
Someone, please explain this '125 blocks/ 635 titles' thing. please

This was the explanation that helped me, hope it helps:

Ok so to make it simple ....first let's concentrate on first stage ... that is plain ... You start from first lvl from crow to all the way to elephant ...for reaching that part ...you are clearing blocks ...when you will reach the end of elephant plains ...you have covered 25 blocks ...with 5 each in 24 and 7 in last one ...so total 127 titles ... That's how you have achieved the elephant in plain and a tiger badge given you didn't use a treat

After this ...you decide you want mountain....that is our next stage ...so you basically have to play the whole game again ...it's like game has refreshed and you will start from lvl 1 again ....but the only condition here is you can't use any of 127 titles you have already utilised in "Plain Stage"

So again you want to go to the end of elephant .... You will again complete 127 titles ....

Now combining both stage you have 127+127 = 254

If you go like this and play all five stages ... You will end up 127x5 = 635 titles

You will reach the final level of elephant black hole ....which i personally feel is impossible to achieve but somehow you get to it and want more...we can arrange for that too

I hope this explanation helps 

Hi! In Is It True? Block 4(b) - "Inspired by real events/person" has to be a specific tag or "Based on true story" can work too?


Hi! In Is It True? Block 4(b) - "Inspired by real events/person" has to be a specific tag or "Based on true story" can work too?

Yes based on true events/story/incident.... anything works 


Yes based on true events/story/incident.... anything works 

Thanks 😊 

can we watch a third season for the title than 2nd?

Full second season of a DRAMA


Only 1 episode of a DRAMA


The sum of the 125 blocks to clear that stage is a total of 635 titles you need to watch.

So for every block, we've to watch 5 titles.


Web Series



5 websites or  5 tv shows or 5 titles (either a web series or a tv show )counts as 1 block right?

Rainbow OR Door 

Can I use HIStory5: Love in the Future's cover for the rainbow block?

5 websites or  5 tv shows or 5 titles (either a web series or a tv show )counts as 1 block right?

You are somewhat right .... Yes, there will be 5 titles in each row of the block. But you can't watch all 5 at once.  You have to watch it stage wise.

In case you didn't understood how challenge works.

There are 25 Block in this Challenge, first you have to complete all 25 blocks(127 titles), it will be counted as Plains stage(all 10 animals till elephant).

Then, you have to watch all 25 blocks again but with different titles, it will be forest stage(all 20 animals till elephant) with 50 blocks(254 tiles).

And so on.... repeat again and again until you want to stop. If you will complete all stages up-to Black Hole elephant there will be 125 blocks/635 titles.

When you complete 1st stage (Plains), then only you can watch titles for 2nd Stage (Forest) .


ColourMePurple, I put what you said on the list for second lead, but I was also wondering if it fits on antagonist or in both, so thanks for asking hehe

I was wondering if it fits as second lead as well as this show has multiple leads so I was confused but it kinda fits both, doesn't it?

I'll ask again since it may have been missed.


For the 20:5 Second lead or Antagonist caring for animals, I would like to add Alchemy Of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow. The crown prince and male lead are antagonists and the CP ends up adopting and looking after a turtle. The male lead also ends up taking care of the turtle briefly. Does this count?

5 websites or  5 tv shows or 5 titles (either a web series or a tv show )counts as 1 block right?

Yes, for every block, we have 10 categories. In each row, you have a choice between one or the other. You have to pick any 1. You can't pick 2 in a row and skip a row to complete the block. It has to be ONE in EACH ROW.

For every cycle (plains, forest, mountain, etc), you have to have every row of every block completed. You can use treats to replace a row if you don't like both the options.


Someone, please explain this '125 blocks/ 635 titles' thing. please

There are 25 blocks of 5 rows each. Each row has an option A or B. You pick 1 title to fit either category A or B. So for each block you'll have 5 titles.

25 x 5 = 125 titles. When you finish all 125 titles, you would have achieved Plains Elephant. If you didn't need to use any treats and did all 7 countries, you get the Plains Tiger badge. This is the first cycle.

Now the second cycle means you start over and start working through all the blocks again. You can pick the exact same option just as long as you watch completely new titles for those categories. When you finish them as well, you get the forest elephant badge. You would have completed 50 blocks. 50 x 5 = 250 titles.

Keep repeating this until the black hole elephant. Thats 125 x 5 = 625 titles.

And I believe for Black Hole Tiger badge, it's 127 x 5 = 635 titles.


There are 25 blocks of 5 rows each. Each row has an option A or B. You pick 1 title to fit either category A or B. So for each block you'll have 5 titles.

25 x 5 = 125 titles. When you finish all 125 titles, you would have achieved Plains Elephant. If you didn't need to use any treats and did all 7 countries, you get the Plains Tiger badge. This is the first cycle.

Now the second cycle means you start over and start working through all the blocks again. You can pick the exact same option just as long as you watch completely new titles for those categories. When you finish them as well, you get the forest elephant badge. You would have completed 50 blocks. 50 x 5 = 250 titles.

Keep repeating this until the black hole elephant. Thats 125 x 5 = 625 titles.

And I believe for Black Hole Tiger badge, it's 127 x 5 = 635 titles.

You made it a hell of a lot easier for me to get this year's challenge.  My Real question is, can't do the forest stage directly, which means using all 10 categories to seal blocks?

Since I watch a lot of ongoing dramas, airing for two months or three. So the question is cant I watch those titles and use /save them for the latter stage? after completing the stage plains when I enter the stage forest., Such as I've already different titles saved for rows/categories.


There are 25 blocks of 5 rows each. Each row has an option A or B. You pick 1 title to fit either category A or B. So for each block you'll have 5 titles.

25 x 5 = 125 titles. When you finish all 125 titles, you would have achieved Plains Elephant. If you didn't need to use any treats and did all 7 countries, you get the Plains Tiger badge. This is the first cycle.

Now the second cycle means you start over and start working through all the blocks again. You can pick the exact same option just as long as you watch completely new titles for those categories. When you finish them as well, you get the forest elephant badge. You would have completed 50 blocks. 50 x 5 = 250 titles.

Keep repeating this until the black hole elephant. Thats 125 x 5 = 625 titles.

And I believe for Black Hole Tiger badge, it's 127 x 5 = 635 titles.

That makes so much more sense! Thank you

Not a question. But I just wonder if it's possible to ask this thread to be pinned (along with MDL's 2023 Watch Challenge thread)?