from her visit to Tian Tan, temple of Heaven, in Beijing, Dec.22, 2023, on her Weibo)

It’s over! Everyone asked where Liuli had gone, and I felt very regretful that I didn’t see the ending that belonged to Liuli at the end.
For Liuli, Li Tongguang is like his name, shining into her life full of darkness. Sometimes some residual warmth is a warmth she cannot get in her life. Even if she knows that she is Ruyi's "surrounder", she still can't. I just want to leave a place where I can protect the one I love.
I feel lucky and grateful to be able to participate in Liuli’s life. I hope that not only Liuli, but also all the women in Yi Nian Guan Shan will no longer have to bear the suffering of the entire era with their own humiliation.

Wang Yizhe (Qian Zhao)  was even more brief, also linking to a Weibo clip for his character:

Be true to your original intention and live up to this life. It’s been a journey through mountains and rivers, let’s just say goodbye, so let’s say goodbye properly.

Alen Fang Yilun (Yu Shisan) chose a quote on 23-12-23 as motto for his role :

Drink the strongest wine, look at the most beautiful girls, make the best friends, and fight the happiest fights.
Yu Shisan has no regrets in this life.

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Link to the Mango tv show Hello Saturday episode 47 of Dec 16, 2023 (subtitled) featuring the cast of A Journey To Love and Tan  Jianci :

+ link to the Dec.14, 2023  interview of Liu Yuning (thank you to ReedMery , for alert) :

+ link to the Dec.7, 2023 Interview of Liu Yuning about the drama A Journey to Love (6'03) :

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Hello, thank you for your mini profile for LYN. Enjoyed reading that☺️ Btw, he took mbti test during an interview for AJTL, and he's an ISTP, just like Ning Yuanzhou🤣


Hello, thank you for your mini profile for LYN. Enjoyed reading that☺️ Btw, he took mbti test during an interview for AJTL, and he's an ISTP, just like Ning Yuanzhou?

I really ought to tweak that in, then; even if we all know that these MBTI tests should not be taken too seriously, not more than astrology, zodiac animals, and other hocus-pocus about weather patterns for the next 3 months. MBTI tests can vary a lot for someone over time, even short periods, as Chen Zheyuan disclosed about himself...  A professional psychologist on MDL warned about believing too much in those tests, in the wake of my mentioning Tan Jianci's, who also has different results. But it is fun, like all fandom lore and other trivia.

If you still have the link for that specific interview, it would be nice to give it ?  Especially if it was "Ning Yuanzhou" who took the test!!  

He was an awesome guy! I hope he recovered from his injuries and had his wish of finding a quiet place, away from court intrigues, come true. Can't recall if we saw his grave or that of "Ren Ruyi"? But even if there was one, we know that "Ren Xin" already had been buried once, but lived on under another name : so, with all their skills and all-purpose healing magic, I would not be surprised if we got a sequel someday where these guys reappear.  

Here's the interview's link

LYN himself said on livestream before that he doesn't really believe about this MBTI thing and didn't rly care about taking the test even though some of his fans rly want to know his result, but he ended up had to take one during an interview lol 

If our Ruyi and Yuanzhou reappear then wouldn't that sequel be a xianxia?😂😂😂

Thank you  ReedMery  :  I tweaked the tidbit into the Profile with my view about it ;-)   Laughing about the page that had "famous ISTP" mentions, which listed Clint Eastwood, the undying moviemaker still at work in his nineties. If Liu Yuning is of that ilk, he shall become an international super star too for a century!  (hopeful me).

Would it be xianxia to see our main leads of Guanshan reappear someday as graying or whitening elders (like Hei Fengxi/prince Feng Lanxi, and Bai Fengxi/Princess Feng Xiyun in Who Rules the World?) having spent some of their "all purpose healing/immortality pills" to escape once again after having convincingly faked their death, but fled to the retreat they yearned for? Their work was done... They could leave without going through the hassle of standing for honors and medals.  Even if they are dead, the outcome closes that chapter, so I am not heartbroken, just admiring the work done. (But I admit it's hard to let them go. Was Chu Yue's encounter in the end only a vision or a dream? The boy mentioned an "uncle Ding" and only the Ding from Liudao hall was left alive, since Deng Hui from An was killed on the battlefield; could it be another Ding altogether and just coincidences that the boy had a dad named Ning and a mom named Ren? Since the boy looks different from the one who escaped from the academy to have fun at the lion dance, and Chu Yue and this Ning Shisan walk away "into the sunset", it does look like wish dreaming: like many who watched surely did too!)

But other solutions to resuscitate Ning Yuanzhou and Ren Ruyi are not few. Some would of course be more xuanhuan or fantasy like above, or like in the Eternal Love 1-2-3. I don't think Ning and Ren were Earthly incarnations of some xianxia gods, demons, or immortals that had to go through mortal struggle for some reason like Xu Feng and Jinmi in Ashes of Love, but it is a faint possibility.  Other often used plots would entail plain reincarnation or switching between time strands of parallel universes.  Could Ren Ruyi have been an alien from outer space lost among humans, and mysterious Ning Yuanzhou an ever reincarnating general of a parallel world, lent immortal powers, like in Thousand Years for You?  Lots of ideas for dreaming up a scenario !

I have finished proofreading, re watched twice, added some missing characters that were on the Baidu list but not in the illustrated characters and cast here, found where they appeared (except two. If someone spotted where they appeared, feel free to add it in comments! ), added some maps, and some meat (yes literally! ;-) to the mini Profile, for the joy of the "starving concubines" ... I also watched Liu Yuning's new year show, found some videos to include in the Profile, and checked out some snippets from his upcoming work. I am now ready for other adventures  :-)  

Meanwhile, wishing a very happy and prosperous year 2024 to all who visited these pages and liked the drama and/or music! 

[Feb.12, 2024]  Just landed among my recoms, this video recording of the fan made souvenir booklet of the drama, crafted by the "shed concubine sisters"  棚妃姐姐 :)    The full video with the famous song  is one minute long ; hereunder in two parts GIF copy. The booklet is not for sale (if it was, it might be a hit for the many LYN and/or AJTL admirers!) so thanks to fan @md_lemonpuff who recorded and posted it!

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As pointed out by attentive c-drama watchers, there may be a continuation, or anyway, a new story in the same universe as A Journey To Love.  It is in the works by original scriptwriter Zhang Wei  and is tentatively titled  一念江南  [Yi nian Jiangnan : A thought about Jiangnan]  or A Journey To Glow.

Midnight-Latte    informed in December of the following links to information on Baidu and Douban.  There was a picture for the project that "could  start production in 2024, to  air in 2025",  but it is still in the rumors stage only.   A mention in the Baidu link informs about the "promotional activity:
On December 7, 2023, the play was selected into Ningmeng Film and Television’s 2024 annual film list" and Douban titled their post optimistically with (2025) mention.

The second part of an original series. A wandering female thief, a low-ranking official who's been demoted, a general searching for a lord, a female palace official tasked with guarding the imperial mausoleum, and the son of a rich family who repeatedly failed in starting his own business; fate caused these five people to hit rock bottom in chaotic times. A story of rebuilding oneself and homeland through healing and self-discovery.

Raymond Ardin  commented : "This is set in the same universe as A Journey To Love (specifically Jiangnan, where the Kingdom of Wu is located), but with completely new characters.  -- The general could be searching for his missing (existing) lord, or he could be looking for a (new) lord to serve; the wording is ambiguous."

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I happened to come across some news about Zichuan (Eternal Brotherhood), Chan Nv (Cicada Girls), Heroes (a Republican era drama), The Prisoner of Beauty (which got delayed because of Song Zu'er tax scandal, perhaps resolved now), upcoming dramas of LYN  which should air before the Legend of Jewelry (still filming until mid March), so I added those in the mini Profile together with pics of his latest awards as an actor.