For the Badge Evergreen, does the titles used for this badge need to include a scene in winter, spring, summer and autumn setting?
Or does season only reference to the sections of the challenge and we can pick any 10 titles from the sections we have watched?
Edit: One more question, sorry.
Regarding "Flower on the cover": If there's an official cover for the drama that has flowers on it but is not used as the front cover on the dramas page, does it count?
It doesn't need to include a scene from those seasons. Just one title for every block under those seasons.
I believe they will accept any official cover because covers keep getting updated on MDL. You can include the cover in the table.
Thank you @ColourMePurple for the answers.
I get it now. So the flower badge in the end is based on the final count of completed blocks, rather than “levels being cleared” sort of thing (which was what I thought before, if that makes sense).
Yes exactly! It's dependent on the final count. :)