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Korean DTT #4 - 2011 Dramas and 2011 Movies

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Hello again everyone,

since Korean DTT [Database Team Task] #3 is almost finished [and because Lylina asked me], I'm posting task #4. It's actually rather simple again, and very similar, except this time it's different year.

General information [most useful for the new members, but old members should look through it nevertheless]:
• The task itself is to update the general information on the dramas/movies, such as airing time, episode number and all the other info you see on the right. Also, to add all the cast with corresponding roles. And this will take most of your time on the task - add all the missing actors to the MDL database and then to the drama with their roles. Most well known sources for this are Drama Wiki, Asian Wiki and I myself use koreandrama.org. Of course, if you have another source you're used to, feel free to use that, but I believe the three mentioned have the most information in them. If you use more than one source to be sure and fully informed - even better.
• The way we do this [at least in this case] is to divide the dramas based on the month they were released and movies based on the alphabet.
• Feel free to ask if anything's unclear, I don't bite. Most of the time. :D

• Please visit this forum section for all the "how to"s, if you're unfamiliar with the process and technical details of submitting or changing info.
• Also, please visit information submitting guidelines that I have created myself. This will make my and Nana87's job much easier [we both are approval staff].
• Pictures that are missing or need to be changed should be reported in this thread.
• Duplicates should be reported in this thread.
• I would strongly advise to to first add the new actors to the database, wait until they are approved and only then update the cast with the newly added and already existing actors. Or vice versa - edit the cast with currently existing, but missing from that particular drama, wait until that change is approved, and then add new actors to the database with the dramas. Actually second option would probably be even faster. Otherwise, due to some technical issues [simply how the things work], the cast will be updated only with one of those two.

Dramas - done
Movies - done

Now, of course you don't have to take something from both dramas and movies. Pick one category [that is, a month or a letter] and work with that. The only exceptions are the ones I have specified above. Of course, you are very welcome to come back and take another one, when you're done with the first one. Just have in mind that I'd much rather have you take one category and then come back for more than taking a few at the time.

Also, you have to "sign up" by posting in this thread which category you are taking. Like I said, you should take only one, I'm taking two because I feel responsible as the leader. This way the others can see what's left and also I will be having all the roster on who does what, so if something's unclear, you can always ask in this thread or just PM me. The list will always be updated in the first post, but please look through last few comments, since I might not update it right away [time zones and such].

So, feel free to join and let the fun begin! :)
Thank you~ <3 I'll take W+Y
I will take August for dramas. =)
I'm taking I aswell while waiting for my changes to be accepted (no rush) ^_^
Forgot to mention in the initial post, will add this to it now:

I would strongly advise to to first add the new actors to the database, wait until they are approved and only then update the cast with the newly added and already existing actors. Or vice versa - edit the cast with currently existing, but missing from that particular drama, wait until that change is approved, and then add new actors to the database with the dramas. Actually second option would probably be even faster. Otherwise, due to some technical issues [simply how the things work], the cast will be updated only with one of those two.
Yes, the second option is faster. That's how I have been doing it so far. While waiting for some changes to be approved, I will work on dramas from February. :)
There's no "V" (unless i'm blind) so i'm doing T and U next ^_^
I am finished with "August". :)
Forgot to add birthday date to "Jang Joon Nyoung" it's January 7, 1975

prettytin wrote: finished with Q :)

Just Q or Q+R?
T+U done, taking S next