What did you guys think of Red Cliff? If you haven't seen it yet, at least add it to your plan to watch list. This is one of my favorite Chinese Movies .
I am an absolute coward and shy away from anything that may not have a happy ending. By happy ending, I mean the main 'good' guys live happily ever after. This may explain why I prefer Dean Koontz over Stephen King...
Anyway - does it have a happy ending?
What would the movies be without CGI? That said, what a magnificent use of it in _Red Cliff_ and _Red Cliff 2_!! Of course the fact that the stories are timeless had something to do with the magnificence as well. To put it simply, the best movie I've seen in a long time.
They are phenomenal. I was determined to watch them after having watched Lin JJ's music video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SX4BkJ7MZg which portrayed a few moments and scenes from Red Cliff 1&2.

On a side note, what a singer he is. ^_^
kaerlighed7 wrote: They are phenomenal. I was determined to watch them after having watched Lin JJ's music video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SX4BkJ7MZg which portrayed a few moments and scenes from Red Cliff 1&2.

On a side note, what a singer he is. ^_^

The love story is nice. I was more impressed with the strategic brilliance of Cao Cao's opposition however.

And emotionally speaking, I found the friendship between Piggy and Pit infinitely more moving.
This movie is an absolute masterpice, it will always be my favorite Chinese wae movie ever! Those war techniques and Zhuge Liang's manipulative ideas were awesome!