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I love Xiao Ce!!!He was so hilarious in the drama!! I remember those days when Xinger was so mean to YWY and everything was so serious in the show, and out of no where Xiao Ce popped out and I couldn't stop laughing!!!! I am so sad to hear he had such a tragic ending thou! He was such a good person! Poor guy! Sounds like YWY and Xiao Ce is also good friends? 

Honestly I am kinda of shocked Xinger didn't mind being separated from YWY after meeting at the lantern festival!! Man if I thought the man of my life died and he showed up two years later, I would never let him out of my sight again!! Like what did she need to think about? After reading the lake scene, she basically died with him! 

and...I am shocked when YWY thought Xinger was marring Xiao Ce, he didnt get on his horse and ride up to Laing state and be like, "Women what are you doing!?" 
I'm curious to know what's in YWY's mind when the tears are rolling from his eyes in the icy lake.  Perhaps it's not mentioned in the novel, but i'd like to know!!
From my understanding, and @SueLee please correct me if I'm wrong, but in the novel YWY was badly injured and he was running away when all of a sudden he fell into the lake, and that's when XInger went in after him. The tears rolling from his eyes in the icy lake is only in the drama. But I interpret that part as he knows he's dying and he's not gonna make it, but the women of his dreams is telling him to hold on. Complete sadness and sorrow he won't be able to protect her anymore or be by her side anymore. That's how I interpreted. 
Thanks Linh.  It makes sense.  We're all obsessed lol
LoL @Linh yup I also love Xiao Ce character...my heart broke for him as well...his fate was really tragic, if I told you how he died you'd cry it's really gut wrenching...but he and Xinger became besties she was really comfortable around him...and speaking of that girl she's cray cray I know!!  I remember thinking wtf when she didn't follow YWY...but part of the reason was also because YWY never ASKED her to go with him until later...I remember her saying to herself she knew she loved him and she knew she wanted to follow him...but everytime they met up they spent a few days together talking/hanging out and then he left again...but one of those times I think he did kiss her goodbye (don't remember which chapter so I have to go back and search for it)...but all those times it was like they had a long distance relationship...weird couple...I think YWY had things he had to go do and PLANNED to come back to pick her up but as luck would have it she ended up in Liang state and got STUCK there...YWY wrote to her but because of the internal Liang conflicts she had to pretend that she severed ties with him so she didn't read his letters or responded and that's why he was super mad when they met up again...and that's why he made the comment like "good thing you turned around otherwise I would have brought my army to beat down that town" in reference to her marrying Xiao Ce...YWY would never allow that to happen anyway lol...you know our jealous man YWY already...:)
@Angelmission yes @Linh is right there's no long holding moment above the lake like in the drama...basically YWY fell in and Xinger just jumped in after him...in the lake he told her "live on live on"...kissed her and untangled her grip then pushed her up and then slipped under...:(
thanks for confirmation Sue, it still made my heart itchy just by reading your sentences:(
so our guy doesn't ask her to follow him until she said it out loud (when she said to not separate from him again). Well, good for you.
@SueLee thanks for the info :) so excited to read of your translations, it'll be nice if you actually started a group to translate the novel but that;s too much work to do. I think i know which sister... it's that spoiled brat sister of Chu Qiao that keeps blaming her for everything that married Yuan Song.... did Yuan Song actually loved that sister or is he still in love with Chu Qiao? Who was the emperor of Wei at that time? Yuan Che?

what happened to the Xiuli army? did they follow her when she married yuwen yue?

Thanks for all the info, i wish they add all of these events in S2 if there is and hopefully with the same actors and actress if not it'll be so pooped
@SuuLee, I haven't read the book PA and won't be able to understand it if is in Mandarin, though I'd like to learn Mandarin it's obviously late for me. Thank you for this spoiler forum, I'm glad to stumble on this threads, Can you please tell how YWY was saved from the icy lake and what is Xinger and YWY's reaction when they meet again at the Lantern festival?
@cindia: I've started a FB page to post all of my summaries and translation work, you can check out updates there: https://www.facebook.com/sueleesunshine (under notes).  Yuan Song loved CQ, but when he was leaving ChangAn for good the sister insisted on following him and at this point he began to see her differently rather than someone who "looks" like CQ, he allowed her to follow him, which implies that maybe he was starting to develop real feelings for her.  :)  XiuLi army wanted to follow CQ but she wouldn't let them, she told them they know which path they should go and she completely trusts in them to do the right thing even when she's not around.

@maggie7408: I did add a summary on what happened after the lake scene here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/sue-lee/spoilerfrom...
as for how YWY survived, basically a trusted slave jumped into the water and helped break the ice above for him and pushed him out, the slave died saving YWY, then Yue Qi came and rescued and nursed YWY back to life.  :)
Just added more juicy details, get ready to smile because our 2 men are super sweet!!  :)
Thanks SueLee!! Imagine if YX didn't so consumed by revenge, he would open an inn on the right side of CQ's inn and Yuan Song open one on the left side :D 
@Snowflake hahaha I know right?!  These princes are so funny!!  When I read to that part about the inns across and behind hers I literally cracked up laughing out loud!!  And YWY said it so matter-of-factly too...like "see that inn across from you that's Xiao Ce's, and the one right behind you, that's mine."  :D
love it so much. We really need season 2 right now.