"Built on the melancholy theme “disappear with the wind,” the film will center around the trials and tribulations of youths as they struggle to find their way in this changing world.

A young girl pursues her childhood sweetheart, and finally gets into the college he went to, only to learn that he has left to study abroad. She makes new friends, becomes enemies with a cold but handsome man, and then falls for him – but wait, there’s more! She graduates college, and years later, both men return to her life….

Directed by Zhao Wei."

Yang Shan
Chao Mark
Han Geng
Han Geng

I saw 致我们终将逝去的青春 recently and i thought its such a good movie~
Anyone else see that? If not, definitely i recommend it! ^o^
i have watched it as well and i think it is a good movie. Quite a different theme from popular movies. By the way, I would recommend you to watch In a Good Way, a new Taiwanese drama, if you like these kind of 90s movie.
Oh goodness I LOVE this movie. It is my favorite Chinese movie. It's full of friendship and romance, and the theme of growing up. The first 2/3 of the movie focuses on the college life of Zhang Wei (? forgot the exact name, but she's played by actress Yang Zi Shan), and the last 1/3 of the movie fast forwards about 5 years to when she's matured. Yang Zi Shan is absolutely stunning in this movie. Her ability to show emotions accurately and realistically is A-grade, and some even call her the younger version of Vicki Zhao. She also shows a lot, ALOT of chemistry with her co-star.

Basically, watch this movie.