
I think Doom will try to use his powers for good, just like he did this last ep. (#8) by doing beautiful things. He will gather all his energies to save her even if it destroys him and his own role in this world. Doing the exact opposite of that Doom should be doing on Earth. He will sacrifice it all for her, and by doing so the little Deity's pot will now be fully grown (since it grows each time he feels compassion like humans). By that time he will be free from being Doom. That sacrifice for love will make him stop being Doom, and perhaps becomes free by living the rest of his time as a human.

In that Deity's garden, all those pots and flowers represent other "Doom's" that had the role previously before getting free. 

after ep 8 I have more or less the same theory, but it's probably too soon to tell. Anyway the plant will play a huge role , I think. 

New Theory after Episode 8.

The Deity said that all the humans are like flowers, and the flower in her pot grows when Doom feels more pity for someone else than he feels for himself. But in Episode 1 she also said, it is his job to pluck out the flowers that have gone bad.  Doom is a good "person" at heart, but in order to do his job he got drowned in a pool of self-pity, where he just hates having to what he has to do. There is also this theme of destruction is needed for new things to grow, so it is not like he can just stop existing. I think the arc for Doom is that he will become a more compassionate form of Doom, as in finding better ways to distribute destruction than just randomly destroying things. Maybe he will also find some purpose in what he does, which he has kind of lost. I think there will definitely be some sort of self-sacrifice, because for the first time he is working his powers to save someone vs. destroy someone. Maybe he will learn to love himself through Tak Dong Kyung and that will also stop the self- pity... something like that.

I think Tak Dong Kyungs arc is to do stuff strictly for herself, to learn what she wants and to just go for it selfishly, which she learns from the rather not so selfless Myul Mang. She is very defeatist and level-headed, but clearly there is a plotpoint about her never crying =  not burdening others with her pain. I think she will be shown a lot of love by all her friends and family and learn to love herself through Myul Mang. I think she will want to live because of all the things he can give and show her.

Anyhoo, I still predict a happy ending. I think they will end up making the flower garden a more fair place together. Maybe the Deity is head-hunting Tak Dong Kyung for a new position, because it doesn't seem like she is against the relationship at all, but keeps egging Myul Mang on. I remember there was something about "forging their love" through suffering.

During that garden of the deity scene I felt like the deity was gonna appoint Tak Dong Kyung as the next know like a successor. It feels like a test to me. 

The deity is reborn and dies young, and loves doom because he doesn't love himself. Also she keeps doom in line from getting too destructive or from not doing his job at all. TDK has all the makings of it. She is going to die young (this way the deity can see how she copes with a short life span and unlike regular people TDK was pretty unfazed by the news), due to her wish she met and fell in love with doom and had a significant impact on him as he now wants her to "choose herself and the world" ergo he doesn't want to destroy the world anymore. Her imminent death has also given her a new perspective and now TDK is starting to cherish the world and will want to keep it as it is.

Also she was able to make that plant grow which the deity couldn't (which could mean that the deity is loosing her powers and TDK is gaining them). And the deity gave a marble to her that looks like the universe(It's like in Men In black 2 where there was literally a universe inside a marble). It's like she's passing her position to TDK. 

they'll def fall in love. he'll become the person she loves the most 

Boyoung will go to Dora

She'll probably sacrifice herself

but then he wont stay put too

eh... idk maybe?


after ep 8 I have more or less the same theory, but it's probably too soon to tell. Anyway the plant will play a huge role , I think. 

i like this

ok so hear me out

dora is dying

maybe dora will grant them a wish 

maybe he'll be human 

maybe dora would die in their stead?

After the most recent ep, I think the ONLY way this can end as a happy ending is the God dying in her place. Taking into account every little scene we've seen so far, it looks like the god is close to dying. Especially in the latest ep. I mean I get having the "god suffering for the world" scene at the beginning to give insight into the way things work. BUT having the scene of her being so sick and all bloody has to mean something or it would be a useless scene and so far I feel like every scene in this show has a deeper meaning. They need a life to die in Dong Kuyng place. Both her and Myul Mang just wants to live happily together and also not doom the world anymore. Really the only person that can help them is the God. She seems to be testing them and challenging them this whole time , while still kind of let them make their own decision (typical god stuff). I think with the plant growing is not about MM but it might be about her reborn into a new body. That's why she both look hopeful and ominous looking at it. That plant if probably for her "human" shell or new soul. MM happen to also mention how the god does die eventually and reborn in another human body to continue bearing illness and suffering for human. COINCIDENCE?? I think not. It's her last sacrifice to let both MM and DK live. OR ya know ..... the obvious ending of both MM and DK died together or one of them die. I think it would almost be too predictable for that to happen. Bc that's what both of them been pondering over and over the entire show, so for the ending to just be more of that is pretty lame. 

the deity "reset" tak dong kyung's memories making the contract since the events are repeating...tak dong kyun will die...since she loves "doom the most" that the plant that deity has been growing is almost blooming.....i guess the deity will transfer the plant to the garden once it completely blooms (post tdk death)....freeing him of his duties as doom, and turning him human....they then meet again in another lifetime

I was thinking the flower was Doom's feelings for dong kyung but the flower being his humanity is also neat!

I don't see it happening - but I'm wondering if FL becomes the deity in the hospital.

You know how the animated intro kind of shows a few scenes that have happened during the drama? Such as PDK wishing doom upon the world on a shooting star? The last scene is them holding hands in a flower garden. By now we know that's where individuals end up when they die, so I'm predicting both of them dying and meeting in the flower garden. Not my preferred ending but I guess it seems realistic. 

My ideal ending would certainly be the deity feeling for PDK, therefore curing her illness, turning MM human and letting them live happily ever after - but that seems way too good to be true. 

By now we know that's where individuals end up when they die

Myeol Mang specifically told the doomsday religious lady that there is no heaven / next world for us after we die. The Deity's garden doesn't seem to be an equivalent of heaven. It's just the Deity's quiet place. So I don't think we'll have an ending where we see Tak Dong Kyung and Myeol Mang in heaven / the garden after they die unless it's in passing as they head towards their next life. 

But we have seen the Deity reincarnate, so maybe that's possible for humans too. It's possible that we might see an ending where they die and meet again in their next lives after reincarnating - with both of them human and healthy. I expected that kind of ending early on in this drama. But as we get closer and closer to the end it really doesn't feel like that's the direction the writers are heading in. I feel like somehow they're both going to live. Myeol Mang has to do some good deeds in order to be worthy of becoming human. I expect he'll need to make a big sacrifice of some kind, but given all the build up it would be a bit anti-climactic if his big sacrifice was trying to die in Tak Dong Kyung's place. I'm hoping it will be a bit more interesting than that. 

As long as it's not: She dies and gets reincarnated and meets Doom again.  Like in Goblin or Hotel Del Luna

Whelp. I guess I won’t have to finish Goblin then, wasn’t toooo fond of it anyways. But I agree! 


As long as it's not: She dies and gets reincarnated and meets Doom again.  Like in Goblin or Hotel Del Luna

I've seen those so I don't mind, but I'm pretty sure that's a spoiler ^^'