Heyy, I have a question about the block that says 'watched while airing'. Does this mean that I have to start watching it the day that it is released or is okay to start watching while some episodes have been already aired?


Heyy, I have a question about the block that says 'watched while airing'. Does this mean that I have to start watching it the day that it is released or is okay to start watching while some episodes have been already aired? 

It just means you have to watch it while it aired. You do not need to start on the very first day it started airing. 


For the Badge Evergreen, does the titles used for this badge need to include a scene in winter, spring, summer and autumn setting?  

Or does season only reference to the sections of the challenge and we can pick any 10 titles from the sections we have watched? 

Edit: One more question, sorry. 

Regarding "Flower on the cover": If there's an official cover for the drama that has flowers on it but is not used as the front cover on the dramas page, does it count? 

It doesn't need to include a scene from those seasons. Just one title for every block under those seasons.

I believe they will accept any official cover because covers keep getting updated on MDL. You can include the cover in the table.


Thank you @ColourMePurple for the answers. 

I get it now. So the flower badge in the end is based on the final count of completed blocks, rather than “levels being cleared” sort of thing (which was what I thought before, if that makes sense).

Yes exactly! It's dependent on the final count. :)

I also have a question about "Currently Airing". What if I complete it a day or two later? Sometimes subs take time to release and sometimes I don't have time to watch on the same day the show ends. Is it acceptable as long as for the most part it was watched while it was on air?


I also have a question about "Currently Airing". What if I complete it a day or two later? Sometimes subs take time to release and sometimes I don't have time to watch on the same day the show ends. Is it acceptable as long as for the most part it was watched while it was on air?

Unless you can travel in the future to get subs before others, I don't see how it's possible to be able to watch a show before subs are out for the last episode. xD I think as long as you watch the majority of the drama while it aired, one or two days wouldn't make a difference. :)

My previous question: Question regarding the prompt Perfume. In the drama Zhang Gong Zhu Zai Shang is a scene where a disguised character is identified because he smells like the incense from the Emperor's room. Does this count as perfume?

Also for the badge Lucky Clover, does the flower involved in a major event of the plot needs to be an actual flower or can it be the main character who's named like a flower (for example Orchid)?

Can anyone recommend me for Botanist other than A Romance of the Little Forest(I have already used it) and Flowers as a gesture of apology

for the Evergreen badge...
is it 10 titles in each season (50 titles in total)?
or 10 titles in total (2 in each season)?

sorry if this has been answered!


for the Evergreen badge...
is it 10 titles in each season (50 titles in total)?
or 10 titles in total (2 in each season)?

sorry if this has been answered!

In my understanding it’s 10 titles in each season, so it’s 50 titles in total.

Q: Lucky Clover, does the flower involved in a major event of the plot needs to be an actual flower or can it be the main character who's named like a flower (for example Orchid)?

A: needs to be an actual flower

Q: Incense in the place of perfume

A: This is a streach, we are currently discussing it in the group and will get back to you. But the specific reason you mentioned above will probably be a no 


In my understanding it’s 10 titles in each season, so it’s 50 titles in total.

Your understanding is correct 

Unless you can travel in the future to get subs before others, I don't see how it's possible to be able to watch a show before subs are out for the last episode. xD I think as long as you watch the majority of the drama while it aired, one or two days wouldn't make a difference. :)

If we have some leeway, that would definitely be good. There are also shows that drop 8 - 10 episodes in a day (usually Fridays) and it takes at least a couple of days to watch all of it. Just wanted to make sure.

For Perfume, do we have to spot the actual perfume bottle or is it enough if someone remarks on someone's perfume? I already have a show for this prompt with the actual perfume but I was wondering if the another show where ML notices FL's perfume has changed also counts? If yes, then I'll add it to the list for others who may want to use it.


Q: Lucky Clover, does the flower involved in a major event of the plot needs to be an actual flower or can it be the main character who's named like a flower (for example Orchid)?

A: needs to be an actual flower

Q: Incense in the place of perfume

A: This is a streach, we are currently discussing it in the group and will get back to you. But the specific reason you mentioned above will probably be a no 

Thanks for the info. :) 

I had another question that probably got overlooked. 

Regarding "Flower on the cover": If there's an official cover for the drama that has flowers on it but is not used as the front cover on the dramas page, does it count? 

Drama: https://mydramalist.com/718817-xia-hua

Covers: https://mydramalist.com/photos/2wr6rw_3 and https://mydramalist.com/photos/jLRkd_4

Do I have to use every title just one time for the bonus badges? for example "Annual Flower" and "Evergreen" Can I use the same title for both, or do I have to use 20 titles in total?

As far as I understood, we can get these badges during the challenges, so I don't need to watch additional titles besides these for the prompts, right? So for example I watch a title from 2022, which fits in the "Romance" prompt, I can use this title for "Annual Flower" or "Evergreen" or wherever it's fitting?

While airing: should be completed in close proximaty to when the titles last episode has become available with subs in your regions, titles dropped all at once may not be used for this prompt.

Perfume : same as any other prompt  if the word Perfume is mentioned it is okay if the person remarkes on their smell it is not ok. 

. "Oh you smell so good " may not be used as opposed to  " you reek of perfume" may be used. 

Bonuses /leap flowers: You may use  the same title for as many bonuses as it fits.  

Covers : any official cover will do, doesn't have to be the one used on MDL at the moment you watched it.