shambles wrote: So the human fell in-love with the vampire.

That___________was sooo____________.

That crappy- movie was sooo overrated.

Let ____ tell you that ________ are ________!
Betty_Boop wrote: That crappy- movie was sooo overrated.

Let ____ tell you that ________ are ________!

Let me tell you that you are correct!

Thank___________for____________with me!
shambles wrote: Let me tell you that you are correct!

Thank___________for____________with me!

Thank you for agreeing with me!
No __________ mi ________.
Betty_Boop wrote: Thank you for agreeing with me!
No __________ mi ________.

No problemo mi friend.

Is anyone else as ____________as __________?
minlegacy wrote: obsessed as me?

How many _______ can I get for 1 _______?

How many cakes can I get for 1pound?

Is ____________the right___________?
shambles wrote: How many cakes can I get for 1pound?

Is ____________the right___________?

Is this the right answer?

It ________ be the ________ She's __________ for.
Betty_Boop wrote: Is this the right answer?

It ________ be the ________ She's __________ for.

It might be the answer she's looking for.

please__________ me. I am in a drama _____________.
please help me. I am in a drama slump.

My ______ Winter Olympic sport is_______ because it's ___________.
My Favorite Olympic sports is swimming because it's Awesome.

You ________ think I'm __________.
jacqueline wrote: please help me. I am in a drama slump.

My ______ Winter Olympic sport is_______ because it's ___________.

My favourite winter Olympic sport is skiing because it's exciting.

I___________like _____________sport.
EJ_101 wrote: My Favorite Olympic sports is swimming because it's Awesome.

You ________ think I'm __________.

You might think I'm nuts.

shambles wrote: You might think I'm nuts.


LOL yeah Im nuts/crazy :p

How are you Chinggu?

I'm ________ & ________ but __________ at the same _______! ;)
EJ_101 wrote: LOL yeah Im nuts/crazy :p

How are you Chinggu?

I'm ________ & ________ but __________ at the same _______! ;)

I'm brilliant & crazy but sane at the same time!

Wait, did ____________even make any_________?

Hey EJ...How have you been?
shambles wrote: I'm brilliant & crazy but sane at the same time!

Wait, did ____________even make any_________?

Hey EJ...How have you been?

wait, did that even make any sense?[ [actually my answer was I'm bloody tired & sick but good at the same time.[I just omit the bloody word] lol :p
and how you been?

This _______ in the ________, seems ___________ lots of___________!
This chingu in the kitchen, seems to have lots of kids!

Then why ____________looking for _________?