
6-You're Beautiful

7-My love From Another Star

Yeah, I'm sorry, I thought I was responding to the lead going out with an idol one. 

So for this:


10 dramas/movies where others find it kind of disturbing because of its plot/content but not for you. (Well it may be because of the others' age, but still you don't feel much uncomfortable when you've watched them.)

Here's my responses: 

Namtan Mai: thai drama with a 'lightskirt' for a ML (basically he sleeps with anybody who will give him time of day and then impregnate them haha). People were disturbed by that, but it's one my favorite lakorns because the guy is not a macho type, he's actually a very nice guy all around, not his fault if he has a high sex drive (he never betrays anyone!). 

Too Late To Say I Love You: Many people hate the ML because he's a liar and a cheat, but I like him cause he's Wallace Chung ^^'

10 dramas/movies with a really promising's synopsis, but really poor execution  

5- My Love Twinkle Twinkle: I like the premise, I like morally very dark grey leads, but this was just done wrong.

6- 7th grade civil servant: I thought I was gonna see korean Mr and Mrs Smith, instead I had Major Snooze Fest.

There are so many.  But I'll go with  

7  King2Hearts:  The idea was interesting, a North Korean special agent becoming the queen of South Korea,  but the story ended up being just the usual palace intrigue, and I didn't think there was much chemistry between the leads.  I'm particularly not a fan of the ML, whom I think is very limited as an actor.

8.  When Time Stopped:  The first few episodes were pretty good, as the ML got right into his unusual powers, but then the story careened into some sort of  parable about free will, centering on a guy in a white suit who ostensibly is God.   I will say that the comments section on Viki were pretty entertaining, with fights going on between the religious and the non-believers, lol.   

9. Lovers of Red Sky


9. Lovers of Red Sky

Oh yeah, Lovers of Red Sky.   I thought the first six episodes were terrific, especially the painting competitions in 5 and 6.  But then it was like a bullet train that suddenly ground to a halt, and essentially nothing happened for the next 7 episodes.  To her credit, Kim Yoo Jung kept fighting hard to turn lemons into lemonade, and she was pretty awesome in the final two episodes (the scene where she calls the prince a beast and rages that she will kill him still gives me shivers), but she had little to work with overall.  Moreover, Ahn Hyo-seop, who has been good in other things,  was clearly miscast as the rather repressed ML  

All in all, a major disappointment for me, given how well it started out.

10. Happenstance - I was excited for it, but was a little bit of a let down.

10 dramas/movies where the ML or FL's ex is supportive of the leads' relationship.

1. The Heirs - Krystal Jung's character was ex of ML. She later got a beloved boyfriend, and then she was supportive of leads' relationship.


10 dramas/movies where the ML or FL's ex is supportive of the leads' relationship.

What if it's only at the end, that the ex supports the relationship?  I can think of a few that the ex is generally resistant, but by the end comes around, or is at least no longer opposed.  

2.Marry Me!_ ML's Ex GF was super nice and helped ML realise the mistakes he made in their past relationship in order not to repeat them

3.Be Loved in House: I Do - It looked suspicious as first but everything the Ex did was to help push the ML to move on the entire time


What if it's only at the end, that the ex supports the relationship?  I can think of a few that the ex is generally resistant, but by the end comes around, or is at least no longer opposed.  

I would prefer it is they were supportive almost the entire time they are shown, but if it's only at the end, then that is fine too.

4.  I Don't Love You Yet:  2ML (her ex) admits at end that he's always known the ML was the only man the FL could ever truly love.

5.  Mr.  Queen:  The 2FL (concubine) accepts that the ML and FL have a chemistry she can't hope to match.   Of course, the irony is that if the 2FL had hung around for a little longer,  she would have learned that the connection between the ML and FL had been severed. 

6- Roy leh marnya: ex boyfriend helps husband, then ex husband roots for ex boyfriend LOL

7- Jealousy Incarnate : both relationships occur onscreen and there's a hilarious, yet aggressive,  short lived love triangle.

Bonus: Queen of reversal has a very mature example of this.

9. Lucky's First Love(Her ex didn't really like her, he dated her just because she was close to the ML and he liked the ML's sister so he was very supportive of them, I remember them even having dinner together or maybe that was before)

10. Ex-Girlfriend Club(This was a club made of his Exes so some of them didn't care much and were supportive)

10 dramas/movies where the lead helps the other lead to pursue the second lead or someone 

1. Why Women Love