10 dramas/movies with ____? #2

This discussion has been closed.

5. A Little Thing Called First Love


10 dramas/movies with artificial intelligence (AI) theme that you like?

6. When I See You Again

This should be the next topic. It was from a page back but never got answered.

8. Love Sick

*sorry that I just keep naming Thai BLs but they are the only thing I can think of since some of them used actual teenagers that would still have braces in real life.

I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a glitch that answers on this forum don't shown up when a new page starts. The answers don't start showing until at least three posts are made on the new page, so we "bump" the page, so people can see our answers. Some people also put .... instead of bump to show the page. So bump, isn't an answer or anything.

Ji-N locked this Jul 3, 2020 07:37 am