get a hot jacuzzi with all your friends in insert a sloppy slipper
Gets a tight fitting shoe Inserts a sundae
get the magic soda machine drooling XD insert an F
Gets a crying student Inserts a tea cup
Get a Happy hour insert a day
Gets a minute Inserts an eyelash
you get a fake one. Inserts Lomotil..
Gets an vending machine with a loose bowel! Inserts a magnet
gets Magneto and the whole gang of Xmen! insert sticky note
Gets a reminder Inserts a pencil
you get a chew'd sharpener by my hungry dog. insert a burnt bread.
Gets some sweet jam Inserts a bowl
you get nothing because you forgot to go shopping and the magic soda is on timeout lol insert trouble
you get a puppy insert yesterday's newspaper
Gets old news Inserts a toilet seat