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BadPenny, it makes way more sense now if Phai's vision has been canceled out. Phai is not faking it when he said to Sandee that the vision was gone, I hope.

I enjoy conversation with u. What else are u watching?

Yeah, I was thinking about this discussion thread when I watched episode 6.  That was certainly a firm cancellation of the visions Phai and Thanu shared.  Or at least it looked that way.   I wonder if Phai will now share any visions with Saendee.

Or will Thanu and Wayu share any more visions?  I and Jaydeejay were talking the other day and we thought it would be nice if at the end of the season Wayu and Thanu shared a vision of their future wedding.  It would be very sweet.

And Thank you!  I enjoy talking with you too.  I am about to go rewatch Bad Buddy.  I didn't really love it and I am wondering if a second viewing will make me like it better.   I am also watching Paint With Love, which I am really enjoying.  What dramas are you watching?

Wayu and Thanu started to have a lot of "think alike" moments.... Make me feel like they are edging closer to being a couple.  

Wonder if Pha would survive the illness... I'm guessing that he would.

I am watching Paint With Love!  It is a book that I read over 20 years ago. Love seeing it come to life.

I'm waiting to binge watch Bad Buddy when all series are released.... :)  Seems  like a must watch that one. 

I may start watching Great Men Academy... Thought? 

They are definitely edging toward full out couple.  I think it's just a matter of Wayu resolving his misplaced guilt and responsibility to Pha.  That kid is too nice for his own good sometimes.  

And I don't know if Pha will survive the illness.  I honestly can't predict that.  I am guessing he might because it would be really a lot of heavy tragedy for the plot to deal with if he didn't.  But I can't be sure.

I haven't had a look at Great Men Academy yet.  I will have to check it out.  As for Bad Buddy, I think the chemistry between the leads was solid, but the plot wasn't something I enjoyed at all.  I told a friend of mine I was calling Pat's character Mr. Dick Move.  And overall I felt the drama just couldn't decide if it was a comedy or a more serious drama.  It bounced back and forth in weird, uncomfortable ways.  I plan on giving it a review when I rewatch it.  But I don't suggest people skip it just because I don't like it.  It may be something you really get into.

Thanks a bunch! I will save Bad Buddy for the binge watching then... :)

PS: Pon & Bank have few series together... The Moment Since & The moment. Make me think that they will be a couple in this one as well.

They will.  For now they're a professional pairing, as are Dun/Bas and Junior/Kad.   So yeah, Saendee and Phai will be a thing in this show.

Way back in season 1, during one of their discussions about fate, Phai asked who Sandee's soulmate was. (I don't remember being told he had one, but  *hand wave*) Sandee gave one of those smirks, and said something to the effect of, "you'll know when the time is right." So I've always assumed Sandee/Phai was endgame. I just hope they find someway to redeem Sandee, and not just slap a  twoo wuv bandaid on it.

I totally with you!!!

I think there is more to the day that Padbok & Thanu broke up their friendship. Sandee hinted it a couple of times that Thanu has more coming for him... Sounded like Sandee is also a part of that tangle, idk.

Damn.  I missed that somehow.  Somebody please, please gimme the episode number if you can.  I'll go watch it again.  

I did not think that as many times as I've watched both seasons that I could miss a thing.  Shows you how wrong I was!

Gen Y Season 1 Ep 8, Padbok was called to take a photo for Mark & Krit. He then got in to a verbal argument with Wayu & Thanu.... so I feel that there is definitely more about the day Thanu & Padbok brake-up. Isbank and Thanu had another conversation at the basketball field... so more hidden info for sure.

I could be wrong... Gen Y 2 Ep 4, Sandee mentioned Thanu in a conversation with Phai. He singled out Thanu... I could be WRONG about Sandee meant that for Padbok incident... I could just be about separating Thunu & Wayu... :(

I thought Sandee knew more about Padbok incident... I can't remember from where... :(  I might be wrong.

I knew about the hints that there was more between Thanu and Padbok.  I keep waiting for it to surface.  And now that I've seen pretty good proof that Junior is coming back in the next couple eps, we may find out what's going on.

Then again, we also suspect from images and clips from the last episode (A romantic seaside moment with Thanu/Wayu) that this season may end on a less than pleasant cliffhanger.  So it could start unrolling in season 3 proper.

But what I did not know is that Saendee knew about Padbok and Thanu's business.  That totally blew me out of the water.  I must re-watch episode 4 to see if this hits me as Saendee in the know.  He's been in posession of so much info over the seasons that he shouldn't by rights have.  I hope they at least explain how he knows anything deeper about Padbok's business with Thanu.