
Since he said that line I knew this is what's gonna happen xD

Yes, me too. 

my theory is that she will live and the doom will die cause she will love him the most ....and break the contract SHE SHE HAS TO LIVE WITH HIS MEMORIES

my theory is that Tak Dong Kyung and Myul Mang story is not real but a story written by Na Ji Na

Hope you're wrong. It sounds like sad plotline hahaha I want them to be real

Honestly speaking- I love the idea that they become doom together- That kind of ending would just be😚👌.

Although I feel as if they won't meet in another life because as someone said (I can't remember who-  I apologize-) Doom mentioned that "There isn't another life".  

I feel as if they might do a Goblin (like the halfway mark of it) ending. They fall for each other, She breaks the contract and Doom dies and she lives with the pain of losing him before wishing to not remember him or smth like that. Then we'd skip to a few months later where she's just happily living without remembering who he was and then someone like him shows up as an author and she gets her memories back- Like there's a lot of plot holes but still-

 I feel like with this drama they could most probably do a sad ending as well. Just is a sick drama pfft 

my theory is that Tak Dong Kyung and Myul Mang story is not real but a story written by Na Ji Na .I’ll tell you why I think so?

I think that's actually a brilliant analysis. I was wondering why there was so much focus on Na Ja Ni. Spoiler for Ep.6: That would also explain why he dissappears after the kiss, like all her other main leads.
I am hoping for a more Hades/Persephone ending, where they kind of end up ruling Doom-World together, but she softens him and he becomes a moral Doom or something.

I like zinmoy 's assertion that both ml and fl are imagination of a writer  na ji na as it explains a lot of things ...there is also internal dialogue  and discussion about romantic fiction in the series as they are providing the critique to this genre or somebody playing with genre ...and most importantly how can this love triangle connected to our main leads . Also dongkyung and na ji na never appears along with other people ..they are always engaged with each other ..suddenly doom becoming softer towards dong Kyung and realising that he is missing ..this happen when cha joo ik gave her suggestion that how should in her novel male lead behave ..may be they both are working on this story itself 

May be na ji na wrote dong Kyung at her most depressive state 


In an episode Doom mentioned there is no such thing as next life, we only get one, so i don't think there will be any rebirth kind of ending. I think either both of them will die together (less likely) or doom will die (most likely. He might be saved, depends on deity).

Yeah, I don't think we will get a rebith too. 

My theory is that because MM is an immortal being, instead of flat out dying on the 100th day, he will simply lose his immortality, thereby “dooming“ himself to the fate of death as a mortal and fulfilling his end of the bargain.  I don’t necessarily know if MM knows that this will occur, he will probably be surprised to find himself in tact and no longer responsible for shouldering the responsibilities of Doom. From that point on, I suspect DK and MM will live together as mortals and both will die of natural causes much later in life.

The tone of this drama suggests that the writer won't be that kind, but I really like this theory.


In an episode Doom mentioned there is no such thing as next life, we only get one, so i don't think there will be any rebirth kind of ending. I think either both of them will die together (less likely) or doom will die (most likely. He might be saved, depends on deity).

He didn't mention that there's only one life. He said there is only one world (i.e., no heaven beyond earth after we die). We've already seen that the Deity reincarnates, so it's quite possible that humans reincarnate on earth after they die in this world.


Our female lead is slated to die in 100 days. So predictions on how this is gonna go? I have a bunch of theories based on the genre.

  • She dies and our male lead learns some valuable lesson about humanity (really hope this isn't the ending because I'm tired of "terminally ill person dies and inspire others" Walk to Remember plot lines)
  • She lives, he becomes human, they live happily ever after.
    • something similar but with added amnesia for some angst?
  • She dies but becomes doom along side him and they doom people together for eternity (I really kind of want this ending?)
  • They meet each other again in another life

I really like the third option. I just wish for a happy ending. If I cant get a happy one then tye should just make it sad. I don't want to have another Hwayugi(A Korean odyssey) with an open ending.


I really like the third option. I just wish for a happy ending. If I cant get a happy one then tye should just make it sad. I don't want to have another Hwayugi(A Korean odyssey) with an open ending.

Don't even mention Koran Odyssey man, cuz I get a headache just remembering how horrible it was, If we get an ending like that here in DAYS, then I'm giving it a 1 rating.


Don't even mention Koran Odyssey man, cuz I get a headache just remembering how horrible it was, If we get an ending like that here in DAYS, then I'm giving it a 1 rating.

Yeah, same...an ending like that is the worst type of ending. I rather have something that's set in stone.


My theory based on the first episode is that Doom will slowly fall for the cutie that is Tak Dong Kyung, he keeps pestering her to make  a wish and after being around him for a while and seeing how hurt he is in his eternal life, she wishes for him to be free of being Doom and dies hoping that when Doom dies a natural human death they can be reunited in the afterlife.

I have another version of the above theory that after her wish, Dong Kung goes into a coma and Doom desperate to help her seeks the help of the girl in the hospital and after making a deal, Dong Kung makes a miracles recovery, several years later they are reunited again in a heartfelt scene after Doom has finished the deal he made, and they get their happily ever after.

i would be happy with either one! Great ones!

I think Doom will try to use his powers for good, just like he did this last ep. (#8) by doing beautiful things. He will gather all his energies to save her even if it destroys him and his own role in this world. Doing the exact opposite of that Doom should be doing on Earth. He will sacrifice it all for her, and by doing so the little Deity's pot will now be fully grown (since it grows each time he feels compassion like humans). By that time he will be free from being Doom. That sacrifice for love will make him stop being Doom, and perhaps becomes free by living the rest of his time as a human.

In that Deity's garden, all those pots and flowers represent other "Doom's" that had the role previously before getting free.