
I’m new to the community but have been watching dramas for a few years now.

I’ve made some graphic BINGO cards you all might be interested in which also include a rating system at the bottom. There are 3 K-Drama cards, 1 K-Sageuk card, 1 C-Drama card, and some digital stickers/stamps.

If there is enough interest, I could make more in the future. I have some ideas for a J-Drama card and a second C-Drama card (suggestions welcome). I also have some other games in the works…one is like a drinking game and one is like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon but with all East Asian shows/movies/actors and East Asian-American shows/movies/actors.

The digital downloards are on my Etsy shop, which I run as a side-gig (I am an educator and freelance graphic designer). I currently have a sale set up for friends to get 75% off, but as you can surely relate to, I only know two people in the real world who watch K-Dramas. I’d love to meet some other K-Drama BINGO fans!

If you are interested, the code is: KAMSAHAMNIDA


