LisNoir wrote: I don't know if this can be considered cliched, but I had to add it somewhere.....The spoiler crammed opening

I've ended up forcing myself to ignore the opening and ending sequences because once I start the series, I start to think "so where does that scene fit?" and then end up spoiling it for myself. =-= gdi
LisNoir wrote: I don't know if this can be considered cliched, but I had to add it somewhere.....The spoiler crammed opening

Hahah I know! And the previews at the end of each episode that give away everything XD
- Car crash -> hospital -> amnesia/ every illness is a life-threatening disease/ Rain -> cold -> life-threatening -> hospital
- Couple falls in love pretty early -> almost too many kisses
- the really, really bad, bad boy will be transformed by our innocent, innocent girl
- girl falls and manages to expose her naked body to our main hero who starks mocking her in every possible situation
- roads are just for the main hero and his car, he can turn wherever he wants
- Everyone has a soulmate, preferably from kindergarten age

Actually, I used to write a little list with things I found hilarious while watching - I have more, but I consider these to be the most Taiwanese, though you can find a lot of them in other dramas as well. :)
(Right, and don't forget to take the battery out of your phone when you want to turn it off!)
In K-dramas, couples-to-be always have telephatic conversations (sometimes while riding bicycles or bikes)
Haha there can never be too many kisses in my opinion XD Especially since Taiwan dramas usually have real kisses rather than that unattractive let's-mash-our-face-together-while-making-deer-caught-in-headlights-faces.
Sleepninja wrote: Haha there can never be too many kisses in my opinion XD Especially since Taiwan dramas usually have real kisses rather than that unattractive let's-mash-our-face-together-while-making-deer-caught-in-headlights-faces.

For my taste it's a bit too much at times :p

But my dislike for too many Taiwanese kisses has a background. I watched Love Keeps Going with Mike He (I like him normally!) and Cyndi Wang and I found the kisses really, really disgusting. I don't know why but I just couldn't watch those two kissing - it was just so horrible. Urgh.
And I really don't need the main leads kissing multiple times every episode, it misses the tension and drama.