get a cute asian pet.boy insert a lioness
Gets a Mufasa toy Inserts a grass
mufaassaaaaaaaaa chuchuhuhuhuhu hihihihihi ähhh get fuchur the flying dragon from neverending story insert nailpolish
Gets the elephant from Katy Perry's roar MV inserts Tarzan
get jane insert a teabag
Gets PG tips Inserts a drum kit
get your favourite drummer insert a teddy bear
Gets a winnie the poo bear Inserts Mickey mouse
get the disney castle insert tteokbokki
Gets Soju Inserts Ramyun
omnomnom ramyun ... get chopsticks insert a koala
Gets a tree Inserts a kangaroo
get another kangaroo insert al capone hat
Gets a bald headed man Inserts a sticker
get a lollipop insert sleepy kitty