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a child fingerpaints nothings over
older nothings, over again - 
purple isn't made,
with so much red and so little blue.

a finger becomes a gun before a child becomes a man.

the child fingerpaints,
the child fingerpaints.
only a child wouldn’t know
that a child wouldn’t know. 

(it's about child soldiers but a verse was left out due to it's nature and now... it's pretty unclear, i think)

Not too close
Not too far

A subtle sense of distance
A feeling of security

Our hands brush each other
Intertwining, and yet not

Not too close
Not too far

A subtle sense of distance
Our pulse resonates
A poem I wrote when I was going though a hard time, when I was really depressed:

Dear all hearts red
Pumping blood until we're dead
Come and sing with me my dearest friend
Laugh and dance until the end
I feel so lost, my head, my heart, my eyes in pain
What I did was all in vain
I can see what I did, I know what's wrong
I didn't laugh or join in the song
They called me their friend and I knew they lied
Time went by and inside I died
I'm rotten, all the way from skin to core
Too angry, too weird, too much of a bore
I would like it so much if I could just disappear now
I would like it so much, but I don't know how
Even if I knew there are still people who love me
What would they do if I seized to be
So I'm stuck, locked into my body, my cage
Getting even more rotten, with my ever growing rage
I did nothing wrong, and yet it happened because of what I did
Because it wasn't my faults, but my good qualities that I hid
I pretended to be someone I'm not
I'm guessing that's why I'm now left to rot

Hello All!

No recent poetry posts?

Hey Drama Fam! 

I write poetry, short stories, and articles on the Odyessy. 

This is my latest post, its a poem about depression! Please check it out!  I would really appreciate it! 

Poetry on The Odyssey: My Black Dog

I have three ongoing stories. Two are BL and One is  kdrama style novel if they seem up your ally please check them out. 


Leo is just a normal guy in college. Every day is the same. That is until Max shows up in his life and turns everything upside down.
Now he is stuck in a crazy entanglement with Max as they both try to discover just what being in love means. Especially when what they are feeling and how to deal with those feelings, means coming to terms with a growing change inside of them.


22yr old Heart is at the point where his life is only about simply making it through the day.

But one night he meets a man, unbeknownst to him this is Fate, who in a rash decision ties five red strings of Fate onto Heart. However, Heart has no idea the lives of five people are now tied to him and that due to that difficult encounter, six peoples lives including his own are about to drastically change. How will the six people survive the huge turn of events thrown into their stories, forever entangling all their lives together in a web of love, hate, and friendship? 


Mina Taylor is a twenty-year-old nursing student who is ready for commitment.
She is going to marry the love of her life, a doctor and her childhood friend Ryan. After four years surrounded by a world of love, it really feels like she could have it all.
But then that world changes.
Following her dreams, she moves to a new country and starts drawing just as she always wanted in her heart.

Five years later, just as her luck always turns, the man she is working for is a charlatan who steals one of her own projects. Fired, thrown out, and in despair, she heads home and decides to end it all. End her work, end-all her misery, and maybe just end herself...
Her plan is foiled halfway through, her luck throws her for a loop yet again. As even in death, it all backfires when she is suddenly sucked into another dimension!

How far can someone go to find their own happiness? And how far will she go to prove that it's real, and something worth fighting for?

Hey, this thread is making me love poetry even more

Mini Militia App Lock

I wrote this months ago and found it again today.

The thud of Matthias’s boots hitting pavement in the alley could be heard by all of the adjacent houses. Anyone still awake could look outside to see him holding back tears, and kicking loose cans. His chest heaved and his throat closed. The pain from his body mirrored the pain in his heart.

Only a few more steps, Matthias thought as he neared the edge of the alley.

He finally looked up when he reached the bottom of the blue staircase, his staircase. The bright hues reminded him of his mother. They had spent hours painting it. His mother loved to paint.

Matthias bent down to smell the closest flower. It’s leaves still browner than they should be. Damage left by an old lady who no longer could take care of herself, let alone the beautiful young flower. As he gently stroked the softened petals tears began to fall. A mixture of the bitter tears he had been suppressing, and tears of joy seeing the flower healing from mistreatment. His tears splashed onto the soil, barely wetting the dry dirt.

“I’ll be back.” He said, placing the pot back down and continuing his climb.

Each step held a new flower for him to behold. Many different types and colors, all dressed in green. All of them rescued from places where they’d slowly wither away and die. This was his staircase, his happy place. By the time he reached the top, his feelings had run their course and he was ready to think through what had happened, without skewing it in a whirlwind of emotions.

A Kiss of Death

A cold kiss

Leave me feeling numb

From the one I miss

No love received, left feeling dumb

I crave the warmth

I see no light

I cannot fight

No longer, this feeling in my heart

Kiss me until I cannot breathe;

The kiss of death

The hatred and frustration I feel 

Until I breathe my last breath

~ Luna (aka me)

Hey, this thread is making me love poetry even more. thanks


on the mirror, was her reflection,
she stared at herself and cried alone.
thought it’d be better if she was gone,
for nobody cared, not even one.

she started punching her bathroom’s wall,
as her precious tears began to fall.
she looked directly into her eyes,
and thought, “my life is a complete lie”.

without anyone hearing, she cried.
without anyone knowing, she died.
dead, was her beautiful heart and soul.
and she’s tired of playing a “brave girl’s” role.

people can not see every scar,
for it can’t be seen by the naked eye.
she looked up but there was never a star,
she became hopeless that she wanted to die.

this was a poem i wrote during my dark days in high school (in 2014). it was my first poem and so far my most favorite. i've been insecure and shy to share my poems because i'm not as creative as other people, but i'm trying to overcome that and share my words to the public! so in case you wanna read more, you can check my other poems here.

When we split apart, I wish to get the ability to go back in time just for the chance to see you from afar, even if it'll be just for a second.