lol b4 I die I will accept all the help you want to give me.. [don't be stingy add more] :D
Lol Before I die I want to find my long lost brother King Kong
and b4 i die ill make sure King kong meets Queen Kang lol
Before I die I want to get EJ some treatment for her ears!
LOL you two never cease to amse me :D Before I die I want or need to meet this two character!
before i die i want the world to know just how awesome of a guy they are losing
what are you talking about? who is losing who?
before i die i want to confuse Ej atleast one hundred more times
you pass for that.. and who is that awesome guy?
before i die i want to teach Ej how to play sepak takraw
I know how to play that! but u didnt answer my question Sherlock lol
Its me. The irrepressable EzieE. Not sherlock Before i die i want to challange Ej to a one on one match of sepak takrwa. Winner takes the other guys house
lol ok Ezie_E :p ur on. challenges accepted..
before I die, I want to break out of my repeating cycle of life and go find an awesome adventure ( like getting stranded on an unknown island and make my way back to civilization)
B4 I die I will go around the world in 60 days