Ask The Person Below You #2

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no lol..

how many fingers do you type with?
Umm all of them? haha

Seen any good movies lately?
Ahjoessi ofcourse...i even called myself ahjumma for the whole day..(did you forget already? lol)

did you just wake up?
About an hour ago haha. [And I don't think I was around when you called yourself an ahjumma :p]

Did you have a good day?
Not really..but who cares?!! office sucks everyday so i'm used to it now lol

Did you have a good movie night with your mom? :)
Yeah it was nice, thanks for asking (:

How's life? :p
nothing's good, weather is terrible, my mood is terrible, there is no chocolate to eat lol

what kind of eyeliner do you use?
Aww haha I'm sorry :/ Chocolate would help! (:

I don't use eyeliner haha.

Do you have short hair or long hair?

What's your favorite food?

what's your favorite color?

What's your hobby ?
I have a lot of them.........reading, ceramics just to name a couple

What's your favorite movie? (can be from any country)
Speedy Scandal

What's your favourite drama ?
Coffee Prince

who's your favorite actor?
I don't have one definite favorite actor.

Do you like cheese?