land mammals 

sweet or salty


which annoys you more in a drama: a friend who isn't really a friend or an enemy that toys with the ML and FL

a friend that isn't really a friend

slow burn romances or a fast passed ones?

fast passed ones (i'm too anxious to deal with slow burn)

a great story/script with terrible actors or a terrible story/script with your favourite actors doing a great job acting

hard to choose... but i'll go with the first one; if the story is good enough the acting will suffice 

dramas set in either the past/future or time travelling dramas?

dramas set in either the past or the future (I just can't do time travel...ever)

to watch the preview or not to watch the preview (that is the question)

To watch the preview ;D

Punctual or Always late for everything


Kim Woo Bin or Lee Min Ho 

Kim woobin

Watching drama on phone or watching via TV/monitor 

Phone (I‘m just way too used to it) 

Fanta, Sprite or Coca Cola?

Coca cola 

long or short hair 

Short hair.

Sato Takeru or Sakurada Dori?

Definitely Sato Takeru 

Sad tragic endings or open-ended endings that leave you unsatisfied

Open-ended endings which are unsatisfying

power-hungry bad guys or psycho killer bad guys

Power-hungry bad guys

Hot drinks or cold drinks