before i die i want to throw gaj10 out of a plane
b4 i die>>> I want to go to Africa
before I die I want to leave this hell of Africa visiting a place is not at all like staying in it your whole life lol for some it's eden and other it's hell lol from my experience
Before I die I want to say goodbye to this world from the top of Mt. Everest :D
before i die i want to travel around the world.
Before I die I want to join Betty_Boop in travelling the world!
before i die i want to live for atleast a bit longer
Before I die I would like to donate all my blood
before i die i won't to own a fish market
Before I die I want to raise chickens
before i die i want to sneak into shambles chicken coup like a fox, steal all the chickens, and replace them with packs of whole chickens from the grocery store.
Before I die, I will stand guard my chicken coup and protect my chickens from Thisguy2011!
b4 i die i do the fox dance to catch the chicken and the evil fox lol
Before I die I will help EJ to capture the evil fox and maybe also turn her into a scarecrow to scare off the crows in my field.
b4 i die i will make sure to wear the very famous Ruby red shoes and walk to the yellow brick road w/the scare crow.the tin man and the lion lol