Black / calm / searching screenshots for 10day challenge with a cup of coffee

Grey - Tired - Browsing MDL and panicking about the amount of dramas I wanna watch

green/ sleepy/ watching vincenzo

Blue / Curious / just Completed Love Alarm

White and red / Sleepy and hungry / re-watching and listening to SHINee's Don't Call Me

Casually reminding everything that SHINee's back. ♥

Burgundy / accomplished / final checks on my assignment

White / okay / just finished watching blackout

Blue / Tired / Had a drink with friends and just reached home

pink / tired / had an online course

Blue / Happy / eating tiramisu cakes

Pink  - / good / making fresh soup

Black / little tired / watched interview with Tataaki Nakagami

White / hungry / watched episode one of Precise Shot

Blue / a bit lazy whether its sunny or in cool weather / watching TV animation series

Blue/sad/looked in the mirror