asliceofkate wrote: I'm sort of obsessed with Jung Il Woo's bottom lip. It's so asdgdfsdgsd <3

I even went looking for photos of him with closeups of his lips, and am shocked that there aren't many.

That's not that weird i was obsessed with Yoon Eun Hye lips but it was the set not a specific one. I just couldn't choose which i liked better lol
I confessed that its really hard to finish City Hunter.I'm scared what gonna happen in the end and i don't have any courage to continue watching it.. T_T
I'm getting addicted to forum games
Thisguy2011 wrote: I'm getting addicted to forum games

We both
Thisguy2011 wrote: I'm getting addicted to forum games

ME TOO! O_O I get addicted to things WAAAAY too easily lol
I confess that I'm now in a drama slump, a dangerous one.
I confess that I'm now to busy to watch dramas, but when I have free time I still don't watch cause I can't get into the mood D:
maybe we should start a online support group of course it will have a game forum
How would that be?
I like this confessional thing. I confess, I wish I didn't focus on dramas as much as I do. Sometimes, it takes over my life and I feel like I'm wasting time when I could be spending my time with family and friends. I don't want dramas to become my life.
The clock on my stove is wrong but i don't fix it so i don't fel like I'm wasting time when i pass it
I hate that I don't think before saying/doing something and that gets me in a lot of troubles ><
Nothing makes me happier than hearing mami sing shoujo m
I was called old on MDL today, it bothered me.
I confess that I'm really hungry right now but I too lazy to get up and go and grab some food in the kitchen :/