The cat above me also wants to share the food with me and so waits until I leave so she can have the leftovers
leftover tofu chunks? no way lol the person above me is so sick of me and shes trying to flush me in the toilet bowl this cat going to sleep.. goodnight shambles see you tomorrow :D
Goodnyt EJ..sweet dreams The person above me will have great dreams tonight as she will be dreaming of me!!
LOL ill put you under my blankie lol goodnight...
The person above me is going to sleep for ever...........
the person above me is prince charming who about to kiss the person above and wake her ,,, damn Ej is a frog agin !
LOL and the person above me destroy the spell for me to sleep peacefully... good morning every one!
the person above me does not use mydramalist
The person above me hate mydramalist..
the person above me actually none other than Ej_10l
The person above me is non other than captain hook himself, after the crocks got his left hand he manage to make his left arm useful by inserting a sporks.. lol now I call you Captain Sporks... :p
he person above me is my new boss
the person above is the one that invented the Sporks.. [I just give you a job]
The person above me is a sweet princess who spreads love to the world!
the person above me is lost and enthralled w her writing songs and poetry...