When my face in the mirror suprises me because I'm so used to seeing the main female lead's face in a drama I'm binging.

When I have 1452 shows on my profile but i know i have missed to add a lot of them

When I want to use CNBlue songs for my transitions curve assignment :D

When I am in my last semester in college and know more about korea than the degree i am gonna get in a few months.

and in every situation , drama iconic moments flash in my mind nonstop...

When I neglect my friends

When I tell my mom how many episodes I've watched, and she asks me when my next therapy session is

HAHA true T-T when i look out my window and realize its already night

when my on hold list have more than 10 dramas

when you feel like you've seen everything or can predict some of the stuff and when it's all you think about

When I have three different types of rice cookers in my shopping list

When I stay up to 2am everyday and wake up at 8 because I binge watch dramas at night

When I watch drama and then go to sleep... in my dream I am one of characters of that drama and interacting with other characters. It has similar feeling like watching one of the episodes. Last time it happend to me was after watching many episodes of 'The tale of Nok Du'. In a dream I was Nok Du dressed in female cloths, trying to infiltrate some fortress to rescue my beloved Dong Joo. Then I realized that I was watching it too much. :D

When interjections from an Asian language come to mind faster than English ones. 

When I have more than 25 dramas in my currently watching list